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Root; astr
Term | Definition |
ASTERISK | a symbol * that is used in printed text, sometimes to tell someone to rad a note that can be found at the bottom of the page. |
ASTEROID | a minor planet; one of thousands of small bodies that circle around the sun. |
ASTRONAUT | A person who travels into outer space in a spacecraft. |
ASTRONOMER | A [person who studies stars , planets, and other objects in outer space. |
ASTRONOMICAL | 1 extremely large 2 of or relating to astronomy. |
DILEMMA | a situation in which you must take a difficult choice. |
DIVERSE | different from each other ; made up of people of things that are different from each other. |
BILINGUAL | able to speak and understand two languages using or expressed in two languages. |
TRIO | a group of three singers or musicians who perform together, a group of three. |
TRILOGY | A series of three novels or movies that are closely related and involved the same characters or themes. |
REPOSE | freedom from activity or responsibility |
ANTIQUE | Something made a long time ago |
CONFORM | to act or think in a way that follows the rules. |
FATIGUE | the condition of being very tired. |