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AP Lit Set #1

Anecdote a short amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person
Antagonist opponent who struggles against or blocks the hero, or protagonist, in a story
Antihero central character who lacks all the qualities traditionally associated with heroes. May lack courage, grace, intelligence, or moral scruples.
Characterization the art and technique of representing fictional characters
Direct Characterization when an author describes a character in a straightforward manner, as if telling the reader directly.
End Stop poetic line ending through punctuation and providing closure
Enjambment continuation of a sentence without a pauce (punctuation) beyond the end of a linen couplet, or stanza
First Person POV The narrator refers to themself using personal pronouns and is a character in the story
Flat Characters behave and speak in predictable or repetitive ways.
Focus The visual angle that directs the gaze of the audience; also referred to as its thesis, theme, controlling idea, main point.
Imagery Using descriptive language to evoke a certain mental picture or feeling in the reader
Indirect Characterization type of literary device that reveals details about a character without stating them explicitly
Line length physical length of the poetic line can catch our attention
Metaphor to describe or compare something without using like or as
Meter The rhythmic structure within a poem and is dictated by the number of syllables and the pattern in which these syllables are emphasized
Narration a narrator’s/speaker’s perspective that controls the details and emphasis of the story and effects the experience and interpretation
Narrator The individual(s) telling the story
Objective POV a narrator who is totally impersonal and objective tells the story, with no comment on any characters or events.
Omniscient POV an omniscient or all knowing narrator tells the story, also using the third person pronouns. This narrator, instead of focusing on one character only, often tells us everything about many characters.
Plot pace the speed at which a sequence of events occurs in a story
Plot sequence the order of events in a story line
Protagonist the central character in a story, the one who initiates or drives the action. Usually the hero or anti-hero
Rhyme created with the last one or more syllables within separate words match.
Round Characters act from varied, often conflicting motives, impulses, and desires. They have psychological complexity and are capable of surprise.
Scheme the rhyming pattern within a verse of poetry
Second Person POV The narrator refers to the reader using the pronoun “you,” turning the reader into a character in the story
Simile comparing one thing to another using like or as
Stanza a group of lines within the verse of a poem
Symbol something physical/image that represents an abstract idea
Third Person POV The narrator refers to all characters using their pronouns (he, she, they, etc). The third person narrator can be omniscient or limited, objective or biased.
Voice The style, tone, word choice, and word order used by the narrator; an author or narrator’s distinctive style or manner of expression. Voice can reveal much about the author or narrator’s personality
Apprehensive anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen
Benevolent well meaning and kindly
Condemnation the expression of very strong disapproval
Contemptuous showing contempt; scornful
Discord disagreement between people
Disdain the feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one’s consideration or respect
Disillusioned disappointed in someone or something that one discovers to be less good than on had believed
Exasperating intensely irritating and frustrating
Exposition a comprehensive description and explanation of an idea or theory
Extravagant lacking restraint in spending money or using resources
Fallibility the tendency to make mistakes or be wrong
Fantastical strange and wonderful, like something out of a story
Harmony agreement
Impulse a sudden strong and unreflective urge or desire to act
Indifferent having no particular interest or sympathy; unconcerned
Mortality the state of being subject to death
Passive accepting or allowing what happens or what other do, without active response or resistance
Reminiscence a story about a past event remembered by the narrator
Shrewd having or showing sharp power of judgment; astute
Created by: Kbindl
Popular Literature sets




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