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What are tissues? a group of cells acting together to provide a function
What is epithelial tissue? it covers and lines membranes
What are glands? cells the manufacture and discharge a secretion
Which glands have no ducts, secrete directly into the blood or lymph and make hormones? endocrine glands
Which glands have ducts, secrete into localized area, onto or into a cavity? exocrine glands
What are unicellular exocrine glands? they have one cell (goblet cells)
What are multicellular exocrine glands? they have a secretory unit and a duct
Which exocrine gland is exocytosis? ex. sweat and salivary glands merocrine gland
Which exocrine gland is when the cell is destroyed? ex. sebaceous glands holocrine glands
Which exocrine gland wraps secretion in cell membrane? ex. musk glands and pheremones apocrine glands
What tissues make up membranes? epithelium and connective tissue
What do membranes line? body cavities, separate organs, cover surfaces
Which epithelial membrane lines cavities in contact with the outside environment? mucous membranes
Which epithelial membrane lines enclosed body cavities and covers the organs within them? serous membranes
Which serous membrane lines the abdominal cavity and the organs? peritoneal
Which serous membrane lines the pleural cavity? pleural
Which serous membrane surrounds the heart? pericardial
What does visceral mean? covering the organ
What does parietal mean? lining the cavity
Which epithelial membrane lines the integument and skin? cutaneous
What is the epidermis? stratified squamous epithelium
What is the dermis? dense regular connective tissue
Which connective tissue lines the joint cavities? synovial
What is step one of tissue healing and repair? inflammation
What happens during inflammation? there is vasodilation and leaky capillaries, platelets stink to wound area, fibrin tightens clot and forms scab, phagocytic cells remove debris
What is step two of tissue healing and repair? organization
What happens during organization? collagen fibers form net under scab, capillaries grow into collagen, produces barrier the is resistant to disease, vascular and not sensitive
What is step three of tissue healing and repair? regeneration or fibrosis
What happens during regeneration? epithelium grows over granulation bed and under scab, fibrin in granulation tissue tightens pulling wound together, scar determined by how much dried granulation tissue is exposed after epithelial growth is complete
What is first intension healing? suture, scratch
What is second and third intension healing? fibrous scar
What is integument? all the external structures of the animal like skin, hair, nails, claws, hoofs, horns, and glands
What are the functions of the integument? protection, thermoregulation, excretion of wastes, and synthesis of vitamin D
What does integument protect? mechanical, biological, radiant, chemical
Which is the outer layer of the skin? epidermis
Which is the deep layer of the skin? endodermis
Which layer of the skin has connective and adipose tissue that cushions and provides movement over the muscles? hypodermis
What is the epidermis made of? stratified squamous epithelium
Is the epidermis vascular or avascular? avascular
What is the dermis made of? fibroelastic connective tissue
Which layer of the skin is the toughest? dermis
What does the dermis contain? blood vessels, hair follicles, glands, nerve endings and smooth muscle
What is pigmentation determined by? melanocytes
What happens in pigmentation? the release is controlled by melanin stimulating hormone(pituitary)
What are paw pads made from? 5 layered epidermis over connective tissue and thick adipose cushion
Do paw pads have eccrine sweat glands? yes, they have many
What is the planum nasale? the nose of dogs, cats, sheep and pigs
What is the planum nasale made of? polygonal plates of thickened skin
What is the planum nasolabiale? the muzzle of cows and horses
What are dry patches of thick skin? ergots and chestnuts
What is hair growth stimulated by? genetics and environmental factors
What is the anatomy of the fur? shaft, root, follicle
What is the arrector pili? when hair stands straight up on the skin
What are the phases of hair growth? anagen - growing telogen - resting
What are the layers of the epidermis from deepest to most superficial? basale, spinosum, granulosum, lucidum, corneum
What are the types of hair? primary, secondary, tactile
What is secondary hair? it is used for warmth, it is closer to the skin
What is tactile hair? it is attached to nerve endings, ex. whiskers
What are the shapes of hair? round - straight hair oval - wavy flat - curly
How are claws and declaws formed? they were epidermal in origin and are composed of keratin. they start in the basal layer in the nail bed
What is the corium? the dermal core with lots of blood vessels and nerves
How often do antlers shed? every year
What are antlers made of? they are dermal in origin with a layer of epidermis that gets shed off as velvet
What are horns made of? they are bony outgrowth of skull covered by thin layer of dermis and hard epidermal shell
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