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Romanian Vocabulary - Travel

Map Hartă
Compass Busolă
Border Graniță
Travel (n) Călătorie
To Travel A Călători
Farewell! Drum bun!
Vacation Vacanță
Vacation (from work) Concediu de Odihna
The Road/Path/Journey Drumul
Destination Destinaţie
International Internațional(ă)
Itinerary Itinerar
Suitcase Valiză / Geamantan
Booking/Reservation Rezervare
Guide Ghid(ă)
Tourist Turist(ă)
Passenger Pasager(ă)
Ticket Bilet
The Information Desk Biroul de Informații
Baggage/Luggage Bagaj
Train Tren
Car Mașină
Motorcycle Motocicletă
Boat Barcă
Bus Autobuz
Airplane Avion
Bicycle Bicicletă
Coach Autocar
Ship Vapor
To Depart A Pleca
Departure Plecăre
Delayed în întârziere
For ( as in "we leave *for* Brazil") Spre
To Arrive A Sosi
Arrival Sosire
To Board (a plane, a boat, etc) A Urca (în)
Cancelation Anulare
To cancel a anula
to be canceled a fi anulat
To Delay / To Be Late A Întârzia
To Reserve A Rezerva
To Stop A Opri
Carriage Vagon
Station Statie
Schedule Orar
Train Station Gară
Round-Trip Dus-Întors
Stop (n) Oprire
To Miss (a bus) A Pierde
Platform Peron
Airport Aeroport
Turbulence Turbulență
Landing (n) Aterizare
Take-off (n) Decolare
Gate (in an airport) Porț
Flight Zbor
Boarding (n) Îmbarcare
Airline Company Companie Aeriană
To Fly A Zbura
To Land A Ateriza
To Take Off A Decola
Sea Mare
Port Port
Ocean Ocean
Life Jacket Vestă de Salvare
To Sail A Naviga
Cruise Croazieră
Deck/Bridge Punte
Crew Echipaj
Crossing (n) Traversare
Created by: Maxolotl
Popular Languages sets




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