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IC3 January 2023

IC3 GS5 Living Online

Web Browser These are software applications that retrieve and present information from the world wide web and they use URLs to identify resources such as web pages, images, and videos
ISP A company that provides connection to the Internet
Cookie Used to track a user’s activity on websites
HTTP The underlying protocol used by the World Wide Web
HTML Language that defines the structure of web pages
CSS Used to describe the look and formatting of a web page
Browser Cache Stored data that helps speed up the loading of a web site.
XML A metalanguage which allows users to define their own customized markup languages, especially in order to display documents on the Internet.
Single Click/Mouse Over Two actions generally used to navigate a standard web site menu.
HTTPS A protocol that helps ensure that information is securely transmitted over the Internet.
Top Right Area on a web page where you would find a “log in” link.
Internet Forum A topic centered discussion board where members can post and reply
Website Sources A web site area that helps a student determine if information on a website is reliable
When taking The stage in which a picture you have taken on your camera first protected by copyright
VoIP A method of phone communication that requires access to the internet
Google hangouts A method of communication integrated with Google contacts and text chatting, can be made public, and can be recorded and posted to YouTube later.
Phone Call/Video Conference You have important information you need to relay to a colleague and it is critical they understand the context of this message. Which two methods of communication would help ensure this quickly?
Email A co-worker is on a business trip half way around the world. What method of communication will be most effective at relaying information in a courteous manner considering time zone differences?
Phone Call/Email A task at work requires that you contact customers and gather updated contact information from them. Which two communication methods would be best to use to get this information?
Conference Call/Video conference Which two methods of communication would be best to use when remotely conducting an interview with a potential employee?
Meeting with remote workers/Webinar What are two typical uses of online conferencing?
Online Chat Program with real-time transmission of text between participants; available on Facebook or Google where links can be shared. Can occur on desktop or mobile device.
Learning Management System The system that manages the interactions between students, teachers, and administrators
720 p When connected to the Internet with a low bandwidth connection, what resolution quality setting would be best to stream video without interruption
Audible/Pandora/Spotify Audio Streaming Apps
Live Streaming A public or private event that can provide a way for people all around the world to view live events.
Hulu/Netflix/Ustream Video Streaming Apps
YouTube Which social media solution would you use to post a three-minute video on how to tie a necktie?
Internal Social Media A platform that can: allow employees to communicate; act as a knowledge repository for employees; allow input across a company; allow employee profiles to be shared with each other and not the public; enhance collaboration among employees through chat
The Cloud A massive group of wirelessly connected servers used to store information.
Google/Yahoo Two web-based companies from whom you could obtain an email account
Event Creators Who can edit a Google Calendar Event that has been created.
Google Contact Manager Google Tool that can search for contacts, merge duplicate contacts, or group contacts.
BCC Email feature that allows you to email multiple people without disclosing the list of recipients.
Desktop Email Applications Program that allows you to download emails and access them offline as well as manage several email addresses from one application.
Reply All An option for responding to an email that should only be used when you are certain all recipients need to have the information being sent.
Online Alias Used to set those with a common name apart from others or for keeping personal and business identities separate.
Online Identity Your online profiles plus media and interaction you have posted online. Including social media and personal blogs.
Cyberbullying A behavior that is done via the web such as sending threatening messages or posting false stories about someone
Internet Addiction A need to be online that is accompanied by excessive fatigue and changes in sleep habits; lying about time spent on a computer; and declining interests in other hobbies
Ergonomics Tips on how to use a computer like: keep wrists straight with foam pad supports or keep upper legs parallel to the floor with flat feet.
Digital Wellness Practicing physical and psychological well-being through the use of digital technology.
Synchronous Takes place in real-time
SMS Short text messages: could be used to receive event reminders, alerts about a delayed flight, or send a group message to co-workers.
Enter/Sync from cloud two methods of transferring contacts from one mobile phone to another.
Paid Online Conference Software A software that is better than its free version because it comes with dedicated support and can be broadcast to several thousand participants.
Online conference An online meeting between two or more people that requires a web browser or app and a connection to the Internet.
About Page The page on a website that would contain information on the company that owns the website.
Download The higher this value, the faster large files and video will be available to view.
Ping The lower this value, the faster websites and games will respond to actions.
Upload The higher this value, the faster personal video posts and email will be available to others.
Wide Area Network (WAN) The type of network that describes the Internet.
Streaming Media A method of transmitting or receiving data over a computer network as steady, continuous flow – allows for a consumer to view a video from the Cloud.
Clear Web Browser Cache A solution for a web page that doesn’t seem to have any recent updates.
Popular Business sets




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