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ES 208 Test 1


Types of muscle tissue Cardiac, smooth, skeletal
Cardiac muscle found around heart
Smooth muscle found in intestines
Skeletal muscle found with bones
Skleteal muscle arrangement individual cells are thin but can be several inches long, arranged parallel
What is found on both ends of muscle Tendons
What end of a muscle can move Both ends
Myofibril contains actin and myosin
Sarcomere runs from z-disc to z-disc, has a head and tail
Z-disc connective tissue inside of myofibril
Myosin heads point towards z-disc
What is required for muscle contraction ATP
ATP required for myosin to let go, not to attach to actin
Calcium activates contraction, activates ATP
What are skeletal muscles attached to nerve endings, each skeletal muscle ahas a blood supply
Pennate muscles all fibers are parallel but pretty short, only connect to one tendon at an angle
Which skeletal muscle has better range of motion parallel
Which skeletal muscle is stronger Pennate
Motor Unit single motor neuron and all the muscle fibers attached to it
How many motor units per muscle Multiple
Nerve fiber connected to multiple skeletal muscles
Motor units recruitment smallest to largest (the smallest units are used before the larger units are)
spatial summation recruit umber of motor units needed. Contract at max force but only recruit the number you need
Types of Contractile Fibers Type 1, Type 2A, Type 2B
Type 1 Slow
Type 2A Fast
Type 2B Very fast
Type 2A and 2B more fatiguable than Type 1
Order of Activation for contractile fibers Type 1, Type 2A, Type 2B
Concentric contraction z-discs get closer together, Ulna gets closer to humerus
Eccentric contraction z-discs get farther apart, ulna gets farther from humerus
Isometric contraction ATP being used, no shortening or lengthening
Chin-up ulna is fixed and humerus is moving
Created by: bvezzose3
Popular Physiology sets




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