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Game Develpoment

Quiz to game development

A development process compose of three stages game development
Three stages in game development process Pre-production, Production and Post Production
What is game development The art of creating games and describes a games design, development and release. It may include concept generation, designing, building, testing and release.
What are the important things to consider in making a game? game mechanics, rewards, player engagement and level design
A developer can be: programmer, sound designer, artist or designer and many other role in the industry
What is game design refers to the conceptual side of things
What is game development is a broader term that covers game design and additionally includes technical implementation of the game concept
Things to do in pre-producion Making game development document, and game pitch
Things to do in production Design, programming, arts, graphics and audio, testing
Things to do in post-production Bug fixing and new content
Examples of game development and document tools Trello, Nuclino, HacknPlan, Basecamp
2D Game engines Buildbox, Construct 3, Game Maker Studio, RPG Maker, GDevelop, Unity
3D Game engines Buildbox, Cry Engine, Godot, Lumberyard
3D Modeling software Photoshop or krita. Maya, 3DS and Blender to Zbrush
Audio and Editing Software FMOD and Wwise
What is DAW Digital Audio Workspace
One of the least aspects of game development, but it's usually what makes the difference between a successful project and a failed one. Planning
How to plan a game development project Selecting the right game planner software, initial planning, proofing your game concept, create a task backlog, putting together a production schedule
Fundamentals of game design Computer science, creative writing, graphics and design
the act of deciding what the a game should be Game designing
Some aspects to decide what a game should be Gameplay, world building, level design, characters and dialogues, story lines, music and sound effects, User interface
What is inside a Game Design Document (GDD) executive summary, gameplay, mechanics, game elements and assets
It defines how player interacts with the game Gameplay
It defines the look and the feel of the game, it is exceptionally important Aesthetic
Created by: Jahasiel
Popular Computers sets




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