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TKAM - test
"To Kill A Mockingbird" exam
Question | Answer |
What is the origin of the term "Jim Crow"? | when Daddy Rice sang a song and danced an impersonation that he saw from a black man named Jim Crow. |
During the Great Depression, many dust bowl farmers packed their families into cars and headed where? | agricultural fields and cities of the West. |
What work is Harper Lee most famous for writing? | "To Kill A Mockingbird". |
By the end of the 19th century, what did the term "Jim Crow" become identified as? | racial segregation & laws concerning segregation. |
Why did the farmers leave? | because people were questioning their democracy, individualism, and capitalism because that is the way they lived their lives. *(D.ouche I.n C.amo) |
Who were the presidents during the 1930's? | Herbert Hoover & Franklin Delano Roosevelt. |
What did sculptor GUTZON BORGLUM create? | the mount rushmore memorial. |
Which case UPHELD segregation, or "seperate but equal"? | Plessy vs Ferguson. |
Who was BOOKER T. WASHINGTON? | a spokesperson in the south who spoke about how black people would benefit staying in the south and working there. |
What famous Civil War general is Harper Lee related to? | Robert E. Lee |
What case was OVERTURNED "separate but equal"? | Brown vs Board of Education. |
What was BOOKER T. WASHINGTON'S stance on segregation debates? | thought that racism wasn't all that bad, and that it could be worse. |
Who were some of the prominent authors of that time? | ERSKINE CALDWELL, CARL SANDBURG, & DALE CARNEGIE? |
What is "Black Thursday"? | one of the two days that the stock market was conventionally said to have crashed. |
What is the date of Black Thursday? | October 24, 1929 |
What is said to be the other date? | Tuesday; October 29, 1929 |
Where is To "Kill A Mocking Bird" set in? | Maycomb County, Alabama |
What year did Harper Lee win the Pullitzer Prize? | 1961 |
During what time frame is "To Kill A Mockingbird" set in? | the 1930's. |
What piece of literature did Harper Lee win the Pullitzer Prize for? | "To Kill A Mockingbird". |
How did the Wall Street crash lead to the Great Depression? | since most people invested their money in stocks, when it crashed they lost their riches and their property. |
Who were the Scotsoboro boys? | Charles Weems, Clarence Norris, Andy Wright, Ozie Powell, Olen Montgomery, Eugene Williams, Willie Roberson, Ray Wright, & Haywood Patterson. |
What were the Scotsboro boys known for doing? | for being guilty of assaulting a group of white boys by starting a stone throwing fight. |
How did the Scotsboro boys get into so much trouble? | because some of the boys were believed to have raped a girl. |
How did the Scotsboro boys' attorney show his lack of experience? | by trying to defend all the boys in one hearing, they did little cross-examination, and their only witnesses were the boys themselves, and lastly their testimony was confussing. |
Were the Scotsboro boys ever pardoned of their wrongful convictions? | no. because their pre-pardon interviews with Governor Bibb Graves went wrong because of weapons and refusal to speak. |