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Civil War

Geographical difference between the North and the South South has a warmer climate and fertile soil. The North is rocky with a shorter growing season.
Economic difference between the North and the South. North makes its money from factories. The South is agricultural.
An escaped slave from Maryland who became a famous abolitionist? Frederick Douglas
What did the Republican Party of 1860 stand for? stop the spread of slavery
Who won the election of 1860 and became President in 1861? Abraham Lincoln
Slavery and States' Rights 2 causes of the Civil War.
Why Lincoln institute martial law on Maryland? Keep Maryland from joining the CSA which would place the Union capital in enemy territory
border state Union slave state
4 border states. Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware
Attack on Fort Sumter Sparked the Civil War
Larger population Advantages did the North have over the South
better trained soldiers advantages did the South have over the North
Abraham Lincoln The president of United States at the start of the Civil War
Jefferson Davis The President of the Confederacy.
Richmond, Virginia Capital of the Confederacy
Reason why Lee refuse Lincoln's offer to command in the Union loyalty to his state Virginia
Location of Fort Sumter South Carolina
Date (month/day/year) signifying the start of the wa April 12, 1861
First Battle of the Civil War First Battle of Bull Run
Significance of the CSA win of 1st Battle of Bull Run Crushed Northern hopes the war would be a quick and easy victory
Location of the first battle of the Civil War Virginia
"Rally behind the Virginians!" - the general referred to at the First Battle of Bull Run Stonewall Jackson
Battle of New Orleans won by the Union
Location of the Battle of Antietam Maryland
Reasons to invade the Union To take the war to North soil and preserve farmland; to take the capital from a different direction
Significance of the Battle of Antietam Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation; halted Lee's advance North
Emancipation Proclamation document that freed the slaves in the rebelling territories
54th Massachusetts Infantry First African-American regiment organized in the northern states during the Civil War
Battle of Chancellorsville Jackson was killed by friendly fire
Vicksburg a good example of a siege and a Union victory for Grant. What is a siege? siege is a military blockade of a city, or fortress, with the intent of conquering
Union commander at Vicksburg Grant
July 4th, 1863 The ending date for the Battle of Vicksburg
Significance of Vicksburg South gained control of the Mississippi River.
Clara Barton The "angel of the battlefield" who works formed the basis for the future American Red Cross
Political party of Abraham Lincoln Republican Party
July 1-3, 1863 State the dates of the Battle of Gettysburg (month/days/year)
Meade State the Union commander present at Gettysburg.
State the CSA commander present at Gettysburg. General Lee
State the location of the Battle of Gettysburg (state) Pennsylvania
Why was Grant not at Gettysburg? Grant was at Vicksburg laying siege
Why did Lee have no idea there were Union soldiers at Gettysburg? Lost contact with Jeb Stuart (his eyes)
Why was the battle at Gettysburg? All roads lead to Gettysburg
On the second day, what did the Union line resemble? fishhook
Who led the attack day 3 on the Union's centerline? Why? Pickett; Lee believed the Union thinned the center line to reinforce the flanks
What is the significance of the Gettysburg win? Lee's army would never be as strong again
Name the speech given by Lincoln on November 19, 1863 that began "Four score and seven years ago"? Gettysburg Address
How long did the war continue after Gettysburg? 2 years
In August of 1864, Sherman burns Atlanta and continues to burn towns, fields etc as he marches his soldiers to the sea. Why did Sherman wage "total war"? Bringing the war to the people so they would feel the effects and pressure for surrender; burn resources so South would have to surrender
Where is Appomattox Court House? (state) Virginia
What happened at Appomattox Court House? Lee (CSA) surrendered to Grant (Union)
State the date that marks the end of the Civil War (month/day/year)? April 9, 1865
Sate 1 term of surrender? Lee kept his sword, Lee's men kept their horses, CSA soldiers would not be hung for treason
Who won the Civil War? Union/North
Who shot Lincoln? John Wilkes Booth
Where was Lincoln shot? Ford's Theater in Washington, D.C.
What did the 13th amendments ratified on December 6th 1865 do? abolished slavery
Created by: MrsRoose
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