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DGA Course

Digital Graphic Arts Intro State Test Review

Adjustment Layer This holds color or tonal adjustments that affect the layers below it. Rather than edit image pixels directly, you can edit it and leave the underlying pixels unchanged.
Alignment Left, right, centered, and Justified
Analogous Color Scheme Any three colors which are side by side on a 12-part color wheel
Anchor Points Small square handles, similar to fastening points, that connect straight or curved line segments.
Art Director Determines how the ads verbal and visual symbols will fit together
Ascender The part of a character that extends above the mean (middle) line
Asymmetrical Imbalance of content on image
Axis Line An imaginary line that is traced through an object or several objects
Balance The arranging art elements in an artwork so no one part of that work overpowers, or seems heavier than, any other part. Formal balance = symmetrical balance / informal balance = asymmetrical balance/ radial balance
Baseline The invisible line on which characters sit
Bezier Curve Defined by points and appear smooth. The curve will have a starting and ending point, and other points push the curve to bend in a certain way.
Citing Sources Giving credit to someone or something when what you use is not your own original work.
Client A purchaser of a service or product; a client looks for a designer to act as the translator between their voice/idea and their audience
Clipping Mask A group of two or more contiguous layers that are linked for the purpose of masking.
Clone Stamp Tool Allows you to duplicate pixels to another location
CMYK Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black (the four colors used in full-color process printing)
Color Element of design that has emotional and psychological impact (hue, saturation, value)
Color Harmony A visually pleasing arrangement of colors.
Color Palette Data that represents the set of colors used in a graphic
Commercial Artist An artist for a company that creates original art work for the intent of advertising and promotion
Complementary Color Scheme Any 2 colors directly opposite each other on the color wheel.
Compression (Files) Reducing the amount of data in a file for storage & sending
Contrast Principle of design indicated by use of LIGHT and DARK shades
Copyright Original creations such as copyrights, trademarks, and patents
Crop Tool Used to remove unwanted edges
Ctrl + C Keyboard shortcut for copy
Ctrl + P Keyboard shortcut for print
Ctrl + V Keyboard shortcut for paste
Ctrl + V Keyboard shortcut for paste
Ctrl+ T Keyboard shortcut to transform
Data Space that images/projects take up. Bit, Byte, Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte
Descender The part of a character that extends below the baseline
Direct Selection Tool Selects individual anchor points or paths in order to edit individual pieces of an object
Distortion Happens when you resize a graphic object in one direction only, using one of the side handles instead of the corner handles.
Dpi (Dots per inch) The measure of resolution for a video monitor or printer high-resolution printers are usually at least 1000 dpi. Laser printers typically have a resolution of 600 dpi; monitors are usually 72 dpi.
Drop Caps An oversized capital letter used at the start of a paragraph. Occupy two or more lines of body copy, usually introduced for design emphasis.
Elements of Graphic Design Line, color, texture, shape, size, value, space, typography
Emphasis To make an object or element stand out.
Employability Skills Responsibility, dependability, ethics, respect, and cooperation
Eraser Erases pixels and restores parts of an image to a previously saved state.
Eyedropper A tool in a graphics program that can pick up a color (or text appearance) from the canvas for use elsewhere.
Fair Use Part of copyright law that provides for the limited use of copyrighted work without permission.
Fill Changing the interior color of a shape, or text.
Font Family A complete set of characters, letters, and symbols for a particular typeface
Foreground Color Tool that will show you the color applied when using brush
Form 3-dimensional space added to objects by the additional of shadows, tone, or color transitions; giving depth to an object
Gradient Smooth change from one color to another.
Graphic Designer/Illustrator Person who creates visual impressions or products and advertisements in the fields of graphics, theater, and fashion
Graphics Card Piece of hardware that controls the display and refresh rate
Grayscale Uses true black, true white, and all shades of gray in between
Grouping Selecting more than one shape or object and keeping them together
Hand Tool Tool that allows you to reposition the canvas inside the window
Handle One of the small black boxes around the side of the selected graphic object.
Hard Copy A physical copy of a digital project such as a printout, poster, etc.…
Hardware The physical parts of a computer
History Panel Allows you to view each command you have used during the current work session and can allow you to deselect up to 25-30 times.
Icons Almost universally recognized and easily 'read' even when the text is in an unfamiliar language. Ex: the stylized wheelchair
Informal What principle of design has asymmetrical balance?
Intellectual Property Right, copyright, or trademark associated with the creation of ideas in a tangible format
Justification To align text either to the left/right or both margins
Kerning The adjustment of spacing between letters.
Lasso Tool Selection tool that allows for freeform selections
Layer Mask Using black/white to “hide” parts of a layer
Layers Similar to sheets of transparent paper stacked upon each other to form the overall composition
Leading Vertical distance separating each line of type
Line Element of design; A continuous mark made on some surface by a moving point; used to organize information, simulate movement, lead the eye, and enhance a design
Logo An identifying symbol (as seen in media formats such as print and television
Monochromatic Scheme Uses variations in lightness and saturation of a single color.
Movement & Rhythm Used to create the look and feel of action and to guide the viewer’s eye, and rhythm is the repetition of an element to make a work seem active.
Negative Space The area in a document where no text or graphics appear; space around the main object
Neutral Color Scheme Beige, ivory, taupe, black
Type Styles Normal, bold, italic
Opacity A measurement of the transparency of a color. Adjustable from 0% to 100%.
Pattern A decorative effect achieved through the repetition of colors, lines, shapes, and or textures.
Pen Tool It uses anchor points and paths to allow you to create straight lines, Bezier lines (curved), and shapes.
Photo Restoration Tools Spot Healing Brush, the Patch tool, and the Clone Stamp tool
Pixel The smallest unit of measurement for a raster image; a box that can have its color and brightness adjusted
Point The unit that is used to measure fonts/type; 72pt = 1 inch
Principles of Design Principles are guidelines that govern the way artists organize the elements of art.
Project Manager An individual who is an expert in project planning and management, defines and develops the project plan, and tracks the plan to ensure the project is completed on time and on budget
Proportion What principle of design creates emphasis using placement of shapes and mass?
Proportion The parts of a work relate to each other and to the whole.
Public Domain Creative work with no exclusive rights
Raster Image made of hundreds (or thousands or millions) of either pixels or dots. (Photoshop)
Raster Graphic Files .JPG, .JPEG, GIF, BMP, TIF, or PNG
Resize To change the size of a picture or graphic
Resolution How many pixels a monitor can display per square inch or are contained in an image.
RGB Red, Green and Blue (the colors on computer monitors/ digital outputs. Light primaries and colors are created with light)
Rhythm Principle of design create movement using the same size or shape in a pattern
Royalty-Free Images Images that the user pays a one-time fee for the image, under this license, users can use the image for as long as they like after they pay the license fee.
Sans Serif Without serif, refers to typefaces without decorative strokes at the end of characters
Saturation The amount of the hue used
Selection Tool Tool allows for the selection of objects and groups by clicking or dragging over them
Serif A small cross-stroke that appears on the arms of letters; added for design and readability.
Shade A hue plus black
Shape Element of design defines area of space
Shift This key is used to constrain proportions when resizing
Source Citation Must be included in publication after obtaining the right to use a graphic or item found on the internet
Stroke The outside color outlining a shape or type
Symmetrical Balance on BOTH sides of an image
Technical Writer Person prepares instruction manuals, technical reports, and other scientific or technical documents
Texture Element of design refers to the way something feels or how one perceives something should feel if touched.
Thumbnail Reduced- size version of picture, used to help recognize and organize them for preview
Tint A hue plus white
Tracking The space between all characters of a word
Transform Crop, resize, warp, scale, rotate, skew, and straighten
Typeface Set of characters that share common characteristics like stroke width and the presence or absence of serifs; The character set includes letters, numbers, punctuation, and symbols
Typography The art of using fonts and font styles to produce professional looking publications
Unity Principle of design that focuses on having a cohesive theme for elements that belong together
Value The brightness of a color
Variety Combining art elements by adding slight changes to increase visual interest.
Vector Image type that is created by using paths, anchor points, lines, curves, and handles. (Illustrator)
Vector Files PDF, AI, and EPS
Weight The boldness or thickness of letters.
Created by: TheMsAllsop
Popular Graphic Arts sets



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