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Muscle System


Where is skeletal muscle attatched? the skeleton
Is skeletal muscle striated or not striated? striated
Is skeletal muscle voluntary or involuntary? voluntary
Where is cardiac muscle located? it makes up the heart
Is cardiac muscle striated or not striated? striated
Is cardiac muscle voluntary or involuntary? involuntary
Where is smooth muscle located? in the walls of hollow organs
Is smooth muscle striated or not striated? not striated
Is smooth muscle voluntary or involuntary? involuntary
Which membrane covers the entire outer muscle belly? epimycium
Which membrane surrounds the fascicle? perimycium
Which membrane surrounds each muscle cell? endomycium
Are muscle fiber and muscle cell the same thing? yes
What is the cell membrane of a muscle cell called? sarcolemma
What is the sarcolemma filled with? tubes of protein called myofibrils
What is the sarcoplasmic reticulum? network of tube that store calcium
What are muscle cells stimulated by? motor neurons
What is a motor neuron? a nerve cell that stimulates muscle
Muscles always shorten and generate force (true/false) true
What is the neuro muscular junction? where motor neruons contact muscle cells
Which neurotransmitter breaks down acetylcholine? acetylcholine esterase
Which neurotransmitter blocks the binding site on muscle? bacterial toxin
What happens when bacterial toxins blocks the binding site on the muscle? the muscle can't contract and will relax (flaccid paralysis)
What happens when bacterial toxins block acetylcholine esterase? the muscle can't relax (tetnus)
What happens when bacterial toxins block acytl CoA? used in surgery to keep patient from moving (curare)
What is the sliding filament theory? actin and myocin slide across each other to make the muscle contract
Which is the thin protein? actin
Which is the thick protein? myocin
What does the sliding filament theory need to contract? ATP and calcium
What happens if calcium isn't present while muscles contract? eclampsia (flaccid paralysis)
What happens if ATP isn't present while muscles contract? rigor mortis
What is the all or non priciple? a muscle fiber must contract as much as possible or not at all
What is a white fast twitch muscle? great strength but little endurance
What is a red slow twitch muscle? moderate strength but great endirance
Which twitch muscle has a thick diameter? white fast twitch
Which twitch muscle has little myoglobin? white fast twitch, store oxygen in muscle
Which twitch muscle has lots of myglobin? red slow twitch
Which twitch muscle has a small diameter? red slow twitch
Does skeletal muscle have repair? no
Does cardiac muscle have repair? no
Does smooth muscle have repair? yes
How does skeletal muscle growth occur? it only grows by adding more myofibrils, muscle cells do not divide
What is atrophy? muscle isn't used, and protein is broken down
What happens during dissue? the muscle is no longer used and gets smaller
What is nuerogenic? if the nerve is cut the muscle won't work
What is graded response? a series of action potentials to the muscle fibers
What is posture? when one muscle fiber get tired, it can "recruit" the next one
What is precision? The more motor neurons to a muscle, the more precise it'll be
Created by: 1969391956599541
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