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MHS Scholars Bowl

This piece of music is popular due to its sexual rhythm. The theme is doubled in the keys of the tonic's 1st through 4th overtones. The piece calls for the F major sopranino saxophone. What is this piece named for a Spanish dance by Maurice Ravel? Bolero
This poet created a speaker who "with shriller throat shall sing" like "committed linnets" of the "glories of my King." Another poem ends, "I could not love thee, Dear, so much, lov'd I not Honour more," Name this poet who wrote "To Althea, from Prison Richard Lovelace
In Tagalog myth, a hybrid of a man & this creature can be tamed by plucking 3 of its spines. This may have been inspired by an avatar of Vishnu with this creature's head who returns stolen Vedas to Brahma. Name these animals that pull Arjuna's chariot horses
The Shakhty Trial & other accusations of "wrecking" constituted part of his Great Purge. He closed churches to advance state atheism under his Second Five-Year Plan. Name this dictator of the Soviet Union throughout the 1930s and WW II. Joseph Stalin
A mosque in this city has neo-Ottoman style with concrete shells interspersed with glass walls & 3 towers over the river. A building here houses St. Peter's Bell & a golden triple sarcophagus. This German city on the Rhine home of huge Gothic cathedral. Cologne
Stone examples of these structures may be made of 5 blocks shaped to symbolize the 5 elements In Japan, examples of these structures are called sekito. Name these East Asian variants of the Buddhist stupa, towers with eaves hanging off several tiers pagodas
Harvard professor Gary Urton created a huge database cataloging over 700 of these objects. Figure-eights appear on these objects & were made of fibers spun from alpaca or llama hair. What is a system of knotted strings used for communication by the Incas? quipu
The Vitruvian man inspired Tony Smith to make a steel sculpture of one of these objects titled Die. Henri Matisse mocked a rejected entry to the Salon d'Automne as a "painting made of" these "little" objects. cubes (Cubism)
In Islamic tradition, this prophet is known as "the painter" because of the illustrations in his holy Book of Pictures, or Arzhang. Name this prophet whose Shabuhragan is dedicated to Shapur I Mani
The world is called "enemy-occupied territory" after this book describes Manichean dualism as the "most sensible creed" behind Christ. C.S. Lewis's namesake "trilemma" was presented in this book compiled from radio talks Mere Christianity
Geometrical frustration commonly affects the "anti" form of this phenomenon. Iron and cobalt display this permanent form of magnetism. Ferromagnetism
Moira Johnston's book Spectral Evidence covers the case of Gary Ramona, who sued his daughter's psychiatrist for performing this action.It's criticized in Richard Ofshe's book Making Monsters where therapists perform this action through hypnosis. Creating False Memories
This poem describes a sailor "smoking his pipe" and "thinking about the beaches" of a "vague, distant, misty country." Name this poem, which opens by describing how "the sea like a vast silvered mirror reflects the sky like a sheet of zinc Symphony in Gray Major by Rubén Darío
Name these beings, to whom grottoes such as "Coventina's Well" were dedicated. A Greek word for "bride" covers the range of these minor nature deities, who were divided into such groups as dryads and oreads nymphs
By claiming this woman was more beautiful than them, her mother angered the Nereids. The Egyptian god Ammon's oracle tells her father Cepheus to chain her to a rock, but she is soon rescued from the monster Cetus Andromeda
This tune, "Baa Baa Black Sheep" & Glenn Miller's "In the Mood," is the earliest surviving music recorded on a computer. This song attributed to John Bull, represents England in Wellington's Victory. Its tune is shared by "My Country 'Tis Of Thee." God Save the King (Queen)
This composer's time in England inspired his hymn "God Save Emperor Francis," later becoming "Deutschlandlied." Variations of the hymn appear in one of the Erdödy Quartets by this "father of the string quartet." Joseph Hayden
These troops were developed in Persia to counter horse archers, since their Greek name suggests, their heavy armor protected them from arrows. These cavalrymen were later adopted by the Byzantines. cataphracts
Genoese mercenaries who wielded these weapons were often employed against horse archers, since footmen had a rather easy time hitting large targets with bolts from these mechanical ranged weapons crossbows
Atoms of this element characterize a stable heterocyclic class of compounds called NHCs, whose most widely researched varieties are derived from imidazole. Name this element present in the heterocycle of true alkaloids. nitrogen
Las Vegas Gazette publisher J. H. Koogler embellished the exploits of this figure, who was a member of a group called the Regulators. Name this Wild West outlaw who was only 21 years old when he was killed in Fort Sumner by Pat Garrett. Billy the Kid
Billy the Kid was a prominent participant in this New Mexico conflict, which included a five-day gun battle. This conflict began in 1878 when a posse tried to seize the livestock of John Tunstall Lincoln County War
While in the Nazi Party, Carl Schmitt wrote a critique of the mechanistic conception of the state in this Thomas Hobbes book, beginning with a religious analysis of the title creature from Abrahamic tradition. Leviathan
Walt and Roy Disney helped to found this college in Santa Clarita. Fans of "rubber hose" animation are wont to denigrate its namesake "thin-line" animation style as used by graduates Alex Hirsch and Pendleton Ward. California Institute of the Arts
Fu Hao may have collected many artifacts made of this material from the Liangzhu culture. In Chinese traditions, a mythological emperor who headed the pantheon was named for this green mineral jade
The "Holy Maid of Kent" Elizabeth Barton was executed for prophesying ill fortune from this woman's marriage. This person's headless ghost supposedly haunts the Tower of London and her execution was prominently supported by Thomas Cromwell. Anne Boleyn
Composer Charles Wuorinen denounced an award to this performer saying it signaled "the final disappearance of any societal interest in high culture." Who is the contemporary musician whose jazz-inflected hip-hop albums are To Pimp a Butterfly and DAMN Kendrick Lamar
Idiosyncratically, the reflexive and reciprocal types of these words are the only words considered anaphors in generative grammar. Name this part of speech whose personal subtype includes the English words "he," "she," and "they." pronouns
Sandbars can sometimes form in these regions where a river splits into many channels as it nears its mouth. These regions are named for their resemblance to a Greek letter. river deltas
Solid samples can be analyzed directly by combining this technique with attenuated total reflection. Name this analytical technique which can detect behavior like "wagging" and "stretching" in the "fingerprint region." infrared spectroscopy
According to Josephus, the 3 main Jewish denominations of the Second Temple Period were the Pharisees, Sadducees, and this strict third group. A celibate commune of this denomination may have lived in Qumran Essenes
The shape formed by joining these points by straight lines is sometimes called the Kasner polygon. Name these points that divide a line segment exactly in half. midpoints
This theorem states that the polygon formed by joining the midpoints of the sides of any quadrilateral is a parallelogram. Its namesake also names a theorem about the additivity of torque, which is often proven geometrically Varignon's
Fighters in this conflict executed 16 Americans. The Tampico affair occurred & an operation that led George Patton to receive the nickname "Bandito. Name this conflict that the US was drawn into during a raid by Pancho Villa & led by John J Pershing. Mexican Revolution
. The "re-entrant" keyhole motifs on these objects are variably interpreted as a fountain or as a gateway to heaven. Users point the mihrab towards the qibla while performing rakat atop these objects, which includes steps of kneeling and prostration. Prayer Rugs
When taken in pregnancy, these drugs increase the risk of pulmonary hypertension of the newborn. Abrupt discontinuation of these drugs can cause shock-like experiences called zaps. These medications are used for the treatment of anxiety disorders and OCD SSRI's (Selective Seratonin Rebuke Inhibitors)
This text contains a set of 9 practical principles such as "Become acquainted with every art," which are supplemented by the 21"spirtual principles" of the author's Dokkodo. Name this treatise made up of Books of Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Void. Book of 5 Rings
In Victorian times, over 4,000 people would perform versions of this piece, written by Charles Jennens in parts such as "The trumpet shall sound" and "I know that my Redeemer liveth." It repeats "He shall reign forever and ever." in what Handel oratorio? The Messiah (part of Hallelujah Chorus)
After the Great Chicago Fire, the mayor declared this type of law to prevent looting and riots. In addition to times of disorder, this type of law is often instituted in occupied territories. Martial Law
This sea lies between the Bosporus and the Dardanelles. The cities of Erdek and Izmit name two gulfs on this Turkish inland sea which borders Istanbul opposite the Black Sea. The Sea of Marmara
Glass electrodes are most often used to measure this quantity. If a solution has a value lower than 7 for this quantity, it is considered acidic pH or potential of hydrogen
Some glass electrodes use glass formed from these elements, which can respond to double-charged ions. Those glasses can contain telluride and selenide, ions of elements in this group. chalcogens
The first production of Athol Fugard's Serpent Players was an adaptation of this play The Cure. The prologue wishes that "all of you might be tricked as" the "wise young woman" Lucrezia, whom Callimaco gives the title drug while disguised as a doctor. The Mandrake
The 16th and final chapter of this book traditionally includes its "Longer Ending". Notable passages unique to this book include the Parable of the Growing Seed and an account of a naked "young man" fleeing the Garden of Gethsemane after Jesus's arrest. Gospel of Mark
In 2021, Cai developed an 11-step artificial anabolic pathway to produce this compound from carbon dioxide. When this compound is suspended in water, it forms a non-Newtonian fluid called "oobleck. Name this polymer of glucose starch (cornstarch)
The lawyer Constance Baker Motley has been called the "Civil Rights Queen." Motley wrote the original complaint in this 1954 case, which effectively overruled Plessy v. Ferguson and struck down racial segregation in public schools. Brown vs Board of Education Topeka 1954
Constance Motley represented this man in a case whose witnesses included Robert Ellis, the registrar at the University of Mississippi. RFK sent federal marshals to protect this person, who was later shot during his March Against Fear. James Meridith
This book contains the story of Nadab and Abihu, who were punished for offering a sacrifice with foreign fire. Name this book of the Bible concerned with purity. This third book of the Bible follows Exodus in the Pentateuch. Leviticus
The founder of the Saudi Binaldin Group, Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden, was the father of Osama bin Laden, who founded this terrorist organization from the remnants of Maktab al-Khidamat in the late 1980s. al-Qaeda
This group's name is sometimes used as an umbrella term for for all Jews of non-German or Eastern European origin. Name this Jewish group whose name derives from their original residence in the Iberian peninsula. They follow the unaltered Shulchan Aruch Sephardic
Rumina, a protectress of breastfeeding mothers, had her temple near the cave where this creature nursed Romulus and Remus she wolf or Capitoline Wolf
Schubert wrote that Mass No. 5 in this key, which Beethoven used as the key for the slow sections of C-minor pieces like the Pathetique Sonata. Chopin's Heroic Polonaise is in this key, whose relative minor is F minor. A Flat Major
Author Kobo Abe hails from this Asian country that developed noh and kabuki theater Japan
In 2022, this state's Department of Human Services sued former professional wrestler Ted DiBiase & football Hall of Famer Brett Favre for inappropriately receiving funds from welfare. Mississippi
Oflag VIB (6B) was a "super" example of one of these places. Henry Wirz was executed for actions taken while running one of these places. John McCain spent several years in the "Hilton" version of this place Prisoner of War Camps
In 1996, a market next to this river was found to be selling the meat of a "rock rat". There are "4,000 islands" in this archipelago's river. The river flows through Vientiane and Phnom Penh before reaching Ho Chi Minh Mekong River
Evidence from Super-Kamiokande suggests that the half-life of these particles is over 10 to the 20 times greater than the age of the universe. Name these positively-charged nucleons whose decay has yet to be observed protons
Ash Wednesday was written as a "conversion poem" upon the conversion of this poet of "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" to Anglicanism T.S. Elliot
The "ideal chain" and "worm-like chain" models describe these molecules. Flory-Huggins solution theory accounts for the size of these molecules, which are made up of many monomers. polymers
J. M. W. Turner's painting The Slave Ship was likely inspired by a 1781 massacre on this ship, whose crew was prosecuted for murder. 132 enslaved Africans were thrown overboard and the company sued for insurance money claiming they lost human cargo Zona
Name this hill where Athena beat Poseidon in a contest by growing an olive tree. A temple dedicated to Athena on this hill is named for her epithet "the virgin," or Parthenos. Acropolis
Cecrops' daughter Aglaura bore a daughter with this god named Alcippe, who was then raped by Halirrhothius. The first trial in Athenian history occurred after this god killed Halirrhothius out of anger Ares
Three members of this group died while trying to build bombs to assassinate soldiers at a dance at Fort Dix. Name this radical left-wing group of the 1970s that organized the Days of Rage riots in Chicago Weather Underground
Name this country home to the Feast of the Black Nazarene. In March 2021, Pope Francis presided over a mass honoring the 500th anniversary of Ferdinand Magellan's introduction of Catholicism to this Asian country Phillipines
The Christmastime Panunuluyan pageant is the Filipino equivalent of this nine-day Latin American festival re-enacting Joseph and Mary's search for an inn. Los Posadas
White South African David Benatar's Better Never to Have Been promotes this pessimistic view that human procreation is morally wrong due to children's future suffering. anti-natalaism
The Regime of the Colonels is often described using a Spanish term as one of these military-dominated governments who forcibly take power, such as those seen in post-independence Latin America. juntas
Scheduled for completion in Oct. 2022, India's new parliament building will theme its lower and upper houses around peacocks and this national flower, respectively. Delhi's popular Baháʼí temple is built to resemble this flower lotus
Cairo is known as the "city of a thousand" of these architectural features. Name these towers that are built atop mosques from where the muezzin delivers the call to prayer. minarets
These astronomical events were first observed by the Vela asatellites, originally intended to look for covert nuclear tests. Name these most electromagnetically intense events to have occurred since the Big Bang. They can be produced by hypernovas gamma ray bursts
Magnetars are a highly-magnetized type of these stars, whose mergers can cause short gamma-ray bursts. These incredibly dense stars are made up of a certain subatomic particle. neutron stars
Specific arrangements of microtubules appear both in cilia and these structures, whose whip-like motion helps propel sperm cells. flagella
While in a cave with the kidnapped woman Charite, this character hears the story of Cupid and Psyche. Name this protagonist of the Roman novel The Golden Ass, whose name is shared with the novel's author Lucius Apuleius
Author Joseph Conrad's time on the Congo River inspired this novella, in which Charles Marlow chooses to withhold the fact that Kurtz's last words were, "The horror! The horror Heart of Darkness
Made of marble, granite, and gneiss, this Robert Mills designed structure stands over 555 feet tall making it the tallest stone structure in the world. Completed in 1884, what obelisk was built to honor the first US president? Washington Monument
In this novel, Ambrose Bierce crosses the El Paso border to find Pancho Villa. Name that novel where Harriet Winslow teaches English to the Miranda children written by Carlos Fuentes Old Gringo
The “snows” of this mountain where a lion was buried were described in a Ernest Hemingway story in which the gangrene infected Harry narrates his life experiences to Helen. Harry tells her he fished in the Black Forest and harbored a deserter. Mount Kilimanjaro (Snows of Kilimanjaro)
This cultural event took place on Max Yasgur's farm in Bethel New York a few weeks after the Apollo Moon Landing. Attended by over half a million people what is the name of this historic Woodstock
What English poet laureate wrote this? " In the spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love." Alfred Lord Tennyson
A girl lies desperately ill of pneumonia. She decides to die as soon as the last leaf of five drops off the vine outside her window. But one leaf hangs on and she recovers. Name this short story by O. Henry. The Last Leaf
What literary genre reminiscent of a style of architecture is illustrated by these works? Bram Stoker's "Dracula" Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein" Edgar Allan Poe's "Fall of the House of Usher" Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The House of the Seven Gables" Gothic
In oceans, lithogenous debris consists of mineral grains brought by rivers, wind, glaciers, eruptions, & erosion. Biogenous debris consists of the remains of marine animals & plants. What kind of debris consists of minerals that crystallize from seawater? hydrogenous
What is the object complement in this line? Upon returning to their cabin, they named their new dog Ruger. Ruger
In 1981 Israel annexed the Golan Heights, claiming legal and political authority in the area. What neighboring country that lost the region in the Six Day War of 1967 rejects this claim? Syria
What British author wrote these words? Then I saw in my dream that when they were gone out of the wilderness they presently saw a town before them, and the name of that town is Vanity. And at the town there is a fair kept, called Vanity Fair. John Bunyan
What term for something assumed without proof completes this stanza? Beware the Wentworth-Smith, my son, And the Loci that vacillate; Beware the Axiom, and shun The faithless ... postulate
In dioecious plants such as the kiwi, male and female flowers grow on separate plants. What category of plants have male and female organs in different flowers on the same plant? monoecious plants
In 1979, geologist Walter Alvarez found a reddish-gray layer of clay an inch thick in the Apennines. His father,Nobel Prize-winning physicist Luis Alvarez, showed that the layer contained what heavy metal found in high concentrations in meteorites? iridium
What is the hyphenated name for an immature reaction in which aggressiveness is expressed by such passive measures as pouting, stubbornness, procrastination, and inefficiency? passive-aggressive
This line of Lamaist priests began in the 14th century and each one is regarded as the reincarnation of his predecessor. What is the title of any of these Tibetan spiritual leaders? Dalai Lama
In the five-kingdom classification system, which kingdom includes the only organisms that have prokaryotic cells, i.e. cells with no organized nuclei in a nuclear membrane? monera
Anthropologists have found earthwork in the general shape of animals such as snakes and birds. These are known as what kind of mounds? effigy mounds
If your stolons were spreading out across a food supply to which your rhizoids were anchoring you while your sporangia were waving in the breeze, what would you be? fungus or mold
The Pyrenees, Alps, Caucasus, Atlas, and Himalayan mountains consist of sediments that were once at the bottom of what sea that separated Laurasia and Gondwana? Tethys Sea
Who wrote these stories? What Do You Mean It Was Brillig? The Unicorn in the Garden The Catbird Seat The Shrike and the Chipmunks The Bear Who Let It Alone James Thurber
Whose deterministic, pessimistic, and anti-Christian views were published in his work, "Letters from the Earth"? Mark Twain
The cosine of an angle equals the adjacent side divided by the .. hypotenuse
An electronic circuit operates once in 10 nanoseconds. How many operations does it perform in one second? 100 million
These songs are from a musical based on a character created by what author? Food, Glorious Food Boy for Sale Consider Yourself You've Got to Pick-a-Pocket or Two I'll Do Anything Charles Dickens
What musical tells of Tevye and his five daughters dealing with religious traditions and a czar's edict to remove them from their village? It features songs such as "Tradition" and "Matchmaker" Fiddler on the Roof
They live at depths of 500 to 2000 meters. The tiny male fish attaches itself to the much larger female of the species, and the bodies of the two fish fuse, with the male living as a parasite on the female. Name these fish with a built-in lure. anglerfish
In plane geometry, any straight line that crosses at least two other straight lines is called a .. transversal
The Erechtheum was completed on the Acropolis in 405 B.C. The female figures that support its roof are modeled after maidens from the town of Caryae and are known as ... caryatids
During World War II, the code for the German Enigma machine was broken by the British intelligence service at what park? Bletchley Park
Complete this quote inscribed on a rock in Lexington, Massachusetts. Stand your ground. Don't fire unless fired upon. But if they mean to have a war ... "let it begin here"
The process by which a court arrives at a decision in a case or the procedure by which a case is heard and settled is called ... adjudication
These lines are from Jack London's account of a disaster in what city? The old Mark Hopkins residence was just catching fire. On Mission street, a dozen steers lay dead across the street. Telegraph Hill was swept Friday night. San Francisco
If you were to choose 1 beetle, 1 centipede, and 1 cockroach from a box with 9 beetles, 1 centipede, and 10 cockroaches, how many different groups of three could you select? 90
What metal is common to all these alloys? Muntz metal, cupronickel, gunmetal, pinchbeck, manganese bronze, naval brass, duralumin copper
In 1857, a Mormon militia group, partly dressed as Indians, and Paiute tribesmen killed around 120 unarmed members of the Fancher-Baker wagon train in a tragic event known as the . Mountain Meadows Massacre
Name the suite by Edvard Grieg consisting of these movements. Morning Ase's Death Anitra's Dance In the Hall of the Mountain King Peer Gynt
The masks representing comedy and tragedy represent the two Greek Muses, Thalia and . Melpomene
During the Korean War, the Chinese warned the United States not to approach the Chinese-North Korean border at what river? Yalu
Complete this cry of the French Revolution. Liberty - Equality - Fraternity
What novel ends with these words? Tomorrow I'll think of some way to get him back. After all - tomorrow is another day Gone with the Wind
Guided missiles are designed so their courses can be corrected at any time during their flight. What type of missile must be aimed during the first few minutes of flight before its fuel is exhausted? ballistic
This excerpt is about what zoologist? Her ongoing struggles to save her gorillas may have killed her. In 1985, her lifeless body was found in her Rwandan cabin. While authorities suspected poachers, they could never prove their allegations Dian Fossey
According to William Blake, you can hold infinity in the palm of your hand, see heaven in a wild flower, and see a world in a ... a grain of sand
Laws prohibiting many deceptive or manipulative stock sales practices and the U.S. federal agency responsible for overseeing American stock exchanges were established by what act of 1934? Securities Exchange Act
This verse is from what longer work by John Greenleaf Whittier? As night drew on, and, from the crest Of wooded knolls that ridged the west, The Sun, a snow-blown traveler, sank From sight beneath the smothering bank. Snow Bound
This is from what amendment? ... nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law. 14th amendment
An agreement involving what two nations is considered Jimmy Carter's greatest achievement as president? Egypt and Israel
Over 2000 heretics were burned at the stake in Spain during the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the Catholic Church. This prosecution of heretics was called the ... Inquisition or Spanish Inquisition
While Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides are known for their tragedies, who is the greatest Greek playwright known for his comedies? Aristophanes
What legislator and educational reformer of the 19th century came to be known as the father of the American public school? Horace Mann
What meteor shower seems to radiate from the region of the constellation named for the husband of Andromeda who killed the Gorgon Medusa? Perseids
Solve this equation for y. cy - 3a = 2h (2h + 3a)/c
What famous American writer was born during the appearance of Halley's comet in 1835 and died while it was in the sky in 1910? Mark Twain or Samuel Clemens
These a pieces from what opera? Aragonaise March of the Smugglers Children's Chorus Bohemian Dance Carmen by Bizet
In what woodcut did Albrecht Durer depict his vision of these concepts? pestilence death war destruction The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Name the process by which a magnetized or electrically charged object produces magnetism, an electric charge, or an electric voltage in another object without being in contact with it. induction
A thick dust storm or sandstorm in the deserts of North Africa and Arabia is called a . haboob
What American author wrote these words? I heard the bells on Christmas Day Their old, familiar carols play, And wild and sweet The words repeat Of peace on earth, good will to men. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
What Swiss Protestant theologian said this in the 16th century? What is the intensifier in this line? After days of reviewing the alternatives, Wilma suddenly had what we all regarded as an insanely good idea insanely
About whom was Alexander Hamilton speaking when he said this? No other man can sufficiently unite the public opinion or give the requisite weight to the office in the commencement of government George Washington
Who wrote this in 1854? I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. Henry David Thoreau
Triangle ABC is defined by these points. A(1,2), B(7,10), C(-1,6) What kind of triangle is it? right angle
A nonmetal oxide that reacts with water to form an acid is an acidic . anhydride
Identify the speaker in this farewell. But it is now time to depart - for me to die and for you to live. But which of us is going to a better state is unknown for all but God Socrates
What story set in South Africa concerns a boy repeatedly victimized in a boarding school who later meets Hoppie Groenewald who instills in him a love of boxing? The Power of One
Maps mistakenly showed islands stretching across the Atlantic, but sailors could not find them when beset by storms or when immobile in the deadly equatorial zone called the ... doldrums
These parks are in what country? The Burren National Park Glenveagh National Park Ballycroy National Park Connemara National Park Killarney National Park Ireland
What city described by Lincoln Steffens as "first in violence, deepest in dirt, lawless, unlovely, ill-smelling, irreverent, and an overgrown gawk of a village" was described by Carl Sandburg as a "city of big shoulders"? Chicago
These are central characters in what novel? Jake Spoon Clara Allen Newt Dobbs Josh Deets July Johnson Lonesome Dove
From what Esther Forbes story was this taken? "Oh, God help them," thought Johnny. "They haven't seen those British troops in Boston. They haven't seen the gold lace on the generals, those muskets - all so alike, and everyone has a bayonet." Johnny Tremain
They are ionically bonded compounds that dissociate into charged particles in water and conduct an electric current. Sodium chloride is one example. These compounds are known as . electrolytes
Every navel orange comes from a single tree. This mutant orange tree on a Brazilian plantation produced oranges without seeds. It was reproduced by splicing buds from that mutant to other trees through a process called ... grafting
A state where thinking differently is rewarded with torture, where people are continuously monitored, and where state propaganda tells people exactly what to think was created by George Orwell in what story? 1984
In the study of light, what is the abbreviation in the SI system for the unit of luminous intensity? cd (for candela)
While the length of the scale on a sextant is 60 degrees and the length of the scale on an octant is 45 degrees, what is the length of the scale on a quintant? 72 degrees
To what snake does this jingle apply? Red on yellow - kill a fellow coral snake
If you cut a carrot in half, you will see a darker center and lighter tissue on the outside. The inner dark circle contains xylem tubes. The lighter portion consists of what kind of tubes? phloem tubes
What novel by Tom Clancy is about a covert war supported by the U.S. president and orchestrated by CIA officials against a drug cartel in Colombia, without the knowledge of the CIA's acting deputy director? Clear and Present Danger
What act passed over President Truman's veto in 1947 restricted organized labor's power to strike, outlawed the closed shop, and prohibited the use of union funds for political purposes? Taft-Hartley Act
What "ism," named after an order of priests in ancient Gaul, was the religion of the Celtic peoples in the pre-Christian British Isles? druidism
Since he recognized the shape of the Earth as spherical, what early Greek mathematician was able to calculate its circumference? Eratosthenes
Known for their psychotropic or medicinal attributes, nitrogenous organic substances such as cocaine, quinine, nicotine, and morphine are collectively classified as ... alkaloids
Translate this line. Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum. If you want peace, prepare for war
A cell such as an erythrocyte or leukocyte capable of free movement in a fluid as distinguished from a fixed cell in a tissue is called a ... corpuscle
Who wrote these words? Trust thyself. Every heart vibrates to that iron string. Accept the place the divine providence has found for you, the society of your contemporaries, the connection of events. Ralph Waldo Emerson
What republic is bordered Germany, Poland, Austria, and Slovakia? Czech Republic
Ulysses S. Grantʹs victory at this battle effectively cut the (*) Confederacy in half. Name this 1863 siege of a fortified town on the Mississippi River Battle of Vicksburg
This physicist analyzed the nature of light by using a pair of prisms to split and recombine white light, an experiment that he described in his 1704 book Opticks Issac Newton
This man dropped Mola Ram to his death by cutting a rope bridge while he himself was still standing on it; later he married Marion Ravenwood after learning he had a son. —name this heroic archaeologist who often relies on a whip Indiana Jones
This document was intercepted by Room 40 passing from a foreign secretary to ambassador Heinrich von Eckhardt. Germany promised to return portions of the southwestern U.S. to Mexico in exchange for an alliance in WWI in what intercepted “telegram?” Zimmerman Telegram
This film character captures Leonid Pavel, forces him to make a neutron bomb only Pavel can defuse, then publicly kills him in Gotham City Stadium. name this masked villain played by Tom Hardy who breaks Batmanʹs back in the film The Dark Knight Rises. Bane
This explorerʹs “foster father” Tyrker discovered grapes near their settlement at LʹAnse aux Meadows in northern Newfoundland. In AD 1000 he discovered “Vinland” after setting sail from Greenland. Leif Erikson
To create paint in the ultramarine shade of this color, many artists ground up lapis lazuli and mixed it with their paint blue
There are approximately 3.25 light years in one of these units, which are defined as the distance at which one astronomical unit subtends an angle of one arcsecond. parsecs
Mustafa Atatürk rose to prominence defending Turkey against a disastrous British invasion of the Dardanelles in this World War I campaign Battle of Gallipoli
This Chicago White Sox player, nicknamed “Shoeless Joe,” was banned from baseball as a result of the Black Sox scandal. Shoeless Joe Jackson (or Joseph Jefferson Jackson)
This friend of Romeo is stabbed to death in a duel with Julietʹs cousin Tybalt Mercutio
This country is home to the Malagasy people, who name one of its two official languages. Name this African island nation that lies off the southeastern coast of the continental mainland. Madagascar
The “ring‐tailed” is one type of these primates that are endemic to Madagascar, meaning that they are found nowhere else on earth lemurs
This element is used in incandescent light bulb filaments. Name this metal with atomic symbol W. tungsten
This man was accused of molesting his sisters in May 2015, leading to the cancellation of 19 Kids and Counting. Josh Duggar
The title “Tsar of All Russia” was first used by this 16th‐century Russian ruler who built St. Basilʹs Cathedral and created a standing army called the streltsy Ivan the Terrible
This man had a number‐one hit with his 1968 version of the song “I Heard It Through the Grapevine.” Name this Motown singer of the hits “Whatʹs Going On,” “Ainʹt No Mountain High Enough,” and “How Sweet It Is.” He was killed by his own father. Marvin Gaye
The similarity between the viceroy and monarch butterflies is an example of the Müllerian type of this natural strategy used to escape predators. mimicry
The original entry in the World of Warcraft series focused on the battle between humans and these creatures. In The Elder Scrolls series of games, the race of these creatures is called Orsimer. orcs
The 2012 film version of Life of Pi was directed by this Taiwanese filmmaker, whose other movies include Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Ang Lee
Grotesque figures used as water spouts on medieval cathedrals are known by what term? gargoyles
This movie based on the life of U.S. Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, considered to be one of the most lethal in his line of work, received six Oscar nominations American Sniper
What is a person called when they sow discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off­topic messages in an online community? troll
The real name of Pope Leo X was Giovanni and he was the second son of Lorenzo the Magnificent, the ruler of the Florentine Republic. To what wealthy, Italian family did Giovanni and Lorenzo belong to? House of Medici
What word modifies the gerund? The irresponsible driving through the open desert was a continual annoyance to many local campers. irresponsible
What is the antecedent in this line? The only thing wrong with immortality is that it tends to go on forever. immortality
According to Thomas Edison, what is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration? genius
Anthropocentrism holds that what creatures hold a special place in nature? people
An 1874 ad began with "Farmers! Take Notice! The Greatest Invention of the Age!" This advertisement was for what new product invented by Joseph Glidden to keep livestock from roaming onto other settlers' lands? barbed wire
In "Lord of the Flies," what is used to call meetings and also functions as a symbol of authority? The Conch
This type of flawed logical statement must always be true, since it equates a thing to itself without providing any further information. "All squares are square" is an example of one these statements. tautology
On his way to steal the cattle of Geryon, Heracles meets and kills the shepherd Eurytion and his dog Orthrus, who has this unusual feature. two-headed
A troubled relationship between Jake Barnes and Lady Brett Ashley is at the center of The Sun Also Rises, a novel by this bullfighting enthusiast who also wrote A Farewell to Arms Ernest Hemingway
In some Christian denominations, Maundy Thursday includes this ritual performed during the Mandatum ceremony after the homily. Name this ritual performed by Jesus for his disciples after the Last Supper foot washing
Many works in this medium feature the character of Kilroy. Identify this artistic medium. One of the most celebrated artists in this medium was the subject of Julian Schnabel's film, Basquiat, and signed much of his work as SAMO. graffiti
In a work titled for this man, a dog sleeps in front of a pair of slippers and next to a resting lion. Identify this saint who can be seen working in his study in an engraving by Albrecht Dürer. St Jerome
This best-selling expose written by Randy Shilts investigated the causes of the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s and condemned the institutional indifference of governments and the media And the Band Played On
This hero inserts a lead-tipped spear into the fire-breathing mouth of his greatest enemy, causing it to suffocate to death on the melting lead. Name this hero who slays the Chimera after using a golden bridle to tame the winged horse Pegasus. Bellerophon
This Frenchman coined the phrase "existence precedes essence" in his lecture "Existentialism is a Humanism." He wrote that many people live in a state of inauthentic "bad faith" in Being and Nothingness Jean-Paul Charles Aymard Sartre
The English word "pecuniary" derives from the Latin word pecus for these creatures, indicating that much of the ancient world regarded these animals as a visible sign of wealth cattle
Jerusalem's Old City is home to a quarter named for this country, the first officially Christian nation in the world. Name this modern-day country whose diaspora communities grew after its people were targeted for extermination by the Ottoman Empire Armenia
This term for adjusting district boundaries to establish a particular group's political advantage was first coined in the Boston Gazette in reaction to redistricting laws enacted under a namesake Massachusetts governor. gerrymandering
This mathematician used a proof by contradiction to demonstrate the infinitude of the primes. He also wrote The Elements. Euclid
The Biot-Savart law can be used to calculate the field inside one of these devices, which consist of a wire wrapped around a metallic core to give a strong electromagnet solenoids
A crane that swung actors playing gods across the stage gives rise to the term for this literary device, which is Latin for "god from the machine". deus ex machina
This 1948 Dixiecrat candidate for President was an example of a "boll weevil" politician. This man, who gave the longest filibuster ever against the Civil Rights Act, represented South Carolina in the Senate until his death at age 100 in 2003. Strom Thurmond
Roman emperors tended to live on this hill, which was the location of Nero's Golden House and the Domus Tiberiana. Palatine Hill
The Savoy Ballroom in New York is considered the birthplace of this dance, Name this swing dance developed in Harlem in the 1920s and 30s which grew out of the Charleston and may have been named for an aviator. Lindy Hop (jitterbug)
The Book of Rites is one of the "Five Classics" of this Chinese philosophical tradition, named for the advocate of filial piety whose teachings are compiled in the Analects. Confucianism
In the Principia, Newton derived this equation in the case that universal gravitation is the centripetal force. This law sets the orbital radius cubed proportional to the orbital period squared Kepler's third law
Name these terraced religious buildings. A seven-storied example called the Etemenanki, which was dedicated to the god Marduk, got a reference in Herodotus's histories. ziggurats
Zeus decrees that this man should spend a third of the year each with Persephone and Aphrodite, then the remaining third with whomever he chooses. Name this Phoenician man renowned for his beauty Adonis
Adonis is killed by one of these animals after being warned not to go hunting. That animal may have been the "Erymanthian" one sent by Apollo to punish Aphrodite for blinding his son Erymanthus. boar
Bossa nova was popularized in the US by Astrud Gilberto and Stan Getz's recording of this Antonio Carlos Jobim-composed standard. The title character is described as "tall and tan and young and lovely" while she ignores the narrator on a beach "The Girl From Ipanema"
The hydroxylation of lysine in collagen requires this vitamin as a cofactor. Its deficiency, which causes scurvy, has long been combated with citrus fruits Vitamin C
Many buccaneers and pirates raided this large class of long-beaked ships, which sailed in annual fleets taking silver between New Spain and Manila galleons
"The Snow Queen" and "The Ugly Duckling" are two of the many fairy tales by this Danish author of "The Emperor's New Clothes" and "The Little Mermaid." Hans Christian Anderson
A character in this story gets a piece of a shattered magic mirror in his eye & his heart, which causes him to only see the bad in things. Name this short story where Gerda rides a reindeer to Lapland to save Kai from inside the title character's palace The Snow Queen
This artist painted himself as St. Bartholomew holding his flayed skin, watching Jesus mete out the fates of sinners and do-gooders in his massive painting The Last Judgment. Michaelangelo
This nation's athletes took home 20 gold medals at the 1972 Summer Olympics. Identify this Communist nation ruled by men such as Walter Ulbricht. A border separating this nation from its capital neighbor contained Checkpoint Charlie East Germany
Name a class of diseases in which a pathogen infecting an animal reservoir can be transmitted to humans, with or without vectors, but is not dependent on humans to complete its life cycle. zoonotic
Name this principle demonstrated by Lavoisier when he burned a piece of wood and showed that the total weight remained constant. It's the basis of stoichiometry. Law of Conservation of Mass
This three-word line from "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" both precedes and follows the line "And all the boards did shrink" in the second part of the poem Water Water Everywhere
Neoptolemus is a son of this very powerful Greek hero, who kills Hector and is killed by Paris. This leader of the Myrmidons begins fighting in earnest after the death of his beloved companion Patroclus Achilles
Hematomas and bruising can result from a deficiency of this vitamin, which is symptomatically similar to hemophilia. Name this vitamin important for blood clotting Vitamin K
Cartoonists poked fun at the port wine-colored birthmark on this leader's head. He withdrew his troops from Afghanistan & pursued the policies of "openness" (glasnost) & "restructuring." (perestroika). He was the last leader of the Soviet Union. Mikhail Gorbachev
Her handkerchief is picked up by Emilia, after which it is used to frame Michael Cassio in a scheme that results in this character being suffocated to death. name this Shakespearean character who is murdered after Iago dupes her husband Othello Desdemona
A big-breasted male god of this name symbolizes the flooding of the Nile. Another god of this name is a son of Horus who protects the lungs and personifies the canopic jars together with his brothers Imsety, Duamutef, and Qebehseneuf Hapi
One of this architect's buildings was derisively nicknamed "Rising Mildew."Name this architect of Robie House in Hyde Park, Illinois, and Fallingwater in Bear Run, Pennsylvania. Frank Lloyd Wright
Name these people, a married couple, who were sentenced to death under the Espionage Act by judge Irving Kaufman for having committed a crime "worse than murder". They passed atomic bomb secrets to the Soviets in the 1950's. Julius & Ethel Rosenberg
These are located in what fictional land? Mount Pire Lantern Waste Shuddering Wood Stormness Head Fords of Beruna Deathwater Island Flaming Mountain of Lagou Narnia
Von Ebnerʹs glands & the parotid glands both produce this material. It contains the antibody immunoglobulin A as well as the enzyme amylase that begins the digestion of starch, and it coats the mucosa of the mouth. this watery fluid found in the mouth. Saliva
This man reused his “Sanctus”in D major for six voices in his Mass in B minor. The oldest known harpsichord solo appears in the 5th of a set of six works he composed for a margrave. The Brandenburg Concertos were written by what German Baroque composer? Johann Sebastian Bach
In the 19th century, this island was circumnavigated by Matthew Flinders. Its southernmost part, Wilsonʹs Promontory, juts into the Bass Strait; in the state of Victoria. The sandstone monolith Uluru is in what nation whose capital is Canberra Australia
This poet urged “make the most of what we yet may spend,” as death is “sans Wine, sans Song, sans Singer, and sans End!” In another quatrain, he longed for “a Book of Verses .”Name this Persian poet of the Rubáiyát Omar Khayyám
A person talking can be heard—but not seen—around a corner. That is because the magnitude of this effect for sound waves is much greater than it is for light waves Diffraction
John Rolfe married Pocahontas, the daughter of this Native American chief whose confederacy ruled eastern Virginia. Powhatan
After Jamestownʹs infamous “Starving Time,” Rolfe introduced this cash crop to the area. It remained the primary export of colonial Virginia. tobacco
There are approximately 63,240 of these units in one light year. This unit is almost exactly the average distance from the Earth to the Sun. astronomical unit
This authorʹs most controversial novel depicted the suicide of a doctorʹs wife in provincial France. Name this author of Madame Bovary Gustave Flaubert
The sinking of this ship in 1915 helped prompt the United States to enter World War I. Name this British sea vessel, an ocean liner whose destruction led to the deaths of almost 1,200 people RMS Lusitania
Tungsten compounds are often used as catalysts, which speed up reactions by lowering this energy for the reaction. activation energy
Two of the Olympians were children of the Titaness Leto who gave birth to them on the floating island of Delos Artemis and Apollo
Marvin Gayeʹs family won a 2015 lawsuit against Robin Thicke and Pharrell Williams, the writers of this song, which was based heavily on Gayeʹs 1977 song “Got to Give it Up.” Blurred Lines
Prudhoe Bay is found in the extreme north of this state. This state’s former capital was Sitka. This state also controls the Aleutian Islands. name this state, this site of the Exxon Valdez oil spill, whose cities include Fairbanks and Anchorage. Alaska
After causing the suicide of Sybil Vane and being corrupted by Lord Henry Wotton, the title character is found dead upon stabbing a creation of the painter Basil Hallward. A man who remains youthful as his portrait ages, a work of Oscar Wilde. A Portrait of Dorian Gray
His mother was impregnated by Zeus in the form of a shower of gold, after which he was locked in a chest thrown into the sea by Acrisius, whom he later accidentally killed with a discus .He also killed a sea monster to save a woman chained to a rock Perseus
This sculptor of The Fountain of the Four Rivers showed an angel thrusting a spear at a moaning nun in the Cornaro Chapel. Name this Italian Baroque sculptor of Ecstasy of St. Theresa. Gian Lorenzo Bernini
This author also wrote a novel in which the protagonist is kidnapped from Judge Miller's California estate and avenges the murder of his owner John Thornton. Name this American author of White Fang and The Call of the Wild. Jack London
SIG E CAPS and the Beck Inventory are screening tools used to detect this disease, which is usually treated with selective (*) serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Symptoms of this disease include decreased appetite, lack of energy, and suicidal thoughts. depression
Sabina. The protagonists of this work own a dog named Karenin who dies of cancer. Those protagonists are killed in a car crash during the Prague Spring. Name this novel about the womanizing Tomas and his love Tereza, the a novel by Milan Kundera. The Unbearable Lightness of Being
John Watson belonged to this school of psychology with Edward Thorndike and B.F. Skinner. It believes that a human's responses to stimuli are all gained by conditioning. behaviorism
Major Rudolf Anderson was the only casualty of this event. Name this crisis that saw the Soviet Union attempt to place nuclear warheads on a certain island. It was resolved when the U.S. promised to remove its Jupiter missiles from Turkey. Cuban Missile Crisis
One story in this collection is about a boy’s frustrating trip to the Araby bazaar. Name this collection which also includes such stories as “Ivy Day in the Committee Room” and “A Painful Case" describing residents of the title European capital. Dubliners by James Joyce
This wife of Heracles killed him when she was tricked into giving him a robe smeared with the blood of the centaur Nessus. Deianeira
This lumberjack was a giant who owned a similarly giant blue ox named Babe. He created the Great Lakes in order to provide Babe with a big enough watering hole. Paul Bunyan
This legendary figure was raised by coyotes and used two rattlesnakes as whips. His love interest was Slue-Foot Sue, who rides a catfish. Pecos Bill
Uncle Remus narrates stories about this troublemaker who is often in opposition to Br’er Fox and Br’er Bear. In one story, this character gets stuck to a tar baby. Br’er Rabbit
A major victory for one side in this long conflict was the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa, in which the Almohads were efeated.Identify this 800-year-long effort by Christians to reclaim the Iberian Peninsula from the Moors. Reconquista
The 2nd of these uses a valveless trumpet, while the5th of them features an "affetuoso" 2nd movement for flute, violin, & harpsichord. Identify this composition that was writtenfor a German margrave. The last of them is unusually scored for no violins. the Brandenburg Concertos
In this novel, Clifford is imprisoned for murdering his uncle Jaffrey. Name this novel in which the title structure is built by Thomas Maule and occupied by the cursed Pyncheon family. The House of the Seven Gables
Hawthorne may be most famous for writing this novel set in colonial Boston in which Hester Prynne is sentenced to wear the title mark of shame after committing adultery. The Scarlet Letter
The first man to hold this position had earlier transported artillery captured at Fort Ticonderoga to Boston to help get the British out of that city. Name this cabinet position held in the Washington administration by James McHenry and Henry Knox, Secretary of War
A narrowing of the valve at the opening of this artery is called a stenosis. Name this largest artery in the human body. aorta
If the cells in the wall of the aorta weaken, this extremely dangerous bulge can occur and eventually lead to internal bleeding. aortic aneurysm
This battle was fought in order to relieve Sir Philip Mowbray, and one side created a series of camouflaged pits. [10] Name this 1314 battle fought near Sterling castle, a key victory for the Scots in the first Scottish War of Independence. Battle of Bannockburn
The aria “In questa reggia” is sung by this character, who is served by the ministers Ping, Pang, & Pong. Three riddles are correctly answered by Prince Calaf, who later sings the “Nessun Dorma” aria to marry this character. Name this Puccini opera. Turandot
At its meetings, members of this George Fox-founded sect use “plain speech.” Members of this sect sit together in silence and participate in“unprogrammed worship.” Name this Christian denomination, the Society of Friends, who broke off from the Shakers. The Quakers
During a eulogy, a character in this novel states “Some infinities are bigger than other infinities.” 2 characters in this novel visit the Anne Frank House. Cancer patients Augustus Waters and Hazel Grace are in what novel by John Green? The Fault in Our Stars
Mary Jo Kopechne drowned after a member of this family drove off a bridge in the Chappaquiddick incident. Sirhan Sirhan killed a member of this family in the Ambassador Hotel. What family included the assassinated president John Fitzgerald? Kennedy family
The electromagnetic force is mediated by these particles, one of which is emitted in gamma decay. Electrons are ejected from metal when these particles hit it according to the photoelectric effect .Name these massless quanta of light photons
The film Argo was about this event. It ended with the Algiers Accords. “Desert One” saw helicopter crashes that led to this operation. President Carter faced criticism during this event. Name this event ended by the release of Americans from Tehran. Iranian Hostage Crisis
This song begins with the line “I hear the drums echoing tonight,” and tells the listener to “Hurry boy, it’s waiting there for you.” Name this song by Toto, which describes “Kilimanjaro [rising] like Olympus above the Serengeti” on the title continent Africa
Neville Chamberlain declared “peace for our time.” While imprisoned for attempting a coup-d'etat in this city, Adolf Hitler wrote Mein Kampf. A namesake “massacre” at the 1972 Olympics and the Beer Hall Putsch took place in, what capital of Bavaria? Berlin
This representative, who was stripped of all her committee assignments, showed support to execute Nancy Pelosi. A bill to impeach Joe Biden a day after becoming president was introduced by, what far-right Georgian representative? Marjorie Taylor Greene
Priests in this religion can be called houngans or mambos depending on their gender. A practitioner of this religion, Marie Laveau, was known as its “Queen of New Orleans.” Name this religion whose practitioners worship loa and use namesake dolls voodoo
This scientist disproved J. J. Thomson’s atomic plum-pudding model and fired alpha radiation at a certain material, the namesake of his most famous experiment. Name this scientist who conducted the gold foil experiment. Ernest Rutherford
A poem in this language ends after a king dies fighting a dragon, causing Wiglaf to blame his people’s cowardice. That poem in this language opens with “Hwæt” & describes its title character fighting Grendel. Name this language that Beowulf was written in Old English or Middle English
A ruling by this man in Brandenburg v. Ohio made the “clear and present danger” test. This man wrote that shouting fire in a crowded theater would not be free speech in that case, Schenck v. United States. Name this Supreme Court justice & son of a poet Oliver Wendell Holmes
He composed Petrushka A high bassoon solo opens their most well-known ballet, which shows a virgin dancing herself to death and caused riots at its 1913 premiere. Name this composer of The Firebird &The Rite of Spring. Igor Stravinsky
Fantine sends money to the Thenardiers. so they can take care of her daughter Cosette in this novel, but they make her perform manual labor instead. Inspector Javert pursues the convict Jean Valjean amidst a French revolution in what novel by Victor Hugo? Les Miserables
The protagonist gives a meat pie to an escaped convict in this novel, after which he becomes his benefactor. After getting jilted on her wedding day, clocks at the Satis House are stopped by Miss Havisham. Name this novel about Pip by Charles Dickens. Great Expectations
At the start of this holiday, the gates of Hell become closed and the devils are chained up. A key practice during this holiday is broken by iftar, the sunset meal, & Laylat-al Qadr occurs during the last ten days of this Islamic holiday Ramadan
A character in this play complains about how women tell their husbands to eat their eggs, eventually yelling “DAMN MY EGGS!!” This play opens with a character saying “You're not the only person in the world got to use a bathroom” to his son Travis Raisin in the Sun
This painting depicts a bull with its tail on fire, tongues as daggers, & a flower growing out of a sword held by a dead man. , Name this painting inspired by the bombing of a Basque village, by Pablo Picasso. Guernica
Special Order 191 was discovered by Union troops before this battle, which pitted Robert E. Lee and George McClellan in Maryland. Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation after what bloodiest Civil War battle? Battle of Antietam
. In Burmese myths, this thing is a child-eating demon, while in Chinese myths it is represented by a dragon named HongIn. . One of these structures serves as the bridge between Asgard and Midgard and is named Bifrost. Rainbows
Following this battle, an asp bite killed the Queen of Egypt. Marcus Agrippa commanded a fleet during this battle. Name this battle in which Octavian’s navy defeated Marc Antony & Cleopatra Battle of Actium
A clicking sound in this art form, may be produced with castanets, & cupped hands are used. The painful tone used in this art form may represent the suffering of the Roma people. This dance is prominent in the Andalucia region of southern Spain. flamenco
It’s not the Texas Rangers, but the “short porch” benefits this team’s left-handed hitters, such as Anthony Rizzo and formerly Joey Gallo. Giancarlo Stanton, Gerrit Cole, and Aaron Judge are players on,what MLB team also known as the “Bronx Bombers”? New York Yankees
The phrase “HURRY UP PLEASE IT’S TIME” is repeated in this poem’s section “A Game of Chess.” This poem, dedicated to Ezra Pound, ends with “shantih shantih shantih.” What poem opens with “April is the cruelest month” was written by T.S. Eliot? Wasteland
The most hoodoos in the world can be found in this state’s Bryce Canyon National Park. The “Devils Garden” area of a national park in this state, which contains features named “Landscape” and “Delicate,” is near its town of Moab. Utah
This commander, who claimed to hear the archangel Michael and Saints Margaret and Catherine, had her most famous victory at Orleans. Name this French commander during the Hundred Years War, who was burned at the stake for cross-dressing Joan of Arc
A member of the "Squad," Ayanna Pressley, is from this state. Charlie Baker is the governor of this state. The Senate sponsor of the Green New Deal, Ed Markey, was primary challenged by Joe Kennedy III in this state. Elizabeth Warren is a senator from.. Massachusetts
Pyramid Lake via the Truckee River, its only outflow. Ski resorts such as Squaw Valley and Heavenly Mountain surround this lake, which is near Carson City and Reno. Name this alpine lake in the Sierra Nevada mountains, Lake Tahoe
" A speech beginning (*) "Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears." is delivered in one of this man’s tragedies by Marc Antony, and another speech by this playwright describes a "mortal coil" and asks "to be, or not to be." William Shakespeare
This nation was united by Clovis I, who created the Merovingian dynasty. This country fought against England for the Ohio Valley in the American theater of the 7 Years War. The "Gauls," a group of people were based in this nation France
This composer wrote pieces like "Death of Ase" for a play written by Ibsen. That play has the same name of his most notable work "Morning Mood." Name this composer of the piece "In the hall of the mountain king" from his suite, Peer Gynt. Edvard Greig
Characters such as Neji Hyuga, Choji Akimichi, Shikamaru Nara, & others go on a recovery mission to bring back rogue ninja Sasuke in this show. Name this anime that follows an orange jumpsuit wearing ninja. Naruto
A character in this play pays to work in a flower shop on Wimpole Street after marrying Freddy Eynsford-Hill. The protagonist observes a man taking notes on her in Covent Garden. Colonel Pickering makes a bet with Henry Higgins to make Eliza Doolittle l Pygmalion
When this type of word is used in a sentence without being able to play the role it is supposed to play, then this word is called “dangling”.It is sometimes a noun but is more often an adjective that changes, clarifies, or qualifies, another word . modifier
The TV show The Office and the Billy Joel song “Allentown” are both set in this state. Pennsylvania
These relationships are classified based on whether the two species involved receive benefit, are harmed, or neither. Name this type of close interaction between two organisms symbiosis
The title story in this collection is about Lieutenant Jimmy Cross, who often reads letters written by a junior at Mount Sebastian College. Name this collection of connected stories that ends with a story about Linda, who died from a brain tumor The Things They Carried
This mathematician developed a summation technique in which the sum of all the positive counting numbers seems to equal −1/12. Name this mathematician from India who worked closely with G. H. Hardy. Srinivasa Ramanujan
The theorems named for this mathematician can be expressed as “surface area equals arc length times distance traveled by the centroid” and “volume equals area times distance traveled by the centroid”. Name this ancient mathematician Pappus (of Alexandria
This leader made a pledge to convert to Christianity if he defeated the Alemanni at the Battle of Tolbiac & he followed through with the support of his wife Clotilda. Name this 5th & 6th-century leader who is considered the first ruler of what France. Clovis I
The Apollo program sent Americans to the Moon. This project came before Apollo and after Project Mercury. Ten flights from this project included two astronauts each. Project Gemini
This French pointillist painted A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte Georges (Pierre) Seurat
The last three words of this poem are “better after death”. Name this poem that uses the phrases “freely, as men strive for Right”, “purely, as they turn from Praise”, and “with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life”. “How Do I Love Thee? Let me count the ways.” or Sonnet 43
Because this king wore a short robe, he was nicknamed “Curtmantle”. Resistance to this king by the clergy led him to ask “Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?”. Name this king whose followers murdered the Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Becket Henry II
Though this atmospheric layer generally does not have clouds, This layer includes the ozone layer, & the absorption of ultraviolet light by ozone explains why this is the lowest layer in which temperature increases with height. Planes usually fly here. stratosphere
If graphing a system of equations produces two parallel lines, the system is this type of system. Give this term for a system with no solutions. inconsistent system
The main characters on this show are a husband and wife who are an advertising executive & an anesthesiologist. It stars Anthony Anderson & Traycee Ross. Name this show about a wealthy African-American family by Raven-Symoné Black-ish
This phenomenon can be measured using a vertical plate called a Wilhelmy plate . This phenomenon occurs when cohesion is stronger than adhesion because liquid molecules have a stronger attraction to each other than they do to nearby air molecules surface tension
The simplest version of this system has a moment equal to charge times displacement. Name this type of system whose simplest version consists of two equal but opposite charges separated by a distance. electric dipole
This type of oscillation can be Give this three-word term for motion caused by a restoring force that is proportional to displacement. simple harmonic motion
One of the characters in this novel storms out of the room after saying “I shall be as dirty as I please: and I like to be dirty, and I will be dirty.” 1 Name this novel in which Heathcliff gets upset after being compared to the Linton children Wuthering Heights
Rembrandt said “A painting is complete when it has the shadows of a god.” Name the short title often given to Rembrandt’s Militia Company of District II under the Command of Captain Frans Banninck Cocq. The Night Watch
These islands make up the most populous British Overseas Territory in the Caribbean. This location is a financial haven because it has no income, capital gains, or wealth tax. Cayman Islands
This protein is the most abundant protein in humans. Combining this sclero·protein with boiling water creates gelatin. This protein has a triple-helix structure. Name this protein that is a central component of ligaments and cartilage. collagen
Much of this performer’s music was arranged by Gil Evans, including his performance of “Concierto de Aranjuez” on Sketches of Spain. Name this jazz trumpeter who recorded the albums In a Silent Way and Kind of Blue. Miles Davis
During fighting on Sicily, this general thought some troops in a hospital were cowardly, so he slapped them, which Eisenhower made him apologize.. This general then led troops into Germany after the Battle of the Bulge. His nickname was Old Blood & Guts. George C Patton
This disease is characterized by both spasms & rigidity, to the point that breathing or swallowing is impossible. Humans often get this disease from a puncture wound that lets dirt into the body. Despite misconception, rust does not cause this disease Tetanus (lockjaw)
This concept is very similar to that of residual and error. Name this quantity found by subtracting an observed value minus the expected value, where the expected value is often the mean deviation
This quantity equals the average value of the squares of the deviations. This quantity is the square of the standard deviation. variance
This Platonic solid is the three-dimensional simplex. It therefore has four vertices. tetrahedron
This person led several Seminole fighters during the Second Seminole War, but he was captured under a false flag of truce. This person died while still in captivity Osceola
Thor caught Jörmungandr while fishing with this giant and using this giant’s ox as bait. This giant cut the line, so they will fight again at Ragnarök. Hymir
This person lost the Battle of Falkirk. This hero of the Battle of Stirling Bridge was eventually executed on the orders of Edward Name this 13thcentury fighter who was replaced by Robert the Bruce as a leader in the War of Scottish Independence. William Wallace
In this play, Helena is a ward of the Countess and is in love with the Countess’s son Bertram. Helena speaks this play’s title before saying “still the fine’s the crown”. Name this play by William Shakespeare "All's Well That Ends Well"
The elevation of boiling point and the depression of freezing point caused by adding solutes are both these types of properties. Give this term for properties that depend on the amount of solute rather than properties of the solute colligative
This colligative property is defined as the pressure that must be applied to a solution to stop fluid movement across a semi·permeable membrane osmotic
This person and Edwin McMillan shared a Nobel Prize for discovering plutonium and other transuranic elements. Glenn T(heodore) Seaborg
It was discovered at Susa in 1902 almost 4,000 years after it was written. Consisting of a prologue, 282 paragraphs, and an epilogue, it stated its purpose as to ensure "that the strong oppress not the weak, that the orphan and widow be protected." Code of Hammurabi
This language, complex and unwritten, doesn't include many words necessary for military affairs, so substitutes had to be invented. It was the only "code" that the Japanese never deciphered in World War II. What N.A. tribe were the code talkers? Navajo
The Hindu version of the flood story, a continuously growing one of these animals told Manu how to save himself from the great flood, & Loki escaped from the Aesir in the form of this animal. Vishnu’s first avatar, Matsya, took the form of this animal fish
This Arkansan woman was appointed to succeed her brother Thaddeus in the Senate, and became the first woman to serve a full term in the Senate, winning three elections Hattie (Ophelia Wyatt) Caraway
Senator Margaret Chase Smith is best-known for her 1950 “Declaration of Conscience” speech, in which she attacked this man’s excesses. This man’s claim that he possessed a list of government officials in the Communist Party launched the Second Red Scare. Joseph (Raymond) McCarthy
Jesus tells his disciples this condition is not the result of personal or ancestral sin, and cures a man with this disability by spitting in, and applying, mud. Saul suffered this condition for three days after converting on the road to Damascus, blindness
The film Watchmen takes place during this man’s rule, revealing that he was elected President 5 times. In Call of Duty: Black Ops, this man teams up with Kennedy, Castro & McNamara to fight zombies. Name this. President who resigned following Watergate Richard Nixon
The oboe's playing of this piece's major theme corresponds to a previously inanimate object sprouting arms & picking up buckets. Name this Paul Dukas work, often associated with animated brooms and Mickey Mouse’s appearance in Fantasia. The Sorcerer’s Apprentice
In this poem, a "traveller from an antique land” tells the narrator of a broken statue of the title figure. What poem, whose title figure’s statue has a plaque that states he is the “king of kings” & commands, “Look upon my works, ye might ,& despair “Ozymandias”
John Milton Cage wrote several series of works in this genre using star charts. They're generally designed to teach technical skill, as can be deduced from their name, which is derived from the French for “to study”. etudes
Parkinson's disease is thought to be caused by a deficiency in this neurotransmitter produced by the substantia nigra. This inhibitory neurotransmitter is a precursor to epinephrine and norepinephrine. dopamine
Frederick Douglass published this abolitionist newspaper until 1851, when it was fused with the Liberty Party's newspaper. The North Star
Every night, Set and Ra battle against this serpent and God of chaos, who attacks the solar barque every night. He is sometimes assisted by the demon Mot. Apep
During the Amarna period, Ra was syncretized with this creation god. He is the father of the moon god Khonsu by his wife Mut. Amun
Andalusia Spain is home to this palace in Granada that was built by the Moors in the thirteenth century. It contains the Court of the Lions and has a name that translates as “the red fortress”. the Alhambra
Giorgio Vasari designed the Uffizi Gallery for Cosimo di Medici in this city. Name this Italian city, found in Tuscany, whose cathedral, the Santa Maria del Fiore, features an octagonal brick dome with no buttresses. Florence
This play ends with the protagonist slamming the door as she leaves her husband Torvald. Name this play by Henrik Ibsen in which Nils Krogstad blackmails Nora Helmer because she defrauded him to finance a trip that Torvald took to Italy for his health. A Doll's House
A work by this author takes place in “The Bottom” & sees Chicken Little drown after the title character accidentally throws him into the river. Name this African-American author of Beloved, Sula, and a 2008 novel about the slave Florens entitled A Mercy. Toni Morrison
This work by Tony Morrison ends with Milkman Dead leaping towards his former friend Guitar Bains. Earlier, Guitar tries to shoot Milkman, but accidentally kills Pilate instead. Song of Solomon
Many of its characters are influenced by the pompous teacher Kantorek, who gives speeches about patriotic duty. In this novel, Muller, Kropp, & Kat are friends of Paul Baumer & enlist in the army. Name this German World War I novel by Erich Remarque. All Quiet on the Western Front
This legless leader was allowed back to his country from an exile in Cuba. This man was responsible for killing William Travis, James Bowie, and Davy Crockett in their defense of a mission. Name this Mexican general and president who fought at the Alamo. Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
This character accidentally enters a grove sacred to the Furies and is given hospitality by King Theseus. This character is exposed at birth with a nail through his foot & gouges his eyes out when he learns that he killed his father & married his mother. Oedipus (Rex)
At the beginning of this novel, the protagonist is expelled from Pencey Prep. Name this 1951 novel in which the phoniness of the adult world is lamented by a confused and disillusioned sixteen-year-old named Holden Caulfield. Catcher in the Rye
Jackson Pollock was a member of this artistic movement, whose other members include Arshile Gorky and Willem de Kooning. It focused on raw, emotional, and impulsive images. abstract expressionism
This city in County Glamorgan overlooks the Bristol Channel at the mouth of the River Taff. It is the capital, largest city, and economic center of Wales. Cardiff
This process occurs at the cathode of an electrochemical cell. Name this process, the opposite of oxidation, in which a compound gains electrons. reduction
Salt bridges often contain this material, derived from algae or seaweed. It is a gelatinous material often used as a medium for bacterial growth. agar
Ninety-five percent of the devices that use these types of solids are silicon-based. Name these types of solids that are considered intermediates between insulators and conductors. semi conductors
This tuft of capillaries at the beginning of a nephron is surrounded by Bowman’s capsule. It is responsible for pressure filtration of the blood. glomerulus
The Mona Lisa was stolen from this museum in 1911 by Vincenzo Peruggia. This Paris landmark also features a glass pyramid designed by I.M. Pei. the Louvre Museum
One of this religion’s ThrName this religion, some practitioners of which seek to become perfected arhats, and which has major branches called Theravada and Jewels is the sangha, or community. Buddhism
In order to become an arhat, one must reach this enlightened state of freedom from samsara, or the cycle of rebirth. nirvana
Functions of this type are symmetric about the y-axis.Name this type of function in which f(x) (“f of x”) equals f(-x) (“f of negative x”). even function
A common example of an even function is this trigonometric function, which in a right triangle is defined as the adjacent side divided by the hypotenuse. cosine function
Union reinforcements under Don Carlos Buell turned the tide of this battle.Name this April 1862 battle in which the forces of Confederate generals Albert Sidney Johnston and P.G.T. Beauregard attacked, but were defeated by, those of Ulysses S. Grant. Battle of Shiloh
The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram used in astronomy measures a star’s temperature versus this property which quantifies rightness and comes in apparent and absolute forms. luminosity
A classic function that is defined recursively is this one, which is symbolized by an exclamation point. It is the product of all positive integers less than or equal to the input. factorial
This youngest of Jacob’s sons was the second and last son of Rachel. Joseph tests his brothers by planting a silver cup in this young man’s bag and seeing how the brothers react when he threatens to enslave this sibling. Benjamin
Name this Biblical book which sees Jacob and his family eventually ending up in Egypt, where Jacob’s beloved son has achieved a high rank after being sold into slavery by his brothers. Book of Genesis
This President was responsible for sending out the Great White Fleet, and, after leaving office, this man went on a safari. [10] Name this President who came to power following the assassination of William McKinley. Theodore Roosevelt
Teddy Roosevelt's domestic policy was centered on this series of programs and legislations that included trust busting and consumer protection acts like the Pure Food and Drug Act. Square Deal
One scene in this work sees a bird & duck argue while the pet cat attempts to catch them. Name this 1936 composition for narrator & orchestra written for children. Its title boy is represented by the strings; the title creature, by the French horn. Peter and the Wolf
Ayatollah Khomeini issued a fatwa calling for this man's death after an unflattering depiction of Muhammad in this man's book The Satanic Verses. Name this author who won the Booker Prize for a novel called Midnight's Children. Salman Rushdie
Charles De Gaulle was taken prisoner in this 1916 World War I battle, in which the Germans, led by Falkenhayn, attacked the French under Robert Nivelle at a fortification on the Meuse River. Battle of Verdun
His solo piano works include a sonata with a “Rondo Alla Turca” third movement. His divertimenti include A Musical Joke, while his serenades include Eine Kleine Nachtmusik. Name this Austrian composer of 41 symphonies. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
The red sky in the background of this painting is thought to be a result of the eruption of Krakatoa. Name this painting which a distorted man standing on a bridge clutches his face while performing the title action, presumably to express his agony. The Scream
This physicist's observation of Newton's rings formed by a glass sphere upon a lens formed the basis for contact mechanics. Identify this German discoverer of the photoelectric effect who is best known as the namesake of the SI unit for frequency. Heinrich Rudolf Hertz
This park is adjacent to its city's Art Institute and Lake Michigan.Name this park in the Loop that contains interactive water feature called Crown Fountain and the bean-like Cloud Gate designed by Anish Kapoor. Millenium Park in Chicago
DNA replication begins with the unwinding of this structure. Watson and Crick, with the help of Rosalind Franklin, determined in 1953 that DNA has this structure. double helix
Experiences in World War I led the French to later build this extensive and ultimately unsuccessful defensive barrier between themselves and Germany. Maginot Line
It was first stated by Rudolf Clausius. Name this law that says the internal energy of a system is equal to the heat added to the system minus the work done by the system. First Law of Thermodynamics
This video game series features the hidden character Noob Saibot. Name this series of fighting games featuring such characters as Johnny Cage and Raiden. It became infamous for featuring the bloody finishing move called a “fatality.” Mortal Kombat
The title character of this play allows his friend Christian to pass off the letters he writes as his own, since he cannot express his love for his cousin Roxane due to his physical deformity.Name this play by Edmond Rostand about a large-nosed swordsman. Cyrano de Bergerac
Thor’s weapon was this hammer, which was crafted by Brokk and Sindri. It was once stolen by the giant Thrym, and it will be given to Magni after Thor’s death. Mjollnir
Name this military dictator of feudal Japan. Members of the Ashikaga clan held this title during the Muromachi bakufu before Oda Nobunaga took power in the 1500s. shoguns
This man's cartoon The American River Ganges depicts priests that look like crocodiles and was made in protest of catholic schools. Name this American cartoonist who created the modern version of Santa Claus and Uncle Sam. Thomas Nast
This man composed a tone poem titled Cuban Overture. Name this American composer who was inspired by his time in France to write the tone poem An American in Paris, the orchestration of which features automobile horns. George Gershwin
In a closed system, the change in momentum is equal to the change in this quantity, which is equal to the product of force and time. impulse
This is a tax on imports or exports. Some of them were named for Dingley and Smoot and Hawley, and their use is a hallmark of protectionism. tariffs
Tchaikovsky's "1812 Overture" was inspired by Napoleon's retreat from what city? Moscow
What adjective means "having unlimited, total knowledge of everything"? omniscient
What artificial abrasive material with a hardness of 9.5 on the Mohs scale is produced by the fusion of coke and sand heated in electrically fired furnaces? silicon carbide
He said, "The people of Nebraska are for free silver. Therefore I am for free silver. I'll look up the reasons later." Name this congressman known as the Great Commoner. William Jennings Bryan
He was the son of the slain Sir Pellinore and was reared in the forest by his mother. He had unmannerly conduct and physical grace. The Holy Grail appeared before him in a vision. Name this knight. Sir Percival
The world's first known written legend is "Gilgamesh." This Sumerian legend was written in what alphabet? cuneiform
Bilirubin is a yellow substance that results from the breakdown of red blood cells. It is excreted as a component of what green liquid? bile
Name the science of adapting equipment and working conditions to improve productivity. ergonomics
Name this composer and virtuoso pianist who wrote these works. Faust Symphony Dante Symphony Hungarian Rhapsodies Franz Liszt
Most volcanoes in South America have formed in the vicinity of the juncture of the South American plate and what other plate? Nazca plate
What class of organic compounds includes sugars, starch, glycogen, and cellulose? carbohydrates
The word element "ferro" indicates ... iron
These words are from a song about what battle? In 1814 we took a little trip along with Colonel Jackson down the mighty Mississip. Battle of New Orleans
Humans have between 16 and 20 C-shaped rings of cartilage in what tube between the lungs and larynx? trachea
Name the Greek geometrician who determined the value of pi to the third decimal place. Archimedes
In 1965, a highway patrolman stopped a black driver for speeding. A crowd gathered and tempers flared. Two days later, 34 people were dead and over 35 million dollars in damages had occurred. These riots were in what part of Los Angeles? Watts
In what Rodgers and Hammerstein musical does Emile DeBecque live on a Polynesian island and fall in love with an American nurse? South Pacific
What movement initiated around the end of the 19th century had the goal of returning exiled Jewish people to their homeland? Zionism
This quote is from what work by Plato? The races of man will have no end of evil until rightly judging men rule. The Republic
In the 1904, Supreme Court ruling on the "Gonzales v. Williams" case, it was affirmed that citizens of what island nation were not aliens and that admission to the continental United States could not be denied? Puerto Rico
Watts divided by volts equals amperes
What president said this in a speech? So I ask you tonight to join me and march along the road to the future, the road that leads to the Great Society. Lyndon Johnson
The world's largest sculpture is being carved from a mountain of granite in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Still decades from completion, it will memorialize what Oglala Sioux war chief? Crazy Horse
F.F. Van de Water's "Reluctant Rebel" and Daniel Thompson's "The Green Mountain Boys" are about what man who led colonial volunteers against Fort Ticonderoga during the American Revolution? Ethan Allen
What sea is between Borneo and Hong Kong? South China Sea
What amendment reads as follows? All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. 14th amendment
The world's largest relief sculpture depicting a scene of Confederate Civil War leaders on horseback is on what mountain in Georgia? Stone Mountain
To whom does the pronoun in this refer? In 1869, he discovered a system by which characters are transmitted from adult to offspring. He had, in short, discovered what Darwin only suspected, namely, the mechanism of heritable variation. Gregor Mendel
In the 16th century, the Indian religious teacher Guru Nanak had a vision. On the basis of that, he combined elements of Hinduism and Islam into what new religion? Sikhism
The hippopotamus's day Is passed in sleep. At night he hunts. God works in a mysterious way - The Church can sleep and feed at once. quatrain
What pungent condiment popular in India is made from a blend of cumin, coriander, fenugreek, pepper, turmeric, and other spices? curry (curry powder)
This is from what poem by Oliver Wendell Holmes? Oh better that her shattered hulk Should sink beneath the wave; Her thunders shook the mighty deep, And there should be her grave. Old Ironsides
What musical director for the U.S. Army during the Spanish-American War and World War I wrote the autobiography untitled "Marching On"? John Philip Sousa
A woman who robbed travelers was turned into a dangerous whirlpool on the coast of Sicily opposite a six-headed monster called Scylla. Who was the woman? Charybdis
A character in this play becomes depressed after learning Rosaline has vowed celibacy, another says “ask for me tomorrow,& you shall find me a grave man” after he's killed by Tybalt. A message on a faked death & Friar Lawrence marries 2 lovers in.. Romeo & Juliet
This author wrote a story where the title character finds his wife Faith at a witches’ sabbath, In a novel The Blithedale Romance, Chillingworth torments Arthur Dimmesdale daughter of Hester Pryne, He wrote “Young Goodman Brown” & The Scarlet Letter. Nathaniel Hawthorne
His policies caused the holodomor famine in the Ukraine, and this liquidator of the kulaks was denounced in a “Secret Speech” by Khruschev. This developer of Five-Year Plans and “socialism in one country” drove out Leon Trotsky. Name this Soviet Leader Joseph Stalin
This colleague of Roy Cohn was asked by Joseph Welch if he had any decency. Name this senator from Wisconsin who led a series of hearings based on his claims that Communists were in the government. Joseph McCarthy
In a battle from this campaign, the winning side used pikes to drive war elephants amok among their own forces, leading to the defeat of King Porus. Name this offensive into an Asian subcontinent by a Macedonian king. Alexander the Great
This particle is composed of one up and two down quarks, & nuclear fission is initiated by the bombardment of this particle. The number of this particle dictates what isotope an atom is, & they have mass roughly equal to that of a proton. neutron
Lagoon Nebula makes this constellation’s namesake “triplet.” One feature in this constellation is a radio source at the center of the galaxy, a supermassive black hole; that feature is near its border with Scorpius. Name this constellation, an archer Sagittarius
The square root of 2X this number appears in the normal distribution function, & squaring the circle is impossible for this number is transcendental. It's the period of the tangent function, and the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. pi
This composer dedicated six concertos to the margrave Christian Ludwig, and he wrote two books of preludes and fugues in every key. name this German Baroque composer who wrote the The Art of the Fugue, Brandenburg Concertos, and The Well-Tempered Clavier. Johann Sebastian Bach
“Groundations” are holy days in this religion. Haile Selassie is an incarnation of Jah, or God, in this religion which believes Mount Zion to be in this Jamaican religion whose members smoke ritual “ganja” and wear their hair in dreadlocks. Rastafarianism
In this book’s 8th and 9th books, the trumpeting of an angel destroys a third of the world. Jesus is described as the “Word of God” in this book, and it involves the opening of the seven seals and the Whore of Babylon. Name this book of the Bible Book of Revelation
After Set cut this goddess’s husband into pieces, this mother of Horus brought her husband back to life, making him the ruler of the underworld. Name this Egyptian goddess, the wife and sister of Osiris. Isis
This author of The Birth of Tragedy is also known for a statement in The Gay Science. Name this German philosopher, who discussed the will to power in Beyond Good and Evil, posited the idea of the ubermensch, and declared that “God is dead.” Friedrich Nietzsche
This country is located on the boundary of two tectonic plates, leading to volcanic activity in the Taupo Volcanic Zone and frequent earthquakes, such as the one that struck Christchurch in February 2011. Name this country with the capital Wellington. New Zealand
This country is home to the world’s largest port, Rotterdam, which lies on the mouth of the Rhine. This country lies mostly below sea level and is home to the Europol and the International Court of Justice, both of which are located in The Hague. The Netherlands
In 2005, “the” was dropped from its domain name and it now has over 750 million active users.Name this website that uses the timeline feature to display users’ profiles, a social networking website created by Mark Zuckerberg. Facebook
Roger kills Piggy and his democratic conch shell with the same rock. Name this book about a group of English school boys stranded on an island after their plane is shot down during WWII. written by William Golding Lord of the Flies
This type of cell uses axons and dendrites to relay signals across gaps called synapses. They comprise the brain and other nervous tissue neurons
Book 4 of this work argues against international tariffs & the mercantilist system of a state holding large sums of gold. Name this 1776 book on economics arguing for laissez - faire, an "invisible hand" that rules the market written by Adam Smith. Wealth of Nations
The tallest mountain in the lower forty-eight states, this mountain in the Sierra Nevada range is less than one hundred miles away fro[m Death Valley National Park. Mt. Whitney
> Edward Albee wrote the book for a famously terrible musical version of this book, which had previously seen a successful movie adaptation. Name this 1958 novella which follows Southern girl-turned-socialite Holly Golightly Breakfast at Tiffany's
Another drowned baby in American literature is Antanas, the son of Jurgis Rudkis, the protagonist of this author's muckraking expose of Chicago meatpacking plants, The Jungle. Upton Sinclair
In 490 BCE, an invasion through Greece was thwarted at this battle, where a band of hoplites under Miltiades defeated a larger force of infantry & archers & where Philippides did not actually run roughly 25 miles to tell Athens of the victory Battle of Marathon
She earned her nickname during the War of 1812 in combat with the HMS Guerriere. Nicknamed "Old Ironsides,” name this oldest floating commissioned ship in the US Navy. USS Constitution
He sculpted Paolo and Francesca from Dante's Inferno in a lovelock, as well as a work where a poet sits with his chin on his knuckles in a contemplative pose. Name this French sculptor of The Gates of Hell, which includes The Kiss, and The Thinker. Auguste Rodin
This disease's namesake trait causes blockages in and damage to blood vessels. Particularly common in populations of African descent, identify this disease named for the abnormal shape of its sufferers' red blood cells. sickle cell anemia
One attempt to secure control of this body of water for Operation Sea Lion resulted in the Blitz, while another attempt ended with destruction of the French fleet at the Battle of Trafalgar. Name this body of water, crossed before the Battle of Hastings English Channel
Dr. John Starry alerted the authorities to this event, leading to a standoff at an engine house next to an armory. Name this incident led by John Brown which in 1859 saw a failed raid intended as a slave revolt. Raid on Harper's Ferry
The sum of two consecutive numbers in this sequence is always a perfect square. Name this sequence of numbers, which begins 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, and so on. The nth term is represented by the quantity n squared plus n, quantity over 2. triangular numbers
He's in charge of hanging one lantern by land, two if by sea. For Name this literary midnight messenger who gave a "cry of defiance, not of fear" to alert every Middlesex Village about the coming British threat. Paul Revere
These molecular biologists met at the Cavendish Laboratory at the University of Cambridge. Name these two scientists who, after viewing Rosalin Franklin's Photo 51, proposed the correct structure for DNA. James Watson and Francis Crick
Zacharias, the father of this "forerunner" of Christ, was made mute for not believing Elizabeth would bear him. This man did much of his preaching and works at the River Jordan. John the Baptist
This Roman procurator of Judea initially found "no guilt in" Jesus worthy of death. He later gave a crowd the option of releasing Jesus or the murderer Barabbas. Pontius Pilate
The lead singer of this band despised his initial popularity from "Creep" in 1993. Name this English alternative rock band responsible for the albums Pablo Honey, OK Computer, & In Rainbows, Radiohead
Oedipus became King of Thebes after solving the riddle posed by this part-lion, part-woman creature. Even though she possessed eagle wings, she threw herself off a cliff to her death after he solved her riddle. The Sphinx
In one poem, a horse finds it odd that its rider would hesitate from his "promises to keep, and miles to go" before he sleeps, in another, "good fences make good neighbors." Name this poet of "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" and "Mending Wall,” Robert Frost
Set in the time of the Salem Witch Trials, this play pointed out the foolishness of the Second Red Scare and McCarthyism. John Proctor has a relationship with Abigail Williams, who orders Tituba to bewitch Elizabeth, in this American play. The Crucible
In 1904, J. J. Thomson proposed this atomic model, named after an English dessert. In this model, the negatively charged electrons are suspended in a positive "soup.” Plum Pudding Model
In it, Ali Baba shouts "Open, sesame!" after overhearing forty thieves speak about a magic treasure. Written in Arabic, name this collection of stories told by Scheherezade (shuh-HAIR-uh-ZAHD) to the King in order to delay her pending execution. The Arabian Nights (or The Book of the One Thousand and One Nights
] Name this militaristic Ancient Greek city-state, which enslaved the helots to serve as farmers and threw deformed babies off Mount Taygetos. Sparta
This American painted several "symphonies" and "nocturnes" in different colors, as well as "Arrangement in Gray and Black,” a portrait of this artist's mother James Abbott McNeill Whistler
He proposed the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen to the French National Assembly. Name this French nobleman, who also greatly assisted American troops during the American Revolution. He was wounded at the Battle of Brandywine Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette
"The Tabu Tale" in some versions of this work, offers an explanation for the first letters & alphabet being written by a family of cave-people. Name this collection of tales "For Little Children,” which also includes "How the Leopard Got His Spots.” Just So Stories For Little Children
The Just So Stories were written by this British author, who also wrote of Mowgli in The Jungle Book. His non-children's works include poems such as the anti-imperialist "The White Man's Burden.” Rudyard Kipling
This shape-shifting trickster is the older brother of Fox. He is often considered to be the father of many Native American tribes, and is the bringer of fire to humanity The Coyote
In it, one resident of Catfish Row sings "It ain't necessarily so,” and another sings "Summertime...where the livin' is easy.” Name this jazzy folk opera in which Sportin' Life takes a woman to New York. Porgy and Bess
Named for the Chancellor of the Exchequer who proposed them, they were repealed on March 5, 1770, the same day as a notable snowball fight in Massachusetts. Name these Acts of Parliament, designed to pay for British war debts following the 7Years' War Townshend Acts
Bob Woodward first broke news of this event, involving an organization called CREEP. Exposed by Deep Throat & a number of tapes, name this scandal in which a Washington, D.C. hotel was burgled, leading to the resignation of US President Richard Nixon. Watergate Scandal
This crop is the main ingredient in the Italian food arancini. In Mexico but not in Europe, this crop is used to make a drink called horchata This crop is combined with a variety of different foods to make jambalaya .Over 90% of it is grown in Asia rice
The end of this story states that whenever there is a thunderstorm in the Catskills, people imagine it is Henry Hudson playing 9-pins. The title character sees a picture of George Washington where there used to be a picture of King George III. Rip van Winkle
The Zippe type of these devices is regulated by international treaties because it's used to enrich uranium. The basket type of this device is used to process cane sugar &can separate liquids from solids. These devices are named after a fictitious force. centrifuge
. A note at the end of this novel states that two characters had a son who was born on the anniversary of Quincey Morris’s death. As Morris died, he noticed that the scar on Mina’s forehead had gone away. Name this novel by Bram Stoker Dracula
This senator overturned part of the Missouri Compromise by writing & sponsoring the Kansas–Nebraska Act. This person finished 4th in electoral votes in the election of 1860. Name this politician who, took part in a series of debates against Abe Lincoln. Stephen Douglas
In this opera, a man enters a marriage under the assumption he will be able to get a divorce, and the man is surprised to learn much later that the marriage produced a son. That man is U.S. Navy Lieutenant Pinkerton. Name this Puccini opera set in Japan Madame Butterfly
The number of these figures is maximized in a convex shape, in which they number 1/2 n times the quantity n minus 3. One of these segments is the perpendicular bisector of the other one in a kite, and these segments bisect each other in a parallelogram diagonals
This god got 9 servants to kill each other by throwing a whetstone in the air. He changed himself into a snake to get to Gunnlod whom he was able to seduce. This god then drank mead that was made from blood and changed himself into an eagle to escape Odin
The geography of this planet includes Tharsis Bulge, which is near both its equators.It is also the location of our Solar System’s largest volcano, Olympus Mons. This planet's surface is covered with iron oxide, which give its color Mars
The Spanish-American War was sparked when the U.S.S. Maine was blown up while it was in what is now this country. In 1961, President Kennedy was heavily criticized for a botched invasion of this country at the Bay of Pigs. Cuba
This formula can be verified by using the sum and product of its solutions, and it is often derived by completing the square. This formula has a discriminant that is negative when this formula gives complex solutions. name this mathematical formula quadratic formula
This device contains a wire or soldered joint that melts when it is overheated. This device is similar to a circuit breaker but cannot be reused once it blows.Name this device designed to stop a circuit that has too much current. fuse
This thing “sits looking over harbor and city on silent haunches and then moves on”. Name this phenomenon that, in a poem named for it, “comes on little cat feet”. fog
This poet wrote “Fog”, “Chicago”, and “The People, Yes”. Carl Sandburg
When Jesus said “I have come into the world to bear witness to the truth”, this person replied by asking “What is truth? Name this governor of Judea Pontius Pilate
This day is June 6, 1944. Name the day of the Normandy landings during Operation Overlord in World War II. D-Day
The Normandy coast was divided into five so-called beaches during the D-Day invasion. Give the codename of the deadliest one, which was named for a U.S. city Omaha Beach
This quantity equals force per unit area. Name this quantity that can be measured in pascals or atmospheres. pressure
This ancient principle, which states that any completely or partially submerged object in a fluid at rest is acted upon by a buoyant force equal to its weight, is used to calculate water pressure. Archimedes
The court supported Shawne Alston over this organization, so student athletes can now receive non-cash compensation for academic-related purposes NCAA or National Collegiate Athletic Association
] Give the common name for the Migrant Protection Protocols policy. The court forced the Biden Administration to try to follow the policy by rejecting a stay in Biden v. Texas. Remain-in-Mexico policy
This region takes up over 80% of the Earth’s volume. Name this region between the core and the crust. mantle
Chamber music is written for a small number of instruments that each play their own part. ] This composer’s chamber music includes at least 68 string quartets, making him the “Father of the String Quartet”. He also wrote over 100 symphonies. (Franz) Joseph Haydn
These two wars were fought from 1839 to 1842 and from 1856 to 1860. ] Name these wars between China and the United Kingdom that were fought over China’s attempt to reduce trade in the namesake drug Opium Wars
] Zhuangzi was a writer within this Chinese philosophical-religious tradition. Laozi traditionally wrote The Book of the Way and Its Power, the main text of this tradition. : Daoism or Taoism
Czech, Slovak, and Polish are part of the Western branch of this group of Indo-European languages that also includes Russian, Serbo-Croatian, and Bulgarian Slavic Languages
Equivalence relations have a reflexive property, a symmetric property, and this property.Name this property stating that if x is related to y and y is related to z, then x is related to z. transitive property or transitivity
Matrix columns sometimes represent these mathematical things] Name these things that have magnitude and direction. vectors
This poem ends “And then my heart with pleasure fills, and dances with the daffodils.” Name this poem that is sometimes just called “Daffodils”. “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”
This poet wrote “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” and several poems about a girl named Lucy William Wordsworth
This person produced and starred in the movie version of Beloved. This person started Harpo Productions, which produces the shows Dr. Phil, Rachael Ray, and The Dr. Oz Show. A well-known meme shows this person repeatedly saying “And you get a car!” Oprah Winfrey
The olfactory nerves are usually designated number one out of the 12 pairs of these nerves that connect directly to the brain rather than via the spinal cord cranial nerves
This term is used both to describe a round structure in the nasal cavity used to detect smells and a round structure made of capillaries in a kidney nephron. glomerulus
This play opens with a discussion between the sentinels Bernardo and Francisco, who welcome Horatio and Marcellus. Name this play by Shakespeare that is set in Denmark and includes the line “to be or not to be.” Hamlet
In Hamlet, this counselor of Claudius is the father of Laertes and Ophelia. He gives a lot of advice, including “To thine own self be true.” Polonius
Hamlet argues with Ophelia after the “to be or not to be” soliloquy. What are the first five words that Hamlet says in response to Ophelia stating “I was the more deceived”? “Get thee to a nunnery!”
This rule traditionally explained the lack of reactivity of noble gases. It states that elements tend to bond so that there are eight electrons in their valence shells. octet rule
This international organization lasted from 1920 to 1946.Name this organization that Woodrow Wilson called for in his Fourteen Points and which at one point had 58 members, though the United States never joined League of Nations
This character “longed to travel or to go back to her convent. She wished at the same time to die and to live in Paris. Name this title character who marries a doctor and has several affairs Madame Bovary
This word means “center-seeking”. Name this adjective used to describe the force or acceleration on an object in circular motion centripital
This set of numbers is often represented by the letter Z because of the German word Zahlen meaning “numbers. Name this set that consists of zero, positive and negative 1, positive and negative 2, positive and negative 3, and so on. integers
These ancient calculation instruments usually had sets of five beads on one side and two beads on the other side. abacus
The treatises On Interpretation and Prior Analytics are compiled into this man's Organon. Name this student of Plato who established the Lyceum. This philosopher's writings were synthesized with Christianity Aristotle
Name a former Atlanta Falcon, who grew up in Newport News and attended Virginia Tech. He won the NFL Comeback Player of the Year award in 2010 after a stint in jail for dogfighting. Michael Vick
This ship, nicknamed Old Ironsides, is now used as a museum. It defeated several British ships during the War of 1812. USS Constitution or Old Ironsides
Income taxes are often structured so that as the taxed amount increases, the taxation rate also increases. What term refers to that scheme? progressive (income) taxation
This novel begins with letters written by Captain Robert Wa] Name this novel written by Mary Shelley that is subtitled The Modern Prometheus.lton. Frankenstein
In 1872, the Equal Rights Party nominated Victoria Woodhull for president and this man for vice president. ] Name this abolitionist and orator who wrote three autobiographies, including My Bondage and My Freedom, that described his escape from slavery Frederick Douglass
According to this poem, “The falcon cannot hear the falconer.” Name this poem that ends “And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?”. “The Second Coming”
This architect designed Fallingwater as well as many houses in Illinois, such as the Frederick Robie House and Dana Thomas House. Frank Lloyd Wright [or Frank Lincoln Wright]
] This mother of Solomon married David after her marriage to Uriah the Hittite, whose death David indirectly caused. She worked with Nathan to get David to recognize Solomon as his successor Bathsheba
This enlarged lymphatic tissue is sometimes called the pharyngeal tonsil. It is higher and further back than what is normally called the tonsils adenoids
This tube brings food from the throat to the stomach esophagus
This country gained control of the West Bank shortly after fighting Israel in 1948. Name this country whose capital is Amman. Jordan
] The Beatles' 1969 album starting with "Come Together" is named for this location of EMI's London studio, where most of the band's material was recorded : Abbey Road
All four members of the Beatles were born and raised in this English city. Brian Epstein became the band's manager after seeing them perform in this city's Cavern Club : Liverpool
A poem by this writer begins “I felt a Funeral, in my Brain. Name this poet who lived in Amherst, Massachusetts. Emily Dickinson
This order has far more species than any other order of mammals. This order is characterized by continuously growing incisors from both jaws. Animals in this order usually do not migrate, but lemmings do. The largest animal in this order is the capybara rodentia
The song “Flamenco Sketches” appears on an album by this musician that features the saxophonists “Cannonball” Adderley and John Coltrane . Name this jazz trumpeter who recorded the albums In a Silent Way and Kind of Blue. Miles Davis
]. In a standard orchestra, the people who play this instrument usually sit front and center or a little off to the right. The strings on this instrument are tuned exactly one octave higher than a cello. viola
The person with the longest uninterrupted time in this position was Tip O’Neill, and the longest overall time was Sam Rayburn. Name this position recently held by Paul Ryan and Nancy Pelosi. Speaker of the (United States) House of Representatives [or House Speaker
This person’s practices are described in the sunna [SOON-uh], and his words are given in hadith. Name this 6th- and 7th-century leader who was visited by the angel Gabriel and wrote down the Koran Muhammad [prompt on The Prophet or The Messenger
This leader ended the Achaemenid Empire after defeating Darius III at Gaugamela and Issus. Name this person who succeeded his father, Philip II of Macedon, after being tutored by Aristotle. Alexander the Great
In the end, this novel’s narrator stays afloat on top of an unused coffin after everyone else is killed. Daggoo, Tashtego, & Queequeg are the harpooners in this novel. This novel consists of Ishmael narrating Captain Ahab’s pursuit of a whale. Moby-Dick
This person described a problem that arises from inappropriate adolescent development using the phrase “identity crisis”. Name this man who included both “initiative vs. guilt” & “industry vs. inferiority” among his 8 stages of psycho·social development. : Erik Erikson
The first African-American person to enroll in this state’s flagship university, who would later survive being shot during a march, was James Meredith. Reactions against integration in this state led to the murder of Medgar Evers in what Southern state? Mississippi
At the beginning of this book, the author writes about forgetting her lines during an Easter church service. Name this 1969 autobiography set mostly in Stamps, Arkansas I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
] This poet wrote I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. She read “On the Pulse of Morning” at Bill Clinton’s inauguration : Maya Angelou
This country was headed by Carlos Andrés Pérez from 1974 to 1979 and from 1989 to 1993. Name this South American country with large oil reserves whose capital is Caracas Venezuela
Name the creatures that lured sailors with beautiful songs. Odysseus was tied to his mast so that he could listen to them. Sirens
This pointillist artist painted A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte Georges Suerat
Name both of the ships that were sunk at Pearl Harbor and never completely raised. The Oklahoma was raised but never rebuilt. USS Arizona and USS Utah
Several dark regions on the Moon are called mare which is translated from Latin into English as this word seas
. In 2021, Phoenix-based basketball teams established a trend of coming up just short in championship series. The Suns lost the 2021 NBA finals in six games to this Wisconsin-based team led by Jrue Holiday and Giannis Antetokounmpo Milwaukee Bucs
Glenn Miller mainly played this instrument. . Name this brass instrument with a slide. trombone
This national park in Utah is near Moab and is named for the shape of its rock formations Arches National Park
Chaos theory and the butterfly effect are based on the work of this mathematician and meteorologist, whose namesake system has a solution called his namesake “attractor”. Edward (Norton) Lorenz
Tay-Sachs and Gaucher disease are caused by problems with this organelle. Name this organelle that contains enzymes lysosome(s)
After the National Industrial Recovery Act was declared unconstitutional, Francis Perkins oversaw the implementation of this 1938 law that established a federal minimum wage. Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 or FLSA
For this type of probability, a vertical bar is written between two events. A. Name this measure of the probability of one event given that another event has occurred conditional probability
The atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima used uranium, but the bomb dropped on Nagasaki used this element. Identify this element named after an object that was considered to be a planet at the time. plutonium
A theorem named for this person states that extensions of opposite sides of a hexagon meet at collinear points if the hexagon vertices are on a conic section Blaise Pascal
This play ends with the lines “Give me your hands, if we be friends, and Robin shall restore amends.” A. Name this play by William Shakespeare in which Puck speaks after a group wedding that includes Theseus and Hippolyta A Midsummer Night’s Dream
The S.I. unit of capacitance is a shortened version of this person’s name. Name this scientist whose law of induction states that electromotive force equals the opposite of the derivative of magnetic flux with respect to time Michael Faraday
Lipids are a principal component of cell membranes. . These lipids, which are the main constituents of body fat, contain fatty acids. triglycerides
This concept is very similar to that of residual and error. A. Name this quantity found by subtracting an observed value minus the expected value, where the expected value is often the mean. Give a one-word answer deviation
This quantity equals the average value of the squares of the deviations. This quantity is the square of the standard deviation variance
This violinist, born in what is now Israel, suffered through polio as a child. He was the soloist on the Schindler’s List soundtrack and has performed many times with Pinchas Zukerman Itzhak Perlman
This cattle trail is named after the person of Scottish–Cherokee descent who started it with Black Beaver. In the 19th century, this trail was used to take cattle between Texas and places in Kansas such as Abilene Chisholm Trail
This novel’s narrator tells the mother that Franz died instantly from a shot to the heart, which is a lie. Many of the characters in this novel are students of Kantorek who encourages them to fight in World War I. Name this novel by Erich Remarque All Quiet on the Western Front
Justice Earl Warren wrote that this constitutional amendment should be applied with “evolving standards of decency”. This amendment has been the basis of prohibits excessive bail, excessive fines, and cruel and unusual punishment. 8th
A painting by this artist depicts a man in a white shirt with his hands up before he is killed by a firing squad. The painting portrays the horrors of war, glorifies Spanish resistance to Napoleon. Name this painter of The Third of May, 1808. Francisco Goya
In his role as NAACP chief counsel, this person represented the winning side in Brown v. Board of Education. Name this person who in 1967 was appointed to the Supreme Court by President LBJ, making him the first African-American Supreme Court justice Thurgood Marshall
Many people in this novel, the dead woman is called a “Martha”, meaning she had to wear green. The1st person who says “Blessed be the fruit” is a Mayday resistance member . The novel set in the Republic of Gilead, where women have lost their freedom The Handmaid’s Tale
This phenomenon occurs when cohesion is stronger than adhesion because liquid molecules have a stronger attraction to each other than they do to nearby air molecules. Name this phenomenon that explains why some insects are able to walk on water. surface tension
This person lost the Battle of Falkirk. This hero of the Battle of Stirling Bridge was eventually executed on the orders of Edward I. Name this 14th-century fighter who was replaced by Robert the Bruce as a leader in the First War of Scottish Independence William Wallace
This person was praised for his performance at the First Battle of Bull Run despite being on the losing side. Name this general who later burned Atlanta and led the March to the Sea William Tecumseh Sherman
This star, sometimes called “Alpha Ursa Minor”, has been used for navigation for hundreds of years. It can be located by following a line made by the end of the bowl in the Big Dipper. Polaris
Name this novel that begins with Alex, Pete, Georgie, and Dim drinking what he calls both “milk with knives in it” and “moloko with knives in it”. A Clockwork Orange
This quantity can be called amount concentration or substance concentration. A. Name this measure of concentration equal to moles per liter molarity
This constitutional amendment includes the Establishment Clause. Name this amendment stating that Congress can make no law “abridging the freedom of speech, press; or the peaceful assembly, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances” 1st amendment
In this novel, Tom Robinson is accused of raping Mayella Ewell. Name this novel in which Robinson is defended in court by the narrator’s father To Kill a Mockingbird
Heck Tate has this job in To Kill a Mockingbird. Mr. Tate is a witness at the trial, and after the trial he tells Atticus Finch that Bob Ewell fell on his own knife. Sheriff of Whitcomb County Alabama
During WWII this general thought some troops in a hospital were cowardly, so he slapped them, which Dwight Eisenhower made him apologize for. This general then led troops into Germany after the Battle of the Bulge. His nickname was Old Blood and Guts” George C Patton
A measurement in this unit tells the number of joules required to move a coulomb of charge from one point to another. From that definition, it can be derived that this unit times amperes equals watts, which is a common formula for Joule heating. volts
The best places for power plants that collect this energy are along the Ring of Fire & where the Earth’s crust is thin. The primary source of this energy is the natural radioactive decay of and that energy is often collected by heating water Geothermal
A couple in this Shakesperan play does get married, but the man shows up late wearing inappropriate clothes. During the ceremony he knocks over the priest. At end of this play, the husband wins a bet by demonstrating that he has the most obedient wife. Taming of the Shrew
“Theirs not to reason why, theirs but to do and die.” This poet memorialized people who rode “into the valley of Death”. Name this English poet who was inspired by 600 soldiers during Crimean War to write “The Charge of the Light Brigade” : (Alfred,) Lord Tennyson
This leader’s mother Agrippina the Younger was initially his regent, but he eventually had her assassinated. He was the last ruler of Julian-Claudian dynasty. Name this Roman emperor from 54 to 68 who, during the Great Fire of 64, supposedly fiddled Nero
In The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, this character is first described as a juvenile pariah and the son of the town drunkard. . Name this character. In another novel, he travels with Jim on the Mississippi River. Huckleberry “Huck” Finn
These plants bear flowers and have stamens with pollen sacs. Name these plants that enclose their seeds within fruit, unlike gymnosperms angiosperms
The mathematics describing these shapes was developed starting with a paper titled “How Long Is the Coast of Britain?”. A. Name these shapes that exhibit self-similarity fractals
This person described the psyche as being broken into the id, ego, and super-ego. Name this Austrian thinker considered the founder of psychoanalysis. Sigmund Freud
When this musical became a movie, Frankie Valli recorded a song saying “is the time, is the place, is the motion” & “is the way were feeling”. Name this musical about the class of 1959 at Rydell High School, with the T-Birds & the Pink Ladies. GREASE
At the beginning of this book, the author writes about forgetting her lines during an Easter church service. Name this 1969 autobiography set mostly in Stamps, Arkansas I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
These segments meet at the centroid of a triangle. Name these segments from the vertex of a triangle to the midpoint of the opposite side medians
The weight of an object equals this quantity times the gravitational field strength. Momentum is calculated by multiplying this quantity times velocity. Name this quantity that is measured in kilograms. mass
This composer wrote études with nicknames such as "Black Key" and "Revolutionary." Name this Romantic pianist and composer who incorporated melodies from his native Poland into his mazurkas and polonaises Frederic Chopin
A king of this name was accused of having "learned nothing and forgotten nothing". Give this regnal name of the monarch restored to the French throne after the downfall of Napoleon I. Another king of this name was executed in 1793. Louis [accept Louis XVIII (18) or Louis XVI
At the behest of Venus, this woman completes a series of arduous tasks, such as descending to the underworld to obtain some of Proserpine's beauty. Name this beautiful princess who aroused Venus's jealousy. Psyche
To begin this process, the artist applied the arriccio, or an underlayer of plaster.Identify this artistic medium, known for its longevity. Each day, an artist completed a section of the work called a giornata. fresco painting
The overuse of joints in baseball may lead to this condition in the elbow or shoulder, the inflammation of a sac of synovial fluid : bursitis
The biceps and triceps muscles contract to flex this joint. Name this joint which contains the cubital fossa. Baseball pitchers who have damaged a ligament in this joint have a replacement grafted in during Tommy John surgery elbow joint
A group called the Hog Farm set up a free kitchen during this muddy event, which took place on Max Yasgur's farm. Most people had already left this "three days of peace and music" by the time Jimi Hendrix played the National Anthem Woodstock Rock Festival
To cure morphine addiction, this company's founder experimented with an African nut and a South American plant wine to create a formula which was locked away in Atlanta's Trust Bank. John Pemberton created the secret formula of what soda company Coca Cola
The ozone hole lies over Antarctica because these compounds are concentrated in the southern polar vortex. Polar stratospheric clouds provide ideal reaction sites for these halogenated compounds to destroy ozone. HCFCs [or hydrochlorofluorocarbons
The protagonist of this novel has a religious awakening at the Temple of the Fire Baptized on the same day that his brother Roy is stabbed. Name this novel about John Grimes's relationship with his religious father, Gabriel Go Tell It on the Mountain
This scholar and C. S. Lewis were the two most famous members of the literary group the Inklings. His son Christopher compiled his stories about places like Númenor into The Silmarillion, his history of the land of Middle-Earth. J. R. R. Tolkien
This instrument, descended from the viol da gamba and is thus tuned in fourths, uniquely replaces the second violin in Franz Schubert's Trout Quintet. The cello is often doubled in a lower octave by what lowest-pitched string instrument in the orchestra double bass
A figure from this sculpture appears directly below The Three Shades in a large sculpture that also features Ugolino and His Children and The Kiss. name this sculpture adapted from The Gates of Hell of a man holding his fist to his chin, by Auguste Rodin The Thinker
In the late 1960s, Colonel Tom Parker signed a contract with this city's International Hotel that locked Elvis Presley into regularly performing here. name this city where musicians often play on a boulevard nicknamed "The Strip." Las Vegas
This gymnast intended to join UCLA before going pro. She is the most decorated American gymnast and has a World Championships medal in every event, as well as two floor sequences named for her Simon Biles
Angela Davis was a prominent figure associated with this party, which developed into a Marxist revolutionary group that advocated for the arming of all African Americans. It was founded after the assassination of Malcom X. Black Panthers
Contemporary composer Katherine Hoover played and primarily composed for this high-pitched, silver, transverse woodwind instrument, which she taught at the Manhattan School of Music flute
Marie Curie discovered radium along with this other element which she named after her home country. This element’s 210 isotope decays into lead in the decay chain of uranium-238 and radium-226. polonium
The Tariff Act of 1890 ended the US’s favoring of sugar from this woman’s kingdom, & the “Committee of Safety” overthrew her in the 1895 Revolution, after which she was placed on house arrest for treason. name this only female regent of Hawai’i. Queen Liliʻuokalani
This era was defined by groups like the Anti-Saloon League that lobbied for restrictions on a certain beverage. The Volstead Act was enacted to enforce the 18th Amendment, the law that formally started this era : Prohibition
The score of Sleeping Beauty was written by this Russian composer, who also composed the scores of Swan Lake and the Nutcracker : Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
In 2019,she became the first African-American woman to deliver the Democratic response to the State of the Union. Name this Georgian who refused to concede to Brian Kemp in the 2018 gubernatorial elections amid accusations that Kemp had suppressed votes Stacey Abrams
At the beginning of a novel, this group’s newest member is told that the daughters her mother had abandoned are still alive. Name this group consisting of the St. Clairs, the Jongs, and the Woos, who title a novel written by Amy Tan the Joy Luck Club
Margaret Williams appeared as that character, Arya Stark, in 59 episodes of this 8 season TV series, where she wields a sword called “The Needle,” gifted by Jon Snow. This show is adapted from a book series by George R.R. Martin Game of Thrones
Residents of this facility worked in the city’s first public playground in exchange for lessons in technical skills and English. Name this Chicago facility, a settlement house for immigrants founded by Ellen Gates Starr and Jane Addams Hull House
The protagonist Tita de la Garza’s emotions begin to seep into her cooking after being forbidden from marrying Pedro in this Laura Esquivel novel. Each chapter is named for a month and opens with a traditional recipe Like Water for Chocolate
This woman, nicknamed “Moses,” was the first to lead armed forces in the Civil War. She did so at the Combahee River Raid, where she rescued over 750 slaves Harriet Tubman
] Clara Barton founded the American chapter of this humanitarian medical organization during the Civil War. This organization provides help during emergencies and natural disasters and is named for its distinctive symbol : Red Cross
Name this singer, the Queen of Jazz, who collaborated with Duke Ellington and Louis Armstrong on songs such as “It Don’t Mean a Thing (If It Ain’t Got That Swing)” and “Dream a Little Dream of Me.” Ella Fitzgerald
This actress was a close friend of Ella Fitzgerald and helped book a gig at a nightclub sitting in the front row at each performance. This actress of “The Girl” in the Seven Year Itch died of an overdose in 1962 at the age of 36. Marilyn Monroe
Janie Crawford shoots Tea Cake Woods after he contracts rabies at the end of this novel by Zora Neale Hurston. This Harlem Renaissance classic details Janie’s spiritual growth as a woman during the Jim Crow South : Their Eyes Were Watching God
In 2014, this German chancellor became the longest-serving incumbent head of state in the European Union, although she announced in 2018 that she would not seek a fifth term as leader of the Christian Democratic Union. Angela Merkel
The characters and stands in Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures are known for having music-themed names. Jolyne is named after the Dolly Parton song and her stand “Stone Free” is named after this artist’s song of the same name. : Jimi Hendrix
In this novel, several dogs are shot during an attack on Lucy’s farm. Name this novel about Lucy’s father David Lurie, who used to be a professor of Romantic poetry. Disgrace
The S.I. unit of capacitance is a shortened version of this person’s name. Name this scientist whose law of induction states that electromotive force equals the opposite of the derivative of magnetic flux with respect to time Michael Faraday
This play ends with the lines “Give me your hands, if we be friends, and Robin shall restore amends.” Name this play by William Shakespeare in which Puck speaks after a group wedding that includes Theseus and Hippolyta A Midsummer Night’s Dream
This phenomenon occurs below the Curie temperature. Name this type of magnetism that occurs in iron, cobalt, and nickel. ferromagnetism
This person has the fourth-most time served in the U.S. Cabinet, which she belonged to from 1933 to 1945. . Name the first female cabinet member. Frances Perkins
Tay-Sachs and Gaucher disease are caused by problems with this organelle. Name this organelle that contains enzymes lysosome
The Houses of Lancaster and York were both branches of this royal house, which came from the house of Anjou. Name this royal house that ruled England from 1154 to 1485 House of Plantagenet
This diagram is a plot of luminosity versus temperature. Name this diagram used to classify stars. Hertzsprung–Russell diagram
This Confederate general died soon after being a pallbearer at Sherman’s funeral. Along with P. G. T. Beauregard and Stonewall Jackson, this person led the Confederate Army at the First Battle of Bull Run. Joseph E. Johnston
This painter often made paintings in series, including one series of Charing Cross Bridge and another on Rouen Cathedral. Name this painter of Impression: Sunrise who also made a series of paintings showing haystacks )Claude Monet
This element can be turned into a super·fluid. One of its isotopes has two different superfluid states, and another isotope has only one superfluid state helium
This 15-minute musical piece has been described as a “continuous crescendo”. . Name this 1928 composition that begins with snare drums and flutes playing parts that get passed around to the rest of the orchestra Boléro
This star, sometimes called “Alpha Ursa Minor”, has been used for navigation for hundreds of years. It can be located by following a line made by the end of the bowl in the Big Dipper Polaris
The narrator of this novel often asks “What’s it going to be then, eh?”. A. Name this novel that begins with Alex, Pete, Georgie, and Dim drinking what he calls both “milk with knives in it” and “with knives in it” A Clockwork Orange
This quantity can be called amount concentration or substance concentration. Name this measure of concentration equal to moles per liter molarity or molar concentration
In this novel, Tom Robinson is accused of raping Mayella Ewell. Name this novel in which Robinson is defended in court by the narrator’s father. : To Kill a Mockingbird
The mathematics describing these shapes was developed starting with a paper titled “How Long Is the Coast of Britain?”. Name these shapes that exhibit self-similarity fractals
Near the end of this play, Emily asks “Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it?—every, every minute?”. Name this play that begins with the Stage Manager announcing that it is set in Grover’s Corners, New Hampshire Near the end of this play, Emily asks “Do any human beings ever
For the last few years, this company has been the leading producer of smart watches, including the Series 6 that came out in 2020 and can monitor blood oxygen saturation. Name this company started by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs that makes iPads. APPLE
Income taxes are often structured so that as the taxed amount increases, the taxation rate also increases. What term refers to that scheme? progressive (income) taxation
In this test, tissue or fluid is removed from the body and sent to pathology. The tissue is often taken from a tumor or cyst biopsy
This result from a blood test gives the percentage by volume of red blood cells. It can indicate anemia or leukemia hematocrit
In 1872, the Equal Rights Party nominated Victoria Woodhull for president and this man for vice president. Name this abolitionist and orator who wrote three autobiographies, including My Bondage and My Freedom, that described his escape from slavery. Frederick Douglass
According to this poem, “The falcon cannot hear the falconer.” . Name this poem that ends “And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?” “The Second Coming”
This mother of Solomon married David after her marriage to Uriah the Hittite, whose death David indirectly caused. She worked with Nathan to get David to recognize Solomon as his successor Bathsheba
Solomon was also traditionally credited with writing this book that states “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” Ecclesiastes
A famous picture of this president shows him holding up a mistaken Chicago Tribune claiming he had lost to Thomas Dewey. A sign on this president’s desk said “The buck stops here” on one side and “I’m from Missouri” on the other. Harry S Truman
Greek gods often sent messages using a goddess named Iris who traveled along these things. In Norse mythology, a burning bridge between Midgard & Asgard is one of these things called Bifrost rainbows
The beginning, middle, and end of this novel have scaffold scenes, in the last of which Arthur Dimmesdale publicly confesses that he is Pearl’s father. The title of this novel refers to a punishment used to shame Hester Prynne The Scarlet Letter
In a novella by this author, the manager’s boy announces that one of the characters is dead shortly after that character says “The horror! The horror!”. Mr. Kurz is an ivory trader by the Congo River, Who wrote “The Secret Sharer” and Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad
The restoration of this town was funded by John Rockefeller Jr. Thomas Jefferson went to college in this town. It used to be a state capital. Name this location of the College of William & Mary that now contains a living museum of colonial history. Williamsburg, Virginia
The second part of this novel begins with Vasily Dmitrich Denisov being rejected by Natasha Rostova. Much of this novel follows the Bezukhov and Bolkonsky families. Name this novel set during Napoleon’s invasion of Russia that was written by Leo Tolstoy War and Peace
This person said “This is the fourth time I've surrendered" in 1886 . This person eventually made money by performing in Pawnee Bill’s Wild West, and crowds cheered him during President Theodore Roosevelt’s inaugural parade. Name this Apache fighter Geronimo
This desert used to receive some water from the overflow of Owens Lake, near the town of Lone Pine. At the south end Parker Dam forms Lake Havasu. This desert is between the Great Basin and Sonoran Desert partly in California and some in Nevada. Mojave Desert
This letter is the most common letter in the English language. This letter is also used to express an irrational number that is approximately 2.718 and is the base of natural logarithms e
Another painting shows a man playing this instrument while sitting with his legs crossed and his head tilted sideways. Name this instrument played by an Old man in a painting from Pablo Picasso’s Blue Period (acoustic) guitar
”. This battle took place one month after the Battle of the Coral Sea and was much more decisive, and it was two months before the Battle of Guadal·canal. Name this U.S victory during World War II at an atoll in the center of the Pacific Ocean Battle of Midway
This author wrote about a man from North Dakota who had a relationship with his cousin, Daisy Buchanan set in West Egg, NY. Name this author who wrote about a person who ages backwards in “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” & The Great Gatsby. F(rancis) Scott (Key) Fitzgerald
In one of these places, Ebenezer Scrooge asks “Why show me this, if I am past all hope? It is the last place Scrooge is taken to by the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come in A Christmas Carol. In another one of these places, Hamlet says “Alas, poor Yorick!” graveyards
This comedian from Saturday Night Live behind stand-up specials such as “New in Town” and “Kid Gorgeous” announced in September 2021 that he and girlfriend Olivia Munn were expecting a child John (Edmund) Mulaney
This robber baron opposed annexation so strongly that he personally offered 20 million dollars for the Philippines to buy their independence. This Scottish-American steel magnate wrote the Gospel of Wealth. Andrew Carnegie
In a flame test, a solution coating a nichrome wire is heated over this gas-burning laboratory device, producing a colored flame Bunsen burner
Eric Carle wrote a book about a “very hungry” one of these insects eating many foods and getting a stomach ache before metamorphosing into a butterf caterpillar
The title teddy bear of this Don Freeman book, who is named after a type of fabric, tries to find his missing button in an empty department store. Corduroy
The marketing executive Lee Iacocca clashes with Leo Beebe in this film, which stars Christian Bale as the race car driver Ken Miles. The title car companies clash at Le Mans in what 2019 film starring Matt Damon as the automotive designer Carol Shelby? Ford v. Ferrari
This person gave the nickname “Little Sure Shot” to Annie Oakley during Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show. This person was killed during his 1890 arrest at Standing Rock for allowing his people to partake in the Ghost Dance. Name this Lakota Sioux chief Sitting Bull
These buildings traditionally have an odd number of levels, as even numbers were thought to be unlucky. Name these Buddhist tiered towers which frequently feature numerous eaves on their curved roofs projecting out of their sides. pagodas
This element’s “black” allotrope is made of layered 2D sheets and acts as a semiconductor similar to graphite. Name this element whose other allotropes are used in flame retardants and incendiary bombs phosphorus
This state’s eastern border along the Snake River includes Hells Canyon, the deepest canyon in North America. ] Name this state in the Pacific Northwest whose largest city is Portland Oregon
After processing, silver was shipped to the Spanish Philippines on these square-sailed vessels. These vessels made up the ships used by the Spanish Armada, and some of them were named for the city of Manila galleons
This eight-minute-long Led Zeppelin song about a lady who's sure “all that glitters is gold” features a recorder theme along with its lengthy guitar solo played by Jimmy Page. “Stairway to Heaven
Joe Walsh and Don Felder played the guitar solo at the end of this 1976 song, which states, “some dance to remember. Some dance to forget.” This song is set by a “dark desert highway “Hotel California”
This band’s lead guitarist Slash’s guitar riffs on a song that repeatedly asks, “where do we go?” are widely considered one of the best of all time. That song appears on this band’s album Appetite for Destruction. Guns N’ Roses
Hydrophobic collapse theory describes how proteins acquire their three-dimensional structure in polar examples of these substances. Water is often called the “universal” one of these substances solvents
When Polyphemus asks Odysseus to identify himself, Odysseus tells him that his name is this. You may give either the Greek term or the common English translation nobody
Jamie Foxx sings “she take my money [pause] when I'm in need” at the beginning of a song in which this rapper calls his woman a “Gold Digger.” Name this rapper who belatedly released Donda. Kanye West
Louis Leroy coined the name of this movement to describe a foggy painting of Le Havre harbor. An artist from this movement painted a series of Water Lilies. Name this 19th century French art movement founded by Claude Monet. impressionism
A character in this work describes a 7 day swimming contest between Breca and its title character who is later aided by Wiglaf when fighting a dragon. Name this Old English epic whose title hero kills Grendel Beowulf
Time travel features prominently in Skyward Sword and Ocarina of Time, two games from this series, which also includes Breath of the Wild The Legend of Zelda
Hi’iaka and Pele are goddesses from the mythology of this archipelago in the Pacific Ocean. Other stories from this group of islands center around the trickster hero Mau Hawai’i
Flappers and Philosophers is a short story collection by this American author, who wrote about Nick Carraway in The Great Gatsb F. Scott Fitzgerald
This experiment was reproduced in dogs in a paper titled “Minding the Gap.” Name this experiment, in which rats were trained to run through a maze to reach food and the maze would be adjusted, causing the rats to run into walls. Kerplunk experiment
Robert Scott was beaten to the South Pole by Roald Amundsen, an explorer from this Scandinavian country. An explorer from here, Thor Heyerdahl, sailed on the Kon-Tiki, which is now stored at a museum in Oslo. Norway
Two statues of this man were vandalized by the Patriot Front in June 2021. A namesake “square” was dedicated to this man in Minneapolis. What man has been memorialized in statues after his murder by Derek Chauvin? George Floyd
The light-dependent reactions of this process consist of an electron transport chain on the thylakoid membrane. Name this process that plants use to produce sugars from sunlight. photosynthesis
This Manchester United forward won the inaugural Puskás Award in 2009 for his long range strike against FC Porto. Only Lionel Messi has won more Ballon D’or awards than this Portuguese striker Cristiano Ronaldo
Fans of this sport destroyed the Baths of Zeuxippus during one revolt. ] Name this sport whose greens and blues factions attempted to install Hypatius as emperor while chanting "Victory!" in the Nika Riot chariot racing
This man criticized the reach of the federal government, claiming that the presidency “squint[ed] toward monarchy.” On the eve of revolution, this man proclaimed, “give me liberty or give me death!” Patrick Henry
The Titan symphony’s fourth movement quotes the “Inferno” movement of this earlier composer’s Dante Symphony. This composer of 19 Hungarian Rhapsodies set Paris audiences into a “mania” with his virtuosity Franz Liszt
Hyacinthus, a lover of this Greek god of the sun, was turned into a namesake flower after he was hit in the head by a discus. Other domains of this twin god of Artemis include archery, medicine, and prophecy Apollo
] This nymph was turned into a laurel tree when trying to get away from Apollo, who promptly took her leaves to create a wreath. Daphne
At the end of this black-and-white film, an accountant gives the protagonist a gold ring on behalf of 1100 Polish factory workers. Name this Steven Spielberg film about a German who saved Jews from the Holocaust. Schindler’s List
This law explains why soda cans “fizz” when they are opened. Name this law which states that the partial pressure of a gas dissolved in solution is proportional to its solubility Henry's LAW
The end of this symphony’s 2nd movement in 12/8 time features a cadenza of 4 woodwinds representing a nightingale, cuckoo, & quail. That movement features a “flowing water” motif and is named “Scene by the Brook.” A 4th movement is called "Thunderstorm" Beethoven's 6th Symphony (Pastoral Symphony)
The High Holy Days conclude with this day, on which the Kol Nidre prayer is recited and Jews fast from sundown to sundown. Its name means “Day of Atonement” in Hebrew Yom Kippur
Krill bioluminescence occurs through the luciferin in the dinoflagellate they eat, which contain a tetrapyrrole ring derived from this molecule. This green pigment is used for photosynthesis chlorophyll
This philosopher stated that “out of the crooked timber of humanity, no straight thing was ever made. Name this German philosopher who described a concept as “man’s emergence from his self immaturity”. : Immanuel Kant
A floating Gala appears with a hole in her torso in a painting set by the coast of Port Lligat that depicts her as this holy figure. This woman watches two infants play with a goldfinch in a Raphael painting Madonna
This American author wrote “Hills Like White Elephants”. His time as an ambulance driver in World War I formed the basis for his novel A Farewell to Arms. : Ernest Hemingway
This electric car company’s stock has skyrocketed in recent months, in part due to success in battery production at the Gigafactories which it operates jointly with Panasonic. Tesla
These people attributed their knowledge of farming to the moon deity Coniraya. Name these people whose mythical founding father was Manco Capac Incas
This man claimed to have discovered Moroni’s buried golden plates and translated them into the Book of he Nephites, and the Lamanites. : Joseph Smith
To unite with this god, a woman sorts a pile of grain and retrieves a golden fleece. In a story from The Golden Ass, this god saves his future wife from an infernal sleep in the underworld, after which the two are made immortal by Jupiter. Cupid
This document replaced an earlier agreement made with the Virginia Company that was discarded because the mission was too far north. This document was signed on board its namesake ship, which was docked at the end of Cape Cod. Name this 1620 document. Mayflower Compact
This planet is the only one in our solar system with essentially no atmosphere. Some of the evidence supporting general relativity theory was that general relativity explains the precession of this planet. Name this planet that orbits the Sun In 88 days Mercury
This symphony begins with 3 eighth-note G’s dropping to a half-note E and then 3 eighth-note F’s dropping to a D. Those notes are this symphony’s “Fate” motif, which is also called the “short-short-short-long” motif. Name this symphony by Beethoven Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5
After growing up in Australia, P. L. Travers moved to this city and it was the setting for Mary Poppins books. J. M. Barrie moved from Scotland here and made it the setting of Peter Pan. Name this major city besides Paris in "A Tale of Two Cities" London
This French general convinced France to send ships to Yorktown, where they, with the Continental army, defeated the British and won the war Marquis de Lafayette
The Sea of Azov flows into this sea. Cities that lie on this body of water include Sochi and Istanbul The Black Sea
Along with Stratocaster and Telecaster from Fender, this electric guitar designed by Gibson is one of the most well known models in the music industry. It was inspired by a prototype called “the Log'' that was created by its namesake. Gibson Les Paul
Jimi Hendrix was known for preferring the Fender Stratocaster, a double cutaway version of this instrument. Name this musical instrument which is featured in most rock bands along with a bass and drums : electric guitar
. A common interpretation of this work is that the tiger is a representation of the protagonist and all the things he had to do to stay alive. ] Name this novel in which a young Tamil boy survives over 200 days in a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger. Life of Pi
In 2009, a group of Somali pirates hijacked Maersk Alabama and took this captain hostage. This captain was played by Tom Hanks in a 2013 movie about the event Captain Richard Phillips
. This man is credited with the discovery of the concept of buoyancy. Name this man who supposedly leapt out of his bath and shouted “Eureka!” after submerging a crown in water Archimedes
. In a colloid, light undergoes this process through the Tyndall Effect.] Name this general process in which a moving particle is forced off of a straight path scattering
The origin of this dance is credited to Perez Prado, who introduced it at a nightclub in Havana in 1943. Name this Cuban dance with rock steps and side steps that shares its name with a type of voodoo priest. : mambo
. Consumption of this substance was said to grant immortality.Name this substance, which, along with nectar, was brought by a flock of doves to Olympus, where it served as the food of the gods ambrosia
Tchaikovsky’s music for Sleeping Beauty & Dvorak’s Slavonik Dance No. 2 are works in this genre. Name this music written for a couples dance in triple time. Contrary to its name, Chopin’s “Minute” version of this style of music was intended to take 2 min. waltz
A standard set by this case was superseded after Brandenburg v. Ohio established the“imminent lawless action” test. This case stemmed from a violation of the Espionage Act, prohibiting obstruction of the draft. It established "Clear & Present Danger" : Schenck v. United States
This quantity for water can be lowered by adding salt. It is defined as the temperature at which a solid will transition into a liquid, or vice versa : melting point
A solo for this instrument which notably lacks markings opens the “Tuba Mirum” section of Mozart’s Requiem, while a famous player of it recorded jazz standards like “Moonlight Serenade” and “In the Mood.” This instrument was played by Glen Miller . trombone
The effects of this poison were studied by the author of Madame Bovary, whose father and brother were both surgeons. Name this poison which Emma Bovary uses to kill herself arsenic
The Native American Church is known for its use of this hallucinogenic plant for healing and rituals peyote
. Cedric Popkin and Roy Brown are credited with shooting this man down near Vaux-sur-Somme. Name this fighter pilot whose nickname came from the distinctive color of his plane The Red Baron
This French painter is the namesake of a National Society for birds. He depicted a four volume set of paintings of birds in The Birds of America John James Audubon
A key turning point in this battle was the betrayal of the house of York by William Stanley. Name this last major battle of the War of the Roses, which resulted in the House of Tudor gaining the English throne. Battle of Bosworth Field
This group was brutally defeated by the Duke of Cumberland in the last ever pitched battle on British soil at Culloden, after which Bonnie Prince Charlie went into exile. name this group which sought to restore the throne to the descendents of James II. : Jacobites
Robert Sherwood received three Pulitzer Prizes for Drama, including one for a play about this person “in Illinois.” This person was also the subject of several Walt Whitman poems, including “O Captain! My Captain!” : Abraham Lincoln
One of these characters exclaims “I’m a superhero!” shortly before getting crushed by a giant starfish appendage in a 2021 film. Name this team of villains-turned-antiheroes featured in a 2021 film directed by James Gunn, which sees them take down Starro the Suicide Squad
Religious responsibilities of these people include healing and communication with various spirits. Name these people who may enter an altered state of consciousness to perform their duties. Many traditional societies in Siberia utilized this role shamans
A television series based on this set of novels was followed by a set of three movies, Name this series of novels by Laura Ingalls Wilder including works set “in the Big Woods” and “on the Prairie.” : Little House on the Prairie
This Native American tribe’s last defeat took place at Palo Duro Canyon in 1874. Name these “Lords of the Southern Plains” based out of Texas and Oklahoma. Quanah Parker was the last chief of these people Comanche
The Apache Wars ended when this leader surrendered to General Nelson Miles. U.S. paratroopers are known for yelling his name while jumping Geronimo
Julie Andrews is represented on the American Film Institute Best Songs List with four songs. Three of these songs, including “My Favorite Things” and “Do Re Mi,” are from this 1965 film set in Austria The Sound of Music
This man is credited with the invention of carbonName this English chemist who discovered oxygen, sulfur dioxide, and nitrous oxideated water. Joseph Priestley
St. Bartholomew is holding his own flayed skin. God stretches his hand towards Adam in a well known fresco in this building that also houses The Last Judgment. Name this chapel in Rome whose ceiling was painted by Michelangelo. Sistine Chaptel
Hazel, Fiver, and Bigwig are some of the major characters in Watership Down, a novel by Richard Adams. Most of the characters in Watership Down are this kind of animal rabbits
A gigantic rabbit tells Lennie that he isn’t fit to “lick the boots of” any rabbit in this John Steinbeck work Of Mice and Men
Br’er Rabbit is featured in nine books of stories written by this author. This author’s stories are usually presented by the character Uncle Remus. Joel Chandler Harris
One of Joe Biden’s first acts as president was rejoining this climate agreement signed in 2016 Paris Agreement [or Paris Climate Accords
The main function of this mass of gray matter is to relay information to the cerebral cortex. It is located just above the brainstem and also plays a role in regulating the sleep cycle thalamus
This structure in the lower part of the brainstem is mostly responsible for regulating involuntary actions. It connects to the spinal cord and contains the cardiovascular centers medulla oblongata
The most populous city in this archipelago is Avalon on Santa Catalina Island. Identify these eight islands off the coast of the U.S., the largest of which is Santa Cruz. Channel Islands
This musical ends with the quote “It’s over now, the music of the night” after Christine Name this musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber.nks off a mask, revealing the title character’s deformity. The Phantom of the Opera
This character’s ghost is the subject of a 1995 song by Bruce Springsteen. Name this character released from prison at the beginning of The Grapes of Wrath after killing a man in a bar fight. Tom Joad
A treaty signed by this man established a border at Watling Street, and he defeated the Great Heathen Army at the Battle of Edington. That victory led to the establishment of the Danelaw and halted the Viking advance into this man’s territory of Wessex. Alfred the Great
This character is taken to an apartment in New York City by his former Yale classmate Tom, and he assists a rich socialite by setting up a reunion with Daisy Buchanan. Name this character who narrates F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby. Nick Carraway
This iconic folk song has been covered dozens of times by artists ranging from Elvis Presley to the Rezidudes. Name this song, whose title is given as a response to questions like “How many roads must a man walk down before you can call him a man?” “Blowin’ in the Wind
He described (*) planetary orbits as circular rather than elliptical in his seminal work, On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres. Name this Polish astronomer famous for developing heliocentrism. Nicolaus Copernicus
This man went by “Detroit Red" when he a criminal in Boston & Harlem. He claimed that the assassination of JFK was a case of “the chickens coming home to roost,” leading to his quarrel with the Nation of Islam, whose members would later kill him Malcolm X
Henry Howard is credited with introducing this poetic form to England with his translation of the Aeneid. Name this poetic form defined by unrhyming lines and regular meter. While this form can use any meter, the most common is iambic pentameter blank verse
Members of this religious movement are divided into sects called “mansions.”] Name this Jamaican religion, which reveres a single god, Jah Rastafarianism
This painting depicts two dark boats drifting in the Le Havre harbor while a bright reddish sun is reflected in the water. Name this painting by Claude Monet which provides the name for a French art movement. Impression, Sunrise
. This phrase was used to argue for laissez-faire economics by its coiner, an English polymath. Name this phrase first used by Herbert Spencer and later adopted by the author of On the Origin of Species as a replacement for natural selection. survival of the fittest
Herbert Spencer’s views on the survival of the fittest and laissez-faire economics led to the development of this theory. It focuses on applying evolutionary ideas to various social sciences. social darwinism
Three species of these animals are in the order Sirenia, which also contains dugongs, the only other herbivorous marine mammal. These animals use whiskers on their upper lip to help sense their surroundings. They are known as sea cows. manatees
This famous tenor gave his final performance of Nessun Dorma at the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin. : Luciano Pavarotti
Quakers believe in this force, which compels a person to do good in the name of Christ. It is revealed during quiet prayer and reflection in group meetings inner light
This author and her husband Melvyn Leventhal became the first legally married interracial couple in Mississippi in 1967. Name this author and civil rights activist best known for her epistolary novel The Color Purple Alice Walker
Some versions of Microsoft’s MS-DOS used a version of this language named “Quick. Name this programming language which was designed to be easy for those new to programming BASIC [or Beginners’ All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code]
. This man led two different bands known as his “Hot Five. ] Name this jazz trumpeter who popularized scat singing Louis Armstrong
This fatal neurodegenerative disease is believed to be caused by prions. Consuming meat from an animal with this disease is believed to cause variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease : mad cow disease
This German-American coined the phrase "identity crisis. Name this man who theorized eight stages of psychosocial development Erik Erikson
In 2021, trade rumors surrounding this player exploded after he expressed a desire not to return to his current team. Name this reigning NFL MVP who has been the starting quarterback for the Packers since 2008. Aaron Rodgers
This term describes the books of the Bible that outline the life and teachings of Jesus. Name this term which is Greek for “good news.” gospels
Eric the Red spent three years in this territory in 982 before eventually establishing a settlement here over ten years later. Name this autonomous territory of Denmark, the world’s largest island Greenland
This Muse of epic poetry lends her name to a keyboard instrument sometimes called a steam organ Calliope
Ernest Mandel noted that a rise in multinational corporations was one feature of the “late” stage of this economic system. Name this economic system characterized by private ownership of the means of production. capitalism
This founding father wrote Poor Richard’s Almanack under the pseudonym Richard Saunders Benjamin Franklin
After the death of (*) Edward I, this king won his country's independence, signing the Treaty of Northampton fourteen years after defeating Edward II. Name this man who won the Battle of Bannockburn before becoming King of Scotland : Robert the Bruce
This sculpture has been criticized for the youthful appearance of a figure who is a generation older than the other person in it, It is housed in St. Peter’s Basilica. Name this Michelangelo work in which Mary holds the body of Jesus in her lap. The Pieta
This song was written by Richard Shuckburgh to mock New England soldiers who fought with the British during the French & Indian War. Name this song, which ultimately became a popular patriotic anthem for the colonists during the Revolution. Yankee Doodle Dandy
This Civil War-era tune written by Julia Ward Howe exclaims “glory, glory, hallelujah!” and that “his truth is marching on.” : “Battle Hymn of the Republic” [accept “Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory”] <GR
Name this Austrian physicist who also names a thought experiment in which a cat in a box can be interpreted as being both alive and dead until observed : Erwin Schrödinger
Spaghettification is caused by the extreme tidal forces that occur close to these objects. ] Name these objects, the gravitational forces of which are so extreme that not even light can escape from their event horizons black holes
This instrument was invented in 1906 by its namesake German scientist and usually emits clicks when it detects radiation. Geiger counter
The song “Turn! Turn! Turn!” by The Byrds adapts eight verses of this biblical book, in which we are told that there is a “time to grieve and a time to dance.” This book follows the book of Proverbs in the Old Testament. : Ecclesiastes
In 2005, scientists photographing Pluto in preparation for the New Horizons mission discovered two tiny moons of Pluto. They are about 2 to 3 times farther away from Pluto than its better known moon Charon, but are larger than Styx & Kerberos. Name one : Nix or Hydra
The cowboy outlaws at the O.K. Corral were cattle ranchers, a profession which fell off after Joseph Glidden's 1874 invention of this technology : barbed wire
Name these places of worship that usually contain an “ark” in which a rabbi may store Torah scrolls : synagogues
Identify this 1896 case in which the Supreme Court upheld the doctrine of “separate but equal.” Its plaintiff protested being forced to sit in the non-white section of a train car. Homer A. Plessy v. John H. Ferguson
At the beginning of the movie, Buttercup’s lover Westley is thought to have been killed by one of these people named Roberts. Johnny Depp plays one of them named Captain Jack Sparrow pirates
In this novel, Waverly Jong becomes a national chess champion at the age of nine. A group of four women play mahjong in this novel’s title group The Joy Luck Club
In a semi-autobiographical play by this author, a Jewish intellectual from New York contemplates marrying a German woman named Helga. Name this author who created the characters Quentin and Maggie in his play After the Fall Arthur Miller
The song Crocodile Rock topped this artist’s album Don’t Shoot Me I’m Only the Piano Player, his second straight No. 1 album in the US. Name this British artist of Your Song, Tiny Dancer, & Rocketman. Bernie Taupin wrote most of this artist’s lyrics. : Sir Elton John
This layer of the atmosphere contains an “anacoustic zone” in which sound cannot be transmitted due to the low density. Name this layer of the atmosphere above the mesosphere and below the exosphere, which contains the ionosphere thermosphere
Name this concept measured by the Stanford-Binet Scales. 100 is the average score on a test that produces a namesake “quotient” that purports to measure this concept : intelligence
Arguably the biggest factor was the disappearance of this disease, which had periodically struck Europe since the 14th century. This disease killed up to one third of Europe’s entire population Black Death
An exchange of food, ideas, and diseases between Eurasia and the New World is named after this explorer. Ferdinand and Isabella funded this explorer’s best known voyage, on which he brought the Niña, Pinta, and Santa María : Christopher Columbus
Thomas More described this policy as a stream of government income “to every person, rich or poor” in his book Utopia. Name this economic policy, which economists like Milton Friedman have advocated for in the form of a “negative income tax.” Universal Basic Income [or UBI]
A former salt mine on this state’s Avery Island is where Tabasco sauce is manufactured. Lake Pontchartrain is in this state, which is divided into 64 parishes. A dish from this state contains meat or shellfish mixed with vegetables in a thick soup-gumbo Louisiana
Name this kind of animal, one of which lived in Nemea. Heracles strangled that one of these animals with his bare hands, thus completing his first labor : lions
The name of this Swedish pop supergroup is an acronym for the first names of its two couples. This group broke records with the 1976 worldwide hit Dancing Queen ABBA
One of these beings who brought his bow to the Council of Elrond in Rivendell joined the Fellowship of the Ring, and initially disliked the dwarf Gimli. Legolas was a Sylvan type of, what beings in Lord of the Rings with long hair and ears? elf
Name this molecule, which unlike RNA uses thymine alongside adenine, cytosine and guanine. This molecule encodes an organism’s genetics. DNA [or Deoxyribonucleic Acid]
This author of Still I Rise wrote the semi-autobiographical novel I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. She read her poem On the Pulse of Morning at Bill Clinton’s inauguration. : Maya Angelou
Fidelio is the only opera by this composer, whose other works include the “Eroica” symphony and the “Moonlight” Sonata : Ludwig van Beethoven
Name the westernmost country on the European mainland through which the Arctic Circle runs. Norway
At whose mill was gold discovered in California, setting off the gold rush of 1849? Sutters
The Grand Banks is known as the foggiest place on Earth. The reason is that in this region, the cold waters of the Labrador Current meet the warm waters of what other current? Gulf Stream
Roger Williams purchased land from the Narragansett Indians that became what state? Rhode Island
William Quantrill was on his way to Washington, D.C. to assassinate the president when he was killed by Union guerrillas in 1865. In any case, he would have been too late because what other person had already beaten him to it? John Wilkes Booth
Although it had been used by several of the world's peoples for some thousands of years, what symbol came to represent mass murder, genocide, and tyranny after it was adopted by the Nazis? swastika
The cities of Pyongyang and Pusan are on what peninsula? Korean Peninsula
The hormone ecdysone makes insects shed their exoskeletons, a periodic process called what? molting
Name the heavy-bodied lizard that reaches a length of 10 feet and a weight of 360 pounds that feeds on wild boar, deer, and pigs. Komodo dragon
The ancient Egyptians noticed that a certain very bright star began appearing above the horizon just before the floods came. Name this heavenly body also known as the "Dog Star." Sirius
Spell the term meaning a device in which laundry is pressed between rollers to extract water that is a homophone for a horseshoe thrown so it encircles the stake. wringer
This is from what story by C.S. Lewis? Wrong will be right, when Aslan comes in sight, At the sound of his roar, sorrows will be no more, When he bares his teeth, winter meets its death ,And when he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
What literary technique is illustrated here? Jill wished she could rid herself of the sick feeling in her stomach that told her something terrible was just around the corner. foreshadowing
In the Battle of Crecy in 1346, what weapon enabled 20,000 English archers to defeat some 60,000 French soldiers? longbow
How is this proverb usually stated? A feathered biped in the phalanges is equal to two of the same in the shrubbery. A bird in the hand ...
What tactic was illustrated when Huey Long spoke before the Senate for 15 hours and 30 minutes, urging continued Senate confirmation for senior employees of the National Recovery Administration and describing his favorite recipes? filibuster
What is the title of a folksong about a canal from Albany to Buffalo, New York? The Erie Canal
Gutzon Borglum worked on the massive sculpture at Stone Mountain in Georgia and on what other similar project in the Black Hills of South Dakota? Mount Rushmore
The people of what Latin American civilization mistook the conquistador Cortes for their god, Quetzalcoatl? Aztec
What character in "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" framed Sirius Black for the murder of thirteen people, including Harry's parents? Peter Pettigrew
The shortest route between the North Atlantic and the Indian Ocean is through what artificial waterway? Suez Canal
This is from what story by O. Henry? "Dell," said he, "let's put our Christmas presents away and keep 'em a while. They're too nice to use just at present. I sold the watch to get the money to buy your combs. And now suppose you put the chops on. The Gift of the Magi
Composed by John Philip Sousa, "Semper Fidelis" is the official march of what branch of the U.S. military? Marines
What West Indian commonwealth was discovered by Columbus, settled by Ponce de Leon, and ceded to the U.S. after the Spanish-American War? between the toes, and sparks flashing from the nose during a sneeze? Puerto Rico
What is the common name for the condition described by athletes as a pain in the front of the lower leg between the knee and ankle? shin splints
What 19th-century president warned that any interference by a European nation with the affairs of an independent nation in the Western Hemisphere would be seen as a "manifestation of an unfriendly disposition toward the U.S."? James Monroe
What is the intensive pronoun in this verse? Sir, I admit your general rule, That every poet is a fool. But you yourself may serve to show it, That every fool is not a poet. yourself
What field of science deals with the production of temperatures near absolute zero and the investigation of the behavior of matter at these temperatures? cryogenics (cryogeny)
What is the name for the scientific study of insects? entomology
These are lyrics from a song in what musical? You are sixteen going on seventeen Waiting for life to start Somebody kind who touches your mind Will suddenly touch your heart The Sound of Music
Most meteorites are believed to originate in the asteroid belt between what two planets? Mars, Jupiter
Tradition has it that the walls of Jericho were brought down by the sound of what musical instruments? trumpets (shofars)
What tense is in this example? From all parts of Europe, the settlers had come to begin their new lives free of oppression. past perfect
What part of the body includes these muscles? vastus lateralis tibialis anterior sartorius gastrocnemius biceps femoris soleus leg
At 10, this American-Australian mathematician was the youngest person to have won a medal at the IMO, got his Ph.D. at age 20, and has since received a Fields Medal, A MacArthur Award, a Clay Research Award, and more. (Terence) Tao
Another word for the average, the arithmetic version of this is the sum of a set’s values, divided by the number of values in the set. (arithmetic) mean
Sometimes there are two of these, this value is the middle number in a set arranged in ascending or descending order. median
Another famous bug happens in this video game where the screen is split into two halves at level 256. Instead of the usual visuals, the code covers the right side in dozens of characters, which it thinks are collected fruit. Pac-Man
One of the earliest fractals, based on the Koch curve, is named after these things, which are said to all be unique Koch snowflake
In The Elements by this mathematician, a set of appealing axioms are set forth to prove numerous geometric propositions. This man was the first to write a complete, coherent account of all geometry theory Euclid
This mathematician struggled with mental health issues like schizophrenia, but still managed to make great contributions to game theory. This American mathematician is the main character in A Beautiful Mind (John) Nash
All rational numbers have one of these, which is its multiplicative inverse, since the product will always be 1. These can be found by placing the denominator of a number as the numerator, and the numerator as the denominator reciprocal
Archimedes’ constant is found everywhere in geometry that involves this shape, the 2 dimensional construction of all of the points equidistant from a center point. circle
A cube is an example of one of these, but a cylinder is not. These shapes are 3d extrusions of 2d polygons prisms
Name this leader who aided a campaign of political repression and genocide known as the Great Purge. This leader, who organized his country’s economy into five-year plans, was the Soviet leader during World War II Joseph Stalin
Kruschev and Stalin were both members of the Soviet party espousing this ideology. This ideology is structured around common ownership of the means of production, and was named after a manifesto written by Karl Marx communism
Name this title character of the second book in a series by Jeff Kinney. This character owns a white van that sports his garage band’s name, Löded Diper, on its side, and spends most of his time tormenting his brother Greg. Rodrick Heffley
This play’s title character, a friend of Banquo, is called a thane by three witches. A superstition holds that this play’s name is cursed, so this play is instead called “The Scottish Play” by actors in theaters. Macbeth
] This artificial lake between Nevada and Arizona was formed by the accumulation of the Colorado River behind Hoover Dam. This lake and Lake Powell are the two largest artificial water reservoirs in the United States Lake Mead
This Russian chemist used the Law of Octaves to predict the properties of germanium, gallium, and scandium and in the process invented the periodic table Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev
] Frank Lloyd Wright designed this building in southwestern Pennsylvania for the Kaufmann family. This building uses cantilevered floors to extend over a waterfall Fallingwater
“Stormin’” Norman Schwarzkopf led this portion of the Gulf War, which included the attack on Iraq. This operation followed the liberation of Kuwait and Operation Desert Shield Operation Desert Storm
When their magma chambers are emptied, which often occurs during explosive eruptions, volcanoes can collapse into these structures. Crater Lake is found in one of these depressions at the top of volcanoes caldera
Prohibition-era lawlessness was symbolized by these guns, which could be carried in violin cases. These specific guns were used both by bootleggers and law enforcement, most notably in the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre. Tommy guns
This man, who was named “Public Enemy Number One'' in 1930, ordered the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre. This notorious gangster also known as “Scarface” was later arrested and sent to Alcatraz prison : Al Capone
The construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope on this tallest mountain on Hawaiʻi’s Big Island has been heavily protested by Native Hawaiians. This is the most sacred mountain in Hawaiian culture Mauna Kea
A common symbol of Kwanzaa, the kinara, features seven of these objects to represent the seven principles of Kwanzaa. In Judaism, nine of these objects are placed on the menorah during Hanukkah. candles
Name this holiday celebrated from December 26 to January 1 every year, ending with a feast of faith called Karamu Ya Imani. This holiday was developed as an annual celebration of African-American culture : Kwanzaa
Name this 12-sign classification system based on the lunar calendar. This cycle starts with the symbol of the rat since, according to myth, he won a race held by the Jade Emperor by riding on the ox : Chinese zodiac sign
This man learned how to read and write by watching local ship workers. Name this former slave who published the The North Star and wrote “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July.” Frederick Douglass
Maraschino cherries are often made using two main types of cherries, one of which is this type of cherry which was developed in Washington state. These cherries are named for a mountain near Seattle. Rainier cherries
This app is known in China as “Douyin.” Name this social media app that consists of short videos, often of people doing dances dubbed with music or other audio recordings : TikTok
Name this hero who crawled into the body of the Goddess of the Night in an attempt to make mankind immortal. This figure sings “You’re Welcome” and is voiced by Dwayne The Rock Johnson in Moana. Maui
Since neutrons and protons are both hadrons, they are made up of these smaller particles held together with gluons. These particles have three colors and six flavors: up, down, top, bottom, strange, and charm quarks
When this leader crossed the (*) Rubicon, he sparked a civil war with an ex-member of the First Triumvirate, Pompey. What Roman dictator died on the Ides of March after he was stabbed by his friend Brutus? Gaius Julius Caesar
The Italian-American Mafia can trace its roots to this Italian island, where original members extorted lemon farmers to pay “protection money” for help against potential thieves. : Sicily
Name this organized criminal enterprise based in cities like New York and Chicago, often referred to as “La Cosa Nostra” by its members. It was represented in films like The Godfather movies. Italian Mafia
Name this rapper who said “The Hate U Gave Little Infants” screws over everybody. This rapper was shot in a drive-by in Las Vegas, six months before his rival The Notorious B.I.G., or Biggie, met the same fate. Tupac Amaru Shakur
Name this character who, after being expelled from Pencey Prep, wanders around New York and eventually meets up with his sister Phoebe, despite dropping the Little Shirley Beans record he’d bought for her. Holden Caulfield
Though many authors have written that this structure is large enough to be seen from the moon, it is sometimes not even visible from low Earth orbits. Name this defensive fortification. : Great Wall of China
Cities Destin and Pensacola are located on this body of water, & they are threatened by toxic algae blooms known as red tide. In 2015, British Petroleum paid $18.7 billion over damage caused by an oil spill in this body of water, called Deepwater Horizon Gulf of Mexico
The shortest verse in the King James Bible, “Jesus wept,” occurs after Jesus is invited to see this man’s burial place. Martha, his sister, then shows the site to Jesus, who prays to God and resurrects him. Lazarus of Bethany
Name this simplest aromatic hydrocarbon, whose structure was discovered by August Kekule after supposedly having a vision of a snake eating its own tail. This molecule’s formula is C6H6. benzene
This man was the US Minister to Sweden and France simultaneously. This man used the pseudonym “Silence Dogood” in a series of letters to The New England Courant before becoming the first US Postmaster General. He was the author of Poor Richard’s Almanac : Benjamin Franklin
Umlauts and other accents are most commonly applied to these letters. These letters, which have sounds produced with an open vocal tract, are contrasted with consonants. vowels
After this battle in the War of 1812, Oliver Hazard Perry sent the message “we have met the enemy and they are ours.” This naval battle allowed the Americans to re-capture Detroit Battle of Lake Erie
After rallying from a victory at Lake Erie, American forces were able to kill this Shawnee leader at the Battle of the Thames, destroying his Native American Confederacy. Tecumseh
Name this character whom a sorcerer persuades into retrieving a magic oil lamp from a trapped cave. This character summons a lesser genie from a magic ring when he rubs his hands together. Aladdin
Name this Los Angeles Lakers guard known for scoring 81 points against the Toronto Raptors and 60 points in his final NBA game. This athlete died in a 2020 helicopter crash in Calabasas, California. Kobe Bean Bryant
Name this country, now a constituent country of the United Kingdom. This country had monarchs that included William the Lion and Robert the Bruce. : Scotland
The historical boundary between Scotland and England follows one of these structures commissioned by the Roman Emperor Hadrian. One of these structures inspired by that one is built out of ice in Game of Thrones. wall
Scotland was conquered in the early 1300s by Edward I of England, the Hammer of the Scots. This man was appointed as the Guardian of Scotland to lead the rebellion against Edward I, though he resigned after losing at the Battle of Falkirk William Wallace
This process can be described by Graham’s Law or Fick’s Laws. Name this process driven by a gradient in concentration, in which a substance of high concentration moves to a region of lower concentration. diffusion
The “vorpal blade” goes “snicker-snack” in “Jabberwocky,” a poem in Through the Looking Glass by this author. This English author wrote of a bottle labeled “DRINK ME” & a cake labeled “EAT ME” in a novel that begins with “Down the Rabbit Hole. Lewis Carroll
Name this jackal-headed god of mummification and death. This son of Nephthys (NEF-this) weighed the souls of the dead to determine whether they were worthy of entering the realm of the dead. Anubis
Anubis is a key deity in the mythology of this country. Rulers from this country were buried in pyramids to ensure their safe passage to the afterlife. Egypt
Television personality James May built a two-story house entirely out of this material, but got no buyers. This material, was invented by Ole Kirk Christiansen .A movie about these things features master builders sing “Everything Is Awesome.” LEGOS
. During this holiday, unleavened bread known as (*) matzah is eaten during the two traditional seder meals. Name this eight-day Jewish holiday that commemorates the Jews’ exodus from Egypt Passover
In a novel by this author, the protagonist travels to the Vault of Souls, where a massive number of Eldunarí remain hidden from the tyrant king Galbatorix. Name this author of Eragon and Brising who published his first book at age 19 : Christopher Paolini
At only 18 years old, this artist suffered a bus accident that left her unable to walk for 3 months and gave her lifelong medical problem. Name this Mexican painter who lived in her childhood home, nicknamed La Casa Azul Frida Kahlo
This is the name for the great circle at 0 degrees latitude on Earth. Equator
Antipodal [ann-TIP-uh-dul] points are pairs of points on a sphere connected by this type of segment through the sphere diameter
This opera premiered on Christmas Eve, 1871, in Cairo. Name this opera in which the Egyptian military commander Radamès falls in love with the title character prisoner, an Ethiopian princess Aida
Name this thread-like spice with a distinctive golden-orange color. It is generally regarded as the world's most expensive spice saffron
The longest-tenured British Poet Laureate was this Victorian author of “In Memoriam A.H.H.” and “The Charge of the Light Brigade. Alfred, Lord Tennyson
The interaction of those storms with the Earth's magnetic field resulted in the “borealis” form of these phenomena, which are often called the Northern Lights aurora borealis or auroras
Solar flares can also cause ”proton storms” that create charged particles in this atmospheric layer, which contains electron-dense regions labeled D, E, and F ionosphere
This capital of Brazil was planned and developed in the 1950s to serve as a replacement for Rio de Janeiro Brasília
William Tweed was the “boss” of this New York City political machine, which opposed pro-labor factions in the 19th and 20th centuries Tammany Hall
In 1966 this boxer declared himself a conscientious objector and was sentenced to prison for draft evasion. Muhammad Ali
Members of this ethnic group were targeted in the Anfal genocide.. Name this ethnic group that was victimized in gas attacks organized by Saddam Hussein's cousin, “Chemical Ali Kurds
Public outcry erupted during this war over troops being sent ”embalmed beef.” John Hay, who was secretary of state at its end, called it a ”splendid little war.” The Battle of San Juan Hill was fought in what war with Teddy Roosevelt and his rough riders Spanish American War
John Locke described property as “life, liberty, and estate,” inspiring the phrase ”life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” in this 1776 document. (U.S.) Declaration of Independence
The Cartesian plane can be divided into four quadrants. How many quadrants does a line go through, if it is neither horizontal nor vertical and does not go through the origin? 3
The name of this literary format is derived from a Greek word meaning ”letter.” Identify this literary format in which a text is presented as a series of letters or other documents epistolary
In the Odyssey, Penelope waits with her son Telemachus on this island for the return of her husband, its ruler Ithaca
This river was dammed at Glen Canyon to create Lake Powell. This river, which irrigates the Imperial Valley, flows into the Gulf of California and flows through the Grand Canyon Colorado River
Much of this novel takes place in a house at 124 Bluestone Road. Name this Pulitzer Prize-winning novel about Sethe, who kills her daughter to save her from slavery Beloved
Beloved was written by this author of The Bluest Eye and Song of Solomon. Toni Morrison
King Christian IX of Denmark is often referred to as the “father-in-law of Europe”; this British queen who reigned for 63 years is known as the “grandmother of Europe.” Queen Victoria
This novel, which begins “all this happened, more or less,” depicts the (*) bombing of Dresden. Billy Pilgrim appears in what Kurt Vonnegut novel? Slaughterhouse-Five
The Trinity River, the longest river wholly within Texas, runs through this city. Name this city, home to the Perot Museum of Nature and Science. Dallas
Among the most visited attractions in Dallas is a museum in the building from which John F. Kennedy was shot; at the time of the shooting, it was this type of building book depository
The winged lion is a symbol representing this evangelist, to whom one of the Four Gospels is attributed. Saint Mark
This heavyweight boxer was stripped of his title and banned from boxing for refusing to be drafted to the Vietnam War, claiming "I ain't got no quarrel with those Vietcong : Muhammad Ali (or Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr
After medaling in the 200 meter dash at the 1968 Summer Olympics, runners Tommie Smith and John Carlos caused a stir by taking this action on the medal stand. raising their fists in the air (accept reasonable equivalents; accept black power salute
What does a funambulist walk on? tightrope
Name this interrelationship between species from the Greek for "to live together". symbiosis
The enzyme amylase breaks starches down into what types of multi-carbon compounds? sugars
This word means the uppermost point. It was the name of the company from which Wile E. Coyote ordered his equipment from. What is it? Acme
The Broadway stage musical "Mamma Mia" features the songs of what 1970s Swedish pop group? Abba
The difference between a country's imports and exports is known by what economic term? balance of trade
The growing of a plants roots toward a water source is an example of what biological response? hydrotropism
These unspecialized cells can reproduce themselves indefinitely and replace any type of specialized cell in the body. The use of the embryonic type of these cells is highly controversial stem cells
Martin Luther King, Jr. and the SCLC led a protest in this city using nonviolent methods such as sit-ins. King was jailed for 8 days in this city because of his demonstrations Birmingham
This mayor of Birmingham was known for his violent treatment of protesters. He ordered the police to break up the Civil Rights demonstrations by using fire hoses and other violent means Eugene Bull O'Connor
He formulated the concepts of the id, ego, and superego in his Beyond the Pleasure Principle. Name this Austrian psychologist and founder of psychoanalysis, who also wrote The Interpretation of Dreams Sigmund Freud
This country consists of over seventeen thousand islands, and it has the largest Muslim population in the world. Name this archipelagic country that has volcanoes including Tambora and Krakatoa, with capital at Jakarta on the island of Java Indonesia
This strike pitted the Amalgated Association of Iron and Steel Workers against the Carnegie Steel Company. Henry Clay Frick enlisted Pinkertons to break it up Homestead Strike
] Photosynthesis takes place in the stroma of these organelles. They contain chlorophyll and are theorized to have evolved from cyanobacteria Chloroplasts
George Washington ordered that the first of these pamphlets be read to his soldiers at Valley Forge. Name this series of pamphlets advocating war with Great Britain that declared, “These are the times that try men’s souls.” The Crisis [accept The American Crisis]
The Crisis was written by this American revolutionary, who declared that it is absurd for a continent to be governed by an island in his pamphlet, Common Sense Thomas Paine
The Vedas and Upanishads are written in this ancient language of India, which was a precursor to modern-day Indian languages such as Hindi. Sanskrit
He becomes deaf while working as a bell ringer at a cathedral.] Name this character who murders Claude Frollo and dies of starvation while embracing Esmeralda. Quasimodo
This leader was assassinated by Nathuram Godse, and he led a march to the sea protesting the British salt monopoly. name this champion of satyagraha, an advocate of Indian independence who was given the title Mahatma. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi [accept Mahatma Gandhi]
Name the plant structure which moves materials from the roots to the rest of the plant Xylem
He received his first Ph.D. at age sixteen in twistor theory, possesses an IQ of 187, and is unable to comprehend sarcasm. Name this Caltech theoretical physicist, a socially awkward, conceited genius who is the roommate of Leonard Hofstadter Dr. Sheldon Cooper
National Guard troops shot four students at an antiwar protest held at this Ohio university after troops were ordered in by governor James Rhodes Kent State
This well-known strike-slip fault in California forms the border between the Pacific and North American tectonic plates and runs for roughly 810 miles San Andreas Fault
Followers of this school of thought aim to become “gentlemen,” or junzi, & its founder laid out the five basic relationships. Other core concepts of this belief system include filial piety, and prominent texts in this philosophy include the Analects. Confucianism
The strength of a tornado is measured on this scale, whose highest value is 5. Fujita-Pearson scale
Zeus asked this goddess to help Perseus in killing Medusa. She supplied Perseus with magical items such as the winged sandals and the invisibility helmet. Athena
Damage to this structure can cause anterograde amnesia. Name this seahorse-shaped structure associated with the long-term memory and spatial navigation functions Hippocampus
The narrator of this work is sentenced to torture and death during the Spanish Inquisition. Name this short story in which the narrator is nearly driven into the title entity, but is saved by General Lasalle “The Pit and the Pendulum"
He was famous for his practice of realpolitik. Name this “Iron Chancellor” of Germany who gave the “Blood and Iron” speech. Otto von Bismarck
After the explosion of the USS Maine, the United States entered this war whose battlefields included Cuba and which was ended by the Treaty of Paris Spanish-American War
This quantity is equal to a wave’s velocity divided by wavelength. Measured in hertz, it is the number of periods of a wave which pass a given point in one second Frequency
Florence Nightingale served as a nurse during this conflict, which included the Battle of Chernaya. Name this war in which several European nations and the Ottoman Empire fought against Russia over the namesake peninsula Crimean War
Developed by Namco, fruits such as strawberries & cherries appear in the middle of the screen offering bonuses. Its developer said he was inspired by a pizza missing a slice when creating this game, & its enemies are named Clyde, Blinky, Pinky, & Inky PacMan
He dealt with the Fronde during his reign, and this participant in the War of Spanish Succession repealed the Edict of this French monarch who built a palace in Versailles and was known as the “Sun King.” Louis XIV
Members of this powerful Renaissance family included the wife of Henry II of France, Catherine, as well as Cosimo, the founder of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany Medici
This avatar of Vishnu serves as Arjuna’s charioteer, and the speech he gives to Arjuna before the outbreak of the Kurukshetra War is recorded as the Bhagavad Gita. Krishna
This science advocate of induction and author of The New Atlantis first developed the scientific method Sir Francis Bacon
This imperial palace in Beijing was built during the Ming dynasty. It was the center of Chinese government until the end of the Qing dynasty Forbidden City
Name this court case in which the Supreme Court overturned the Missouri Compromise as unconstitutional and declared that slaves were not U.S. citizens. Dred Scott v. John F. A. Sandford
This Pillar of Islam dictates prayer five times a day salat
This author of Elementary Treatise on Chemistry also named the element hydrogen. Name this French scientist who developed the law of conservation of mass, often considered the father of modern chemistry Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier
The victims in this opera include Zerlina and Donna Elvira, and the title figure escapes with his servant Leporello after a murder. The statue of the Commendatore drags the title figure to hell in its final scene. Name this opera by Mozart Don Giovanni
One of his officers lost a copy of his battle plan before the Battle of Antietam, and he suppressed an attempted revolt led by John Brown at Harper's Ferry. Name this Confederate general who surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse. Robert E Lee
The stars Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka form this constellation’s “belt. Name this constellation known as “The Great Hunter.” Orion
Although it is the constellation’s alpha star, this red supergiant is actually the second brightest star in Orion by magnitude. It forms one of Orion’s shoulders Betelgeuse
The Dardanelles connects this body of water to the Aegean Name this sea connected to the Sea of Marmara by the Bosporus. Sea. Black Sea
This quantity equals zero when the force and displacement vectors are perpendicular to each other. Name this quantity measured in joules, the change in kinetic energy of an object Work
This quantity, the rate at which work is done, is equal to the dot product of the force and velocity vectors Power
It is separated into the three divisions of wisdom, ethical conduct, and mental development. Name this fourth of the Four Noble Truths, which the adherents of Buddhism believe is the way to end suffering The Noble Eightfold Path
Siddhartha Gautama is believed to be the first figure to achieve this state of enlightened peace and freedom from suffering Nirvana
This country borders the Skagerrak Strait and has cities including Trondheim and Oslo. It is well known for its fjords Norway
After disguising as a cherub to get past Uriel,he transforms into a cormorant & perches upon the Tree of Life, & he claims it is “better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven. identify this epic poem in which Satan succeeds in tempting Adam and Eve to sin Paradise Lost by John Milton
This river empties into the English Channel at Le Havre, and it flows through Roen. Name this river that is bridged by the Pont Neuf in Paris, which it flows through Seine
Identify this ballet in which Siegfried is tricked into declaring his love for Odile instead of Odette, who is turned into the title creature during the day Swan Lake
This man’s 1971 album Ram was recently reissued to much fanfare. “Band on the Run”, “Silly Love Songs”, and “My Love” are a few notable solo hits by this bassist and ex-Beatle who composed “Yesterday Sir James Paul McCartney
This figure’s best known act was a kiss that identified Jesus. Identify this Apostle who, according to the gospels, betrayed Jesus to the soldiers of the high priests for 30 pieces of silver : Judas Iscariot
This Cyclops, a son of Poseidon, trapped Odysseus's crew and ate some of them before Odysseus escaped after getting him drunk and blinding him. : Polyphemus
According to Ovid, Circe poisoned this woman and turned her into a monster, whom Odysseus sailed quickly past while trying to avoid Charybdis Scylla
The narrator of this poem, filled with “sorrow for the lost Lenore”, is visited by the title figure, who speaks only the word “nevermore”. “The Raven
Name this type of rock, which, along with metamorphic, makes up 95% of the Earth’s crust. It is formed from the cooling of magma igneous rock
The center of this work shows humans riding giant animals & fruit. This work depicts Earth during creation. Featuring The Joining of Adam and Eve on the left panel and a depiction of Hell on the right, , identify this triptych by Hieronymus Bosch The Garden of Earthly Delights
Name this quantity. Gauss’ Law for it states its flux is proportional to the integral of the enclosed mass gravity
. Rushes for this metal occurred at Aspen and Telluride, Colorado. Identify this coinage metal used in quarters that was mined heavily during the 19th century in the Rocky Mountains Silver
This deposit of silver was located around Virginia City. Adolph Sutro built a tunnel to drain it, and it was home to namesake “kings” such as William S. O’Brien Comstock Lode
This man wrote The Grapes of Wrath, as well as a novella in which the migrant farm hands George and Lennie dream of “living of the fatta’ the lan” before the latter is shot John Steinbeck
Major concepts in this faith include dharma, a guide for living righteously, & moksha, which is the release from the cycle of rebirth. Name this religion which has holy texts such as the Vedas and Upanishads, the third-most practiced religion in the world Hinduism
This Hindu preserver god is a member of the Trimurti and is depicted with four arms and a conch shell. This god has ten major avatars, including Krishna Vishnu
This work portrays Jesus’ dead body lying in a young Virgin Mary’s lap. It popularized its subject in Italy for emphasizing the human elements of Christ while on view in St. Peter’s Basilica. : Pietà
This Daoist concept literally means “non-action.” In practice, this concept involves living in accordance with the Dao by making effortless actions, or those that are least opposed to nature. : wu wei
This Alabama city, the site of the 16th Street Baptist Church Bombing, was also the site of Project C, an early SCLC protest against Jim Crow laws Birmingham, Alabama
This basic gas law can be seen at work in a piston, and can be derived theoretically by assuming elastic collisions. Identify this law which states that in a closed system, the pressure exerted on a gas is inversely proportional to its volume Boyle’s Law
This British director of thrillers like Psycho and Vertigo filmed almost half of Blackmail as a silent film. When sound technology became available in 1929, he started over and refilmed it with sound. Alfred Hitchcock
The American Psychiatric Association has proposed merging Asperger syndrome with this more general diagnostic term for a developmental disorder involving social deficits and stereotyped behaviors and interests Autism
Several of this group’s most successful songs were featured in the 1968 film The Graduate, including “Scarborough Fair” & “The Sound of Silence. Name this American soft rock duo behind “Mrs. Robinson”. Simon and Garfunkel
One law by Coulomb and two laws by Amonton describe it, and its usual mechanical form is given by the normal force of an object times its namesake coefficient. It comes in static and kinetic varieties, and this force always opposes the direction of motion friction
They can be created in condensation or addition reactions by step-growth or chain-growth methods, respectively. Examples of these molecules include Kevlar, Teflon, PVC, and nylon. Name these molecules composed of a chain of repeating monomers. polymers
One character in this novel is hit by a speeding car, after the protagonist questioned his own happiness following a conversation with his neighbor, Clarisse In this novel Captain Beatty is incinerated by the ex-fireman & book-burner Guy Montag Fahrenheit 451
The composer of “Salt Peanuts” & “Night in Tunisia” played one of these, while one player of this instrument popularized scat-singing with “Heebie Jeebies.” With a bent one played by Dizzy Gillespie, name this instrument played by Louis Armstrong. trumpets
This woman led the opposition during the Winter of Discontent. As Prime Minister, she decreased public spending & was nearly assassinated by the IRA. She is often depicted as a counterpart of contemporary US president Reagan. Her nickname was "Iron Lady" Margaret Thatcher
This transparent outer tissue with no blood vessels covers the iris and pupil, and accounts for about 2/3 of the eye’s refractive power cornea
Name this group on the far right of the periodic table whose members are generally very unreactive because they have full valence shells group 18 or noble gases
Methodist followers of George Whitefield were influenced by this theologian who lived in Switzerland and preached ideas like predestination and total depravity. : John Calvin
. In this poem Death casts dice with Life-in-Death for some characters’ souls. ] Name this poem that describes “water, water, every where / Nor any drop to drink,” in which the title character is cursed for shooting an albatross The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”
The artist's sister and his dentist were the models for the people in this painting. A (*) pitchfork is held by the right figure of, for 10 points, what painting by Grant Wood? American Gothic
On Saturday night, the title character of this work has a stomachache after eating foods such as chocolate cake & ice cream. At the end of this story, that creature stays in a cocoon for 2 weeks before becoming a butterfly, Name this book by Eric Carle. The Very Hungry Caterpillar
A woman in this play sleepwalks through a castle while guiltily trying to wash invisible blood off her hands, declaring "Out, damned spot!" The title character of this play kills (*) Banquo to defend his throne after earlier killing Duncan The Tragedy of Macbeth
In the Harry Potter series, Hagrid owns a multi-headed one of these animals named Fluffy which guards the Sorcerer’s Stone. Kate DiCamillo wrote a book about one of these animals, named after and found in the supermarket (*) Winn Dixie dogs
The only primary producers in the deepest parts of the ocean are bacteria who can metabolize hydrogen and this gas. This simplest alkane has formula CH4 and is the primary component of natural gas methane
In Norse mythology, the first giant Ymir emerges from the Ginnungagap, which is surrounded by Niflheim and Muspelheim, worlds which contain these two substances. fire and ice
During the State of the Union, Congress is gathered in the House chamber, & one person is given this role & chosen to stay in a secret location in the event of a mass-casualty incident. designated survivor
Gregor Mendel concluded that dominance in genes existed due to observing these things for his pea plants. They are the set of physical characteristics of an object, and are contrasted with the genotype, or genetic characteristics of an object. phenotypes
What sports beverage was originally developed for the University of Florida football team? Gatorade
What oath taken by medical students upon becoming doctors is named after an ancient Greek physician? Hippocratic Oath
In the Queen's English, this word means a waiting line. What is this word that names the list of documents waiting for your printer? queue
Constructed over 5,000 years ago, it is unknown how this structure located in Salisbury was made, but it is thought that Druids built it for astronomical purposes. Name this ring of rocks located in England. Stonehenge
Common for a thousand years and used in Mel Gibson's film, what language was spoken by the Jews in Palestine around the time of Jesus? Aramaic
Name this form of poetry consisting of a total of 17 syllables haiku
This poem follows six hundred men who journey “half a league” “in the valley of Death. Identify this poem about a disastrous expedition in the Crimean War “The Charge of the Light Brigade”
] Navajo soldiers were among those filling this role in World War II. They were highly successful because their grammar system was so complex. Code Talkers
Name this economic curve which plots quantity of a product against price. It helps find the equilibrium price when it intersects with the supply curve demand curve
Water has a high freezing point because of these forces, which occur between their namesake element and electronegative atoms including oxygen, fluorine, and nitrogen hydrogen bonds
He never finished his Adoration of The Magi and he painted a woman in a black dress rocking a baby in front of some cliffs in Madonna of the Rocks. Name this designer of an early helicopter and creator of a sketch called the Vitruvian Man. Leonardo Da Vinci
This man, appointed Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, passed the Affordable Care Act, and ran with the slogan “Yes We Can” to defeat John McCain in the 2008 presidential election. Name the 1st African-American president of the US Barack Hussein Obama
This author wrote a work in which the title animal discovers that he has matured into a swan. In another the emperor has no clothes. Name this author of stories such as “The Ugly Duckling”. Hans Christian Andersen
Thomas Malory wrote about the life of this ruler, whose ultimate downfall was at the Battle of Camlann by his illegitimate son Mordred. This king, who wields the sword he pulled out of stone, Excalibur, heads Camelot with his wife Guinevere. King Arthur Pendragon
The Russian-owned Vostok Station can be found in Princess Elizabeth Land in this continent.. Vinson Massif is its highest point, and it is the largest desert in the world. Name this continent where the Earth’s coldest air temperatures have been recorded. Antartica
In one of this man’s works, a flower rises over a broken sword, while a light bulb shines above a horse. Paintings such as The Old Guitarist were works during this man’s Blue Period. Name this Spanish-born Cubist painter of Guernica Pablo Picasso
These animals have a vocal organ at the base of their trachea called the syrinx. These animals have an organ called a gizzard that stores swallowed stones to grind food. These animals possess hollow bones to lower their weight. birds
In this play, the title character rewrites a letter to send Rosencrantz & Guildenstern to their deaths, and later accidentally stabs Polonius. The title character of this play duels using poisoned tipped swords & he kills King Claudius as revenge Hamlet
Cells in this system include neurons and glia. What is this system which, in higher animals, has the functions of detecting stimuli, transmitting messages, interpreting information, and responding? nervous system
This chef’s exact kitchen, which was the setting for a cooking show this chef hosted with Jacques Pépin , is now preserved in the Smithsonian. Name this Cordon Bleu-trained American chef, who popularized French cuisine to American audiences through Julia Child
When drawing with a pencil, this technique of overlapping lines can be used to suggest shading and depth. Where lines intersect more closely, figures appear darker under this technique cross batching
Louis IV's first chief minister was Cardinal Mazarin, who continued the policies of this other powerful French cardinal. This man led France during the Thirty Years’ War and was called the “Red Eminence.” : Cardinal Richelieu
The cyclical nature of time in Jainism is used to explain why this process continually occurs. Samsara is the cycle of death and this concept, which in Hinduism involves the transfer of the soul to another body. reincarnation
In a novel, this author described “men without skin” who push the woman with my face into the sea in a stream-of-consciousness description of the Middle Passage. Another novel begins with a passage from “Dick & Jane” which is repeated w/out punctuation Toni Morrison
General Sherman, the largest tree by volume in the world, is in this national park & is of the species that this park is named for. Name this national park immediately south of Kings Canyon in the Sierra Nevada mountains in California. Sequoia National Park
Tryptophan is a biological precursor to this pineal gland-secreted hormone responsible for controlling circadian rhythms. melatonin
Deficiencies in serotonin, another tryptophan derivative, have been linked to this mood disorder characterized by extended feelings of sadness and emptiness depression
This technique is linked to earthquakes in seismically-inactive places like Oklahoma. This technique exploits unconventional reserves by injecting high-pressure fluid into shale beds. Name this controversial method of oil and gas extraction. fracking
The parents of this animal are believed to be Orthrus and the Chimera, making it the grandson of Typhon and Echidna. Name this animal. The killer of this animal uses its own claws to skin it and return home with its thick fur Nemean Lion
] Heracles completes the twelve labors after being commanded to do so by this cousin of his. After Hera causes Heracles to kill his family, the Oracle at Delphi tells him to serve this king of Mycenae and Tiryns. : Eurystheus
Many geysers are also in this country’s Taupo Volcanic Zone, which is near its Bay of Plenty. In 2019, twenty-two people died in a volcanic eruption after tour groups failed to evacuate this country’s White Island. New Zealand
A Civil War marching song states that this person’s body “lies a-mouldering in the grave” but “his soul is marching on. Name this militant abolitionist who led anti-slavery forces in Bleeding Kansa s & raided the Harper’s Ferry arsenal, seeking weapons John Brown
This ethnic group claims descent from the Israelites who rejected Eli as High Priest and instead followed Uzzi to Mount Gerizim. In one of Jesus’ parables, a traveller is helped by a “good” member of this ethnic group Samaritans
Name the character who narrates that poem set after his return to England. This character survives on a desert island for 28 years with his companion Friday in a novel by Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe
This artist depicted a Thanksgiving dinner in the (*) “from Want” section of one work. Name this American artist who created the Four Freedoms series for the Saturday Evening Post. Norman Rockwell
In another myth, Apollo becomes infatuated with this nymph after being struck by one of Cupid’s arrows. To escape his pursuits, this nymph prays to her father Peneus, who transforms her into a laurel tree Daphne
Yet another unfortunate lover of Apollo is this man, who is killed after a jealous Zephyrus redirects a discus to hit him. After this man’s death, Apollo creates a flower out of his blood Hyacinthus
One theoretical success of string theory is its ability to replicate predictions of the thermodynamics of these things. These astronomical bodies are so dense that even light cannot escape. black holes
Name this conflict fought by the Narragansett and Wampanoag tribes against the New England Confederation. Over 600 Narragansett warriors were killed in the Great Swamp Fight during this conflict King Philip’s War
The main character of this novel learns about the Soul of the World, described as “‘the principle that governs all thing. In this novel, Santiago attempts to fulfill his Personal Legend by travelling to the Egyptian pyramids in search of treasure The Alchemist
] In The Alchemist, Santiago learns that the Master Work of alchemy is creating the Elixir of Life and this object, which can turn lead into gold. Nicolas Flamel owns this object in the first Harry Potter novel. the philosopher’s stone [accept the sorcerer’s stone
A red-haired woman curls up into a ball while she is showered by golden rain in this artist’s painting Danae. Name this artist who painted 2 portraits of Adele Bloch-Bauer. He used gold leaf on a painting of 2 lovers embracing on a flower-covered cliff. Gustav Klimt
This work’s protagonist dies in a fight against a dragon while accompanied by Wiglaf. In this work, the protagonist rips off the arm of a monster who attacks the mead-hall Heorot, which is ruled by Hrothgar Beowulf
These animals are the primary prey of the fossa in Madagascar. Types of these animals include the indri, aye-aye, and ring-tailed. In a movie, the Sacha Baron Cohen-played character of King Julien is one of these animal lemurs
This man is credited with the discovery of the concept of buoyancy.Name this man who supposedly leapt out of his bath and shouted “Eureka!” after submerging a crown in water. : Archimedes
This man cosigned the warrant ordering the beheading of Charles I, after which he was named Lord Protector. Name this man who won the English Civil War and created the Commonwealth of England. Oliver Cromwell
The United Kingdom faced a crisis in 1936 when this king abdicated. Name this king, who abdicated when Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin refused to approve his marriage Edward VIII
After abdicating, Edward VIII was succeeded by this younger brother, who later led the country through World War II. He was the father of Queen Elizabeth II. George V
A constant that appears in this law is equal to the reciprocal of four pi times the permittivity of free space. Name this law of physics that gives the electrostatic force between two point charges. Coulomb’s law
He returned from (*) Midian to Egypt after a directive from a burning bush, and this leader used his staff to bring a series of plagues onto the people of Pharaoh. Name this Abrahamic prophet who parted the Red Sea during the Exodus Moses
The “celestial bureaucracy” of Chinese mythology is headed by an emperor named for this substance. This usually-green mineral was used for a variety of ceremonial and decorative purposes in China. jade
A major road in the Appalachian Mountains is this subrange’s namesake Parkway. This subrange contains the highest point in the Eastern United States, Mount Mitchell. : Blue Ridge Mountains
It is necessary for Muslims to perform this action after Umrah or Hajj, In 2011, eight members of a breakaway Amish group were imprisoned for forcibly performing this action on others. Name this action which caused Samson to lose his strength : cutting of hair
The country of Ghana was known by this name while a British colony. Gold Coast
Ghana was central to Trans-Saharan trade, which was largely based on gold and this substance. salt
“I’m so happy” is the opening lyric to a Nirvana track which shares its name with this lightest metallic element, which is frequently prescribed as a treatment for mental illnesses such as depression. lithium
3 Doors Down asked “Will you still call me Superman?” in this song, which is named for a fictitious substance whose own name comes from the noble gas with atomic number 36 kryptonite
After the death of Muhammed, the Islamic community disagreed on who to name as his successor. This close friend of Muhammed was named his successor and became the first caliph of the Islamic empire Abu Bakr
A temple to this god only opened its doors during war, and he has no equivalent in the Greek pantheon. Name this two-faced Roman god of gates and doors, the namesake of the first month of the year. Janus
This flower girl is inspired to improve herself after being told she could pass as a duchess by speaking properly. Name this character who takes phonetics lessons from Henry Higgins Eliza Doolittle
Frank Sinatra headlined this unofficial group of actors and musicians who often appeared together in Vegas performances and feature films. Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jr. were other notable members of this group. Rat Pack
This colorfully-named sea lies west of the Korean Peninsula and north of the East China Sea. Yellow Sea
Members of this religion expose their dead atop of towers of silence and its main text contains the Gathas. Angra Mainyu is the ultimate evil of this religion, adherents of which worship in fire temples. Name this Persian religion : Zoroastrianism
Two atoms of this element are connected via a triple bond in the most abundant gas in Earth’s atmosphere. Name this element which names a “fixation” used to create ammonia. Nitrogen
Some critics of this sect described its founder Mother Ann Lee of being a “sexual sorceress” due to the use of dance in their services. This celibate group got their name because of the twitching and jerking motions they made during worship. Shakers
Teddy Roosevelt’s foreign policy is usually named after this specific object. Roosevelt said to “speak softly and carry” this object Big Stick
Teddy Roosevelt’s successor William Howard Taft implemented this policy in Latin America, which sought to influence countries with money instead of war. Dollar Diplomacy
The Brancacci Chapel is located in this Italian city, which is also home to the Palazzo Vecchio and the Uffizi Gallery. Florence
] Both The Expulsion from the Garden of Eden and The Tribute Money are works in this style, in which paint is applied to wet plaster. This technique was also used for the Sistine Chapel ceiling. frescoes
At the center of every black hole is one of these points of extreme density, which is created when the entire mass of a star is condensed into a very small area. singularity
Reptiles of this superfamily of order Testudines, such as the Leatherback and Hawksbill, have traits from both types of selection. While these aquatic animals are long lived, they have large numbers of offspring which require no parental care. turtles
This founding father wrote Poor Richard’s Almanack under the pseudonym Richard Saunders Ben Franklin
Name this economic system characterized by private ownership of the means of production capitalism
This Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback and seven-time Super Bowl champion was one of several celebrities to begin offering original content through NFT services in 2021 Tom Brady
The highest point in this mountain range is Gerlach, located in its High Tatras subrange. Name this mountain range which covers much of Eastern and Central Europe. Carpathian Mountains
After the death of Edward I, this king won his country's independence, signing the Treaty of Northampton fourteen years after defeating Edward II. Name this man who won the Battle of Bannockburn before becoming King of Scotland. Robert the Bruce
Norse deities would eat apples from this goddess’s garden to sustain their immortality. Name this goddess who is rescued from a giant by Loki, who transforms her into a nut and flies her back to Asgard. Idunn
This American folk hero is said to have planted most of the apple trees in the Midwest by throwing seeds behind him as he walked Johnny Appleseed
] Name this song, which ultimately became a popular patriotic anthem for the colonists during the American Revolution. The Americans played this song after their victory at Yorktown. Yankee Doodle
This Civil War-era tune written by Julia Ward Howe exclaims “glory, glory, hallelujah!” and that “his truth is marching on.” “Battle Hymn of the Republic
The change in this quantity is equal to the work done on a system. Name this “energy of motion” equal to one-half mass times velocity-squared. kinetic energy
In 2021, trade rumors surrounding this player exploded after he expressed a desire not to return to his current team. Name this reigning NFL MVP who has been the starting quarterback for the Packers since 2008 Aaron Rodgers
This architect designed a home nicknamed the “stone quarry,” and his most famous work is scheduled to be finished in 2026. Name this Catalan architect who designed the Casa Mila and the Sagrada Famillia Antoni Gaudí
The traditional definition of this concept as justified true belief is often attributed to Plato. Name this concept studied by epistemologists knowledge
Chlorofluorocarbons decay into these compounds when struck by ultraviolet light. Name these highly reactive molecules, which are neutralized by antioxidants and characterized by unpaired electrons. free radicals
Name the autonomous territory of Denmark, the world’s largest island. Greenland
This American explorer “proved” that Greenland was an island on his second expedition to the Arctic in 1891. He claimed to have been the first to have reached the North Pole, but later research suggests he fell short by several miles. Robert Edwin Peary, Sr.
The refraining of accepting gifts of money is the 10th precept of the dasa-sila in this faith, but it is not included in its Eightfold Path. Members may choose to stay in the cycle of samsara. Name this religion, whose branches are Theravada & Mahayana Buddhism
This term describes the books of the Bible that outline the life and teachings of Jesus. Name this term which is Greek for “good news.” gospels
This gospel of the Bible is considered non-synoptic because it includes several stories that are not in the other three. It also leaves out other stories, including the Sermon on the Mount John
This physician is believed to have written his namesake gospel of the Bible as well as the Book of Acts. Luke
This father of Louis the Pious was given his most famous title on Christmas Day, 800. Name this Carolingian King of the Franks regarded as the first Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne
The British loss in this Revolutionary War battle forced Cornwallis to pull his troops out of South Carolina. Name this battle fought in a field used locally for grazing cattle. Battle of Cowpens
In Greek mythology, this group of goddesses once judged a music contest between Apollo and the satyr Marsyas. Identify this group of nine goddesses whose domains included literature and the arts The Muses
An example of this shape can be created using a twisted strip of paper attached to itself at the ends. Name this non-Euclidean shape which has an Euler characteristic of zero. Mobius strip
. Zachary Taylor earned his nickname “Old Rough and Ready” while fighting these people. Identify this Native American tribe that fought three namesake wars with the US, the first of which was ended by the Treaty of Payne’s Landing. Seminole
The Seminole Wars were mostly fought in this state, where the Seminole were able to use the swamps to their advantage. Florida
. The (*) tidewater type of these bodies end at a sea, and most of the world’s freshwater is contained in these masses that leave moraines and u-shaped valleys in their wake. Name these large, slow-moving bodies of ice glaciers
The prophet Elijah performed this action on a young boy after praying to God. Name this type of event that occurred to Jesus three days after the crucifixion. : resurrection
. Some versions of Microsoft’s MS-DOS used a version of this language named “Quick.” Name this programming language which was designed to be easy for those new to programming. BASIC [or Beginners’ All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code]
These policies contained a grandfather clause which allowed some whites to bypass them, as they were intended to disenfranchise various minorities. Identify this type of tax required for voter registration before being outlawed by the 24th Amendment. poll taxes
Name the process, which occurs in the core of stars, that combines atomic nuclei to release energy nuclear fusion
Stars can use the proton-proton chain to perform fusion, releasing this element helium
Sandro Botticelli may have participated in this event by destroying his own works. Name this 1497 event in which various paintings, books, and cosmetics were deemed immoral and burned Bonfire of the Vanities
One of these structures can be found at Epcot in Walt Disney World. Name these structures whose distinct triangular faces allow them to withstand heavy amounts of stress, even at large sizes geodesic dome
In December 2021, this Democratic senator from West Virginia said that he would not support Build Back Better. This senator and Kyrsten Sinema have angered progressives for blocking much of the Democratic agenda Joe Manchin
Richard Drew captured “The Falling Man” during this event. Another photograph taken during this event by Lyle Owerko showed the moment in which a plane hit one of the Twin Towers September 11, 2001 attacks
This robber baron opposed annexation so strongly that he personally offered 20 million dollars for the Philippines to buy their independence. This Scottish-American steel magnate wrote the Gospel of Wealth Andrew Carnegie
The decline of this ethnnic group began with the Lindisfarne Raid. This ethnic group’s kingdom of Wessex was ruled by Alfred the Great. Name this ethnic group that ruled England from the Roman withdrawal to the Viking invasion Anglo Saxons
L Ron Hubbard is believed to have “dropped his body” to continue working in another plane of existence by followers of this religion that he founded. Church of Scientology
In a flame test, a solution coating a nichrome wire is heated over this gas-burning laboratory device, producing a colored flame. Bunsen Burner
This disorder can be tested for by measuring whether a person’s sweat is abnormally salty. A defect in the chloride channel CFTR causes, what genetic disease characterized by a thick buildup of mucus in the lungs? cystic fibrosis
This religious reformer debated Ulrich Zwingli during the Marburg Colloquy. This reformer's posting of his 95 Theses on the door of a Wittenberg church kicked off the Protestant Reformation Martin Luther
This eight-minute-long Led Zeppelin song about a lady who's sure “all that glitters is gold” features a recorder theme along with its lengthy guitar solo played by Jimmy Page. “Stairway to Heaven”
This band’s lead guitarist Slash’s guitar riffs on a song that repeatedly asks, “where do we go?” are widely considered one of the best of all time. That song appears on this band’s album Appetite for Destruction Guns and Roses
] Joe Walsh and Don Felder played the guitar solo at the end of this 1976 song, which states, “some dance to remember. Some dance to forget.” This song is set by a “dark desert highway.” “Hotel California”
After being betrayed by Thomas Marvel, a character of a novel by this author describes his “Reign of Terror” to Dr. Kemp.Name this author of The Invisible Man who wrote about Martians dying from bacteria they have no resistance to in The War of the Worlds HG Wells
In this H.G. Wells novel, the protagonist builds the title device to travel through four dimensions, where he encounters the Eloi and ape-like troglodytes called Morlocks The Time Machine
Polyphemus had to cry out for help after this witty king of Ithaca stabbed in his eye with a wooden stake. His journey back home titles a famous Homeric epic. Odysseus
The album Three Ragas, which introduced Hindustani music to the west in the 1950s, was composed by a player of this instrument named Ravi Shankar. Shankar later taught George Harrison to play this instrument. sitar
After processing, silver was shipped to the Spanish Philippines on these square-sailed vessels. These vessels made up the ships used by the Spanish Armada, and some of them were named for the city of Manila galleons
This dynasty imported Spanish silver to replace its currency after a disastrous experiment with paper money. Gavin Menzies speculated that this dynasty discovered the Americas before Christopher Columbus Ming Dynasty
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency operates under this cabinet department. Name this most-recently created cabinet department, currently headed by Alejandro Mayorkas United States Department of Homeland Security
In Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s detective books, Sherlock Holmes and his friend Dr. Watson live at this London address. 221B Baker Street
Minkowski diagrams are used to model events in this theory. Name this theory by Albert Einstein, which postulates that the speed of light is constant for all observers. This theory has a “general” counterpart. special relativity
The general in this battle divided his forces to fight Joseph Hooker’s army, leading it to become known as Robert E. Lee’s “perfect battle.” Stonewall Jackson was mistakenly shot by his own men during, what 1863 Confederate victory in Virginia? Battle of Chancellorsville
This musical is based on a series of Yiddish stories by Sholem Aleichem. A milkman in this musical imagines a lavish life for him and his wife Golde in the song “If I Were a Rich Man.” Tevye appears in what musical about Jews in Imperial Russia Fiddler on the Roof
Name this Norse god who stands on the edge of a boat and prepares to strike a sea creature with the hammer Mjolnir in a painting titled for him Battering the Midgard Serpent Thor
In an overture by this composer, trombones triumphantly play “God Save the Tsar” to commemorate a military victory. Name this Russian composer who composed the Pathetique symphony and the 1812 Overture Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
This band’s lead singer repeats the word “hello” and screams, “here we are now, entertain us” on a song from their album Nevermind. Kurt Cobain headed, what Seattle grunge band behind “Heart-Shaped Box” and “Smells Like Teen Spirit?” Nirvana
Answer the following about substitute teachers in TV comedy.] Dewey Finn becomes a substitute teacher after being kicked out of his rock band in this 2003 movie. The School of Rock
Every camera angle in one film by this director is at eye-level with a disabled photographer. Marion Crane is murdered in a shower while staying at the Bates Motel .Name this “master of suspense” who directed murder mysteries like Rear Window and Psycho Alfred Hitchcock
One member of this group, Melba Beals, published the book Warriors Don’t Cry about her experiences attending Central High School. Name this group of African American students who transfered to an all-white high school in 1957 accompanied by the army. Little Rock Nine
The desegregation of schools, such as Little Rock Central High School, was urged to proceed “with all deliberate speed” by this 1954 Supreme Court case, which overturned Plessy v. Ferguson. Brown v. Board of Education (of Topeka)
] The Chamber of Secrets can only be opened by the heir of this Hogwarts founder. He names the house to which Voldemort and Severus Snape belonged Salazar Slytherin
Current Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves signed a bill that established a new state flag in the aftermath of protests after this Minnesota man was murdered by police officer Derek Chauvin. George Floyd
In May 2022, Joe Biden invoked the Defense Production Act in order to carry out "Operation Fly [this substance. ] Name this substance. Cronobacter sakazakii bacteria in a brand of this substance called EleCare caused a shutdown at Abbott Labs baby formula
Give the common name for the Migrant Protection Protocols policy. The court forced the Biden Administration to try to follow the policy by rejecting a stay in Biden v. Texas Remain-in-Mexico policy
The left half of this picture shows a cypress tree, and the upper right corner shows a crescent moon. Name this 1889 painting with a swirling sky The Starry Night
This character debuted in Action Comics #1 in summer 1938. ] Name this comic book character who was created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. He is adopted by a farm couple after surviving the destruction of Krypton as an infant. : Superman [or Clark Kent
One woman in this novel worries about telling her mother that she is engaged to Rich Schields because the woman is considered to be a rabbit & the mother is a horse. This novel, set in San Francisco, is about four women born in China & their daughters The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tran
Soon after God changed the name of this woman & her husband, he announced that she would have a son. This woman denied that she laughed when she overheard that she would have a son at her very advanced age. Name this wife of Abraham in the book of Genesis Sarah
This man created an Academical Village and the Rotunda at a university campus. What Virginia governor and U.S. president helped to design the Virginia State Capitol, the University of Virginia, and his Monticello residence Thomas Jefferson
This novel’s author won the Nobel Prize for writing it, but he declined the prize because he would not have been allowed back in the Soviet Union. Name this novel in which the title character falls in love with Lara, written by Boris Pasternak Doctor Zhivago
The existence of these organisms on lettuce processed in Yuma, Arizona in 2018 led to food recalls. Name this species of rod-shaped bacteria that often lives in digestive tracts, though some strains are often responsible for food poisoning. : E(scherichia) coli
This event happened at the end of a police brutality protest that was organized by anarchists. Name this 1886 event that took place in Chicago, in which somebody threw a bomb at police and the police responded with gunfire Haymarket Square affair
This object was the first object, other than planets, that was shown to orbit the Sun. Identify this comet named after the person who, in 1705, correctly predicted that it would next be sighted in 1758 Halley ’s Comet
This star of Pulp Fiction and Grease produced and played Terl in 2000's Battlefield Earth, a widely panned adaptation of an L. Ron Hubbard novel John (Joseph) Travolta
A nickname for this region and period is “the Dirty Thirties”, and one of the days in 1935 became known as Black Sunday. Give this two-word phrase for areas affected by drought and storms in the 1930s that hurt agricultural output mainly in OK and KS. Dust Bowl
This steroid hormone is released by the adrenal gland during stress, and it makes glucagon and adrenaline more effective. cortisol
This Greek god of blacksmiths was often portrayed as misshapen, which might explain why his beautiful wife Aphrodite often cheated on him Hephaestus
These mythological creatures were part woman and part bird. They are beautiful in early depictions, but over time their portrayals made them uglier and uglier harpies
Lipids are a principal component of cell membranes. These lipids, which are the main constituents of body fat, contain fatty acids. triglycerides
Robert Redford, who played this person in a movie, convinced him to focus on himself and his colleagues when co-writing All the President’s Men. Name this person who worked with Carl Bernstein to investigate Watergate Bob Woodward
Many Establishment Clause legal cases now are decided based on a test named for this plaintiff in a 1971 Supreme Court case. The test tries to prevent excessive government entanglement with religion Alton Lemon (Lemon Test)
The Tabard Inn is the setting of this collection in which the Wife of Bath and many pilgrims travel to (*) Thomas Becket’s shrine. Name this collection of tales by Geoffrey Chaucer. The Canterbury Tales
This novel’s protagonist converts to socialism after his father's death & moves to Packingtown from Lithuania yet can only find work in unkempt factories. Name this novel that exposed Chicago’s meatpacking industry by Upton Sinclair. The Jungle
Photons have a value of 0 for this quantity, and a device used to measure this quantity is the triple-beam balance. Density is this quantity divided by volume mass
The NKVD secret police carried out the “Great Purge” under this man. This man’s country was invaded in Operation Barbarossa by Nazi Germany. This leader sent an assassin to kill his enemy Leon Trotsky. Who was this man who led the Soviet Union in WWII Joseph Stalin
Paolo and Francesca appear in this work whose narrator encounters a gate stating “Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.” (*) Virgil (VUR-jil) guides the narrator of this work through the circles of Hell. Name this first part of Dante’s Divine Comedy. Inferno
This mountain range’s highest peak is Mount Elbert. The Tetons and Pikes Peak are also located in this mountain range, which names a national park in Colorado. Name this large mountain range that runs from Canada down to New Mexico Rocky Mountains
This organelle’s matrix is home to a process called the electron transport chain in which ATP is created, which takes place after the Krebs cycle. Name this organelle commonly called the “powerhouse of the cell.” mitochondria
This man proclaimed “Thank God almighty we are free at last!” in a famous address in Washington, D.C. This man was assassinated by James Earl Ray in Memphis. Name this civil rights activist who gave the “I Have a Dream” speech. Martin Luther King Jr.
In a novel by this author, the title character joins the Artful Dodger and Fagin after impertinently pleading, “Please sir, I want some more.” Name this author of Great Expectations and Oliver Twist. Charles Dickens
A stratospheric “hole” in Earth’s polar regions has been depleted of this molecule. Name this molecule with formula O3 whose “layer” in the atmosphere absorbs harmful radiation. ozone
This president used his “big stick” diplomacy to begin building the Panama Canal. This “trustbusting” president founded the Bull Moose Party. William McKinley was succeded by what president depicted on Mount Rushmore Theodore Roosevelt
Tiresias was blinded after seeing this goddess naked. One of this goddess’ symbols is an olive branch, and she was born from her father’s head. After insulting this daughter of Metis, Ariadne was turned into a spider Athena
These Group 18 elements have a full valence shell of electrons and occupy the far right column of the periodic table. Name these gaseous elements like helium and argon that are named for being unreactive noble gases
The capital of this civilization was founded after an eagle was on top of a cactus and was called Tenochtitlan. Name this empire in modern-day Mexico that was conquered by Hern´an Cortes Aztec Empire
In a play, this writer depicted a woman who is raped by Stanley while visiting his wife, Stella Kowalski, in New Orleans’s French Quarter. Blanche DuBois appears in, what playwright’s A Streetcar Named Desire? Thomas Lanier “Tennessee” Williams III
This one-time lover of Rosaline is lectured about Queen Mab by his friends. This character stabs his wife’s cousin, Tybalt, causing his banishment. He seeks aid from Friar Lawrence to plan his wedding with a girl he had met at a ball in Verona Romeo Montague
This nationalistic piece contains a symbolic battle between La Marsellaise and Russian folk music. This piece’s end calls for cannon fire and is accompanied by fireworks during Boston Pops orchestra performances. the 1812 Overture
This early Mesoamerican civilization was named for its production of rubber. This civilization constructed massive stone heads in the jungles surrounding their cities of San Lorenzo and La Venta Olmec
These people write midrash commentaries. Moses’ brother Aaron is considered the first of these people, who after the destruction of the Second Temple, spread the Torah through oral tradition. Name these spiritual leaders of Judaism rabbis
At the 2020 VMA’s, this artist of (*) “Mother’s Daughter” performed her single “Midnight Sky” while swinging from a giant disco ball in reference to a 2013 music video in which this artist swung naked a wrecking ball Miley Cyrus
Van Gogh painted Starry Night from his window in one of these places in Saint-Rémy. Van Gogh’s declining health at one of these places is symbolized by a portrait of an old man clenching his hands against his head by a fireplace titled At Eternity’s Gate menta asylum
Room 4 in the British Museum contains this artifact detailing an expedition of Ptolemy V on the Nile. Jean Francois Champollion studied Greek translations of Egyptian hieroglyphic writing on this artifact Rosetta Stone
Green Bay lends its name to a city in this state, to which the Upper Peninsula of Michigan is physically connected. This state’s cities include Madison and Milwaukee. Wisconsin
This story was published in The New York Sunday World in 1905 & later in The Four Million. Name this O. Henry story about Della selling her hair to buy her husband Jim a chain for his watch, only to find out Jim sold his watch to buy her a set of combs “The Gift of the Magi
Survivors of the largest Jewish ghetto uprising in this country were sent to Treblinka, and other concentration camps in this country included Birkenau and Auschwitz. The beginning of World War II is marked by the 1939 German Invasion of, what country? Poland
This entity will collide with the Milky Way galaxy in roughly 3 billion years. This largest member of the Local Group is number 31 in the Messier catalogue. Name this closest major spiral galaxy to the Milky Way Andromeda
One story by this author opens with Montresor telling the story of the day he took revenge on Fortunato. Name this author of “The Cask of Amontillado” whose other horror short stories include “The Black Cat” and “The Fall of the House of Usher Edgar Allan Poe
In this historically inaccurate Edgar Allen Poe short story, a prisoner of the Spanish Inquisition escapes death at the hands of the title object by having rats chew through the rope that binds him. “The Pit and the Pendulum”
Name this brain structure located behind the pons which is responsible for coordination and motor control. Between 50 to 80 percent of the brain’s neurons are found in this structure. cerebellum
The title character of this opera sings of flying “from joy to joy” in the aria “Sempre Libera.” In the famous brindisi “Libiamo ne’ lieti calici,” Name opera by Giuseppe Verdi about Violetta Valery, the title tuberculosis stricken “fallen woman.” La Traviata
The ship Naglfar, which is made of the untrimmed fingernails & toenails of the dead, is said to carry forces to this apocalyptic event. Name this final battle in Norse mythology that sees the deaths of all the gods and Yggdrasil being set on fire by Surtr Ragnarök
This long event precedes Ragnarök and kills most of humanity with three brutal winters. Lif and Lifthrasir are the only humans to survive this event Fimbulwinter
Richard the Lionheart returns to the English throne in this novel with the help of a knight who marries the princess Rowena. Name this novel about the title Saxon knight by Sir Walter Scott. Ivanhoe
Saul Goodman appears on this AMC TV show and its spinoff, Better Call Saul. This series follows the cancer-diagnosed chemistry teacher Walter White as he works with Jessie Pinkman to cook meth. Breaking Bad
One version of this instrument has 2 tenor pipes and 1 bass pipe used to produce a drone sound. Name this instrument that usually has a chanter, reed, & a namesake airtight reservoir as components. The “Great Highlands” variant is found in Scotland bagpipes
Performers of this instrument utilize circular breathing to create a drone. This instrument ranges between one and three meters in length, has holes carved out by termites, and is used by the Aborigines. didgeridoo
This Chinese-American cellist performed “Air and Simple Gifts” at President Obama’s inauguration and has won 18 Grammy’s, but perhaps might be more famous for appearing on Arthur : Yo-Yo Ma
Passages from this religious text and the Coffin Text were inscribed in hieroglyphics and painted on Pyramid walls. This text describes a ritual in which a soul’s heart is weighed against a feather. : The Book of the Dead
Name this art form of producing miniature trees in small containers through various horticultural techniques. Early Japanese Zen Buddhists believed that this art form represented the universe bonsai
The most famous member of this family was criticized for using the Nixonian phrase “when the looting starts, the shooting starts” in a tweet about protests. Name this family that includes Donald, the 45th President of the United States Trump Family
A letter stating “Victory or Death!” was written before this battle by commander William Travis. It led to the Runaway Scrape, which ended at the Battle of San Jacinto, where “Remember [this battle]” became a rallying cry for Sam Houston’s forces. Battle of the Alamo
Under pressure from the Soviet government, this author declined the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1958. The CIA played a part in the smuggling of this author’s novel Doctor Zhivago into the Soviet Union for propagandistic purposes. Boris Pasternak
George Floyd’s killer was this Minneapolis police officer. This man, who knelt on Floyd’s back for 7:46 (“7 minutes 46 seconds”) had several prior complaints on his record for excessive force Derek Chauvin
This Emperor signed the Perpetual Peace. His rulership with his wife Theodora nearly fell during the Nika Riots, sparked by a feud between chariot-racing fans of opposing teams Justinian the Great
These people were called the Rus in Eastern Europe. A French group of these people won a battle after killing Harold Godwinsson at Hastings, thus conquering England under William the Conqueror. The Normans descended from what Scandanavian raiders? Vikings
With Enkidu, this character slays Humbaba in the Cedar Forest and also slays the Bull of Heaven that was sent by Ishtar in her fury at being rejected by this character. Name this king of Uruk and hero of a namesake Gilgamesh
Due to its lack of zero-point energy, this element has no melting point. ] Name this element with atomic number two, the only in its group with two valence electrons. The most common nucleus of this element is an alpha particle Helium
Along with the “Great G minor” and “Jupiter” symphonies, this composer also wrote a “little serenade” for chamber ensemble. Name this Classical-era composer of 41 symphonies and Eine Kleine Nachtmusik. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
This poet stated that “Beauty is truth, truth beauty” in his “Ode on a Grecian Urn.” He opened his “Ode to a Nightingale” by describing a “drowsy numbness” that “pains [his] sense John Keats
Francois Couperin published a book titled for “The Art of Playing” this instrument. Name this historical instrument which commonly plays in basso continuo parts alongside a cello or double bass. This keyboard instrument uses plucked strings : harpsichord
This thinker listed monarchy, democracy, and aristocracy as the three types of commonwealth. This thinker described how a sovereign is created to end a war of all against all, in which life is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, & short. He wrote Leviathan. Thomas Hobbes
In Buddhism, these things are known as Sarira and are preserved in stupas and pagodas. Name these religious items. In Christianity, “first-class” examples of these things include blood, skin, and bone fragments said to belong to a saint relics
A relic known as the Shroud of Turin supposedly shows an image of this man’s body. Believers claim that the image on the Shroud appeared after touching it when he came down from the cross Shroud of Turin
King Arthur abandons an invasion of Rome to face this knight, his nephew or son depending on the version of the legend, in battle at Camlann. This man is slain in battle after seizing Arthur’s kingdom and Arthur’s wife Guinevere. : Mordred
Following the battle of Camlann, Arthur asks the knight Bedivere to return this object to the Lady of the Lake. After throwing this object into the water, a hand rises up to catch it. : Excalibur
This is the largest religious complex in the world. Name this structure built to resemble Mount Meru, a temple to Vishnu made by Suryavarman II. This structure was later converted to a Buddhist temple after the capital city it was part of fell to the Cham Angkor Wat
Angkor Wat is in this country, the center of the Khmer Empire. This country’s capital is Phnom Penh Cambodia
This actor’s role as a janitor with special powers in Bruce Almighty has led to his best-known persona, which he riffed in The Lego Movie, where his character defeats skeletons using a walker. This actor portrayed Nelson Mandela in the movie "Invictus". Morgan Freeman
Name this lake located on the border between Jordan and Israel. This lake’s staggering salinity makes it impossible for a human to sink in it, and this lake’s shores are the lowest point of land on Earth’s surface Dead Sea
The largest saltwater lake in the Western hemisphere, the Great Salt Lake, is located in this state Salt Lake
During this war, Athens voted to exterminate the population of Mytilene, only to reverse course in the next debate and stop the process just in time. This war pitted alliances led by Athens and Sparta against each other Peloponnesian War
Owl Eyes attends the title character’s parties in this author’s novel about a man who obsesses over the green light at the end of a dock and loves Daisy Buchanan. Name this author of Tender is the Night and The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald
In this technique, a normal sinus rhythm contains a P wave, the QRS complex, and the T wave. Name this technique in which electrodes are stuck to the chest & the electrical signals from the cardiac cycle are recorded. It is used to diagnose arrhythmias electrocardiogram or electrocardiograph or EKG or ECG
During Rosh Hashanah, many Jews dip apples in this substance hoping to evoke a “sweet new year.” This substance supposedly flowed alongside milk in the land of Canaan. honey
Two of this man’s invasions were stopped by (*) typhoons that destroyed his fleets that were dubbed divine, the kamikaze of Japan. Name this founder of the Yuan Dynasty who hosted Marco Polo in Beijing, a Mongol grandson of Genghis Khan Kublai Khan
“Okies” was the nickname given to people affected by this event that coincided with the Great Depression. Many of the “Okies” affected by this event emigrated to California in search of better farmland Dust Bowl
This resource was found in Oklahoma first in a “gusher” well at Bartlesville. Known as black gold, this resource became the key part of Oklahoma’s economy as automobiles requiring it grew in prominence : petroleum
Hrungnir threatens to destroy this location, which Surt marches toward during Ragnarok. This location is connected to Midgard by the rainbow bridge Bifrost. Name this home to the Norse gods. Asgard
This thinker developed the practice of active imagination to help get in touch with his unconscious. Name this founder of analytic psychology who theorized that archetypes such as the anima and animus exist within the collective unconscious. Carl Jung
Carl Jung’s view of dreams as an expression of the unconscious contrasted with the analysis of this Austrian founder of psychoanalysis, who described dreams as repressed sexual desires in The Interpretation of Dreams. Sigmund Freud
Carl Jung used this term to describe “meaningful coincidences,” such as when a patient began associating large flocks of birds with the deaths of relatives synchronicity
Luciano Pavarotti’s last public performance was singing this aria at the 2006 Olympics Opening Ceremony. Name this aria that is sung by Calaf, echoing the Princess’s command to let no one sleep until his name is discovered. : “Nessun dorma”
“Nessun dorma” is an aria from this opera set in China. In it, the title character asks her suitors to solve three riddles for her love Turandot
This Coolio song is from the Dangerous Minds movie. Its lyrics state “tell me why are we, so blind to see / that the ones we hurt, are you and me.” The chorus describes people who have “been spending most their lives living in the [title location].” “Gangsta’s Paradise”
This 2018 Marvel film’s soundtrack includes the songs “All the Stars” and “Pray for Me.” Jay Rock repeats “I gotta go get it” in another song from this film’s soundtrack, “King’s Dead.” Black Panther
]. 8 Mile, a movie whose soundtrack includes the hit song “Lose Yourself,” is set in this Michigan city. Eminem, the producer of the soundtrack, is from this city Detroit
Sequoyah created the written language for this tribe. Despite the decision in Worcester v. Georgia, this tribe’s sovereignty was denied by Andrew Jackson. Name this Native American tribe, the largest forcibly removed during the Trail of Tears. Cherokee
This disease can, in extreme cases, result in fracturing bones from sneezing. This disease characterized by low bone density and brittle bones is most commonly found in elderly women. osteoporosis
Captain Nemo is the captain of this submarine, whose ram is used to destroy the Abraham Lincoln during the kidnapping of Pierre Aronnax and his companions in Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea Nautilus
This French creator of Captain Nemo also wrote Journey to the Center of the Earth and Around the World in 80 Days. Jules Verne
Gregorian Chant was developed for use in these institutions.] Name these institutions, where such chants were sung at events such as Mass Catholic Masses
Clouds of hot gas in space have this name. The Crab and Horsehead ones are picturesque examples of them, and they are often areas of star formation. nebulae
Psyche’s husband was this god of love, equated with the Greek Eros. This god is frequently depicted with the bow and arrow that he uses to make people fall in love Cupid
Duke University, in Durham, North Carolina, is part of the Research Triangle area. The three main universities in the Research Triangle are located in Durham, Raleigh and this town. Chapel Hill
] MIT and Harvard University, while associated with Boston, are actually both located in Cambridge, on the other side of this river named for an English monarch : Charles River
The elements of the periodic table are ordered by this other quantity, the number of protons in an atom atomic number
This scientist developed the theory of general relativity. Mass-energy equivalence is a principle in this scientist’s theory of special relativity, described by the equation “E equals m c squared.” Albert Einstein
After his namesake “ring” of corrupt politicians was discovered by Smauel Tilden, he escaped to Spain. Name this man who embezzled over $3 million in funds for New York City’s courthouse. He was portrayed by Thomas Nast as having a money bag for a head William "Boss Tweed"
This play by Arthur Miller about the Salem Witch Trials features the Puritan John Proctor and his wife Elizabeth. This play by Miller is often interpreted as an allegory for Mccarthyism. The Crucible
Name this first man to be crowned Tsar of Russia, who was responsible for initial Russian expansion into Siberia. He massacred thousands at Novgorod and was succeeded by his incompetent son Feodor Ivan IV [accept Ivan the Terrible;
Three of these instruments play the opening melody in Aaron Copland’s Fanfare for the Common Man, a brass and percussion work. For ten points, name this valved instrument most commonly in B-flat, the highest-pitched orchestral brass instrument. trumpet
This park’s Morning Glory Pool is home to bacteria that turn the water blue and yellow. In 1995, wolves were reintroduced to this park, the only place in the US where bison never went extinct. This National Park is located on the largest volcano in US Yellowstone National Park
This man was known as the “little giant” for his political prowess & short stature.Name this Illinois Democratic senator who famously defeated Abraham Lincoln in a campaign featuring 6 policy debates, whose format now bears their names. Stephen Douglas
The Venus of Urbino was painted by this Venetian artist, whose other paintings include Sacred and Profane Love. He succeeded Giorgione as the most prominent artist of the Venetian school Titian Vecelli
In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown,” the residents of a Puritan town are discovered to engage in this practice. Arthur Miller’s The Crucible centers on people accused of this practice in Salem, Massachusetts witchraft
Mumbai is a city in this populous Asian country with its capital at New Delhi. Hindi and English are the official languages of this country, which boasts the largest diaspora in the world India
This member of the Apache led a long guerilla war of resistance, surrendering to Nelson Miles in 1886. His name is shouted by parachutists and was controversially used as a code word for the killing of Osama bin Laden Geronimo
This American aerospace corporation and defense contractor halted production of the 737 MAX in January 2020. They also announced in July 2020 that they would stop production of their flagship 747 Jumbo Jet by 2023. Boeing
Superconductivity arises as this quantity is lowered below the critical point. Gibbs free energy is equal to enthalpy minus entropy times this quantity. Name this quantity, a measure of the average kinetic energy of a system, measured in Celsius. temperature
The relation between father & son and filial piety were central to what Chinese philosophical tradition whose foundational text is the Analects? Confucianism
Name this sporting event that is played annually at the All-England Club, the only Grand Slam event that is still held on grass courts Wimbledon
This author of Death on the Nile wrote of island guests slowly being killed off one by one in the novel And Then There Were None. One of this author’s famous recurring characters is Miss Marple Agatha Christie
Adherents of this religion take fully clothed baths to represent spiritual death as part of the kanzo initiation Name this Afro-Haitian religion whose houngans & mambos use pwens which are misrepresented as being the namesake “dolls” that hurt others. Voodoo
This king’s conquests spread the worship of (*) Marduk and ended the Sumerian revival in Mesopotamia. Name this Babylonian king who included examples of lex talionis, exemplified in “an eye for an eye,” in his namesake law code Hammurabi
Granite and other plutonic rocks are also this general type of rock. These rocks form directly from crystallizing magma, hence their name from the Latin for “fire.” igneous
In this Thornton Wilder play, the ghost of Emily Webb relives her twelfth birthday. This play, which is set in Grover’s Corners, is narrated by the “Stage-Manager,” who often breaks the fourth-wall Our Town
Officially, these events are defined as two or more consecutive quarters of declining real GDP. Name these economic downturns. A “Great” one of these events from late 2007 to 2009 occurred after the housing bubble burst. recessions
This scientist’s namesake law finds a direct relationship between the volume and particle number of a gas. Name this Italian scientist whose namesake number is equal to 6.02 times 10 to the 23rd power. Amedeo Avogadro
Name this novel set at Camp Green Lake that describes the title 5-foot-by-5-foot entities made by Stanley Yelnats. Stanley, also called “Caveman,” was portrayed by Shia Labeouf in a 2003 movie remake of this novel. Holes
This author of Holes and its sequel Small Steps also wrote a short story series set at Wayside School. The series’ latest installation, Wayside School Beneath the Cloud of Doom, was published by this author in 2020 Louis Sachar
Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman starred in this movie about the Watergate scandal. It shares its name with the Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein book on which it is based : All the President’s Men
This character is unable to participate in many activities because of his “ass-mar.” Name this boy whose glasses are often used to create fires in a 1954 novel. Along with a symbolic conch shell, he is crushed by a boulder pushed by Roger Piggy
This event impacted almost 500 million people worldwide and killed anywhere from 17 to 50 million. Name this early 20th century event that was first reported by its namesake country due to lack of wartime press restrictions. Spanish Influenza
Glycolysis and the Krebs Cycle are two steps in the “aerobic” form of this cellular process by which living organisms take in oxygen, generate ATP, and release carbon dioxide : cellular respiration [accept aerobic respiration or anaerobic respiration]
This thinker’s namesake “method” is a form of cooperative argument. This thinker’s student Plato included him in many dialogues. Name this Greek philosopher charged with tainting the Athenian youth and sentenced to drink hemlock Socrates
The title thane and his wife imagine blood on their hands after conspiring to kill King Duncan in this Shakespeare tragedy, which is sometimes called “The Scottish Play.” Macbeth
] Before murdering Duncan, Macbeth delivers a speech to one of these objects, which is covered in “dudgeon gouts of blood.” That speech begins, “Is this” one of these objects “which I see before me?” a dagger
This philosopher challenged Thales’ assertion that the Earth floats on water in his cosmological treatise De Caelo. This philosopher asserted that all beings have material, formal, efficient, and final causes governing their existence. Aristotle
The FBI ordered the assassination of a leader of this organization who founded the Rainbow Coalition, Fred Hampton. Name the radical African American political organization that formed during the Black Power movement Black Panthers
Boogie woogie music arose out of this broad style of music, which was sung by Mamie Smith and Bessie Smith. This style makes use of namesake “worried” notes that typically occur on the third, fifth, or seventh. Blues
Boogie woogie and blues are both precursors of this popular genre, which is exemplified by Elvis Presley’s “Blue Suede Shoes” and “Jailhouse [this genre].” rock and roll
Name the 1823 doctrine which opposed European intervention in North or South America. Although its namesake was a president who oversaw the “Era of Good Feelings,” it was actually written by his Secretary of State, John Quincy Adam Monroe Doctrine
This movement in painting presents objects analytically, typically in fragmented planes, as the mind, not the eye, perceives them, founded by Georges Bragne originating in Paris in 1907 cubism
In 1162, he was made Archbishop of Canterbury & began living simply, becoming a champion of the poor against the church. King Henry perceived him as a threat so his knights murdered him while praying in Canterbury Cathedral. He was canonized in 1173. : Saint Thomas A Becket
What organ of the body, lying below the diaphragm and to the left of the stomach, is responsible for filtering blood and storing old red blood cells? spleen
With 3.5 million followers,this religion stresses belief in a great many spiritual beings & gods, known as kami, who are paid tributes at shrine, honored at festivals, and shows reverence for ancestors. It is found in Japan and means ways of the gods. Shintoism
Because of his objections to the hydrogen bomb. he was declan:d a security risk in 1953 by the Atomic Energy Commission. Who was this director of the Los Alamos Science Laboratory from 1943-45 in charge of the Manhattan Project? J. Robert Oppenheimer
What French explorer, searching for the Northwest Passage, sailed up the St. Lawrence River in the 1530s, claiming parts of Canada for France? Jacques Cartier
It is tDe best selling children's book of all time. What is this story with the characters Mr. McGregor. and the title character's 3 siblings: Flopsy, Mopsy. and Cottontail that was written by Beatrix Potter? The Tale of Peter Rabbit
What river, flowing out of the Bodensee, flows through such cities as Basel, Strasbourg, and Bonn, and empties into the North Sea at Rotterdam? Rhine
He reconquered North Africa from the Vandals and Italy from the Ostrogoths. Who was this Byzantine emperor, husband of Theodora. and builder of Hagia Sophia? Justinian
Viruses, bacteria, and the cells of transplanted organs can all function as these. What are these substances foreign to the body that cause the production of antibodies? Antigens
What Spanish explorer in 1508 founded the first-settlement on Puerto Rico and went on to become governor of the territory before he discovered Florida in 1513 while in search of the Fountain of Youth? Juan Ponce de Leon
The only dissenter in this case was Justice John Marshall Harlan. a former slaveowner from Kentucky who fought for the Union during the Civil War. What was this 1896 Supreme Court decision establishing the separate but equal policy? Plessy vs. Ferguson
Projects of this architect include Mile High Center in Denver. the Rock and Roll Hall amed pyramid entrance at the Louvre. Name this Chinese-American architect. I. M. Pei
When ships carrying supplies returned in 159 I. all they found was the word "Croatoan" scratched into the bark of a tree. That was all that was left of what Walter Raleigh-founded missing colony, the first British colony in the New World? The Lost Colony of Roanoke Island
Some believe that this man was a scapegoat for the French reign of terror when he was guillotined in 1794, for he only ordered 72 executions personally. Who was this leader of the lacobins and the Committee of Public Safety? Maxmillian Robespierre
Although he is usually known for comedy roles, he played Larry Darrell in a 1984 movie The Razor's Edge. Who is this former Saturday Night Live cast member who's starred in such films as Scrooged. What About Bob. and Groundhog Day? Bill Murray
This English novelist born in Bombay won the Booker Prize for Fiction for his 1981 novel. Midnight's Children. Name this novelist condemned by the Ayatollah Khomeini because of his 1988 novel. The Satanic Verses. Salman Rushdie
His proposal that became his law was published in 1663, a year after his death. Who was this French physicist who stated that pressure in a fluid is transmitted equally in every direction? Blaise Pascal
The play within this Shakespeare play is Pyramus and Thisbe, starring Bottom'stroupe and performed at Theseus and Hippolyta's wedding. What is this play featuring several fairies including Oberon and Titania, the king and queen? A Midsummer's Night's Dream
Oft ridiculed by both Jay Lena and Dave Letterman, some of his weight loss programs include "Get Do'M1 the Pounds" and "Sweatin' to the Oldies". Richard Simmons
March 5, 1770 event where British troops fired ----------into a mob, killing 5 as a result of a thrown snowball. Boston Massacre
8th century Irish copy of the Gospels that is ---------probably the most famous illuminated manuscript Book of Kells
Beating Robert Scott's expedition by one month. what Norwegian on December 14, 191 I, was the first man to reach the South Pole? Roald Amundsen
His methods of tobacco farming turned JamestO\\-11 into a prosperous community. Who was this soon wealthy farmer who married Pocahontas in 16 I 4? John Rolfe
'Which British Prime Minister proclaimed "peace in our time" after signing the Munich pact with Hitler in 1938? Neville Chamberlain
This is a story of a Jew wrongly accused by his friend, Messala, of attempting to kill a Roman magistrate. After becoming a slave, he returns & defeats Messala in a chariot race & coverts to Christianity. The movie features Charlton Heston as the lead. Ben Hur
It's the story of hard-drinking U.S. Marshall Rooster Cogburn, who was hired by a young girl to find her father's killer. What was this 1969 movie for which John Wayne won his only Oscar? True Grit
It started when a baker on Pudding Lane accidentally left his oven on overnight. In three days four-fifths of the city was destroyed. but fortunately fewer than 20 people died. Name this catastrophic 1666 event. The Great Fire of London
This happens when normal liver cells are replaced by connective tissue cells. resulting in heavy scarring. What is this disease usually associated with alcoholism? Cirrhosis
What name is given to the period of the Roman Empire from the reign of Augustus in 27 B.C. to the death of Marcus Aurelius in A.D. 180. which was marked by orderly government and few conflicts? Pax Romana
Although he is sometimes known as the son of Poseidon. he is usually referred to as the son of Aegeus. Who is this slayer of Sciron and Procrustes on the way to Athens and then in Crete, the Minotaur? Theseus
A loyal ally to Hitler from 1926 and instrumental in his rise to power, what Nazi manipulated the mass media as Hitler's Minister of Propaganda? Josepb Goebbels
This planet's rings were discovered in 1977. Because it looks like a dim star, it wasn't discovered until 1781. What is this 5·mooned planet discovered by William Herschel? Uranus
h's the orchestral interlude to the opera The Legend a/Tsar Sallan and concerns a prince who flies around stinging his villainous relatives after he was turned into an insect. What is this Rimsky-Korsakov work? The Flight of the Bumble Bee
During his reign many Christians were executed. including St. Peter. who was crucified upside-down in A.D. 64. He suspected Christians of starting the Great Fire of Rome. Who was this mad emperor who murdered his family & fiddled while Rome burned? Nero
These people have inhabited the North African coast since prehistoric times. Most now live in Morocco and Algeria and are no longer nomadic. What is this group of nonSemitic, Caucasoid people famous for their rugs? Berbers
In Sanskrit it means "song of the Lord", and it forms part of Book VI of the Indian epic, The Mahabarata and is a dialogue between the warrior Prince Arjuna and his friend and charioteer, Krishna. What is this sacred Hindu poem? The Bhagavadgita
In 1957 Danish architect 10m Utzon won a competition to design this building. What is this famous building opened by Queen Elizabeth II in 1973 whose sail-like roofs have become an instantly recognizable symbol for The Land Down Under? Sydney Opera House
His real name was James Butler. In the Civil War he was a sharpshooter in the Union Army and later became a U.S. Marshall in Kansas. Who was this Wild West legend shot to death while holding aces and eights in Deadwood, South Dakota? Wild Bill Hickock
This city was founded in the 8th century on an ancient pilgrimage and trade route between India and China and Tibet. It has a royal palace and many Buddhist shrines and monuments. What is this city, the capital of the Himalayan nation of Nepal? Katbmandu
Named because of its triangular shape, it is involved in the movements of the head and shoulder. Name this muscle running from the back of the neck, across the back of the shoulder, and down the upper spine Trapezius
This play consists of four guys standing around and talking about their futile existence. Name this play featuring the characters Vladimir and Estragon written in French by Irish playwright Samuel Beckett Waiting for Godot
Aristotle's school where young men received intellectual and physical training Lyceum
King of Sparta who led Greeks at Thermopylae in 480 B.C. against the Persian King Xerxes. Leonidis
Term coined by Gertrude Stein to include such post-WWI authors as Hemingway and Fitzgerald Lost Generation
This Frenchman who designed the layout of Washington D.C Pierre “Peter” Charles L'Enfant
The famous lines: "Beauty is truth, truth beauty, that is all ye know on earth and need to know" come· from what John Keats poem? Ode on a Grecian Urn
It was passed in 1883 during the Arthur administration. What is this piece of US legislation attacking the spoils system previously employed by the U.S. government, replacing it with a hiring policy based on the merit of applicants? The Pendleton Act
This painting started deteriorating during the artist's lifetime. It resides in the Church of Santa Maria della Grazie outside Milan. It was partially destroyed during WWII. Name this seemingly continuously restored painting by Leonardo da Vinci The Last Supper
"My dear, let us hope it isn't true! But ifit is, let us pray it doesn't become widely known!" was uttered after hearing of his new theory in 1871. Name this man who still angers many today with his books The Descent 0f Man & On the Origin of Species. Charles Darwin
In 1895 a German field marshal developed a strategy for an invasion of France. German troops would march through Belgian and Dutch territory to invade France from the north. Name this plan used by the Germans in both World Wars Scblieffen Plan
This French philosopher was concerned with the question of what we can know with certainty. He developed a method of doubt, leaving him with the knowledge of only one thing: his existence. Who wrote Discourse on Method & stated, "Cogito ergo sum?" Rene Descartes
What ancient, pre-Celtic people of Northern Scotland established a kingdom that flourished in the 8th century before unifying with the Celtic Scots under the rule of KeMeth MacAlpin in 844? The Picts
2. Edward VI's cousin and chosen successor, who in 1533 was Queen of England for nine days until she was sentenced for treason and put to death by Mary I? Lady Jane Grey
~at Italian master of Baroque painting known for his use of chiaroscuro painted "The Calling of St. Matthew" and "The Conversion of St. Paul?" Caravaggio
This element was discovered by the Swedish chemist George Brandt in 1735. Of its numerous isotopes. the radioactive #60 is the most important because of its use in radiation therapy for cancer. What is this metal, number 27 on the periodic table? Cobalt
Vishnu has 10. 3 of them are Rama. the Buddha, and Krishna. What is this term for an earthly i'1camation of a Hindu deity? Avatar
His drowning in 1886 raised suspicions since he was known to be an excellent swimmer. Who was this "mad" king of Bavaria known for building 3 opulent palaces and castles, including the fairy tale castle of Neuschwanstein? Ludwig II
jOn his way to New Orleans in 1814, Andrew Jackson engaged in battle at Tohopuka, Alabama. What was this battle where Jackson and the American army defeated the Creek Indians? Battle of Horseshoe Bend
This short story opens with the murder of an old woman and her daughter. C. Auguste Dupin later solves the case and identifies the murderer as an escaped orangutan. Name this Poe short story, the world's first detective story Murder in the Rue Morgue
This man was originally a Catholic priest ordained in 1506. However, by 1519 he became a reformer. Who was this Protestant leader that led the Reformation in Switzerland? Ulricb (Huldrycb) Zwingli
It was captured by Trajan in 105 AD and destroyed by the Arabs in the 7th century. It was forgotten in Europe until 1812 when the Swiss traveler Jakob Buckhardt rediscovered it. What is this ancient city in modem-day Jordan carved out of rock. Petra
These mercenary soldiers have served in various European armies for centuries. They served as bodyguards to the French kings. What is this colorfully garbed group that has been present at the Vatican palace since the 15th century? The Swiss Guards
The islands of Ibiza, Menorca, and Mallorca form the major part of what Spanish island chain in the Mediterranean? Balearic Islands
They first took to the streets in 1765 in opposition to the Stamp Act. What was this secret political organization headed in New York by Isaac Sears and more famously in Boston by the likes of Sam Adams, Paul Revere, and others? Sons of Liberty
Although it's smaller, it's better preserved than its neighbor. What is this city near Pompeii that was also destroyed in the A.D. 79 eruption of Mt. Vesuvius? Herculaneum
First discovered in 1967, they are objects that emit radio waves in preferred directions and periodic bursts. They are thought to be rapidly spinning neutron stars. pulsars
The First American in space(1961) was.... Alan Shephard
In this case, Justice John Marshall said "the power to tax is the power to destroy." It upheld the constitutionality of the creation of the bank of the US and denied states the power to tax such an institution in 1819. McCullough v. Maryland
Cronus wounded him with a sickle and made him unable to father any more children.. He was the earliest god of the sky in Greek and Roman mythology, and he was the son and husband of Gaea and parents of the Titans Uranus
Justice Oliver W. Holmes said that a person who encourages draft resistance during a war is a "clear and present danger". In this landmark decision dealing with free speech, the court upheld the WWI Espionage Act in 1919. Schenk v. US
An American college professor goes to Spain to fight with the Republican army. He is given the task of blowing up a bridge, falls in love, blows up the bridge, but is wounded and left to die. The protagonist's name is Robert Jordan of what Hemingway book For Whom the Bell Tolls
This process can be described as one of stimulus substitution. In the traditional Pavlovian technique, a dog is placed in a soundproof room and trained to expect food when a bell rings. Identify this form of learning classical conditioning
Conspiracy theorists suggest that he did not die of pneumonia in 1923, but instead committed suicide. He promised a "return to normalcy," but he was inept. Name this President whose death conveniently freed him from the Teapot Dome Scandal. Warren Gamaliel Harding
This king of Wessex prevented the Danes from overrunning England and promoted learning and literacy. A scholarly king, he designed warships, translated Latin works into English and protected the weak corrupt judges. He ruled from 849-699 AD Alfred or Alfred the Great
A businessman, he promoted the concert tour of Jenny Lind and miraculously discovered the only Mastadon left on Earth and named it, "Jumbo." Of course, he also felt there was "a sucker born every minute. Name this man who had the "Greatest Show on Earth Phineas Taylor Barnum
The movie version of their most famous album starred Jack Nicholson, Eric Clapton, & Elton John. A movie was also made of another of their rock operas, Quadrophenia. Name this London-based group whose members included Roger Daltrey, and Pete Townshend. The Who
Although parts are frozen over during three to four months of the year, this river is almost entirely navigable. Identity this longest European river, which lies entirely in Russia. The Volga
In this novel by Mark Twain, a man named Hank Morgan travels back in time more than a thousand years A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court or A Yankee at King Arthur’s Court
This war came to an end when Elizabeth married Henry VII of a family represented by a red flower. Name this 15th century feud between the noble families of York and Lancaster in England War of the Roses
This author was the first American to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature, Name this author of Main Street. Sinclair Lewis
Like male pattern baldness, this disease is notably X-linked or inherited from the mother. Alexei Romanov had this disease in which blood doesn't clot properly. hemophilia
Ayn Rand considered this work to be her magnum opus. It depicts a dystopian United States and features such characters as Dagny Taggart and Hank Rearden Atlas Shrugged
This general famously remarked “I shall return” while retreating from Japanese forces in the Philippines. He was onboard the USS Missouri and accepted Japanese surrender Douglas Macarthur
David Livingstone named this site in honor of the Queen. : Name this largest waterfall in the world. These falls are on the Zambezi Victoria Falls
This man never actually wrote the line “Elementary, my dear Watson. This British writer is best known for creating the detective Sherlock Holmes Arthur Conan Doyle
This amendment outlines the procedure for filling vacancies in Executive positions. This amendment also discusses scenarios where the President is unfit to serve 25th
People wore cylinder seals as necklaces in this ancient society, whose name translates to “land between rivers”. It was located in modern-day Iraq and Kuwait. Mesopotamia
Name these devices which only allow current to flow in one direction diodes
This American show is hosted by the Chairman. It centers around chefs competing to make the best meal from one secret ingredient, which is revealed by the Chairman saying “Allez Cuisine. Iron Chef America (or Iron Chef Showdown)
This man has hosted multiple Iron Chef episodes, as well as every Iron Chef Gauntlet episode. He is also the host of Feasting on Asphalt, Good Eats, and Cutthroat Kitchen Alton Brown
Casino Royale was the first novel by this British novelist, who based his depiction of James Bond on his own experiences working in British Naval Intelligence during WWII. Ian Fleming
George Fox founded this group which believes in God’s existence in all people. William Penn established a colony for these pacifists who do not have official ministers Quakers
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar said he learned this move in the 5th grade. Unlike similar moves, it must be performed while airborne. Joel Embiid recently used this move against the Portland Trail Blazer skyhook
Name these pieces composed in 3/4 time by Johann Strauss Jr. Strauss Jr. was called the king of this type of dance waltz
This muckraking novelist wrote The Jungle. His other work includes The Brass Check and King Coal Upton Sinclair
Watching Youtubers is a favorite pastime for many teenagers. This Swedish Youtuber is currently has the most subscribers on the platform with over 81 million. He hosts a segment called “Meme Review : Pewdiepie or Felix Kjellberg
This American physicist once said “Now I am become death, destroyer of worlds”. Name this American scientist who led the Manhattan Project at Los Alamos and is known as the “father of the atomic bomb”. J. Robert Oppenheimer
In this novel by Emily Bronte, Lockwood learns about the previous inhabitants of the namesake mansion including Cathy and Hareton. Wuthering Heights
This king of Lydia lost his golden touch after washing his hands in the Pactolus River. Apollo gave donkey ears to this man who supported Pan in a music contest. Midas
In this type of transport, the vacuole fuses with the cell membrane and releases material out of the cell. exocytosis
Milk is an emulsion, which is an example of a liquid-liquid one of these. They are classified as mixtures with an even distribution of particles colloid
The first law of thermodynamics is roughly the conservation of this phenomenon. Though not matter, this phenomenon cannot be created or destroyed but only transferred energy
Glaciers have played a very important role in shaping the world around us. These landmasses are created by the deposited debris of glaciers. These objects come in varieties such as terminal, lateral, and medial. moraines
These proteins are encoded in variable, diversity, & joining segments, & they can undergo class switching or somatic hypermutation. Coming in “monoclonal” varieties & having 2 heavy and 2 light chains ,are Y-shaped proteins that neutralize pathogens antibodies
A character eats a box of candles after Pedro dies in the kitchen in Like Water for Chocolate, a novel by this country’s author Laura Esquivel. The author of The House on Mango Street currently lives in what nation, the birthplace of Octavio Paz Mexico
After serving the entrails of a Molossian hostage to Zeus, a King of Arcadia was turned into one of these people. These people are able to transform on the night of the full moon. Lycaon was one of, what humans with the ability to shapeshift into wolves? werewolves
Abraham Maslow theorized that self-actualizing people indicate a “coherent syndrome” of this concept,. A “Five Factor” Model exists for this entity, which is often paired with mental make-up and temperament. The Myers-Brigg test measure what? personality
This compound is metabolized to 5-HIAA in the liver and it is a derivative of tryptophan. Fluoxetine and citalopram are among the SSRI antidepressants that block the reabsorption of, for what neurotransmitter that regulates mood and sleep? Serotonin
This can be used with cryolite to smelt aluminum during the Hall-Héroult process. This process is used to drive non-spontaneous chemical reactions. Name this process by which a direct electric current is used to “decompose” water into hydrogen & oxygen Electrolysis
This thinker coined the term “sortal” in a work discussing the mind at birth;This founder of Liberalism introduced the idea of a “blank slate”, later called a tabula rasa. Name this British thinker who wrote Two Treatises of Government John Locke
Franklin Pierce’s Secretary of War was this man, whose Vice President was Alexander H. Stephens. This man employed Robert E. Lee as Commander-in-Chief during an 1861-1865 conflict in another role. Name this first and last President of the Confederacy Jefferson Davis
The title thane and his wife imagine blood on their hands after conspiring to kill King Duncan in this Shakespeare tragedy, which is sometimes called “The Scottish Play Macbeth
Before murdering Duncan, Macbeth delivers a speech to one of these objects, which is covered in “dudgeon gouts of blood.” That speech begins, “Is this” one of these objects “which I see before me?” a dagger
” God so expressed this concept toward the world that he “gave his one and only son” according to John 3:16. In the First Epistle to the Corinthians, Paul grouped this virtue alongside “faith” and “hope” & claimed this virtue “is patient” and “is kind,” love
The Khmer people who lived in the Khmer empire make up much of this modern-day country. This country’s much later Khmer Rouge regime was led by Pol Pot. Cambodia
After travelling to the underworld, a character in this epic uses milk, honey, wine, water, & barley meal to summon the spirits of the dead. Name this epic poem by Homer that follows the title character’s 10-year-return to his home from the Trojan War. The Odyssey
For a real inclined plane, friction causes the downhill mechanical advantage to become infinite at this angle. This angle is the steepest angle of incline at which an object can rest without sliding down. angle of repose
Justice Byron White argued against this case since interrogation is not coercive, the 5th Amendment does not protect against self incrimination in cases of police questioning. Name this Supreme Court case that ruled suspects have the right to a lawyer. Miranda v Arizona
After Franklin Roosevelt declared a bank holiday, the Emergency Banking Act gave this system the power to supply unlimited paper currency. Name this central banking system of the United States that was created by a namesake act in 1913 Federal Reserve System
The Santa Fe bridge connects Ciudad Juárez with the city of El Paso in this U.S. state Texas
This quantity is constant in an (*) isochoric process. Pressure times the change in this quantity equals work. This quantity varies inversely with pressure according to Boyle’s law volume
Cnidarians possess the “radial” form of this property, which is also present in echinoderms. Most other animals, including vertebrates, possess the “bilateral” form of this property. symmetry
In a novel by this author of “The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky,” a “tattered soldier” asks the protagonist where his wound is after he deserts Wilson &Jim Conklin & charges against Confederate lines. Name the author of The Red Badge of Courage Stephen Crane
The companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were accused of offering these assets with too little restriction. Name these assets. Lehman Brothers was forced to declare bankruptcy after their securities backed by these assets rapidly lost their value mortgages
Death of a Salesman is a play by this American playwright of The Crucible Arthur Miller
The government of the Paris commune provided this political theorist with an example of a “dictatorship of the proletariat,” an idea he elaborated on in The Communist Manifesto, which he wrote with Frederick Engels Karl Marx
The Hamiltonian of the wavefunction equals “i h-bar” times its time derivative, according to an equation named for this physicist. This physicist also names a thought experiment in which a cat may be both dead and alive. Erwin Schrödinger
During this film, two characters inadvertently recite lines from the nursery rhyme “The Muffin Man.” Lord Farquad is the antagonist of what animated film in which donkey rescues Fiona. Shrek
If they are simple, the optimal method for testing these statements is the likelihood ratio test according to the Neyman-Pearson lemma. Name these statements. Statistical testing decides whether to retain or reject the “null” type of these statements. hypotheses
This author used his interviews with Malcolm X as the basis for his The Autobiography of Malcolm X. He described his ancestor Kunta Kinte coming to the Americas in the book Roots Alex Haley
After seeing Muslims with “blonde hair & blue eyes” during a pilgrimage to Mecca, this man abandoned his earlier calls for a separate state for blacks. Name this civil rights activist who was probably assassinated in 1965 by the Nation of Islam. Malcolm X
Pernicious anemia occurs when this organ contains low levels of a glycoprotein that binds to vitamin B12 called intrinsic factor. The pyloric sphincter regulates transport out of this organ into the duodenum & this organ secretes hydrochloric acid. stomach
The medieval regions of Wallachia, Moldavia, and this region cover most of the modern-day territory of Romania. Vlad the Impaler served as voivode of this region, which came to be associated with vampires. Transylvania
It’s not the mitochondria, but this organelle has its own DNA and ribosomes located in the stroma. Stacks of thylakoid known as grana can be found in this organelle that is only present in plants and certain protists chloroplast
For the accusation of conspiracy in this event, Mary Surratt became the first woman to be executed in the U.S. This event occurred during a showing of Our American Cousin at Ford's Theater. Name this 1865 event in which John Wilkes Booth shot a president Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln
This man who envisioned a ladder, wrestled an angel and received the name Israel. One of his sons was accused of stealing a silver cup and another one of his sons received a multi-colored coat. Name this patriarch to the twelve tribes, the son of Isaac Joseph
Dutch independence and upheld the principle that a country’s religion is determined by its ruler which was first established in the Peace of Augsburg. Name this 1624 series of agreements that ended the Thirty Years War Peace of Westphalia
This symphony’s motif is described as “fate knocking at the door.” The beginning of this symphony e has three G notes of equal duration and is followed by a sustained E flat. Name this symphony by Beethoven Symphony No. 5 in C minor by Beethoven or Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony
In a episode of this series, Matthew dies in a car crash and leaves George as the heir to this show’s title estate. The Earl of Grantham is the patriarch of the Crawley family and their servants in what British TV series? Downtown Abbey
This instrument, which represents the bird in Peter and the Wolf, is in used by Tamino to survive Sarastro’s challenges, so he can marry Pamina. In that opera named for this instrument, the aria “Der Holle Rache” is sung by the Queen of the Night. flute (Magic Flute by Mozart)
Economies of scale and high barriers to entry lead to the “natural” form of what economic scenario countered by antitrust laws, where only one entity provides a particular good or service? monopoly
A doctor observes this character unconsciously rubbing her hands while exclaiming “out, out damned spot.” Name this character who helps her husband murder King Duncan of Scotland in a Shakespearean tragedy Lady Macbeth
Gas that is produced within the palisade & spongy mesophyll of these structures exits through their stomata, & surrounded by a waxy cuticle that prevents water loss during transpiration. Name these plant organs, the primary sites of photosynthesis leaves
This country’s “10 Tragic Days” saw Victoriano Huerta overthrow Francisco Madero & a rebel in this country was hunted by General John Pershing after raiding Columbus. Porfirio Diaz was overthrown in the “Revolution” of what country home to Pancho Villa? Mexico
His name appears in the acronym of a test used to determine whether the user is a human or a robot; those tests are called “CAPTCHA.” Name this computer scientist whose bomb machine broke the enigma code and whose namesake “machines” use a tape. Alan Turing
In Orthodox churches, the soma is removed from the (*) cross, wrapped in a shroud, and taken to the altar in the church’s sanctuary on this day. Catholics often eat fish instead of meat and attend the Stations of the Cross on this holiday Good Friday
In this country, participants celebrate a festival in Bunol, (*) La Tomatina, by throwing tomatoes at each other. The rice dish paella is from the Valencia region of this country, while its city of Pamplona is home to the Running of the Bulls Spain
The hanging wall rises relative to the footwall in the (*) “reverse” form of these features, while their “transform” type are found on plate boundaries. A notable example of their strike-slip variety can be found in San Andreas, California faults
Mobile Star was sued after it sold counterfeit Apple products through this company, which owns Twitch. It cut the price of many groceries after it purchased Whole Foods, while its virtual assistant Alexa became available on the Echo in 2015 Amazon
In addition that poem, which begins “I celebrate myself,” this poet described a man “fallen cold and dead” in a poem eulogizing Abraham Lincoln. Name this poet of “Crossing Brooklyn Ferry,” “Song of Myself” and “O Captain, My Captain Walt Whitman
Amontons and Coulomb determined that the (*) kinetic form of this force is independent of velocity and the contact area. This force is equal to mu, its namesake coefficient, times the normal force. Name this force that resists motion. friction
The message “we have met the enemy and they are ours” was sent by Oliver Hazard (*) Perry after the Battle of Lake Erie during this war. The Treaty of Ghent was signed before the Battle of New Orleans in, what war between the U.S. and Great Britain? War of 1812
A character of this play dreams of a “beautiful & free death” for the former drunkard Eilert, who had lost a manuscript. Name this play where the title character shoots herself in the head after Judge Brack discovers she had planned Eilert’s death Hedda Gabler
Hedda Gabler is a play by this Norwegian playwright, who also wrote a work in which Nora Helmer slams the door on her husband Torvald after leaving him, A Doll’s House. Henrik Ibsen
Common examples of these mixtures include milk and fog. Name these systems of dispersed particles spread throughout a continuous medium. Emulsions are examples of these systems where both phases are liquids colloids
Colloids are subject to this effect, in which light scatters and often gives a blue appearance to the system. This effect explains the color of blue eyes Tyndall Effect
Solutions are a subcategory of this type of mixture that has uniform composition of ingredients throughout the substance. They contrast with heterogenous mixtures homogeneous mixtures
An animated Netflix original is a series featuring these two characters. In a 2014 film, this talking dog and his adopted son travel through time and cause a rip in the space-time continuum Mr. Peabody and Sherman
After being trapped in an underground bunker for 15 years, the title character of this Netflix show moves to New York City and works for Jane Krakowski’s character Jacqueline Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
The white king will normally castle queenside in the “dragon” variation of this chess opening that begins with a white pawn on e4 [E-4] and a black pawn on c5 [C-5]. Sicilian Defense
Kesh is one of the “Five Ks” of Sikhism, which signifies that devotees must leave this part of their body uncut. It is often tied up in a dastar, or turban hair
This man legendarily untied the Gordian Knot by cutting it in half with a sword. Name this Macedonian king who conquered his way to Indus River before the age of 30, only to die in Babylon three years later. Alexander the Great
Air shafts were included in the “dumbbell” form of these buildings, generally subdivided into 3-room units. Name these buildings home to poor urban families. An 1879 act required these buildings to have fire escapes & for every room to have windows tenements
Jacob Riis, who documented tenement life in How the Other Half Lives, was part of this movement to expose corrupt American institutions. Ida Tarbell, who wrote The Rise of the Standard Oil Company, also belonged to this movement muckraking
Members of this phylum contain highly developed central nervous systems and may possess a calcium carbonate shell. Name this phylum whose members include squids and snails mollusks
Name these items grown in the Garden of Hesperides, one of which disrupted the wedding of Peleus and Thetis and led to a beauty contest judged by Parisnd of Atalanta by dropping these objects during a race. golden apples
In a poem by Gaius it is said that there was nobody to look for lights along the coastline before it was created. It's most famous journey was from Iolcos to Colchis. Name this ship that carried Jason & his companions on the quest for the Golden Fleece. Argo
Name this largest island in the Philippines. It contains Taal Lake, which contains a volcanic island, which contains a crater lake, which contains the small island of Vulcan Point, previously thought to be the largest third-order island Luzon
This man pioneered “underway fuel replenishment” for the US Navy as Chief Engineer of the USS Maumee during World War I. Name this fleet admiral who commanded the Pacific Fleet during World War II. He names a class of nuclear-powered US aircraft carriers Chester William Nimitz, Sr
This book’s prophet buys a field in Anathoth, breaks a clay jug in front of the priests, and wears an oxen yoke which the false prophet Hananiah breaks. The king Zedekiah throws the prophet of this book into a cistern Jeremiah
This poem was written while its author was recovering from a leg amputation. Identify this poem, whose speaker declares that “I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul.” Invictus
Sandro Botticelli painted this scene, in which the title love goddess stands on a floating seashell. It can be found in the Uffizi Gallery. Birth of Venus
In 2018, archaeologists found the remains of a man who escaped the destruction in this city only to be crushed by an unrelated boulder. Name this Roman city whose remains were preserved after it was covered by ash from the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Pompeii
This author of “The Spectre Bridegroom” and “The Devil and Tom Walker” also described a man who encounters the ghosts of Henry Hudson’s crew playing nine-pins alongside his dog Wolf, and the rivalry for Katrina’s hand between Brom Bones and Ichabod Crane Washington Irving
This metal is responsible for the oxidation of superoxide to oxygen. Zinc powder mixed with this metal is commonly used in a cyclopropanation reaction of alkenes. Sulfate of this metal is responsible for the blue color in a solution. Copper
In an instance of literary immolation, following the Lisbon earthquake, Dr. Pangloss appears to have been killed in an auto-da-fé in this novella by Voltaire. The title character seeks out “the best of all possible worlds,” but is continually stymied Candide
Lilburn Boggs used Missouri Executive Order 44 to call for followers of this religion to “be exterminated or driven from the State if necessary for the public peace,” which led to many of them fleeing to Nauvoo, Illinois. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints [or Mormons]
Some of the Caucasus Mountains can be found on its eastern banks and the Volga is the largest river to flow into this body of water. Name this largest lake in the world which borders Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Russia. Caspian Sea
Aside from authoring the Elementary Treatise on Chemistry, he built upon the work of Joseph Priestley to finally disprove the phlogiston theory. Nme this French scientist, often called the “Father of Modern Chemistry.” Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier
A figure holds a knife behind him in one hand while whispering to John and another can be seen clutching a bag of coins. Name this painting, housed in the Santa Maria Delle Grazie’s refectory in Milan, a work by Leonardo da Vinci The Last Supper
This event was ended with the decision made in Browder v Gayle, and the SCLC was founded by Martin Luther King Jr. shortly after this event. Name this early protest in the Civil Rights Movement that was instigated by Rosa Parks Montgomery Bus Boycott
This philosopher advocated for the separation of church & state. He claimed that God exists with the 2nd highest degree of certainty” He believed that men must secure “life, liberty, & estate” & that revolution is justified when the government is corrupt John Locke
He was mistaken for a 3-legged stool & was tasked with procuring the flower “love-in-idleness.” This character asks the audience to “give me your hands if we be friends” & replaces an actor’s head with a donkey. Name the merry wanderer a servant of Oberon Puck
In this British band, Brian May & Roger Taylor have been performing alongside Paul Rodgers. Their albums include Sheer Heart Attack & A Night at the Opera. They recorded Bohemian Rhapsody. Queen
During this conflict the 8 Nation Alliance relieved the Siege of the Legations. This conflict ended in a namesake protocol & granted Austria-Hungary a concession in Tianjin. Name this rebellion of the Righteous Harmonious Fists in late 19th century China. Boxer Rebellion
This artist made a short film which was just eight minutes and five seconds of the Empire State Building. Name this artist who, besides filming Empire, painted fifty portraits of Marilyn Monroe using silkscreen in his Marilyn Diptych Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol is famous for creating another work where he printed a painting of this item on thirty-two canvases. Campbell’s soup cans
Ohm’s law states that the voltage between two points in a circuit is proportional to this quantity. Give this quantity that measures the flow of electric charge which is often symbolized “I.” current
This mountain range is home to Pike’s Peak and Banff National Park. Name this mountain range that runs from British Columbia to New Mexico Rocky Mountains
Hawaii, Yellowstone, and Iceland are all examples of these regions where volcanoes are formed away from tectonic plate boundaries. These areas are thought to occur because of mantle plumes. hotspots
This second largest volcano in the world is this primary volcanic contributor to the island of Hawaii. It is the only one of 5 “big island” volcanoes to be a part of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Mauna Loa
This bildungsroman story features the Satis House, which is occupied by the jilted Miss Havisham, a crazed woman who stopped all of the clocks at 8:40 and taught her ward to break men’s hearts Great Expectations
The Wealth of Nations was written by this Scottish economist. He also wrote Theory of Moral Sentiments Adam Smith
These uncountable nouns imitate the sound that they denote. Examples include words like “bang,” “tick,” and “buzz onomatopoeia
The Massacre of Martin’s Hundred occurred near this first permanent English settlement in America that suffered during the Starving Time. Jamestown
This rebellion against governor William Berkeley was instigated by the Doeg tribe’s raid of Thomas Matthew’s Farm. The aftermath of this revolt resulted in Jamestown being burned and Governor Berkeley losing his governorship Bacon’s Rebellion
This son of Mormon hid the golden tablets that would later inspire The Book of Mormon, and after his death he became the angel that guided Joseph Smith to the tablets Moroni
This man served as the head of the Mormon’s Quorum of the Twelve and acted as the first Governor of the Utah Territory Brigham Young
In Norse myth, the dwarf Fáfnir turned into one of these creatures ultimately slain by Sigurd. 2 of these creatures dwelt beneath a castle by Merlin & one is depicted fighting Archangel Michael. Name these mythical creatures, defeated by St. George. dragons
His most famous work invokes the muse Urania and describes the founding of Pandemonium. This author famously penned the line “tis better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven,” and also wrote L’Allegro, Areopagitica, and Paradise Lost. John Milton
In a poem in this collection the narrator describes the title figure as having “fallen cold & dead.” Other poems include “Where Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d” and “I Sing the Body electric.” Name this collection of poems by Walt Whitman Leaves of Grass
One woman accidentally leaves an infant stranded at a train station and Dr. Chasuble is asked by Jack Worthing to christen him using a fake dead brother’s name. Name this play about Jack using the titular name to woo Gwendolen, a work by Oscar Wilde. The Importance of Being Earnest
He developed a theory regarding the origin of hysteria in his “seduction theory” & developed the concepts of the “Thanatos” & “Eros.” Another work discusses the concept of the “pleasure principle.” Name this Austrian psychologist Sigmund Freud
In the Weird Al Yankovic song, “White and Nerdy,” Al claims that “Drop skills, I’m a champion” at this activity. The TV show Stranger Things starts with a group of boys playing what popular fantasy tabletop RPG? Dungeons & Dragons
In a 2003 national referendum, Sweden rejected the use of this entity. Many countries in this entity's namesake zone experienced debt crisis in 2009. Name the world’s second largest reserve currency, that is used by 19 out of 28 European Union nations Euro
The New Departure strategy agitated for this amendment after court decisions would not enable its goal; that strategy was led by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony. Name this constitutional amendment that guaranteed American women’s right to vote 19th amendment
1. Some astrophysicists believe that the centers of some galaxies may contain “supermassive” forms of these bodies. Name these astronomical bodies that emit Hawking radiation. Their gravity is so great that not even light can escape from them black holes
This term refers to the string of uprisings that occurred in many middle eastern states against repressive governments between 2010 and 2012. This revolutionary wave has led to ongoing conflicts in Syria and Libya Arab Spring
Moles and grams are units often used in this subfield of chemistry that deals with the quantitative connections between products and reactants stoichiometry
This cold desert ecosystems include the Dzungarian Basin and the Alashan Plateau semi-desert. It covers most of Northern China and Mongolia. Gobi desert
This largest desert in Asia is bordered by the Syrian Desert to the North and it contains the Rub’al-Khali Desert Arabian Desert
“One dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was all. And sixty cents of it was in pennies”.That was the the opening line to this famous short story about a husband and a wife who sell their own most prized possessions to buy Christmas presents for the other. “The Gift of the Magi”
“The Gift of the Magi” is published under the name O. Henry, the nom de plume for this American author who specialized in situational irony. William Sydney Porter
11. This system contains the organ that is responsible for releasing hormones like FSH and LH. Name this organ system that contains the pituitary gland, as well as the brain and spinal cord central nervous system or CNS
These cells in the central nervous system aid neurons by providing trophic support, myelination, and mediating their interactions with blood vessels. Examples of these cells include astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and Schwann cells. glial cells
This part of the brain contains the visual cortex and is the most posterior lobe, lying just behind the temporal lobe. occipital lobe
12. The grandmasters of this sect are known as mawla and many practitioners seek to perfect their worship of Allah by achieving ihsan. Name this mystic branch of Islam, often characterized by ascetic lifestyles and a form of meditation based on “whirling Sufism or Tasawwuf
The right to a trial by Jury in criminal cases is guaranteed in this constitutional amendment. 6th Amendment
While criminal cases use a beyond a reasonable doubt evidence standard to determine guilt, civil cases use this lower evidence standard to determine whether or not the defendant is liable preponderance of the evidence
Name this mineral, used as an aspirant in baby powder and as a lubricant for pharmaceutical and industrial uses. It is one of the softest minerals and can be scratched with a fingernail : talcum
This movement of the Peer Gynt Suite opens with low strings playing pizzicato, and features double basses and bassoons In the Hall of the Mountain King”
Todd Beamer famously proclaimed “Let’s Roll” during this event] Name this 2001 event which saw al-Qaeda hijackers ram planes into the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. September 11th attacks or 9/11 (Nine-Eleven)
The September 11th attacks were during the administration of this president. This president was the first president elected without the popular vote since Benjamin Harrison. George W. Bush
Caderousse does not intervene as Danglars & Fernand set up this novel’s protagonist as a traitor supporting Napoleon Bonaparte. Name this novel where Edmund Dantes is wrongfully arrested & imprisoned. He later escapes and reenters society a new identity The Count of Monte Cristo; Le Comte de Monte-Cristo
This man temporarily retired from the NBA to play minor league baseball, but returned to win another 3 championships with coach Phil Jackson. Name this Chicago Bulls and Space Jam star, widely thought to be the greatest basketball player of all time Michael Jordan
While living at Mr. Charrington’s, the protagonist reads a book on Oligarchical Collectivism to his lover. He gives into his fear of rats by screaming “do it to Julia!” while being interrogated by O’Brien .Name this dystopian novel by George Orwell 1984
The main character of this film is sent to live with Mr. Thatcher after a silver mine is left to his mother, who runs a boarding house. Name this film about the title newspaper man who whispers the word “rosebud” while he dies, which starred Orson Welles. Citizen Kane
Kristallnacht was an example of these kinds of riots which were particularly aimed at the Jewish population that mostly took place in Russia. Two of these events were carried out in Lviv, Ukraine, in 1941 which killed about 5,000 people. pogroms
This man loved writing operettas, including Chris and the Wonderful Lamp and El Capitan. This man is more famous for his namesake instrument and composing Stars and Stripes Forever. John Philip Souza
This American composer’s Treemonisha is referred to as both an opera and an operetta, depending on who you ask. He is perhaps most famous for composing the “Maple Leaf Rag.” Scott Joplin
This infuriatingly catchy song by Pharrell came from the Despicable Me 2 soundtrack. It asks you to let him “know if you feel like a room without a roof.” Happy
This public park, located in the Loop area of Chicago, was opened in 2004. It contains the Pritzker Pavilion and Cloud Gate Millennium Park
The British forces under John Burgoyne were defeated by Horatio Gates and Benedict Arnold at, what 1777 battle in New York which began the Franco-American alliance and is often called the turning point of the American Revolution? Battle of Saratoga
Mass casualties were inflicted on marines during this battle by troops with flamethrowers in a tunnel system. Name this battle of the Pacific Front of World War II, during which Joe Rosenthal took a picture of marines “Raising the Flag.” Battle of Iwo Jima
One of these compositions known simply as the “Emperor” was created by Joseph Haydn, who is also considered the father of these compositions. For ten points, name this type of work with music written for a viola, a cello, and two violins. String Quartet
This couple provided information regarding nuclear weapon designs, sonar, and jet propulsion systems to the KGB until their 1953 arrest. They were later executed in the gas chamber for treason against the United States Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
Chavuma Falls forms a border between two countries on this river. The Kariba Dam lies on this river and this river feeds into Victoria Falls. Name this river that forms the border between Zimbabwe and its northern border. Zambezi River
Name this process that produces four daughter cells with the chromosome number n from one parent cell of chromosome number 2n. meiosis
This exchange conducted by Thomas Jefferson doubled the size of the country and occurred in part because Napoleon had lost control of Haiti. Louisiana Purchase
The purchase of Alaska from Russia was conducted by this Secretary of State who served under Abraham Lincoln William Henry Seward
The United States gained the southern parts of Arizona and New Mexico from Mexico through this purchase Gadsden Purchase
Name this island divided between Chile and Argentina that was named for what appeared to be a collection of fires to European explorers Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego
Tierra del Fuego is separated from the South American mainland by this strait, named for an explorer whose crew was the first to circumnavigate the globe Strait of Magellan
This Hindu deity gave Ganesh the head of an elephant at the behest of his wife, Parvati. Name this god of destruction that makes up the Trimurti with Vishnu and Brahma. Shiva
In 1956, this waterway was nationalized, sparking a namesake crisis that involved France, Great Britain, and Israel.] Name this waterway that connects the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea Suez Canal
This wall, built in 112 CE in modern-day England under the orders of the namesake Roman Emperor, served to establish the boundary of Roman Brittania and possibly acted as a taxation checkpoint. Hadrian's Wall
This band released their debut album, Bleach, under Subpop Records in 1989, two years before they released their most opular album, Nevermind. Name this 90’s grunge band led by frontman Kurt Cobain. Nirvana
Soundgarden and other rock bands like Pearl Jam and Alice in Chains were all formed in this American city. Seattle
This god’s twin was the dog-like skeleton Xolotl, and he will return in the “One Reed” year. He was exiled on a raft of snakes by Tezcatlipoca, and Hernan Cortez was mistaken for this god Name this feathered serpent deity of the Aztecs. Quetzalcoatl
Name this Norse god, the son of Odin and Frigg, who was killed by a spear made out of mistletoe due to the scheming of Loki Baldr
Name this 1911 fire, which saw 146 people die at a clothes factory in New York. Many of the casualties were due to the fact that the doors on the eighth floor were locked. Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire
Quartz can be found in this type of plant fossil formed by calcite and silica replacing the initial form of the xylem petrified wood
The Indonesian capital city of Jakarta is located on this densely populated island, which is neighboured by the islands of Bali and Sumatra. Java
This actress starred with JackLemmon & Tony Curtis in Some Like It Hot & in The Seven-Year Itch, she tempts Richard by holding her white pleated dress down while standing on a grate. Name this actress who appeared on the first issue of Playboy Marilyn Monroe
Name this United States President who delivered the Checkers speech. After his resignation, he was pardoned by his successor, Gerald Ford, who was his Vice president after Spiro Agnew Richard Milhous Nixon
Name this type of line which locally touches a given function at a single point of intersection. For circles, these lines are perpendicular to radii. tangent line
This character had to kill nine sea monsters, causing him to lose a swimming contest, and later becomes king of the Geats. Identify this hero, friend of Hrothgar and owner of Hrunting, who died killing a dragon. Beowulf
Beowulf achieved fame killing this creature and its mother. In another work named for this character, he talks with a dragon, philosophizes, and is mistaken by Ork for a god. Grendel
This third party candidate in the 1992 Presidental Election said that NAFTA would lead to a “giant sucking sound,” because of all of the jobs that would be lost to Mexico. He carried nearly 19 percent of the popular vote but won no electors. Ross Perot
This comedic actor got his start with silent films, This host of You Bet Your Life is the namesake of a disguise involving a large nose and a bushy mustache. He performed a Charleston on Hitler’s bunker in 1958 Groucho Marx
Myelin is attacked by the body’s own cells in this autoimmune disease, which causes various neurological and physical disabilities such as fatigue, dizziness, and muscle spasms. Multiple Sclerosis (or MS)
This era ended with the outcome of the election of 1876, where Rutherford B. Hayes compromised to end this era. Name this era which characterized the rebuilding of the south after the Civil War Reconstruction Era
This general was replaced by Matthew Ridgeway On the USS Missouri, this man accepted the surrender of Japan. He stated “I shall return”. Name this 5 star general who was dismissed by President Truman Douglas MacArthur
This most famous work of artist of the Massacre at Chios and The Death of Sardanapalus includes a corpse wearing a blue sock as a bare-breasted woman proudly flies the tricolor flag. Name this French artist of Liberty Leading the People Ferdinand Victor Eugène Delacroix
. The industry of these entities were dominated by The Associates, better known as the “Big 4”, such as the man who placed the Golden Spike, Leland Stanford. Another leader was “The Commodore”, better known as Cornelius Vanderbilt. Railroad(s) Industry
Albertus Magnus, Maria the Jewess, and Isaac Newton were some of the most famous practitioners of this branch of science, which expanded into the full-metal type in the medieval ages. Name this branch of science that seeked to turn base-metals into gold alchemy
The fourth one of these events established the Nicaean and Latin Empires, and the first established the Kingdom of Jerusalem. Name these catholic holy wars with intent to remove heresy from a particular region. Crusades
This rapper stated that “Can’t nobody feel your pain, The world’s changin’ everyday, time’s movin’ fast” He was shot on Sept. 7, 1996 after attending his business partner birthday party in Las Vegas. Name this rapper of “Hit ‘Em Up” and “Dear Mama”. Tupac Shakur
A last stand at this battle saw 300 men act as a rearguard for the rest of their army. name this 480 BCE battle which saw Darius the Great and the Persian Army win a Pyrrhic victory over Leonidas and the combined Greek forces. Battle of Thermopylae
During this war, Henry VI was captured at St. Albans.Henry III died at the Battle of Bosworth field, leading to the rise of the House of Tudor. Name this civil war in which the Houses of York and Tudor for the kingship of England War of the Roses
An attack at this battle originated from Cemetery Ridge, Pickett's charge. George Meade won this battle against Robert E. Lee, which made him retreat from his campaign on Washington DC. Name this bloodiest battle in the civil war. Battle of Gettysburg
This contained the battles of Chapultepec Castle and the Siege of Veracruz. This war, which was ended by the Treaty of (*) Guadalupe Hidalgo, began after conflicts on the Rio Grande. Name this war of the United States and its southern neighbor. Mexican - American War
The resignation of UK PM Anthony Eden occurred after a crisis at this location. That crisis empowered President(*) Nasser, and resulted in the nationalization of this waterway. Name this canal connecting the Red Sea to the Mediterranean in Egypt. Suez Canal
This man was embroiled in a scandal where he supplied arms to (*) rebels in Nicaragua. This president told Mikhail Gorbachev to “Tear down this wall” and faced the Iran - Contra scandal. Name this actor and 40th US president. Ronald Reagan
At one battle, this man retreated from the Pratzen Heights to secure victory, and at another, he was defeated by the 7th Coalition, which resulted in his exile to St. Helena. Name this French leader who was beaten at the Battle of Waterloo. Napoleon Bonaparte
Levi Strauss got rich from selling jeans in this state and it was the home of John (*) Fremont. James Marshall and John Sutter were the catalysts for the 1849 Gold Rush in this state. Name this state which is home to San Francisco California
After defeating the Chinese Nationalists, this man took sole control of China, and he distributed all of his codes in his Little Red Book. Name this first Communist Chairman of China. Mao Zedong
The first intentional attempt of this feat was done by Thomas Cavendish. It was first done in the 17th century by Juan Sebastián Elcano, part of Ferdinand Magellan’s crew; although, Magellan himself could not make it as he was killed by Philippine natives Circumnavigation of the Earth
Jack Ruby killed the perpetrator of this event, one of whose victims included governor John Connally. The Warren Commission was created to investigate this event This event was fully documented in the (*) Zapruder film and occurred in Dealey Square Assassination of John F. Kennedy
An idea known as popular sovereignty practically nullified this law & it was repealed after a supreme court case was won by John Sandford. That was Dred Scott. Issues regarding this act were solved by an imaginary line drawn at 36 degrees 30 minutes Missouri Compromise
This man used his “Companion Cavalry” & his father’s hammer and anvil strategy to beat the enemy at the Battle of Hydaspes, and this man was famous for solving the Gordian Knot. Name this Macedonian king that defeated Darius the Great and united Greece. Alexander the Great
The most famous ruler of this empire legendarily crashed the Cairo gold market while going on Hajj, and founded the University of Timbuktu. The mandinka tribe founded what empire ruled by Mansa Musa. Mali
Cotton and Increase Mather were leaders in this event and one man was crushed by rocks in this event. His name was Giles Corey and the slave Tituba was the first victim of this event, although her life was spared as she accepted the accusations on her. Salem Witch Trials
This deity got his sinews stolen by the monster Typhon, which he only got back with the help of Hermes and Aegipan. This deity kidnapped the cup-bearer Ganymede in the form of an eagle,& fathered Perseus with Danaë. He's the brother of Poseidon and Hades Zeus
His military reforms included the usage of a short(*) stabbing spear, rather than a long, throwing one. This king formulated the Bull’s Horn formation with a chest, loins, and head. Name this founder of the Zulu Empire in South Africa and Swaziland. Shaka Zulu
A(*) colossal statue of this pharaoh was found near Thebes, and is the subject of Percy Shelley’s Ozymandias. He signed the oldest known peace treaty after defeating Mutawalli II at Kadesh. Name this New Kingdom pharaoh of Egypt, often called “the Great”. Ramses II [Accept Ramses “the Great)
Edward Weston co-founded a group of people that worked in this medium. One work depicts Florence Thompson with a defeated look on our face as her children hug her during the Great Depression. Name this medium used by Dorothea Lange and Ansel Adams photography
In a song, this band included the bridge “And you give yourself away.” Harsh guitar is used to depict the horrors of The Troubles in this band’s single “Sunday Bloody Sunday.” Name this Irish rock band fronted by Bono & the song “With or Without You” U2
This director first included their signature double dolly shot in the film Mo’ Better Blues to give the effect of a character floating. This director’s movies are known as “joints.” Name this director of Do The Right Thing and BlacKkKlansman. Spike Lee
A sudden influx of this commodity in Cairo led to a wild devaluation & an ensuing recession. Trans-Saharan trade between salt and this good led to the wealthiness of the Ghana & Mali empires, What object made Mansa Musa the richest man in the world? Gold
Dutch farmers were the first Europeans to colonize this country, where they were known as Boers or Afrikaners. The Second Boer War was fought primarily in what is now this African country. It's policy of Apartheid led it to be criticized by the world. Republic of South Africa
Most Jewish synagogues contain an ark, where copies of this holy text are kept. Along with the Nevi’im and the Ketuvim, this text makes up the Tanakh Torah
] Frasier Crane first appeared on this earlier show as a patron of the title Boston bar. This show starred Ted Danson as former Red Sox pitcher Sam Malone Cheers
This god, whom Parvati fashioned from clay, had his head cut off by Shiva in a rage. It was then replaced with the head of an elephant, giving this Hindu god of wisdom his most distinctive feature Ganesha
The voltage across a resistor is equal to the product of current and resistance by this law. This law’s German namesake also names the SI unit for resistance Ohm's Law
This process is described in Article V [5] of the Constitution and can involve state conventions. Name this process that can be carried out by two-thirds of both houses of Congress and legislatures of two-thirds of the states amending the Constitution
Though this crop is widely used throughout the world for food, people with celiac disease must avoid foods made with it because they react adversely to gluten. Name this crop whose seeds are commonly crushed to make ordinary flour. wheat
This term describes a figure drawn within another figure so that their boundaries touch but do not cross. Give this term, often used for a circle that is tangent to each side of a polygon. inscribed
This person ran a traveling Congress of Rough Riders of the World, and he employed Frank Butler, Sitting Bull, Calamity Jane, and Annie Oakley. A town in Wyoming is named for this entertainer. Name this man who hosted a Wild West show William “Buffalo Bill” Cody
In the 20th century, archaeologists found a settlement at L’Anse aux Meadows that may have been started by this person. 1 Name this Norse explorer who may have reached North America around 1000 CE. Leif Ericson
3 of Switzerland’s 4 languages belong to this group—German is the one that doesn’t. Catalan and Occitan are examples of these languages as are Portuguese and Spanish. Name this family of European languages descended from Latin, including French & Italian Romance Languages
A congressional caucus named for this movement was headed by Michele Bachmann . One of the groups part of this movement was 9/12 started by Glenn Beck when he had a show on Fox News. Identify this conservative political movement, opposed to Obama Tea Party
People criticized this person in 2015 for saying “I hate America” and licking a doughnut on a counter. In 2017, 23 people were killed while leaving Manchester Arena after a performance by this musician. She portrayed Cat Valentine on a TV series Ariana Grande
Most of this writer’s main characters are animals, including a grasshopper, a tortoise, and a hare. Name this ancient Greek writer who included morals at the end of his fables. Aesop
The last province to join the Canadian Union was Newfoundland and Labrador in 1949. Identify this Canadian province. Part of this province’s western boundary was decided by the Webster-Ashburton Treaty. Its city of Saint John is on the Bay of Fundy. New Brunswick
This largest Canadian province is home to a separatist movement seeking independence from the rest of Canada. That movement is centered in French-speaking cities like Montreal and Gatineau Québec
This state’s cities of Minot and Williston have grown rapidly due to a recent oil boom. Name this state on the oil-rich Bakken plateau. Its flagship state university is in Grand Forks. North Dakota
Because of its rash, the disease named for this virus was nicknamed “three-day measles”. Vaccines now prevent this disease, which used to be a common cause of miscarriage and of babies being born deaf or with heart disease. Rubella
In this play, the protagonist says “There was respect, & comradeship, & gratitude in it. Today, it’s all cut & dried and there’s no chance for bringing friendship to bear or personality.” It ends at a poorly attended funeral with Linda Loman crying. Death of a Salesman
In this play written by Lorraine Hansberry, the Younger family receives an offer from the Clybourne Park Improvement Association to stay out of a white neighborhood. A Raisin in the Sun
This novel’s protagonist marries Charles Hamilton, who dies at war, and Frank Kennedy, who is a member of the KKK. Even though this novel’s protagonist loves Ashley Wilkes, she takes Rhett Butler as her third husband. Gone with the Wind
Name this imaging technique used to observe metabolic activity in humans. It involves the consumption of radioactive tracer to image the body PET scan [or positron-emission tomography scan]
This technique uses magnetic fields to image soft tissue. The “functional” type of this technique measures blood flow in the brain to pinpoint brain activity. MRI [or magnetic resonance imaging]
The image of a dog chasing its tail inspired this composer’s “Minute Waltz”Name this Romantic era composer who wrote primarily for solo piano. His other works include a set of etudes and a “Funeral March Frederic Francois Chopin
Name this event that occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth. A “total” one of these events occurred on August 21, 2017 solar eclipse
Viewing this layer of the sun directly can permanently damage the retina, even during an eclipse, because it emits large amounts of visible and invisible radiation. It lies beneath the corona and chromosphere photosphere
Augusto Pinochet became the military leader of this country, after the presidential palace, La Moneda, was shelled in its capital city of Santiago. Chile
This largest lake in Africa, one of Africa’s Great Lakes, is named after a British ruler. The Kagera river flows into this lake, which is drained solely by the White Nile Lake Victoria
This creature was tricked into thinking that Odysseus’ name was “Nobody”, and he staggered around yelling that “Nobody” had hurt him. Name this Cyclops blinded by Odysseus. This Cyclops hurled stones at Odysseus and his men as they sailed away. Polyphemus
This deity was Polyphemus’ father. This god of the sea exacted revenge on Odysseus and his crew by sending storms and other obstacles. Poseidon
This rapper burst onto the scene after signing with Atlantic Records, releasing her first single, “Bodak Yellow,” which eventually shot to #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 Cardi B
This artist collaborated with Yo Gotti on “Rake it Up” in 2017, and remixed Lil Uzi Vert’s “The Way Life Goes.” She is the best selling female rapper of all time, with her highest charting single to date being “Anaconda” Nicki Minaj
The “Cross of Gold” speech was delivered by this man, which led to him securing the Democratic Party nomination for President in 1896. William Jennings Bryan
In the Great Race, this animal finished 5th because he stopped to help out villagers. Name this only imaginary creature in the Chinese zodiac. A holiday on the 5th day of the 5th month celebrates Qu Yuan by racing boats that look like one of these dragons
This author used The Alchemist as the title for his novel, which focuses on the Andalusian shepherd boy Santiago, and his journey to Egypt to discover treasure. : Paulo Coelho
Qin Shi Huang’s mausoleum consisted of these sculptures of soldiers, musicians, horses, and more, made out of a namesake type of earthenware. Terracotta Army
The Second Battle of Fallujah was the bloodiest battle of this war. US forces withdrew from this conflict in 2011 following 8 years of occupation. Iraq War
This negatively sloped curve is often drawn with its counterpart, the supply curve, and shows the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity people are willing to buy demand curve
This legendary sword of King Arthur, often contrasted with the sword in the stone, is equipped with magical powers. : Excalibur
Excalibur was forged at this island, where King Arthur was taken to recover after his wounds from the Battle of Camlann. Avalon
Hurricanes are usually measured on a 1 through 5 scale based on wind speed named for two scientists. Name either : Saffir or Simpson
This 18th century scientist discovered oxygen. This proponent of the phlogiston theory also discovered sulfur dioxide and nitrous oxide. : Joseph Priestley
This actor voiced Monkey in the Kung Fu Panda series. This actor sings Edwin Starr’s “War” after safely rescuing the consul’s daughter from Juntao alongside Chris Tucker in the film “Rush Hour.” Name this stuntman and actor from Hong Kong Jackie Chan
This former politician passed the Pendleton Act as part of his civil service reform program, Name this man who became president of the US following Garfield’s assassination Chester A(lan) Arthur
The protagonist of this novel is saved from drowning by her husband, who she is eventually forced to shoot after he is bitten by a rabid dog. Name this novel in whose protagonist stays in two unhappy marriages before marrying Tea Cake : Their Eyes Were Watching God
Their Eyes Were Watching God was written by this African American author who wrote about her experiences in moving from the all black town of Eatonville to Jacksonville in her essay How it Feels to be Colored Me. Zora Neale Hurston
This action painter of the Abstract Expressionism movement often painted by simply dripping paint onto a canvas. His famous works include No. 5, 1948 and No. 17A. Jackson Pollock
Name this post World War II art movement which emphasized the use of spontaneity and gestural brushes and strokes to display feelings and emotions in paintings. Abstract Expressionism
This projectile used in badminton consists of a roughly conical shape, and contains features embedded in cork, leading to high drag shuttlecock (or birdie or bird)
One species of these organisms causes the fatal disease naegleriasis. ] Name these unicellular organisms without a defined shape, one variety of which that can infect people is known as the “brain eating” type amoebas (or amoeboids)
These conflicts resulted in the explosion of the ship Intrepid & the burning of the USS Philadelphia by Stephen Decatur. Name these conflicts, the first war in which the US fought in, after north African pirates demanded increased tribute from US ships. The Barbary Wars
On top of his English Muffins, Jamie Oliver adds vegetables which have undergone this chemical reaction in which the sugars oxidize and turn brown. It occurs at higher temperatures than maillard reactions caramelization
One notable archaeologist was this man who famously excavated the pristine tomb of King Tut. He also served as Chief Inspector for the Egyptian Antiquities Service Howard Carter
The Peer Gynt Suite, whose famous piece “In the Hall of the Mountain King” begins with a low, quiet theme that gradually accelerates and crescendos, was written by this Norwegian composer. Edvard Grieg
This reform movement, whose name means restructuring, may have contributed to the fall of the Soviet Union. Name this reform movement advocated by Mikhail Gorbachev often associated with Glasnost, which decentralized many economic policies Perestroika
Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, this man became the first president of Russia. This man used economic shock therapy as part of his economic reform policy, and also once famously walked around drunk in Washington DC in his underwear. Boris Yeltsin
Following his victory over Barry Goldwater in the 1964 election, this man implemented several important reforms. ] Name this president who created Medicare and Medicaid through his Great Society program as part of his war on poverty Lyndon B Johnson
Another part of Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society program was this act, meant to enforce the fifteenth amendment and prevent racial discrimination such as literacy tests Voting Rights Act of 1965
The pilot episode of this TV series wName this Animal Planet documentary following a zoo owner’s adventures capturing large reptiles in Australia filmed during the star actors’ honeymoon in 1996. The Crocodile Hunter
This man was the host of The Crocodile Hunter. Other Animal Planet documentaries hosted by this man include Ocean’s Deadliest, during the filming of which he was killed by a stingray impaling his heart Steven Irwin
Thor takes nine steps before dying after being poisoned by this creature during Ragnarok. This creature is often named for the region that it encircles Jormungandr [accept Midgard Serpent or World Serpent]
After Isis reassembled Osiris’s body, this god gave her the words to resurrect him. This god is often in the Hall of Truth, where he scribes for the judgement of the dead. Name this god of writing & wisdom, depicted with the head of a baboon or an ibis. Thoth
In North America, this biome is mainly dominated by spruce forests, & its inhabitants include lynxes, foxes & caribou. Deformed vegetation in the northern sections characterize the “tree line,” at which it meets the tundra. Name this biome taiga
Jewel Cave, the third-longest cave in the world, is located near the town of Custer in the Black Hills of this U.S. state. This state’s highest point was recently renamed Black Elk Peak. South Dakota
Russell’s Cave, which once served as a winter shelter for prehistoric Native Americans, lies near Guntersville Lake in the far northeast of this U.S. state. The iron-rich Red Mountain is in this state’s second-largest city. Alabama
Wessex was ruled by this Anglo-Saxon king who gained fame for defeating the Vikings at the Battle of Edington. This king is the only monarch in English history to be given the epithet “the Great.” Alfred the Great
This work also introduces the “five relationships” and the concept of filial piety. This work was published by Zhu Xi after being written during the Warring States Period. Name this collection that outlines the philosophy of Confucius The Analects
Judas Iscariot, Brutus, & Cassius are being eaten by Satan in this work .The narrator of this work passes a gate reading “Abandon hope, all ye who enter” while being led by his guide, Virgil. Name this first of 3 sections of Dante’s Divine Comedy The Inferno
Poutine, a dish consisting of french fries and cheese curds topped with gravy, is a delicacy originating from this French-speaking province. The Saint Lawrence and Ottawa Rivers converge at this province’s city of Montreal Quebec
The Nanaimo bar, which contains a wafer, custard icing, and a chocolate ganache, is named for a city on this island. It is partially separated from the Canadian mainland by the Strait of Georgia. Vancouver Island
Parkinson’s disease results in a decrease in the secretion of this neurotransmitter which is secreted in the pleasure or reward pathways of the brain dopamine
Name this Asgardian tool of transportation, which is destroyed along with the rest of Asgard at the end of Thor: Ragnarok. The title hero uses this method of transportation to return to Asgard from Earth in the first Thor movie Bifrost
This politician’s 1972 presidential primary run ended after he was nearly assassinated by Arthur Bremer. Name this Alabama governor who had earlier won large portions of the south & finished behind Richard Nixon & Hubert Humphrey in the election of 1968 George Wallace
Only the knight destined to retrieve the Holy Grail was able to sit in the Siege Perilous. That man turned out to be this son of Lancelot and Elaine, who was known for being especially pure and bore a shield painted with a cross. Sir Galahad
When a solvent cannot dissolve anymore of a solute, it is described by this adjective. In organic chemistry, these kind of compounds don’t have double or triple bonds saturated
Proclaiming that “I am the state”, this Louis, nicknamed the “Sun King”, signed the treaty of Utrecht with his grandson Philip V and commissioned the palace of Versailles Louis XIV
This symbol has complementary halves that depict the balance between masculine & feminine. Name this two-part symbol originating from Daoism, that is composed of a swirling white half blended together with a similar black half Ying and yang
The writer of this work emphasized his desire to invade Russia and expand German living space.Name this autobiographical work and Nazi manifesto, which outlined the life and future plans of a German leader. Mein Kampf
Hitler wrote Mein Kampf during his imprisonment after this failed coup to seize Munich. Other leaders of this coup included the acquitted Erich Ludendorff and Rudolf Hess, who edited Mein Kampf Beer Hall Putsch
This Wisconsin senator accused 57 individuals in the State Department of being Communist Party members. Joseph Welch asked this man “Have you no sense of decency?” during his Senate hearings Joseph McCarthy
Osiris engaged in a power struggle with this jealous god, his brother. This god eventually killed Osiris by chopping him into pieces and throwing his remains into the Nile Set
. Frédéric Chopin stated that this key is the hardest to play. Name this major key which has no flats or sharps. Franz Schubert’s “Great” symphony and Mozart’s “Jupiter” symphony were composed in this key. C Major
Located near the Euphrates River, this ancient wonder was built by King Nebuchadnezzar II to help cure Amytis’ homesickness for Media’s natural beauty the Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Constructed by Sostratos during Ptolemy II’s reign, this ancient wonder was located on the island of Pharos, and helped guide ships in the Nile River out of the harbor. : Lighthouse of Alexandria
. These devices can be thought of as the least complicated mechanisms. Name these objects, examples of which include the pulley and the lever. There are six of them, and combining two or more can create a compound machine simple machines
This Greek mathematician was the first man to introduce the idea of simple machines. He famously remarked, “Give me a place to stand on and I will move the Earth.” Archimedes
Lois Lowry won her first Newbery for this novel about the rescue of Annemarie Johansen and her Jewish family from Nazi ­occupied Denmark. Number the Stars
Caesar was killed as a result of a conspiracy amongst Roman senators led by this man along with Cassius. In Latin, Caesar is quoted as saying “Et tu?” to this man. Brutus
This character in To Kill a Mockingbird leaves Scout and her brother Jem small gifts in a tree and saves the Finch children from an attack by Bob Ewell. Arthur "Boo" Radley
In this novel, the title family visits Grandma Sands. Name this novel that sees Kenny and his siblings exposed to racism at its worst when their grandmother’s church is bombed in the title city. The Watsons Go to Birmingham­ 1963
In May 2015,journalist Seymour Hersh claimed that the U.S. account of Operation Neptune Spear was a lie. Name this May 2011 event, the goal of Operation Neptune Spear, in which members of the U.S. Special Forces found and killed the leader of al­Qaeda assassination of Osama bin Lade
This American children’s novel sees the piglet Wilbur’s life spared after Fern convinces her father not to kill him. Name this novel whose title spider leaves messages, such as the phrase “Some Pig,” to save a more mature Wilbur from slaughter : Charlotte’s Web
When a falling object’s drag force is equal to gravity, it is said to be falling at this rate at which there is no acceleration terminal velocity
Argentina claims part of this continent as part of its Tierra del Fuego Province; however, an international treaty suspends all claims to parts of this continent in order to advance scientific activity such as studying emperor penguins and ice cores Antartica
In horseshoe crabs, this element makes the crabs’ blood look blue. When exposed to air, this element will form a green patina called verdigris and because of its high conductivity, it is often used in electrical wires. Copper
It is revealed to Stingo that the title character of this work had to decide which of her children would die in the gas chambers. This title character eventually commits suicide with her lover Nathan. Meryl Streep won an Oscar for the film version. . Sophie's Choice
Felix Yusupov organized a plot to kill this man, whose body was eventually found in the Nevka River. This man’s advice & prayers were said to have stopped the bleeding of the hemophiliac Alexei. Name this advisor to the Romanov family, a Russian mystic Rasputin
Bile is stored in this small organ beneath the liver. About half a million Americans have this organ removed each year because of the formation of cholesterol stones. gallbladder
Name this greenish-yellow fluid that is produced in the liver and sent through a namesake duct to the small intestine to aid the digestion of fats bile
This man, who was given his last name by an Imperial recruiter, shoots Tobias Beckett before he has a chance to kill him. Name this smuggler who meets Chewbacca and pilots the Millennium Falcon through the Kessel Run in a 2018 prequel film Hans Solo
Despite a metropolitan population of over 15 million and its position on the Bosporus, Istanbul is not the capital of Turkey; instead, this central city became the capital when Turkey became a republic in 1923. Ankara
This concept literally translates as “quenching.Name this Buddhist state of enlightenment in which a person becomes freed from the cycle of rebirth, or samsara. The original Buddha reached this state while sitting under the bodhi tree. Nirvana
This god visits the underworld sort-of unwillingly after being murdered by his brother Set, though his subsequent resurrection by his wife Isis makes the story another example of catabasis : Osiris
This American scientist was effectively the father of rocket science. Despite often outright mocking from the public, he became the first to invent a liquid-fuel rocket Robert Goddard
Inhibition of PCSK9 has been shown to reduce levels of this lipid molecule. Name this steroid molecule that maintains the fluidity of animal cell membranes. HDL is its “good” kind, while LDL is its “bad” kind. cholesterol
This Midwestern city is home to both O’Hare International Airport and Midway International Airport. If you’re lucky, you can get a good view of this city’s Willis Tower on the approach to Midway : Chicago
] As king, Louis IX expanded the power of this institution that ferreted out anti-Catholic heretics. Its Spanish iteration was led by Tomás de Torquemada and used devices like the rack. The Inquisition
] In macroautophagy, autophagosomes enclose damaged cell components and fuse with this organelle. These digestive organelles break down old cell waste : lysosome
Spanish Florida, the destination of the Stono slaves, became U.S. territory due to a treaty named for this secretary of state and Luis de Onis. This man also argued the Amistad case before the Supreme Court : John Quincy Adams
In its final act, dead residents of the title location gather in a cemetery, George and Emily Webb are married in this play, which is narrated by the Stage Manager. Name this play set in Grover’s Corners, written by Thornton Wilder. Our Town
Anchises was struck lame by a thunderbolt for bragging about sleeping with this goddess, who then had the son Aeneas. This goddess was captured in a golden net having an affair with Ares away from her actual husband Hephaestus,. Aphrodite
This character leads a parade in a dance to “Twist and Shout,” and his name is repeatedly called during a lecture. His friend Cameron destroys his father’s prized Ferrari while playing hooky in Chicago. Name character who takes a “day off. Ferris Bueller
This religion’s states “the name that can be named is not the eternal name,” & one of its leaders described a dream in which he was a butterfly. A text with a title translated as the “Book of the Way” & the concept of wu wei, or non-action, are elements Taoism (or Daoism
The Black War was a genocide against these people. John Howard notably did not participate in a “National Sorry Day” apologizing to people of this ethnicity for government seizure of their children, an act which created the “Lost Generation.” Australian Aborigine
Robespierre, Danton, and Corday all met their deaths amidst the French Revolution at the hands of this contraption nicknamed the “national razor.” Its final use in France was to execute Hamida Djandoubi in 1977 : guillotine
The Lady of the Lake handed King Arthur this sword, which Bedivere was tasked with returning upon Arthur’s death. However, as Merlin pointed out, its sheath was much more valuable as it prevented blood-loss. Excalibur
Times reviewer Pete Wells infamously savaged this celebrity chef’s restaurant American Kitchen & Bar, giving it zero stars and a “poor” rating. This chef hosts the show Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives on the Food Network Guy Fieri
Most restaurant reviews that come with ratings use a system of granting these items. Michelin’s most notable award gives from one to three of these decorations, and the New York Times gives from zero to four. stars
At most fine dining restaurants with more than one course, you’ll receive one of these appetizers chosen by the chef and not specifically ordered by you. It’s name is French for “mouth amuser.” amuse-bouche
The Book of Acts calls the place of this man’s death Akeldama, which is “field of blood” in Aramaic. Name this figure whose most famous action occurred after kissing someone in the Garden of Gethsemane. He later hung himself in shame. Judas Iscariot
This group of rebels were part of “the Forty-Five” in an attempt to restore Bonnie Prince Charlie of the House of Stuart to the English throne. Unfortunately, this rising fails and you are killed at the Battle of Prestonpans Jacobites
Water is called a “universal” one of these substances. Name these substances that dissolve solutes, resulting in a solution. In green chemistry, scientists avoid using these substances wherever possible to reduce waste and pollution solvents
One challenge to Japanese internment arose when Mitsuye Endo filed for this type of writ, guaranteed by Article One, Section Nine of the Constitution. Abraham Lincoln suspended it during the Civil War. writ of habeas corpus
This Founding Father appears at the center of five diplomats in an unfinished Benjamin West portrait of the signers of the Treaty of Paris. Another West painting fancifully recounts an experiment in which he flew a kite in a thunderstorm. Ben Franklin
Real-life Republican Fred Thompson played fictional Republican Arthur Branch on this show. This police procedural was created by Dick Wolf, and led to various spinoffs like SVU and Criminal Intent. Law and Order
One of Michael J. Fox’s breakout roles was as supply-side economics fanboy Alex P. Keaton on this NBC sitcom depicting the generational clash of the 1980s Family Ties
This man once caught three hundred foxes and placed torches in their tails to destroy the crops of his enemies. Name this Biblical judge who died after pulling down the columns of the temple of the pagan god Dagon. Samson
Both the amygdala and hippocampus are part of this complex, interconnected “system” responsible for emotion and memory functions. It also includes the hypothalamus and fornix, and derives its name from the Latin for border limbic system
First, you’ll need to find how much the teams vary from the mean by getting this “standard” measure. It’s the square root of the variance, and 95% of the data lies within two of these widths in a bell curve standard deviation
After rejecting Echo, this guy fell in love with his own reflection in a pond, leaving his body to become his namesake flower. This figure thus names the word for people who generally just love themselves Narcissus
Following a competition over him by Persephone and Aphrodite, this beautiful youth was gored by a boar. Aphrodite responded by creating his namesake flower, a blood-red anemone. Adonis
This nymph ratted out Helios’s affair with Leucothea, then sat and pined for Helios until she became a heliotrope. Modern versions usually have this nymph turning into a sunflower instead Clytie
The Teapot Dome and various other scandals plagued the administration of this president, whose death in office in 1923 led to the presidency of Calvin Coolidge. In 2015, DNA testing confirmed he had an illegitimate child with Nan Britton. Warren G Harding
Hooke’s law is usually applied to springs, but it also applies to these devices. They usually consist of some weight swinging freely from a pivot, and the “double” type is a good example of chaotic motion pendulums
This law can be derived by making a quadratic approximation to potential energy at stable equilibria.Name this law applicable to simple harmonic oscillators. It states that the restoring force is proportional to and opposes the displacement force, Hooke's Law
Sections like “Touch Me, Life, Not Softly” appear in this poet’s collection And Still I Rise. Name this poet whose first collection was entitled Just Give Me a Cool Drink of Water 'fore I Diiie : Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou is best known for this autobiography, which takes its title from a Paul Laurence Dunbar poem. It describes Angelou’s upbringing in Stamps, Arkansas I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
This graphically violent fighting video game series causes a national moral panic in the 90s. In this series, characters like Johnny Cage and Sub-Zero perform eviscerating “Fatalities.” Mortal Kombat
This German philosopher wrote Das Kapital. He exhorted, “Workers of the world, unite!” in a book he again coauthored with Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto. Karl Marx
The Blues and Greens were factions of fans of this ancient sport who attempted to overthrow Justinian in the Nika riots. This sport was usually held in a hippodrome chariot racing
This artist painted his wife with a prominent line down her nose in The Green Stripe. Name this French painter who helped found a movement likened by Louis Vauxcelles to “wild beasts,” Fauvism. Among his works include Woman with a Hat and The Dance Henri(-Émile-Benoît) Matisse
The very first day Hermes was born, he invented this instrument using a turtleshell. Hermes then gifted it to an irate Apollo he’d stolen from, who now uses it as his signature instrument. lyre
Icons are treated much more respectfully in this Christian church largely based in Greece. It split from the Catholic Church following the Great Schism Eastern Orthodox Church
Idolatry and polytheism are known in Islam by this term. Mohammed classified it into “greater” and “lesser” categories, and it comes from the word for “share. shirk
Performing the banzai charge effectively equated to doing this, and the “divine wind” that repelled Mongol invasions names a formof this action used to sink American ships, the kamikaze. Name this action often done to preserve one’s honor in Japan, suicide
This Marvel superhero built his most famous weapon after being near-fatally wounded & captured by a warlord, That weapon allows him to fly and fire repulsor beams. Name this superhero whose identity is Tony Stark, a playboy billionaire. Iron Man
The “Big Five” conglomerates based in this place included Loews Inc. and RKO. The growth of this place was spurred by patents owned by Thomas Edison. The studio system was prevalent during the “Golden Age” of this place in the 1930s with MGM Hollywood
Name this cause. In Great Britain, many supporters of this cause went on hunger strikes in prison. Meanwhile, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony fought for this right in the United States women’s suffrage
To rescue another deity from entrapment in a golden throne, this god was brought from Lemnos after being inebriated with sweet wine by Dionysus. He was thrown out of Olympus by his mother Hera, and the ensuing nine-day fall crippled him. : Hephaestus
The curse that a man will “lose a son of his own loins” comes true when Haemon kills himself in this play. Its title character hangs herself rather than suffer being buried alive. Name this last play in the Theban cycle, Antigone
Paul Gauguin spent nine weeks with this artist of Bedroom in Arles before moving to Tahiti. During those nine weeks, this artist of The Potato Eaters cut off his ear. Vincent van Gogh
Name this 1917 declaration, named for a British Foreign Secretary, which offers Britain’s support for “the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.” : Balfour Declaration
The Zoot Suit Riots primarily targeted young men of this ethnicity, who were accused of belonging to pachuco gangs Mexican-American
] This former 49ers quarterback was the first NFL player to kneel during the anthem. He has not been signed by a team in 2017, leading to accusations that he is being blackballed Colin Kaepernick
] Henry Ward Beecher shipped hundreds of Sharps Rifles, known as “Beecher’s Bibles,” to anti-slavery settlers in this state, where they fought a “Bleeding” conflict with border ruffians. : Kansas
] Hermes’s theft of Apollo’s cattle was witnessed by this man. After he broke an oath of secrecy, Hermes turned this man into a rock. Battus
. Tonja Carter discovered the manuscript for this novel in a safe deposit box in 2011 .Name this novel about Jean Louise’s return to Maycomb, Alabama written by Harper Lee. Go Set a Watchman
In this short story, Old Man Warner claims that if the title event is held “in June, corn be heavy soon. Name this short story by Shirley Jackson, which ends with Tessie Hutchinson being stoned to death after Mr. Summers draws her name out of a box. The Lottery
Lupus is this kind of disease, in which part of a body is mistaken for a foreign pathogen and attacked. Examples include multiple sclerosis and Type I diabetes autoimmune
In celiac disease, exposure to this substance causes an autoimmune reaction in the small intestine, leading to malabsorption. As a result, patients are advised to avoid this substance that is usually found in wheats and breads gluten
This case arose after a Latino man was not informed of his 5th Amendment rights before confessing to kidnapping and raping a woman. Name this 1966 Supreme Court case which ruled that police officers must inform arrestees of their right to remain silent. Miranda v. Arizona
Philipp Lenard showed that there is a cutoff frequency where this phenomenon will not happen. Name this phenomenon, where Einstein won the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics. In it, light that falls on a piece of metal excites electrons and causes them to escape photoelectric effect
Emily Webb dies in childbirth in this play, after her marriage to George Gibbs. Name this play that is narrated by the Stage Manager and set in Grover’s Corners, written by Thornton Wilder Our Town
Fear of the Black Death led to an increase in popularity for the brotherhood of this movement. This movement involved people whipping themselves as a form of punishment. : Flagellants movement
Many Seventh-Day Adventists choose to eat food in this category, but it is typically associated with Judaism. This category of food excludes pork and shellfish. : kosher
Name the Medieval philosopher who attempted to reconcile faith and reason in his Summa Theologica. Thomas Aquinas
What US naval officer served as a midshipman in the War of 1812, had the U.S.S. Hartford as his flagship, damned some torpedoes, and won the Battle of Mobile Bay? David Glasgow Farragut
. Some neurologists favor cutting the corpus callosum, the body bridging the right and left hemispheres of the brain as a treatment for what inherited disease which causes seizures and comes in grand mal and petit mal forms? epilepsy
Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin descended to the moon's surface in the Eagle, of course, becoming the first men on the moon. What third astronaut waited over head in the Apollo XI command module Michael Collins
This New York actor, comedian and director recently attracted media scrutiny because of his affair with Soon Yi Premin, an adopted daughter of his common law wife Mia Farrow. Woody Allen
After the fall of South Vietnam in 1975, Saigon was renamedfor what communist leader who also had a famous trail named for him. Ho Chi Minh
While it literally means "maturing mother," what Latin phrase has come to mean the school from which one graduated alma mater
As secretary to Lord Ashley, he wrote the Constitution for the Carolina colony .An empiricist philosopher, & he promulgated the theory that the mind of a newborn was a "tabula rasa". He also wrote "Essay Concerning Human Understanding" John Locke
This Scottish physicist of the 19th century wrote four equations containing the basic laws governing electricity and magnetism. Name this man whose equations formed the inspiration for Einstein’s theory of relativity. James Clerk Maxwell
Shushuan is the setting for the story of what Jewish holiday which celebrates religious freedom, and is marked by both the use of groggers to drown out the name of the villain and the baking of triangle shaped pastries? Purim
"Claire de Lune" ("Moonlight") and "La Mer" ("The Sea") are two of the best known works of what French composer, who used free rhythms and indefinite keys, and whose works have been compared to impressionist paintings? Claude Debussy
Chlorine and Fluorine form diatomic molecules. However, they also form, along which Astatine, Iodine, and Bromine, what family, the seventh column of the Periodic Table? halogens
This third Vice-President ofthe United States saw his career decline after he killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel. Narne this man who got into still more trouble when he was tried for treason for his involvement in a bizarre plot to annex Mexico Aaron Burr
In 1921 they were found guilty, and 6 years later, when all appeals failed, they were executed. Name these two men whose conviction was highly controversial and thought to be based on the Red scare Niccolo Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti
These cellular organelles are responsible for the production of ATP. Mitochondria
What is the name given to the diplomatic and military alliance that developed between Great Britain, France, and the Soviet Union in the late l9th and early 20th centuries? Triple Entente
The adventures of frontiersmen Natty Bumppo and his Native American comrades in the American Wilderness are related in the books The Last of the Mohicans and The Deer Slayer, by what l9th century author? James Fenimore Cooper
What French Philosopher of the seventeenth century is known for his statement "Cogito ergo sum", the final result of his search for an indubitable thing, and an important rationalist statement? Rene Descartes
name the Englishman who sometimes went by the pseudonym Reginald Bliss, a science-fiction writer who also wrote Kipps, Tono-Bungay, Phoenix, The First Men in the Moon, The Food of the Gods, The Invisible Man, The Time Machine, and The War of the Worlds? HG Wells
"The Time Warp" is a prominent feature of what weird cult film, which features Janet, Brad, & many crazy teenagers yelling obscene things and throwing toilet paper & lunch meats at the screen at 12 o'clock every weekend at a theatre near you?! The Rocky Horror Picture Show
The angle of repose equals the arctangent of one value named after this force,. It is the product of its namesake coefficient & the normal force. Coming in static and kinetic varieties is what force that appears between two sliding surfaces? friction
He was in Lexington, Massachusetts alongside Samuel Adams after being pursued by Thomas Gage. His most famous action was depicted in a painting by John Trumbull. Name this American smuggler and patriot, the President of the Second Continental Congress John Hancock
. Dillon v. Gloss upheld the constitutionality of what constitutional amendment that enabled Prohibition? 18th
Tyroneʹs Rebellion took place on what island that was invaded by Oliver Cromwell in 1649 and devastated by a potato famine in the 1840s? Ireland
Which Elizabethan playwright wrote about the scheming Barabas in The Jew of Malta? Christopher Marlowe
“Itʹs raw!” is a catchphrase of what Scottish‐born celebrity who hosts the reality shows Hellʹs Kitchen and MasterChef? Gordon Ramsey
What British actor, who played the villain Deckard Shaw in the most recent Fast and Furious movie, starred with Melissa McCarthy in 2015ʹs Spy? Jason Statham
What quantity, whose values on the Pauling scale range from 0.7 for francium [“france”-ee-um] to 4.0 for fluorine, measures an atomʹs attraction for bonding electrons? electronegativity
What former Portuguese colony on the Pearl River Delta west of Hong Kong was returned to China in 1999? Macau
What British scientist, who stated a version of the second law of thermodynamics also named for Max Planck , is the namesake of an SI temperature unit? Lord Kelvin (or William Thomson)
What New Deal “administration” run by Harry Hopkins employed millions in construction and fine arts projects during the Great Depression? WPA or Works Progress Administration
What German composer, who paired his Tragic Overture with his Academic Festival Overture and wrote the Hungarian Dances, is best known for a lullaby? Johannes Brahms
The relationship between antiderivatives and definite integrals is given by the second part of the “fundamental theorem of” which branch of mathematics? calculus
What 1929 William Faulkner novel about the decline of the Compson family takes its noisy title from Macbeth? The Sound and the Fury
The red supergiant star Betelgeuse [“beetle-juice”] forms a shoulder of what constellation with a three‐star ”belt” that is named after a hunter in Greek mythology? Orion
What woman delays revealing the fate of a condemned merchant as she tells her husband the story of a vengeful genie in the Thousand and One Nights? Scheherazade
What Italian music term means to play notes in a connected manner, the opposite of staccato legato
What phenomenon is said to “dilate” at relativistic speeds and has a namesake “arrow” pointing toward higher entropy in thermodynamics? time
What term, which derives from the Greek word for ”finger,” denoted a large formation of hoplites or Greek infantrymen who fought with spears? phalanx
Which physicist proclaimed ”God does not play dice with the universe,” explained Brownian motion, developed relativity, and stated ”E = mc2” Albert Einstein
What South American city is generally called the worldʹs highest capital city, even though it is only a de facto capital? La Paz, Bolivia
What theologian included a chapter on “The Doctrine of Election” in his The Institutes of the Christian Religion, which he revised in Geneva? John Calvin
In July 2015 Cecil the lion was killed by a hunter in what country whose capital is Harare Zimbabwe
What lake fed by the Chari River has shrunk drastically as the Sahara Desert has expanded and is near NʹDjamena in its namesake African country? Lake Chad
By what colorful nickname is Manfred von Richthofen, a World War I German ace, better known? Red Baron
What novelist wrote about Onaʹs marriage to the immigrant Jurgis Rudkus in a 1906 exposé of the Chicago meatpacking industry titled The Jungle? Upton Sinclair
What monarch, who built the Rococo palace of Sanssouci began the War of the Austrian Succession by invading Silesia and was a “great” ruler of Prussia? Frederick the Great (or Frederick II of Prussia
Cups, swords, wands, and pentacles are the traditional suits of cards one would find in what type of ostensibly prophetic deck? tarot cards
. What man, who illustrated division of labor with the example of a pin factory, created the metaphor of the invisible hand in The Wealth of Nations? Adam Smith
What Beat Generation figure fictionalized himself as Sal Paradise in his novel On the Road? Jack Kerouac
What chemistry principle holds that systems in equilibrium will react to external changes by finding a new equilibrium that counteracts the change? Le Châtelierʹs principle
The van der Waals equation is an improvement on what law, derived from the kinetic theory of gases, that is usually written as PV equals nRT ]? ideal gas law
Which Asian countryʹs flag consisting of a blood‐red disc on a green background was proudly flown by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at its 1971 independence? Bangladesh
What explorer, who in 1611 was marooned by the crew of the Discovery, gave his name to a bay in northern Canada and a river running through New York? Henry Hudson
. What author described Flemish youths who try to kill Death in a story told by a “Pardoner” to other traveling pilgrims in The Canterbury Tales? Geoffrey Chaucer
In Charles Dickensʹs A Christmas Carol, Ebenezer Scrooge is visited by how many ghosts? 4
What country, which disputes the region of Nagorno‐Karabakh with Armenia, has a coastline along the Caspian Sea that includes its capital, Baku (Republic of) Azerbaijan
Human, All Too Human is an aphoristic work by what German philosopher, who also wrote Beyond Good and Evil and theorized about the ӆbermensch Friedrich (Wilhelm) Nietzsche
Spanish conquistador Francisco Coronado explored the American Southwest in search of which seven mythical golden cities often paired with Quivira [ Seven Cities of Cíbola
What medication is a beta‐lactam that is used to treat syphilis and ”strep throat” and was discovered in a moldy Petri dish by Alexander Fleming penicillin
What Anglo‐Indian novelist wrote both Midnightʹs Children and a controversial 1988 novel titled for words allegedly said—and retracted—by Muhammad? (Ahmed) Salman Rushdie
What poet described his AD 8 exile to the town of Tomis in Letters from the Black Sea and depicted mythological transformations in the Metamorphoses Ovid
The 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster occurred in which former Soviet republic, near its northern border with Belarus Ukraine
What Titan—who gave his name to one of the worldʹs oceans—helped Heracles by fetching the golden apples while on break from holding up the heavens? Atlas
Which British prime minister claimed “Peace for our time” after signing the 1938 Munich Agreement with Adolf Hitler? (Arthur) Neville Chamberlain
The rapid growth of tulips makes them useful in studying what tendency of a plant to grow in the direction of sunlight? phototropism or phototropic response
What country conducted Operation Wrath of God and was led by Golda Meir when it was invaded by Syria and Egypt in the 1973 Yom Kippur War? Israel
What childrenʹs author, who died in May 2012, wrote My Side of the Mountain and Julie of the Wolves? Jean Craighead George
What mountain range includes Mount Assiniboine, Mount Robson , and Mount Alberta in its Canadian portion, and extends south into Wyoming and Colorado? Rocky Mountains
Funerals following the Sandy Hook shooting and Boston Marathon bombing were picketed by what anti‐gay “church” whose founder, Fred Phelps, died in 2014? Westboro Baptist Church
In June 2014 what musical group won a case regarding the illegal use of its songs, including “Sabotage,” in commercials for Monster energy drinks? Beastie Boys
. What man, who wrote five of the Federalist Papers, names a 1794 treaty with Great Britain and was the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court? John Jay
In which 1759 satire does Dr. Pangloss repeatedly declare this to be “the best of all possible worlds” despite the ridiculous tragedies he suffers? Candide
What Catalan [KAT-uh-lun] creator of Swans Reflecting Elephants and The Hallucinogenic Toreador painted melting timepieces in The Persistence of Memory? Salvador Dali
What squire and lover of Achilles borrowed Achillesʹ armor and was subsequently killed by Hector in the Trojan War? Patroclus
During what battle, in which the Japanese were commanded by Tadamichi Kuribayashi were U.S. Marines photographed on Mount Suribachi raising a flag? Battle of Iwo Jima
What physical quantity—equal to two‐thirds times mass times radius squared for a hollow sphere—is considered the rotational analogue of mass? moment of inertia
What polysaccharide [pah-lee-“SACK-uh-ride”] made of repeating units of N‐acetylglucosamine is found in fungal cell walls and in the exoskeletons of crustaceans & insects? chitin
What is the official song of the U.S. president Hail to the Chief
What Video game company created World of Warcraft? Blizzard Entertainment
This country, home to the Eureka Stockade and a revolt that unseated William Bligh, the Rum Rebellion, also saw explorer Name this country whose history is full of mistreatment of aborigines, a former British penal colony that is also a continent. Australia
This insane monarch was on the throne during the American revolution. He was the longest-reigning male monarch on the British throne. King George III
All emperors are supposedly related to this Shinto goddess. Name this sun goddess, who was freaked out by her brother Susano’o throwing a flayed horse into her hall, causing her to hide in a cave Amaterasu
The Scarlet Letter is a book by this American author, who wrote about the Pynchon family in The House of the Seven Gables and collected his short stories in Twice-Told Tales and Mosses from an Old Manse Nathaniel Hawthorne
] Charles Darwin proposed as a mechanism for evolution this process, which occurs when random mutations give an advantage to the organism possessing them. Darwin’s book On the Origin of Species had “By Means of” this as its subtitle natural selection
This founder of Egypt’s first dynasty had united upper and lower Egypt and was considered by some to be the first pharaoh of a singular Egypt Menes
One member of this art movement painted a woman crying and surrounded by waves, and also painted Whaam. Name this art movement that included members like Roy Lichtenstein and a man who often painted targets, Jasper Johns. Pop Art
Probably the most famous Pop artist was this man who replicated Brillo boxes in sculptures and Campbell’s soup cans and Marilyn Monroe in paint. Andy Warhol
This general formulated a namesake plan which was stopped at the first battle of the Marne in World War I. It advocated for avoiding a two-front war by invading France quickly : Count Alfred von Schlieffen
. This man pushed his nephew Perdix off a cliff, who Athena turned into a bird. Name this man whose most famous creation housed the offspring of Pasiphae and a bull Daedalus
Daedalus is probably most well-known for the story of this son of his, whose wax wings fashioned by Daedalus melted when he flew too close to the sun. Icarus
Occurring 6 weeks after the Tet Offensive, it marked one of the darkest chapters of the American war effort in Vietnam. This atrocity occurred when the US Army’s 1st Battalion, searching for Vietcong soldiers, slaughtered 100's of women & children. My Lai Massacre
The only soldier convicted for actions at Mỹ Lai Massacre, this platoon leader tried to claim at his murder trial that the victims were killed by an accidental airstrike. He served just three and a half years in house arrest for his crimes. William Calley
The US’s involvement in the Vietnam War essentially came to a close after the fall of this capital city of South Vietnam, which was then renamed in honor of a Vietnamese communist leader. Either name is acceptable Saigon or Ho Chi Minh City
The title character of this work stabs police chief Baron Scarpia, and commits suicide by jumping from a castle tower, Name this opera in which the title singer discovers that her lover, Mario Cavaradossi, has been killed due to the treachery of Scarpia Tosca
Tosca is an opera by this composer, who also produced La Boheme, Turandot, and Madame Butterfly Giacomo Puccini
This epic by Edmund Spenser sees the Redcrosse Knight sent on a mission by the titular ruler to slay the dragon for Una. The Faerie Queene
These small cell fragments help form the clots necessary to stem bleeding. Once activated, they also release signaling chemicals that begin blood vessel repair platlets
Vitamin K assists in the clotting process by carboxylating glutamic acid, allowing them to bind to this ion. In other contexts, this ion is sequestered in the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Calcium ions
Songs on this man’s most famous album include “Freddie Freeloader” and “So What.” Name this jazz trumpeter whose namesake sextet recorded Kind of Blue. Miles Davis
This British physicist unified magnetism with electricity in 1831 with a namesake law saying that the EMF around a loop is proportional to the rate of change of the magnetic flux through it. Faraday
Most territory in Ireland was annexed to England under this queen, who had such advisors as Robert Cecil and Francis Walsingham. This monarch also repelled the Spanish Armada in 1588 by using “fire ships” in the process : Elizabeth I
This novella ends with the death of Miles in the arms of the governess. ] Name this ghost story featuring the ghosts Peter Quint and Miss Jessel, the former governess of the house of Bly. The Turn of the Screw by Henry James
This woman was the main author the Declaration of Sentiments, a document that was produced at a meeting she organized. Name this woman who helped organize the Seneca Falls Convention along with Lucretia Mott. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
In its German nickname, this symphony is referred to as the one "with the kettledrum stroke," & it's the 2nd of the composer's 12 London symphonies. Name this symphony nicknamed for the appearance of a sudden fortissimo chord at the end of the opening : Surprise Symphony by Joseph Hayden
This poet of “Let America Be America Again” & “Theme for English B” wrote a poem about Abe Lincoln went down to New Orleans” before claiming “I’ve known rivers.” Name this Harlem Renaissance poet of “I, Too Sing America” Langston Hughes
The Jewish wedding custom of lifting the bride’s veil stems from a trick played on this man, when he was duped by his uncle Laban into marrying Leah instead of Rachel. This man bought his brother’s birthright for a pot of stew, Jacob
He depicted children playing an outdoor game in his work Snap the Whip & the word “Gloucester” is seen on a “catboat” in his Breezing Up. A 3 masted ship in the horizon as a black sailor lies on a tilted boat surrounded by sharks in his infamous work. Winslow Homer
One Egyptian moon god is this one, who is depicted with the head of an ibis, holding a wand called a Was, and an ankh Thoth
Sigmund Freud practiced this branch of psychology which sought to help people by making them understand the unconscious drives underlying their behavior : Psychoanalysis
Name this man assassinated by Sirhan Sirhan the brother of longtime Massachusetts Senator Edward and U.S. President, John. Robert F. Kennedy
Name this German sociologist who studied the rise of disenchantment with modern society and who is often cited with Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim as the principal architect of modern social science. Max Weber
Alfred Wegener described what motion of large landmasses that is built on by the theory of plate tectonics? : continental drift
This character is startled when he sees the face of his deceased business partner Jacob Marley in his doorknob. He comes to regret his poor treatment of Bob Cratchit after visits from the Ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future Ebenezer Scrooge
The Allegheny, Monongahela, and Ohio are the Three Rivers near what Pennsylvania city famous for its steel? Pittsburgh
Patrick Swayze, Brooke Shields,& Lucy Lawless have all appeared in stage versions. Songs include "Mooning", "Alone at a Drive-In Movie", "Look at Me, I'm Sandra Dee" You're the One That I Want. Name this musical set at Rydell High School Grease
He was the leader of the United States Marine Band and wrote "Stars and Stripes Forever". Who is this "March King" who has a circular bass tuba named for him? John Philip Sousa
Wanda Li, Ralphie Tennelli, Phoebe Terese, Keesha Franklin, Dorothy Ann, Carlos Ramone, Arnold Perlstein, and Ms. Frizzle are characters in what series of books in which a third grade class takes a yellow mode of transportation through space? Magic School Bus
He lives at the Skypad Apartments in Orbit City, and pushes a button on RUDI while working at Spacley Sprockets. Who is this father of Judy and Elroy and husband of Jane in a futuristic cartoon? George Jetson
What term describes the paintings of Max Ernst, Rene Magritte, and Salvador Dali, which feature bizarre and surprise elements that seems fantastic, dreamlike, and not real? surrealism
First he is owned by Fern Arable, and later when he gets big, by Homer Zuckerman. But Zuckerman is going to have him slaughtered, so a friend writes "some pig" to save him. Who is this swine helped by Charlotte in E.B. White's work? Wilbur
What name is collectively given to the states Maine, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Vermont? New England
This Greek nymph of Diana was shunned by Narcissus and faded to nothing but a voice. Later she was condemned never to speak first and never to be silent when anyone else spoke. Who was she? Echo
This disease is the result of muscular constriction of the bronchi and swelling of the bronchial mucosa. Name this chronic disease characterized by sporadic attacks of shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing asthma
This man, who appointed Elena Kagan and (*) Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, passed the Affordable Care Act, and ran with the slogan “Yes We Can” to defeat John McCain in the 2008 presidential election. Barack Obama
This mountain is in the same range as Kanchenjunga (kan-chen-JUNG-a) and Makalu. It was first successfully ascended by Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay. What is this mountain in the Himalayas, the tallest in the world? Mount Everest
This type of radiation has a wavelength of 10 to 400 nanometres, giving it a shorter wavelength than visible light. Exposure to this radiation leads to the synthesis of Vitamin D in humans. ultraviolet
She is commonly known by a name that means “having all gifts,” In fact, she was herself given as a gift to Epimethius. Who is this Greek lady who released all the evils into the world from her namesake box? Pandora
The multi-story, apartment-like dwellings inhabited by the Anasazi peoples of the American Southwest were constructed of what traditional building material, after which the software company responsible for Flash and Acrobat is named? adobe
This state was founded as a debtors' colony by the amusingly-named James Oglethorpe. At one point during the Civil War, this state threatened to secede from the Confederacy. What is this state, the southernmost of Britain's North American colonies? Georgia
This mountain may be seen from the Johnston Ridge Observatory. The 84-year old Harry Truman refused to abandon his home and so was killed when this volcano erupted. What is this mountain in Washington which erupted in May 1980? Mount St. Helens
Juan Ponce de León called these “The Martyrs.” The Dry Tortugas National Park is the closest national park to this archipelago. What are these islands, which stretch about 105 miles into the sea from mainland Florida? Florida Keys
This phenomenon is transmitted through all materials by molecular collisions. The speed named for this phenomenon is equal to Mach 1. What is this phenomenon, measured in decibels? sound
. Jorge Luis Borges is a native of this country, which borders Paraguay, Bolivia, Brazil, Uruguay, and Chile. One famous president was Juan Perón, married to Eva. What is this country, whose capitol is Buenos Aires? Argentina
One setback in the wars named for this man was his army's invasion of Russia in 1812. In 1801, President Jefferson learned that this leader had secretly reacquired the Louisiana Territory from Spain. Who is this French man who was defeated at Waterloo? Napoleon Bonaparte
During the Reagan administration, the US government sold arms to this country to fund rebel groups in Nicaragua. What country, did George Bush place along side Iraq & North Korea in “Axis of Evil”? Iran
Theories for their unusual characteristic include a lack of food or Vitamin D. Name these groups, found in Africa and other places, whose adult members are usually less than 59 inches tall pygmy
This cosmonaut was the first human in space as part of the Vostok 1 mission. He missed the planned landing site and was found by farmers. Yuri Gagarin
in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, which important family includes five unmarried daughters? Bennett Family
This man, who was named “Public Enemy Number One'' in 1930, ordered the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre. This notorious gangster also known as “Scarface” was later arrested and sent to Alcatraz prison Al Capone
When their magma chambers are emptied, which often occurs during explosive eruptions, volcanoes can collapse into these structures. Crater Lake is found in one of these depressions at the top of volcanoes caldera
A character in this story rides past a tree haunted by Major Andre on his horse Gunpowder after having his marriage proposal rejected. Katrina van Tassel marries Brom Bones over a local school teacher & Ichabod Crane disappears in this story. “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
After invading a neighboring nation, this man threatened to launch the “mother of all battles.” Name this dictator who was captured in a “spider hole” during the 2003 invasion of Iraq. The toppling of his statue symbolically ended his government. : Saddam Hussein
“Stormin’” Norman Schwarzkopf led this portion of the Gulf War, which included the attack on Iraq. This operation followed the liberation of Kuwait and Operation Desert Shield. Operation Desert Storm
After a trip to Havana, this composer wrote a tone poem inspired by rumba music featuring bongos and maracas. Name this American composer of the Cuban Overture. Other works by this composer include Lady, be Good and Rhapsody in Blue George Gershwin
Edward the Black Prince fought in this war before dying of dysentery, and he won the battles of Poitiers and Crecy against King John II of France in this war. It was fought between England & France and lasted 16 years longer than its namesake war. Hundreds Years War
These other creatures in Irish folklore are said to have red eyes from continual weeping. These female mound spirits are said to shriek, wail, or keen at the imminent death of a family member banshees
These circuit components allow current to flow in only one direction. Name these circuit components that can convert AC into DC and are common in modern lightbulbs in their “light emitting” type. diodes
These circuit components store charge, and their “parallel plate” type is the most simple; the voltage difference across one of these devices is equal to the charge stored on this device divided by its namesake property capacitors
This metal is added to steel to make stainless steel. ] Name this transition metal that is named after the Greek word for “color” and is the namesake of some green and yellow pigments chromium
This author claimed “music hath a far more pleasing sound” & “My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun.” He wrote “Thou art more lovely and more temperate” in a 14-line poem that begins “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day one of his 154 sonnets. William Shakespeare
A fictional couple with this last name were members of the VFD & were parents of a girl who ties her hair back in a ribbon to think. What is last name of the children in Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events : Baudelaire
Name this novel in which the peasant boy Tom Canty and the Prince of Wales Edward Tudor switch roles in society. Edward vows to reign with mercy and kindness in this novel after experiencing the peasant lifestyle. : The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain
Wordsworth’s poem “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” is often titled for one type of these objects & describes a “host, of golden” ones “fluttering and dancing in the breeze.” The narrator’s “heart with pleasure fills & dances with [these objects] daffodils
This author received a large amount of criticism from the readers of The New Yorker in response to her story “The Lottery.” This author also wrote the supernatural horror novel The Haunting of Hill House Shirley Jackson
In his Cooper Union address, this politician affirmed his opposition to expansion of slavery. This politician stated that “a house divided against itself cannot stand” in a speech against Stephen Douglas & he issued the Emancipation Proclamation. Abraham Lincoln
Former secretary of state John Kerry claimed that this country was a “narco-kleptocracy.” Name this Central American country once led by Manuel Noriega that separated from Colombia in 1903. It was invaded by the US in Operation Just Cause in 1989 Republic of Panama
This man ordered the invasion of Panama during his presidency. This man also negotiated NAFTA and presided over the First Gulf War. This Republican’s son also became president in 2001. George H.W. Bush
In 1977, the Trujillos-Carter Treaty agreed to give one of these structures back to the Panamanians. The Panamanian one of these structures connects the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, allowing ships to avoid the long journey around South America. canals
During a failed coup d'état, this man attempted to put Erich Ludendorff in power. Name this man, who, after his arrest for his leadership in that Beer Hall Putsch, composed Mein Kampf from his prison cell. Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler was the leader of this far-right German political party, whose paramilitary branches included the SS and SA. This party also conducted the Holocaust during World War II Nazi Party
This Nazi Party member advocated for a style of "total war" when it became apparent that the Germans were going to lose World War II. He also served as the Minister of Propaganda under Hitle Joseph Goebbels
Name this president, whose victory in the election of 1884 was largely due to support from the Mugwumps. The Panic of 1893 began this president’s second term, the only nonconsecutive term of any president Grover Cleveland
During his second term, Grover Cleveland sent in troops to put down this 1894 strike based on his constitutional responsibility to have mail delivered. This railroad strike was led by Eugene V. Debs. Pullman Strike
In 2012, this man travelled to the Mariana Trench in the Deepsea Challenger submersible. He directed such films as The Abyss, Aliens, & The Terminator. He directed a movie depicting the Heart of the Ocean, a big diamond, found after a famous shipwreck. James Cameron
In this James Cameron-directed film, humans are colonizing the moon Pandora to mine unobtanium. To explore Pandora, scientists use the title blue-skinned alien-human hybrids. Avatar
Common deck archetypes in this card game include Burn, which relies on Instants and Sorceries to do quick damage. Name this fantasy card game, featuring 5 colors of mana and card types like Artifacts and Planeswalkers Magic: The Gathering
Magic: The Gathering is published by this board game company that also produces Dungeons & Dragons Wizards of the Coast
In Magic: The Gathering, burn decks typically consist of cards of this color. This primary color is also featured on cards like Incinerate and Lightning Bolt, and its mana symbol is a fireball red
This philosopher described doubting everything in his Discourse on the Method. He also names a coordinate system that defines points with a plane of 2 perpendicular axes. Name this French Enlightenment philosopher who said “I think, therefore I am" Rene Descartes
This city was the birthplace of Boeing, Microsoft, and Starbucks. Name this city in the Pacific Northwest. This city is home to the Space Needle. Seattle
This inlet connects Seattle and Tacoma to the Pacific Ocean via the Strait of Juan de Fuca, and as such defines the Olympic Peninsula of northwest Washington Puget Sound
When unpolarized light undergoes this process at Brewster’s angle, it becomes perfectly polarized. Name this phenomenon that for light can be “specular” or “diffuse.” This phenomenon occurs when a wavefront changes direction at an interface between media. reflection
A piece by this composer begins with a descending and ascending chromatic flute solo. This author of Children’s Corner & Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun is most famous for a movement from his Clair de Lune. Name this French impressionist composer : Claude-Achille Debussy
This country’s first attempt at independence was known as the Fredonian Rebellion. Name this state that gained independence from Mexico in an 1836 revolution Republic of Texas
This “King of the Wild Frontier” fought for the Republic of Texas, dying at the Alamo. This man is depicted in folk-lore stories and a Disney mini-series that popularized the image of him wearing a coonskin cap. Davy Crockett
This man secured Texan independence by capturing Santa Anna at the Battle of San Jacinto. This first president of Texas is the namesake of the state’s largest city Sam Houston
This phrase is uttered during the so-called “nunnery scene” of the Shakespeare play in which it appear. Give this phrase contrasting life & death that is said by a prince in a soliloquy just before Ophelia returns his love letters. To Be or Not to Be
The phrase “to be, or not to be” appears in this play about a Prince of Denmark. The title character seeks revenge on his uncle Claudius, who killed his father to claim the throne, in this tragedy by Shakespeare Hamlet
The courtier Osric delivers an invitation to one of these events to Hamlet. An event of this type between Laertes and Hamlet involving a poisoned sword ends with every character besides Horatio dying duels
This event was known to its perpetrators as Plan Z, and the code phrase "Climb Mount Niitaka" was used to initiate it. Isoroku Yamamoto led this event, which resulted in the sinking of the battleship USS Arizona. Name this “day which will live in infamy” Bombing of Pearl Harbor
In Norse mythology, maidens named for using these things could have been the basis for the mythical Valkyries. One of these things wielded by Athena or Zeus featured Medusa’s head and was called the Aegis shields
The Bronze Age Collapse affected civilizations around the eastern side of this body of water. Before the collapse, traders would sail on it from the Nile Delta in Egypt to the Hittite Empire in Anatolia : Mediterranean Sea
In this state, future Congressman John Lewis was injured in clashes with police on the Edmund Pettus Bridge. Martin Luther King, Jr. composed a famous letter from a jail. Ku Klux Klan members bombed the 16th Street Baptist Church in this state Alabama
Although this city was fully inside East Germany, it was separated into West and East portions by an eponymous wall. This city is the current capital of Germany Berlin
The holiday of Eid al-Fitr marks the end of this month-long holiday. Name this ninth month in the Islamic calendar during which Muslims commemorate Muhammad’s first revelation. This holiday is observed by Muslims as a period of reflection and prayer Ramadan
] This practice is called sawm in Islam, and is obligatory for all Muslims who are healthy enough to keep it. Eastern Orthodox Christians partake in a partial form of this practice during Lent, when they abstain from eating animal products fasting
In a novel by this author, Pierre believes he is destined to kill Napoleon. Name this Russian author of Anna Karenina who wrote of the invasion of Russia in his long novel War and Peace. Leo Tolstoy
These bears possess a hump between their shoulders, which is actually a muscle that powers their forelimbs while they dig for roots and plant bulbs. This type of bear is also known as the North American brown bear. grizzly bears
Detective Mark Fuhrman’s alleged racism was highlighted by lawyers representing this man. His struggle to put on a glove inspired the phrase “if it doesn’t fit, you must acquit.”. Name this ex-NFL player found not guilty for the murder of his wife. OJ Simpson
”Double consciousness” is examined in a W. E. B. Du Bois book named for these things “of Black Folk.” The poem “Invictus” declares “I am the captain of” what incorporeal entity contrasted with mind and body? souls
John Snow proved that a water pump on London's Broad Street was the source of an 1854 epidemic of what disease that leads to diarrhea, and is caused by a germ in genus Vibri cholera
At the end of this story, Mathilde [mat-TEELD] learns the title object was only worth 500 francs. What Guy de Maupassant story is named for a piece of jewelry? The Necklace
In the aftermath of this incident, Daniel Webster devised a legal standard for judging claims of self-defense. Name this 1837 “affair” in which a ship was seized by British troops, set on fire, and sent over Niagara Falls. Falls. Caroline Affair
This was the 1st protein to have its structure determined by X-ray crystallography. John Kendrew & Max Perutz won a Nobel Prize. Name this protein found in high levels in aquatic mammals and only in humans after injury following a muscle injury myoglobin
This work describes Rome's passage through three cycles of growth and decline. Give the Latin title of this work divided into sections called ”pentads,” which covers events from the founding of Rome to the death of Drusus in 9 BC Ab Urbe Condita
An “Avenue” lined by over 20 of these trees is one of the most iconic tourist attractions of Madagascar. What type of African tree from genus Adansonia is recognizable by its extremely wide trunk? baobab(s
The hollowed-out trunks of dead baobabs were once used as tombs for these storytellers, who passed on the oral and musical traditions of West Africa. griots
Jess Walter's book Every Knee Shall Bow chronicles this 1992 event. Name this eleven-day standoff in Idaho that ended with the arrest of white separatist Randy Weaver, and the deaths of Weaver's wife and son. Ruby Ridge
Anger over the government Ruby Ridge and Waco sieges motivated this man to carry out the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. He was executed in 2001 Timothy (James) McVeigh
In 1780 his forces defeated Horatio Gates' army at Camden, though he was unable to destroy Nathanael Greene's army at Guilford Court House the following year. Name this British general who surrendered at Yorktown in 1781. Charles Cornwallis
One of these things was used to kill Salmoneus after that king started driving madly in a massive chariot. Another sunk the ship of Ceyx ran amok. This weapon killed Asclepius, after which Apollo slew the Cyclopes who had forged it lightning bolt
In 1956 a student at this university was expelled when she tried to integrate it. 7 years after her expulsion, the National Guard escorted Viviane Jones & James Hood through the Auditorium past a man who promised “segregation now & segregation forever.” University of Alabama
Its founder, Sundiata, established its capital at Niani . This empire constructed the Sidi Yahya and Sankore Mosque. It's ruler devalued gold during a hajj. Mansa Musa ruled what African empire with a major city at Timbuktu? Mali Empire
After stealing Sheriff Lillian Holley's car, he crossed into Illinois, bringing the FBI into the manhunt. What “public enemy” was betrayed by the ”woman in red” and killed while leaving a Chicago theater in 1934 John (Herbert) Dillinger
This event was outlined at the Wannsee Conference. It is the subject of the Yad Vashem museum, and its major sites include Chelmno, Majdanek, & Treblinka, The euphemism the “Final Solution” is applied to what genocide of 6 million Jews in Nazi Germany? The Holocaust or Sho'ah
In its last victory, it kills an entire crew except one, who clings to a (*) coffin-turned-lifebuoy to survive. The complete destruction of the Pequod and its crew, save Ishmael, is accomplished by what Herman Melville title character, a whale? Moby Dick
In 1964 this man was convicted of fraud, conspiracy, & jury tampering. Richard Nixon commuted the remainder of his 13-year sentence in 1971, but forbade him from engaging in official union activities. In 1975 he mysteriously disappeared in Detroit Jimmy Hoffa
A patent was negotiated among manufacturers of this type this device to reduce the number of infringement lawsuits,such as Elias Howe in 1854. This type of device, a foot-operated pedal, was created in the 1840s by Isaac Singer sewing machine
His regime collapsed when Napoleon III withdrew the French army, and upon his capture Benito Juárez refused to commute his death sentence, which was depicted by Édouard Manet. Name this Austrian archduke who briefly as Emperor of Mexico. Maximilian I of Mexico (or Ferdinand Maximilian Joseph Habsburg
It ended the first invasion of the North and provided an excuse for Abraham Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation. Name this September 17, 1862 battle in Maryland, the bloodiest single day in American history. Battle of Antietam or Battle of Sharpsburg
After this Roman emperor took the throne, he induced his cousin Gemellus and Macro to commit suicide. He was the son of Germanicus & Agrippina the Elder. During the ludi, Praetorian officers assassinated this man. His nickname was "Little Boots” Caligula or Gaius Caesar
In a work, he listed competition, diffidence, & glory as the reasons for the war of all against all. Name this English philosopher who wrote about the “matter, form, & power” of a commonwealth & described life as “nasty, brutish, and short” in Leviathan Thomas Hobbes
This man reused his “Sanctus” in D major for 6 voices in his Mass in B minor. The oldest known harpsichord solo appears in the fifth of a set of six works he composed. The Brandenburg Concertos were written by what German Baroque composer? Johann Sebastian Bach
In the 19th century, this island was circumnavigated by Matthew Flinders. Its southernmost part, Wilsonʹs Promontory, juts into the Bass Strait; The sandstone monolith Uluru is in what nation whose capital is Canberra? Australia
After this battle, the inhabitants of its namesake town refused to celebrate the 4th of July until after WWII. Ulysses S. Grantʹs victory at this battle effectively cut the Confederacy in half. Name this 1863 siege of a city on the Mississippi River Battle of Vicksburg
This English king lost his territories on the European continent after Otto IV lost to France at the Battle of Bouvines. This successor to Richard the Lionheart was forced to grant additional power to his barons in 1215. He signed the Magna Carta King John of England
This man dropped Mola Ram to his death by cutting a rope bridge Henry III, who went by “Mutt.” Name this heroic archaeologist who often relies on a whip Indiana Jones
The Morse equation says this quantity= the product of molarity, gas, temperature & the vanʹt Hoff factor. An uppercase pi symbolizes this colligative property. Name this pressure needed to stop the namesake flow of water across a semipermeable membrane osmotic pressure
This man examine in The Road to Wigan Pier. Syme works on a dictionary of Newspeak in a book by this man depicting Winston Smithʹs resistance to Big Brother. Name this author of 1984 George Orwell
This thinker criticized Robert Filmerʹs Patriarcha & argued for the labor theory of property while presenting a depiction of the state of nature. Name this English thinker whose Two Treatises of Government influenced the American Revolution. John Locke
In a work by this author, a philosopher is compared to a gadfly who stings a lazy horse. This man wrote about the nature of piety in Euthyphro & about the immortality of the soul in Phaedo Name this student of Socrateswho wrote the Apology &Republic Plato
In 1968 this former legislator led a “brigade” to Washinton DC to protest the Vietnam War. She represented Montanaʹs First District & was the only member of the House to vote against entering World War II. Name this first woman elected to Congress : Jeannette (Pickering) Rankin
In this technique, painting is applied to freshly laid lime plaster. The paintings in the Sistine Chapel were done in this style frescos
To create paint in the ultramarine shade of this color, many artists ground up lapis lazuli and mixed it with their paint blue
There are approximately 63,240 of these units in one light year. This unit is almost exactly the average distance from the Earth to the Sun. astronomical units (or AU)
There are approximately 3.25 light years in one of these units, which are defined as the distance at which one astronomical unit subtends an angle of one arcsecond parsecs
Mustafa Atatürk was, until his 1938 death, the president of this country, whose city of Istanbul straddles the divide between Europe and Asia. Turkey
The sinking of this ship in 1915 helped prompt the United States to enter World War I. Name this British sea vessel, an ocean liner whose destruction led to the deaths of almost 1,200 people. RMS Lusitania
This element is used in incandescent light bulb filaments. Name this metal with atomic symbol W Tungsten
Tungsten belongs to this group of metals whose atoms or ions have partially filled d subshells. These metals also include nickel. transition metals
Tungsten compounds are often used as catalysts, which speed up reactions by lowering this energy for the reaction activation energy
The title “Tsar of All Russia” was first used by this 16th‐century Russian ruler who built St. Basilʹs Cathedral and created a standing army called the streltsy. He earned his nickname for his fearsomeness. Ivan the Terrible
The similarity between the viceroy and monarch butterflies is an example of the Müllerian type of this natural strategy used to escape predators mimicry
This Supreme Court case was decided alongside the companion case Doe v. Bolto. Name this 1973 Supreme Court decision holding that, prior to a fetusʹs viability, a woman has the right to an abortion Roe v Wade
Yann Martelʹs novel Life of Pi depicts a boy who is stranded at sea with an animal of this type named Richard Parker. Clemsonʹs sports teams are known by this name. tiger
What is the most common term used in genetics to describe the observable physical characteristics of an organism caused by the expression of a gene or set of genes? phenotype
According to standard chemical nomenclature and indicating the proper charge, what is the formula for hydrogen sulfide? H2S
What are the names for the pyrimidine bases found in DNA? CYTOSINE; THYMINE
First proposed by Georges Lemaitre, what is the name, most likely coined by Fred Hoyle, for the theory that the universe originated at a finite time many eons ago from an extremely compressed hot state? Big Bang
What is the MOST common term for the inwardly directed force exerted on an object to keep the object moving in a circle? Centripetal
What is the MOST common term for the type of energy that is most directly related to the energy of atoms, molecules and other small particles that are in random motion within a system? Thermal
In electrochemical cells, what is the most common term for the electrode that acts as the negative electrode? Cathode
What is the MOST common term for the division of a somatic cell into 2 nucleated cells following of mitosis? CYTOKINESIS
What is the proper name for the closest spiral galaxy to the Milky Way? Andromeda
The Lewis dot structure for the N+2 ion would show how many dots? 3
Stomata are pores in leaves that allow gas exchange. What is the name of the structure with this function that is present in twigs, stems, bark, and fruit? LENTICEL
In the early part of the 20th century, the German geologist and meteorologist Alfred Wegener introduced what theory? : CONTINENTAL DRIFT
Watson belonged to this school of psychology with Edward Thorndike and B.F. Skinner. It believes that a human's responses to stimuli are all gained by conditioning. John Watson
Major Rudolf Anderson was the only casualty of this event. Name this crisis that saw the Soviet Union attempt to place nuclear warheads on a certain island. It was resolved when the U.S. promised to remove its Jupiter missiles from Turkey. Cuban Missile Crisis
This lumberjack was a giant who owned a similarly giant blue ox named Babe. He created the Great Lakes in order to provide Babe with a big enough watering hole. Paul Bunyan
This legendary figure was raised by coyotes and used two rattlesnakes as whips. His love interest was Slue-Foot Sue, who rides a catfish. Pecos Bill
Most sharks follow a type of this mode of reproduction. It involves the development of an embryo inside the body of a mother and is contrasted with laying eggs. ovoviviparity [or live birth;
In this novel, Clifford is imprisoned for murdering his uncle Jaffrey Name this novel in which the title structure is built by Thomas Maule and occupied by the cursed Pyncheon family. House of the Seven Gables
This artist of The Luncheon on the Grass and A Bar at the Folies-Bergere also painted a reclining nude woman wearing a black choker in his controversial work Olympia. Edouard Manet
The first man to hold this position had earlier transported artillery captured at Fort Ticonderoga to Boston to help get the British out of that city. Name this cabinet position held in the Washington administration by James McHenry & Henry Knox Secretary of War
This battle was fought in order to relieve Sir Philip Mowbray, and one side created a series of camouflaged pits.Name this 1314 battle fought near Sterling castle, a key victory for the Scots in the first Scottish War of Independence. Battle of Bannockburn
The Battle of Bannockburn was won by this Scottish king, who killed John III Comyn at Dumfries several years earlier. In the Treaty of Corbeil, he revived Scotland's alliance with France. Robert the Bruce
Nine years before Bannockburn, this Scottish knight was captured by the forces of Edward I and drawn and quartered for treason. He was knighted after defeating the English at Stirling Bridge. William Wallace
One novel by this author includes Dr. Govinda Lal, a scientist from whom Shula steals a manuscript.Identify this author who wrote about a Holocaust survivor in Mr. Sammler's Planet, in addition to writing Humboldt's Gift and The Adventures of Augie March. Saul Bellow
The nuclear envelope disappears during this phase. Name this first phase of mitosis. prophase
The first enzyme in this pathway is inhibited by its product and is known as hexokinase . This metabolic pathway starts with an investment phase and ends with a payoff phase. It produces a net of 2 ATP molecules and two molecules of pyruvate glycolysis
Rhizobia breaking a superstrong triple bond forms this substance in nitrogen fixation. Combining it with oxygen in the Ostwald process produces nitric acid. Name this chemical with formula NH3 ammonia
Attempting to land at Vladivostok, Zinovy Petrovich Rozhestvensky's old and unserviceable fleet was destroyed by Togo Heihachiro in this war's Battle of Tsushima Strait. The Treaty of Portsmouth was mediated by Theodore Roosevelt to end this war. Russo-Japanese War
His best known work states a “foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds." On a visit to discuss his essay “Nature,” this author delivered the speech “The American Scholar.” Identify this American transcendentalist who wrote “Self-Reliance” Ralph Waldo Emerson
One man who held this position created the Book of Common Prayer, but was later excommunicated & burned at the stake by Mary I. This office was previously held by Thomas Crammer & Thomas Becket who was also martyred. Archbishop of Canterbury
In this poem, a "traveller from an antique land” tells the narrator of a broken statue of the title figure. Name this poem, whose title figure’s statue has a plaque stating he is the “king of kings” & commands, “Look upon my works, ye mighty & despair" “Ozymandias”
“Ozymandias” is a poem by this British poet of "Ode to the West Wind" who also wrote “The Mask of Anarchy” in response to the Peterloo Massacre. Percy Bysshe Shelley
Percy Shelly wrote this elegy on the death of John Keats. Its addressee’s soul is said to “beacon[s] from the abode where the eternal are.” "Adonais
Parkinson's disease is thought to be caused by a deficiency in this neurotransmitter produced by the substantia nigra. This inhibitory neurotransmitter is a precursor to epinephrine and norepinephrin dopamine
This law describes the force on a spring as equal to the negative spring constant multiplied by the displacement, or F = -kx. Hooke's Law
This god was the consort of Hathor, and he rode a ship across the sky. Name this Egyptian sun god worshipped at Heliopolis. Ra
Every night, Set and Ra battle against this serpent and God of chaos, who attacks the solar barque every night. He is sometimes assisted by the demon Mot. Apep
Andalusia is home to this palace in Granada that was built by the Moors in the thirteenth century. It contains the Court of the Lions and has a name that translates as “the red fortress”. the Alhambra
Giorgio Vasari designed the Uffizi Gallery for Cosimo di Medici in this city. Name this Italian city, found in Tuscany, whose cathedral, the Santa Maria del Fiore, features an octagonal brick dome with no buttresses : Florence
Name the fierce-looking Berkshire boar who leads the rebellion against Mr. Jones in George Orwell's "Animal Farm." Napoleon
Displaying a well-developed conchoidal fracture, it is an excellent material for arrowheads and knives. Name this volcanic glass of rhyolitic composition formed by rapid cooling of a viscous lava. obsidian
In Tchaikovsky's "War of 1812," what family of musical instruments did he use to portray the sounds of cannon fire and bombs bursting? percussion
He was a leader in the Lincoln County cattle war of New Mexico. Name this desperado whose career of cattle rustling brought his score of murders to 21 before he was killed by the sheriff. Billy the Kid
The steep-sided towers of rock called buttes are all that remain of what formerly extensive sections of flat-topped elevations? mesas
In the book, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Hermione Granger's Patronus takes the shape of what aquatic, carnivorous mammal related to weasels and minks? otter
In 1777, eleven thousand men of the American army spent the long winter on the banks of the Schuylkill River in Pennsylvania in what valley? Valley Forge
What adjective describes a solid that can have its shape changed to a thin sheet by blows from a hammer? malleable
On the Underground Railroad, the routes from safe-house to safe-house were called lines and were roughly 15 miles long, the stopping places were called stations, those who aided fugitive slaves were called conductors, & the slaves themselves were called? packages (freight)
In 1950, the day after the United Nations Security Council recommended that U.N. forces in Korea be placed under U.S. military command, whom did Harry Truman appoint as head of that command? Douglas MacArthur
Prior to the adoption of the 17th Amendment, U.S. senators were chosen by what bodies? state legislatures
In 1876, warriors led by the Hunkpapa chief Gall surged across the river while Sioux warriors led by Crazy Horse attacked from the north. Within an hour, what leader of the 7th Cavalry and his men were dead? George Custer
The major breakthrough of the Connecticut Compromise, otherwise known as the Great Compromise, was the agreement for what kind of legislature comprised of two bodies? bicameral legislature
What is the term for the distribution of the number of members of the House of Representatives on the basis of the population of each state? apportionment (reapportionment)
In what Pennsylvania city would you find Cocoa Avenue and Chocolate Lane? Hershey
These are checks on which branch of government? -overriding vetoes -refusing confirm treaties -impeaching the commander in chief executive
Even though it is wrong about 70% of the time, what enduring tradition of weather forecasting involving a short-legged mammal did German immigrants introduce in Pennsylvania? Groundhog Day
The "SpongeBob SquarePants" theme song uses a similar melody as that in what old sea chantey? Blow the Man Down
Alcinous, a king of these people, became suspicious of Odysseus' identity after that crying incident. A princess of these people, Naussica, finds Odysseus after he washes ashore and these people later whisk him home to Ithaca the Phaeacians
Not knowing Odysseus is in his presence, this bard sings the song of the Trojan Horse and the sack of Troy. Since this bard is described as blind, many believe that Homer inserted himself into the Odyssey as this character : Demodocus
After singing about unfaithful women and goddesses, Demodocus stirs fears in Odysseus that this wife of his may also have been unfaithful. In reality this mother of Telemachus waited patiently for her husband and resisted all of her potential suitors Penelope
During mummification, this organ was removed with a hook-like instrument and then thrown away. Like the kidneys, the ancient Egyptians attributed the functions provided by this organ to the heart brain
Name this empire, which was founded by Batu Khan, the grandson of Genghis Khan. They are sometimes called the Kipchak Khanate, though their most famous name supposedly derives from the colors of their tents Golden Horde
During the National Boycott of California Grapes, this woman met with Gloria Steinem to convince her to help get for farmworkers. Name this activist. Alongside Cesar Chavez, she founded the National Farmworkers Association, Dolores Huerta
Name this structure that mankind builds with the goal of reaching the heavens. God stops its construction by confounding the speech of the builders and scattering them across the world Tower of Babel
This English king met with Francis at the Cloth of Gold. Francis supported this Tudor king's separation from the Catholic Church in order to marry Anne Boleyn Henry VIII
This process may be described as holometabolous or or hemimetabolous, depending on whether it is complete or not. Name this process through which animals undergo major physical changes after birth such as transformation of a caterpillar into a moth metamorphosis
The textual history of the Book of Mormon has frequently been called into question. This founder of Mormonism claims to have compiled the Book of Mormon after discovering Golden Plates buried in a hill in Wayne County, New York Joseph Smith
One amateur poet wrote “Spare me your tired, your poor” in a riff on this poet whose line “Give me your tired, your poor” begins her sonnet “The New Colossus.” Emma Lazarus
At the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal, this Romanian athlete was the first to receive a perfect score of 10.00 from the judges. She did so for her performance on the uneven bars. Nadia Comaneci
This French impressionist of Water Lilies painted a series of the Rouen Cathedral in different colors and lighting to capture the changes of the passing year Claude Monet
The Good Soldier was written by Ford Madox Ford, an author from this literary group of disillusioned expatriates in the early 20th century. Its name was coined by Gertrude Stein. Lost Generation
Examples of this group of rocks include diorite, andesite, and granite. Name this rock type that is formed from the solidification of magma or lava igneous rock
This ancient game is derived from the Indian game, Chaturanga. Name this game played on an eight by eight board between black and white pieces. A win in this game is achieved through checkmating the opposing side’s king. chess
This American chess prodigy defeated Boris Spassky in the World Chess Championships of 1972, ending an era of Soviet dominance. He was the first FIDE world number one player, and wrote My 60 Memorable Games Bobby Fischer
Although this wife of Isaac plotted for Jacob to receive his father’s blessing in place of his brother Esau, she did so in order to fulfill the wishes of God. Rebekah
And while this handmaid of Abraham was cast out into the desert after Sarah believed her to be acting too haughty with her son Ishmael, their emotional tension is arguably non-reductive. Hagar
Champion v. Ames built on this 1824 case which established the Court’s plenary power in interstate commerce. This case arose from a steamboat monopoly the state of New York granted to Robert Livingston and Robert Fulton Gibbons v. Ogden
Cohens v. Virginia and Gibbons v. Ogden were presided over by this longest serving chief justice who also presided over Marbury v Madison. : John Marshall
Dante is guided through Hell by Virgil, who is condemned with all the other righteous pagans to this first circle of Hell traditionally reserved for unbaptized infants. limbo
Walt Whitman’s poems “When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d” and “O Captain! My Captain” eulogize what 16th President of the United States? : Abraham Lincoln
] New York Times v. United States concerned the publication of these documents leaked by Daniel Ellsberg which revealed, among other things, that the US had secretly expanded the scope of the Vietnam War Pentagon Papers
This Incan capital was connected to other cities not only by the Incan road system but by the ceque system of ritual pathways. Some theorists indicate that they correspond with astrological events : Cuzco
This adjective precedes England in the name of the upper Tory class led by Benjamin Disraeli. When applied to the word Turks what adjective describes a 20th century reform movement in the Ottoman Empire? Young (Turks) (England)
This Greek letter's capital form precedes Y and X in the formula for a line's slope. What Greek letter's capital form represents change and is shaped by a triangle? delta
In 2018, accountant Scott Foster briefly became a celebrity for playing this position in a game. Name this sports position played by emergency fill in David Ayres in a February 2020 game after 2 players for the Carolina Hurricanes were injured. Goalies
This codeword indicated a successful ambush but is frequently mistranslated as "tiger". Give this Japanese word repeated 3 times in the title of a 1970 film about the attack on Pearl Harbor. Tora! Tora! Tora!
In the film Tora! Tora! Tora! this leader of the Japanese Imperial Navy says that Japan " awakened a sleeping giant" when it attacked Pearl Harbor. Admiral Yamamoto
In a 1978 film version of "The Wiz", the scarecrow was played by this singer who would later release the album called "Thriller" Michael Jackson
Name this interval in music. This interval consists of 12 half steps, the distance between middle C and the C above it. octaves
The use of this highly dissonant interval sometimes called "the devil" in music was shunned but not banned in medieval music. Tritones (augmented fourths or diminished fifths)
In this game, the player can fight a spider like NOSK in the dark area of Deepnest. This game's character was announced as the protagonist of this games sequel "Silksong". The player uses a nail to fight insects in what game set in Hallownest? Hollow Knight
This wheel in England is the tallest in the world when it was completed in 2000. It stands on the banks of the River Thames. London Eye
What Norse god who sacrificed a hand during the chaining of the wolf Fenrir will kill and be killed by the hellhound Garm at Ragnarok.? Tyr
What character who was named for Nintendo's lawyer, is a native of Planet Popstar who often fights King Dedede and is able to inhale his enemies? Kirby
"Saturnism" refers to poisoning by what heavy metal whose Latin name is the origin of the English word reflecting its former use in water pipes? Lead (Pb)
What cryptocurrency based on an internet meme lost nearly 30% of its values in the hours after Elon Musk referred to it on Saturday Night Live? Dogecoin
This story is set during a period when an "elf-queen" danced in many a green meadow. Name this story about a man who avoids execution by discovering what most men desire. The Wife of Bath's Tale (Canterbury Tales)
The Wife of Bath's Tale is one of the Canterbury Tales written in Middle English by this author. Geoffrey Chaucer
In 2020 protestors in the US city of Bristol tore down a statue of Edward Colston because of Colston's connection to this practice. Slavery
This US president was paralyzed from the waist down in 1921 due to what doctors believe was polio. Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR)
Because of polio, this artists right leg was shorter than her left. Her works include a Self Portrait on the Borderline between Mexico and the US. Frida Kahlo
This Israeli American violinist plays sitting down because he contracted polio at age 4. He recorded the music for the movie "Schindler's List". Itzhak Perlman
During the US War on Terror many detainees were held at camp on this naval base in Cuba which the US has leased since 1903. Guantanamo Bay
This British international spy agency aided the CIA in performing extraordinary renditions of detainees in black sites where detainees were interrogated and tortured. M16 or Secret Intelligence Service.
A mirror was used to lure this goddess out of the Heavenly Rock Cave where she hid after a dead horse was thrown at her by her brother. The emperors of Japan are descended from what Shinto sun goddess? Amaterasu
Boys in this novel pick up fake coins on an electrified rug after fighting a "battle royal". This novel's narrator lives in an underground room filled with lights. Ralph Emerson wrote what novel whose African American narrator feels unseen? The Invisible Man
In the 1950's this man worked as a motivational speaker for General Electric. Name this man who first made a political impression by giving a 1964 speech "A Time for Choosing" in support of Barry Goldwater. Ronald Reagan
In 1966, Ronald Reagan was elected governor of this state before becoming US president California
This group of brown algae seaweeds are densely populated underwater forests. Kelp
Guam is part of these islands which form the Philippine Sea's eastern border with the greater Pacific Ocean Mariana
What realtor from the city of Zenith briefly becomes a rebel and supports socialist Seneca Doane in a Sinclair Lewis' book? George Babbitt
Sinclair Lewis wrote a novel about the Fascist Buzz Windrip who is elected President of the US. Sales of this book surged after the election of Donald Trump. It Can't Happen Here
What structures have a shell model that predicts "magic numbers" of component particles such as 2 and 82 to make these structures especially stable? Atomic Nuclei
Roger on American Dad visited this place in 1947. Liz is shot at the Crashdown Cafe and healed by the alien Max in a CW show named for this city. Name this New Mexico city linked to conspiracy theories about UFO's. Roswell
This author wrote "old time is still a flying in a poem that warns "having lost but once your prime/you may forever tarry." Name this 17th century British poet who advised "gather ye rosebuds while ye may" in "To the Virgins to Make to Much of TIme" Robert Herrick
"To the Virgins to Make Much of Time" is a poem in this genre whose two word Latin name means "seize the day" Carpe Diem
For water, this point occurs at about 600 pascals or about 0.6 percent of atmospheric pressure. Name this point , at which solid, liquid, and gaseous phases phases can co-exist at equilibrium. Triple Point
According to this American chemist's phrase rule, pure water like all pure substances has zero degrees of freedom at triple point. Joseph Willard Gibbs
What state where Denmark Vassey planned a slave rebellion was the first to secede from the US and is home to Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor. South Carolina
Mercredi which refers to the Roman god Mercury is the French word for what day of the week? Wednesday
What civil rights organization's Legal Defense Fund led by Thurgood Marshall challenged school segregation in the 1954 case Brown v Board of Education? NAACP
What pope published Catechism of the Catholic Church and officially apologized for the persecution of Galileo during his tenure in the 1990's? Pope John Paul II
The Bhagarvad Gita is a Hindu scripture which originally appeared as a monologue within what larger narrative epic poem? Mahabharata
What art movement's painters included Marie Bracquemond Berthe Morisot and Mary Cassatt as well as the painter of "Water Lilies" Claude Monet? impressionism
The Delmarva Peninsula forms the eastern border of what inlet of the Atlantic Ocean which is fed by the Susquehanna and Potomac Rivers? Chesapeake Bay
Which man who commanded the British forces at the Battle of the Nile died aboard the HMS Victory during a battle in 1805? Lord Horatio Nelson
The opening line of To Kill a Mockingbird refers to the broken arm suffered by what character in his altercation with Bob Ewell? Jem Finch or Jeremy Finch
What character meets Tom o Bedlam on a heath has daughters named Regan, Goneril, and Cordelia and is the king of a Shakepearean tragedy? King Lear
The Tsugaru Strait separates Honshu from what northernmost of the Japanese main islands, whose capital is Sapporo? Hokkaido
What mustachioed Belgian detective uses the "little grey cells" of his brain to solve murders in novels by Agatha Christie? Hercule Poirot
What modernist painter who was born near the town of Vitebsk in present day Belarus showed a green human facing a goal in "I and the Village"? Marc Chagall
Which king who may have ordered the deaths of the "Princes in the Towers" was succeeded by Henry VII after he was defeated in the Battle of Bosworth? Richard III
Which Germanic people were ruled for over 50 years by King Gaiseric who captured Roman Carthage in AD 439 and sacked Rome in 455? Vandals
What playwright created the fathers Eddie Carbone in "A View From the Bridge", Joe Keller in "All My Sons", and Willy Loman in "Death of a Salesman"? Arthur Miller
What composer of The Thunderer, Fairest of the Fair, and Semper Fidelis was nicknamed "The March King" and also composed Stars and Stripes Forever? John Phillip Sousa
What gas with tetrahedral molecular geometry is the lightest alkane? Methane
What condition whose fixation type is a symptom of Korsakoff syndrome has "anterograde" and "retrograde" types and involves deficits in memory? Amnesia
What name from an Iroquois word for settlement or village did Jacques Cartier give the territory along the St Lawrence River he claimed for France? Canada
What ruler replaced the Han system with prefectures in 1871 a few years after he took power as emperor of Japan in the namesake restoration? Meiji
Although "Let it Be" was released later, what 1969 album containing "Something" and "Come Together" was the last studio album recorded by the Beatles? Abbey Road
What object whose debris causes the Orionid meteor shower was observed by it namesake in 1682 will pass near Earth in 2061 and is a comet? Halley's Comet
Which property of equality states that a equals a or in other words, that a number always equals itself? reflexive property
What daughter of Zeus celebrated with her mother in the Eleusian mysteries, ate pomegranate seeds that obliged her to leave each year for Hades? Persephone
What layer of the atmosphere from which Joseph Kittinger made a 20 mile high skydive in 1960 lies above the troposphere and contains the ozone layer? stratosphere
In the line "We are each stuff/As dreams are made on " is form what play in which the spirit Ariel is ordered by Prospero to conjure a violent storm? The Tempest
What 11 letter adjective describes a kinship system in which descent is traced through a line of female ancestors? Matrilineal
What newspaper named Sally Buzbee as its executive editor in 2021, has the slogan "Democracy Dies in Darkness" and is based in the nation's capital? The Washington Post
What radioactive element which has been used as a poison was named by Marie Curie after her homeland? polonium
What man who skipped the Constitutional Convention because he smelled a rat, gave a 1775 speech in Virginia stating "Give me Liberty, or give me death"? Patrick Henry
What politician who displayed a poster depicting 111 days of hell and a mountain during the COVID crisis resigned as the governor of New York? Andrew Cuomo
Electrical stimulation of the tongue may help alleviate what common condition in which a person hears "ringing in the ears"? Tinnitus
What river whose headwaters originate in Lake Itasca flows through such cities as Memphis and St Louis before emptying in the Gulf of Mexico? Mississippi River
What leader of the Division del Norte raided Columbus, New Mexico prompting John "Black Jack" Pershing to unsuccessfully pursue him into Mexico? Pancho Villa
What term for an actor comes from a 6th century BC Greek who according to Aristotle was the first recorded stage actor who portrayed a character? Thespian
What 1969 book whose title character eats five oranges a day on a Friday was written by Eric Carle about a ravenous creature that becomes a butterfly? The Very Hungry Catepillar
What identical or sister copies of a chromosome are attached by a centromere before being separated into mitosis? chromatids
What property which the Greek mathematician Hippasus showed the square root of 2 means a number can't be written as a fraction of integers? irrationality
What quarterback threw 60 touchdowns for LSU during the 2019 season and was taken with the first pick in the 2020 NFL draft? Joe Burrow
In 1639, what English colony adopted the Fundamental Orders, a governing document that led to the future state's nickname "The Constitution State"? Connecticut
What author who wrote about a strike led by fruit pickers in his novel Dubious Battle also wrote the novels Tortilla Flats and Cannery Row? John Steinbeck
What material accidently discovered by Roy Plunkett contains repeating CFs units and is a polymer commonly found in non stick cookware? Teflon
This Side of Paradise and The Beautiful and the Damned are early novels of what writer from the Lost Generation? F Scott Fitzgerald
What director cast Richard Dreyfus in the UFO film Close Encounters of the Third Kind and made a 1975 film about sharks that attack in Jaws? Steven Spielberg
What German philosopher who Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals discussed the categorical imperative, wrote the Critique of Pure Reason? Immanuel Kant
What title character of an Edmond Rostand play prides himself on his panache, has a large nose, and writes love letters to help Christian woo Roxane? Cyrano de Bergerac
In literature, what is the background information at the very beginning of the story called? Exposition
In literature, what is the extreme pride a character feels that serves as his or her's tragic flaw? hubris
In literature, a work that directly mocks or lampoons other works or genres is called? a parody
An act that is culturally forbidden is also known as a taboo
A type of tea whose name means "Black Dragon" oolong
A droning instrument played by the Aboriginal people of Australia is called a didgeridoo
The Tibetan ethnic group whose members are renowned for mountaineering and leading people on treks of the Himalayan mountains are called sherpas
Physicists have argued that inflation explains why the universe has this property defined as appearing the same in all directions isotropy
In 2010 this country's former president Evo Morales declared it to be a plurinational state. Name this landlocked South American Country that shares Lake Titicaca with its western neighbor Bolivia
This opening sentence is followed by a paragraph that describes a "great python" spitting venomous kerosene. What six word sentence begins a novel about the fireman Guy Montag? "It was a pleasure to burn"
"It was a pleasure to burn" opens this novel by Ray Bradbury titled for the temperature at which books catch fire. Fahrenheit 451
At the end of Fahrenheit 451, Montag recites a verse about a tree of life whose leaves are for "healing the nation" drawn from this book of the New Testament. Book of Revelation
The structured functionalist approach to this discipline was advocated by Emile Durkheim who practiced this field along with Erving Goffman and Max Weber. Name this study of society. Sociology
The genotypes of the resulting offspring can be visualized by drawing what kind of square named for a British geneticist? Punnett
The Oregon trail formally began in Independence a town in this state. This state's Gateway Arch honors western expansion. Missouri
Settlers who traveled the Oregon Trail often stopped at this major fort in Wyoming located where its namesake river meets the North Platte River. Fort Laramie
In 2020 the "d" exoplanet orbiting this star discovered about 4 light years from Earth. Name this nearest known extra solar star to the Earth. Proxima Centauri or Alpha Centauri
The thin atmosphere of Mars is made largely of this gas whose year average concentration in Earth's atmosphere hit a record 416 parts per million in 2021. Carbon Dioxide
Nanophase compounds in which these two elements are bonded contribute to the reddish haze of Mar's atmosphere and to the color of its surface. Name both elements Iron and Oxygen (accept Ferric oxide for both elements)
About 2% of Mars atmosphere consists of this gas which is used along with potassium in a method of radioactive dating that does not involve carbon. Argon
A speedrunning technique in this game called "divine travel" locates endgame structures using the random placements of fossils or animals. Name this sandbox game developed by Mojang Minecraft
Minecraft speedrunners must find a stronghold and enter the End dimension before battling this creature which functions as the final boss of the game. Ender Dragon
This style of art includes black and white paintings of Bridget Riley. Victor Vasarely was a leader of what art movement that makes use of illusions? It rose to prominence with the 1965 MoMa exhibition "The Responsive Eye" op art (optical art)
Theodore Timby created a revolving two gun turret for this vessel which sank in a storm off of Cape Hatteras nine months after an indecisive engagement at Hampton Roads. It fought against the Union Ironclad. USS Monitor
Created by: clusco
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