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Patents ~ Test 2

Chinese Herbal Patents ~ Test 2

Open Orifice, Heart & Shen Disorders: Heat Closed Syndrome (Heat-toxin pouring into Pericardium.) Coldest. An Gong Niu Huang Wan
Open Orifice, Heart & Shen Disorders: Heat Closed Syndrome (Heat-toxin pouring into Pericardium.) Least cold. Zhi Bao Dan
Open Orifice, Heart & Shen Disorders: Cold Closed Syndrome (Congeals, phlegm blocking portals of the Heart) Guan Xin Su He Wan
Open Orifice, Heart & Shen Disorders: Open orifices, clear heat, detox fire poison - tx high fever w/loc, heat closed syndrome, emergency stroke or heart attack An Gong Niu Huang Wan/Kang Re Niu Huang Wan
Open Orifice, Heart & Shen Disorders: Open orifices, clear heat, open portals, eliminate turbid phlegm, *phlegm and inner wind* (Ju Fang) Zhi Bao Dan
Open Orifice, Heart & Shen Disorders: Open orifices, clear heat, *spasm* d/t high fever and endogenous Wind, reduce *spasm* extinguish wind, calm shen, anticonvulsion, spasms and inner wind arising from heat Zi Xue Dan
Open Orifice, Heart & Shen Disorders: Open orifices w/warmth, HT Xue Stasis in the chest d/t *Qi Yu w/Cold* - emergency pill, *Qi Yu w/Cold, angina* Guan Xin Su He Wan
Open Orifice, Heart & Shen Disorders: *HT Heat, Xue heat, resolve the phlegm and extinguish internal wind* Niu Huang Qing Xin Wan
Open Orifice, Heart & Shen Disorders: Clear heat, open orifices, calms restlessness d/t heat, restores consciousness where high fever has led to coma, *gentle formula* Wan Shi Niu Huang Qing Xin Wan
Open Orifice, Heart & Shen Disorders: Promote blood circulation, remove xue stasis, regulate qi & stop pain, *blood stasis, prevents blood clots (esp. from Heart)* Fu Fang Dan Shen Pian
Open Orifice, Heart & Shen Disorders: Invigorate blood, breaks blood stasis, dredges and opens channels and collaterals, resolves chest oppression, opens orifices, relieves pain, soothes the Liver, *stagnation of qi and blood in UJ* Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang
Open Orifice, Heart & Shen Disorders: Invigorate blood, soothes the Liver, dispels phlegm and transforms turbidity, relieves chest oppression, *reduce Heart phlegm* Shan Zha Jiang Zhi Wan
Open Orifice, Heart & Shen Disorders: Nourish HT blood, calm shen, release restlessness, clear Xu heat, invigorates blood, *HT/LV blood xu* *useful in menopausal disorder, tuberculosis & AIDS* *more for insomnia & blood def.* Suan Zao Ren Tang
Open Orifice, Heart & Shen Disorders: Tonifies Qi, nourishes HT yin, clears heat, settles the HT, calms Shen, *HT Qi & Yin Def.* Shui de An
Open Orifice, Heart & Shen Disorders: Nourishes HT & KID Yin, generates body fluid, calms shen *HT/KID yin Xu, yin xu heat, disturbed shen, more insomnia, less irritability, hot at night, dry mouth/throat esp. at night, dream disturbed sleep, generatesBF* Tian Wang Bu Xin Wan
Open Orifice, Heart & Shen Disorders: Disturbed shen due to deficiency of HT Qi & Blood, causing insomnia, restlessnes, palpitation, night sweats, anxiety or vivid dreams, poor concentration, cloud mind, short breath, mental fat., *HTqixu & HT/LIV xue xu* Bai Zi Yang Xin Wan
Open Orifice, Heart & Shen Disorders: phlegm/yang rising, def. blood/yin affect. memory, concent., alertness, insomnia, restless, palp, anx, vivid dream Bu Nao Wan
Open Orifice, Heart & Shen Disorders: Disturbed shen causing insomnia, restlessness, palp, anx, vivid dream, mental fat., anxiety dis, panic attack, depress An Mian Pian
Open Orifice, Heart & Shen Disorders: KI essence & HT xu, An Shen Bu Nao Pian
Open Orifice, Heart & Shen Disorders: Anxiety and nervousness due to stress, disturbed shen, insomnia, restless, palp, anx, vivid dream, mental fat. An Shen Yang Xin Cha
Bi-syndrome: Invigorates blood & stops bleeding, *stop internal or external bleeding*, gynec, skin infect. Yun Nan Bai Yao
Bi-syndrome: traumatic injury w/internal bruising and swelling, sprains and fract. w/swelling, injury causing serious bruising Gu Zhe Cuo Shang San
Bi-syndrome: internally or externally for acute bruising or swelling acc. traumatic sprain, fracture or dislocation, torn or inflamed ligaments, w/ or w/o swelling Jin Gu Die Shang Wan
Bi-syndrome: painful joint and limbs due to Qi & blood stag., chronic deep pain in limbs causing muscle aching, numbness, tingling, arthritis, rheumatism following trauma Shen Tong Zhu Yu Wan
Bi-syndrome: regulate blood, pain d/t xue stasis, gynecolog. Yan Hu Suo Zhi Tong Pian
Bi-syndrome: Wind-*damp* bi-syndrome, weak or aching lower back, painful joints w/swelling, esp. knees or feet, moder sciatic pain, rheumatism, lower limb arthr. Guan Jie Yan Wan
Bi-syndrome: wind-damp bi syndrome, painful joints, heaviness of limbs and muscles or numbness, rheumatism, osteoarthritis, bursitis worse in cold damp, joint pain due to old injury agg. by cold damp Juan Bi Tang Wan
Bi-syndrome: Wind *damp-heat*, red swollen joints affect. knees, wei syndrome due to acc. of damp & heat Xuan Bi Tang Wan
Bi-syndrome: Wei syndrome due to stroke, hemiplegia, wasting diseases, def. tremors, narcolepsy Hua Tuo Zai Zao Wan
Bi-syndrome: Apoplectic Sequelae (stroke), cerebral thrombosis, cerebral trauma, cerebral accident, hypotension, diabetes with periphery nervous lesion Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang Wan
Bi-syndrome: Chronic bi, KID xu, qi & blood xu, low back pain, knee joint pain, low energy, dizziness, wind-damp-cold Du Huo Ji Sheng Wan
Bi-syndrome: weak low back due to underlying def. of KID qi & yang. chronic weak low back pain, weaknes and pain of waist and knees, muscle stiff Tian Qi Du Zhong Wan
Bi-syndrome: "chronic muscular sprain" weakness of bone & muscle, weaknes with stagnation (not arthrit, not acute, not bi) years of low back discomfort, weakness, too much sitting, standing, not affect by weather, *d/t overuse* xue yu w/Kxu Yao Tong Pian
Bi-syndrome: Wind-cold-damp bi-syndrome w/def. qi & blood San Bi Tang
Bi-syndrome: Wind-cold-damp bi-syndrome, neuropathy or sciatic pain due to qi stag. and cold accum. Strong Chui Fong Tou Ku Wan
Bi-syndrome: Cervical spondylosis, chronic cervical subluxation, herniated spinal disks, bone hyperplasia, spinal inflamm Neck Formula
Bi-syndrome: Joint pain due to w-d-cold accumulation (esp. cold) qi & blood yu, *pure cold bi-syndrome* Xiao Huo Luo Dan
Bi-syndrome: promote blood circ. remove blood yu, decrease swelling, stop pain Qi Li San
Bi-syndrome: KID def. bi-syndrome affect low back and legs causing slow gain, stiff knees, weak lowback, painful joints and tend, chronic lumbago, sciatica, numb limbs, general KID def. causing male sex dysf... Ba Ji Yin Yang Wan
Bi-syndrome: Bi syndrome DT cold-damp, cold bi stiffness, KID & xue xu: low back/knee weak, KID yang xu w/impotence Du Zhong Hu Gu Wan
Respiratory: Phlegm-damp accumulation in LU/MJ Er Chen Tang
Respiratory: Pulmonary abscess w/yellow, smelly sputum toxic heat. LU *abscess* eliminate phlegm Jie Geng Wan
Respiratory: def. of LU yin w/heat, dry cough taht follows LU fire, helpful for smokers Bai He Gu Jin Wan
Respiratory: Chronic cough d/t Yin Xu Ba Xian Chang Shou Wan
Respiratory: Stop cough, moisten LU - yin xu cough, yin def. dry hacking cough Yang Yin Qing Fei Tang Jiang
Respiratory: LU Qi & LU yin xu w/*chronic dry cough* Li Fei (Pian)
Respiratory: elimnate phlegm, expel cold (supporting KID Yang Xu) Su Zi Jiang Qi Wan
Respiratory: dispel wind, clear heat, diffuse LU qi, calm wheezing, relieve cough Zhi Sou Ding Chuan Wan
Respiratory: *exterior cold, internal heat, cough, asthma, wheezing* Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang
Respiratory: acute or chronic cough w/accumulation of phlegm, cough with a lot of phlegm due to common cold Xiao Ke Chuan
Respiratory: tonify LU Qi, tonify KID qi & Yang... Ping Chuan Wan
Respiratory: Eliminate phlegm, clear heat, stop cough... *hot cough, phlegm heat* Chuan Ke Ling/KE chuan Ling
Respiratory: *excess LU H, clear LU H/fire (d/t LIV Fire insulting LU) Qing (Ping) Fei Yi Huo Pian
Respiratory: *representative classic Rx for Phlegm-heat acc. in LU, eliminate Phlegm, clear heat, regulate LU qi Qing Qi (Chi) Hua Tan Wan
Respiratory: *cough, sore throat*, with phlegm Tong Xuan Li Fei Pian
Respiratory: *phlegm-heat, heat, sticky phlegm* She Dan Chuan Bei Ye
Respiratory: *phlegm-heat, heat* She Dan Chuan Bei Ye
Respiratory: stop cough, open LU qi d/t wind-heat Chuan Bei Pi Pa Lu (or Tang Jing)
Respiratory: *stop cough, moisten LU - phlegm w-h yin xu Chuan Bei Pi Pa Gao
Respiratory: BRONCHITIS *transform and dispel phlegm, stop cough* Qi Guan Yan Wan
Respiratory: *dry cough, moisten LU, treat asthma, nourish & moisten the LU, stop cough* Luo Han Guo Chong Ji
Created by: 1094014502
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