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Neurogenic Comm Dis

Test 3

6 Steps to Assessment 1. chart review & case history 2. neurological eval 3. 4 modality test 4. functional language tests 5. single modality tests 6. connected speech
What are the four modalities? 1. auditory comprehension 2. verbal expression 3. reading comprehension 4. written expression
Tasks to Assess Verbal Expression - naming - fluency - automatic speech and singing - assess syntax and morphologic aspects
Tasks to Assess Auditory Comprehension - comprehension of single words - comprehension of commands - assess comprehension of sentences and connected speech
Tasks to Assess Reading Skills - assess oral reading skills - assess reading comprehension
Tasks to Assess Writing - assess general writing skills - assess graphomotor skills (only to determine if this is going to be functional or is they need a referral to an OT)
Formal Assessment - aka test - differ in purpose and what conclusions can be drawn - typically quantitative - used to establish pretherapy baseline, establish need for therapy
Informal Assessment - clinician gathered data - typically qualitative - purpose is to distill the most appropriate clinical goals as the steps between formal and informal
International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health Model (ICF) - loss of body function - restrictions in activity participation - personal factors - environmental factors
Spontaneous Recovery - reduction in swelling/edema - return of blood flow or contralateral blood flow - greatest gains made in first 2 months and will continue at a slower rate afterwards
Goals of Therapy (3) 1. provide education to patient and family regarding aphasia 2. provide the appropriate treatment techniques 3. to provide opportunities for carryover and generalization outside of the clinic
Scientific Model - toolbox of EBP - use of science behind our decision - make sure that treatment is individual to the client
Education Model - one size fits all
Group Studies findings are generalized to greater populations
Single-Subject Designs measures the effectiveness of specific forms of aphasia tx approach
Which approach is most reported in research? The Schuell Stimulation Approach
What is the best amount of intervention to provide per week? 2+ hours
E, P, I, C, CP - environment - person - impairment - level of communication - communication partners
Global Aphasia - non-fluent - no comprehension - no repetition
Mixed Transcortical Aphasia - non-fluent - no comprehension - repetition is a relative strength
Broca's Aphasia - non-fluent - comprehension is a relative strength - no repetition
Transcortical Motor Aphasia - non-fluent - comprehension is a relative strength - repetition is a relative strength
Wernicke's Aphasia - fluent - no comprehension - no repetition
Transcortical Sensory Aphasia - fluent - no comprehension - repetition is a relative strength
Conduction Aphasia - fluent - comprehension is a relative strength - no repetition
Anomic Aphasia - fluent - comprehension is a relative strength - repetition is a relative strength
MCA Blood Supply - transcortical motor - brocas - wernickes - transcortical sensory - anomic - conduction - mixed transcortical - global
ACA Blood Supply - transcortical motor
PCA Blood Supply - conduction
Pure Word Deafness - the person cannot understand, repeat, or write the words head from dictation, but speech and reading are not impaired
Word Meaning Deafness - person is able to repeat and write but without meaning
Word Form Deafness (Rare) - can make minimal pair discriminations but with phonological impairments
Dissociation - the fact that some abilities remain relatively intact while others are relatively impaired
Neologisms - made up words
Paraphasia - words substituted for target words
Semantic Paraphasia - substitution on a real word for the target word
Phonemic Paraphasia - substitution of one or more sounds in the target word
Logorrhea spoken language that is overly fluent
Pressed Speech incoherent speech
Perseveration reoccurrences of mostly previous responses to a subsequent stimulus
Circumlocations words used other than intended words
Created by: KarleeAJones
Popular Speech Therapy sets




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