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PSAT "Duped Again"
Term | Definition |
presumptuous | Definition: disrespectfully bold |
subtlety | Definition: the quality of being difficult to detect or analyze |
superficial | Definition: near the surface |
unnerving | Definition: Causing one to become nervous, afraid, upset, unable to think clearly |
wry | Definition: humorously sarcastic or mocking; dry humor |
witty | Definition: Clever or amusing |
Reign | Definition: Have power over |
supercilious | Definition: behaving or looking as though one thinks one is superior to others; arrogant |
haughty | Definition: arrogant |
duped | Definition: fooled or tricked |
deluded | Definition: deceived; fooled |
provoke | Definition: Anger, arouse, bring to action |
persecution | Definition: mistreatment or punishment of a group of people because of their beliefs |
sycophant | Definition: a flatterer; one who compliments others in order to gain favor |
unsound | Definition: not solid; not well founded; not healthy |
fluid | Definition: changing readily; shifting; not fixed, stable, or rigid: |
plethora | Definition: excess; overabundance |
irascible | Definition: easily angered, irritable |
querulous | Definition: habitually complaining |