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.css File extension for a style sheet.
Anti-Spamming Laws Commercial email messages clearly identifies that it is an advertisement, provides notice to the recipient of the ability to opt-out from further commercial email messages, and lists a valid address for a sender.
Absolute Links Complete internet address that takes one to the exact directory or file of a website. Starts with a protocol ( https: ftp: etc. )
Accessibility Is the inclusive practice of ensuring there are no barriers that prevent interaction with, or access to, websites on the World Wide Web by people with physical disabilities, situational disabilities, and socio-economic restrictions on bandwidth and speed.
.html File extension for a web page.
<!-- --> Used to add comments to the programmer that are not displayed within the browser.
<!DOCTYPE html> Must be very first line in the file - before any other elements, blank lines, or spaces.
<a> Element that defines an anchor or hyperlink within a webpage.
<alt> Attribute to assign an alternative name or description to an image
<blockquote> Element used to surround a quote (that is longer than one line) and off-set it from the rest of your content.
<body> Always after the closing </head> tag, contains everything seen on the screen (text, images, links, etc...).
<br> Tag for line break
<cite> Element used to identify the author or speaker of a quote.
<div> Element used to mark a division in your webpage. Similar items should be grouped together with this block element tag.
<em> Element that creates emphasis by making text appear in italics (slanted to the right).
<font> Element with attributes to control the size, appearance, and color of text.
<h1> Element used to turn regular text into a large headline.
<h2> Element used to create headlines slightly smaller than the primary headline.
<head> The first element inside the root <html>, contains information about the page (metadata) and instructions for the browser, but is not visible to people reading the page in the browser.
<height> Attribute to assign a vertical pixel allotment to a visual element such as an image.
<hr> Horizontal rule. This tag creates a line across the screen. No closing tag needed.
<html> Always the first tag after <!DOCTYPE>, tells the browser that everything is a mixture of HTML code and the displayed content.
<img> Image tag: defines an image to display; requires the src attribute
<li> Element that should be included in a list; list item.
<link> Element that links to an external file.
<meta> Element that doesn't display any content but gives the browser (and search engines) information about each page.
<meta> author Element used to attach the name of the web page designer to a site.
<meta> charset Element that tells the browser what type of encoding is used for the characters on the page.
<meta> copyright Element used to record the year the page was published and the name of the copyright owner.
<meta> description Element used by search engines to help identify the page and calculate rankings.
<meta> keywords Element used to list commonly misspelled keywords related to your page that might be used by search engine users.
<meta> rating Element used to rate the intended web page audience, similar to movie ratings.
<ol> Element that contains items where the order is important; items are numbered; ordered lists.
<p> Element used to separate content into paragraphs.
<span> Element used to create a certain style for a small section; can be used within blocks or inline tags.
<strong> Element that makes your text appear bold (a little bit darker and fatter).
<style> Element with attributes to apply inline CSS properties to an HTML Element.
<table> The main tag used to contain all table data
<td> The tag for a single table data element
<th> The tag for a single table header element
<title> Element that displays a short phrase (usually on the browser tab) that describes the page content.
<tr> The tag for a single row
<ul> Element that contains items where no particular order is important; items have a bullet or dash; unordered lists.
<width> Attribute to assign a horizontal pixel allotment to a visual element such as an image.
Absolute Path The instructions that build a path from one page to another by going back to the root directory, when linked with a hyperlink.
All Rights Reserved Creator reserves all rights
Analogous Colors Sets of three colors that are next to each other on the color wheel; ex. Green, yellow-green, yellow
Angle Brackets The symbols tags start and end with <>
Attributes Attributes provide additional information about an element. Example name/value pairs like: name="value"
AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) A set of rules that define the way in which a network may be used.
Back End Web Developer Developer who uses dynamic content, databases, and PHP to develop websites.
background-color Property added to elements to set the color of the background within that element's area.
Backup Making a copy of files in another location for safe keeping.
Balance Design Element used when arranging art elements in an artwork so no one part of that work overpowers, or seems heavier than, any other part; symmetrical, asymmetrical
Best Coding Practice A set of informal rules set by the development community
Block Element with boundaries that will automatically wrap text and fit it to the space available. EX: <p>, <h1>, <blockquote>
Bookmark Anchor Identifying a section/area of a webpage with a name.
Border Attribute Specifies the width, in pixels, of the borders around a table. The default is 0.
Brackets When combined with words between them, they tell the web browser how to display the data on the web page.
Browser A software program that can display web pages on your computer.
CAPTCHA Used in forms to authenticate legitimate users; Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart.
Carriage Return Pressing Enter to start code on the next line.
Cascade Order Controls which rule applies when there is a conflict. Inline, internal, external
Case Sensitivity Using lowercase letters and consistency when coding to avoid possible problems.
CC by This copyright license lets others distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation.
CC by-nc This license lets others remix, adapt, and build upon your work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non-commercial, they don't have to license their derivative works on the same terms.
CC by-nc-nd This license is the most restrictive of our six main licenses, only allowing others to download your works and share them with others as long as they credit you, but they can't change them in any way or use them commercially.
CC by-nc-sa This license lets others remix, adapt, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms.
CC by-nd This license lets others reuse the work for any purpose, including commercially; however, it cannot be shared with others in adapted form, and credit must be provided to you.
CC by-sa This license lets others remix, adapt, and build upon your work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms.
Character Entities (Special Characters) Are used to display reserved characters in HTML. Example &  
Citation Name of Author/Creator (if available)
Class Selector A selector that applies the same attribute to any HTML element that references it. It can be used multiple times in an HTML document. Is is preceded by a period.
Clean Code Using only the tags necessary to make the page work.
Closed Source Software Software with source code that only the companies that own it can examine.
Closing Tag Marks when a needs to end, or stop. This is done by adding a forward slash (/) before the name of the tag.
CMYK colors Colors mixed together and used in printing; cyan, magenta, yellow, black.
Color Property that tells the browser what color to make the text; predefined names and hexadecimal numbers.
Color Harmony A visually pleasing arrangement of colors.
Color Matching The process of matching the colors produced on the computer screen (RGB) to the colors that can be printed on paper (CMYK) using ink to ensure the printed publication looks as much like the on-screen publication as possible.
Color Theory Studying colors to help you make good color choices according to how certain colors make you feel, attract attention, or set a mood.
Color Wheel A visual diagram that shows the relationship between 3 primary, 3 secondary, and 6 tertiary colors.
Complementary Colors Two colors that are found directly opposite of one another on the color wheel; ex. Green, red
Content Visible information on your web page including words, pictures, files, videos, etc; the content of the box, where text and images appear
Contrast The visual difference between the letter colors and the background color.
Copyright A form of protection for intellectual property, usually applying to artistic works.
Creative Commons A Creative Commons license is one of several public copyright licenses that enable the free distribution of an otherwise copyrighted "work".
Cross Browser If your website is not tested and debugged on different platforms and browsers, it won't work the same on all of them.
Compatibility won't work the same on all of them.
CSS Cascading Style Sheets; Used to control a website’s text color, background colors, borders, spacing, headers, links and positioning of HTML elements.
CSS Box Model A box that wraps around every HTML element. From the outside in it consists of: margins, borders, padding, and the actual content.
CSS Comments Used to make notes to yourself that are ignored by the browser; use /* to start the comment and */ to end it.
Declaration Property name and value separated by a colon and terminated with a semicolon, for example... Font-family: sans serif;
Document Flow A web browser will normally display elements on the web page in the order they are written in the HTML file, from top-to-bottom.
Domain Identifier in a URL that tells a web browser to look for a certain web server to locate a web page.
Element Everything from the opening tag to the closing tag, including the tags themselves and the data within.
Emphasis To make a object or element stand out.
Encoding A process that converts information so that it can be stored in the computer's memory.
External CSS Collection of styles stored in a separate file that controls the formatting of elements on any web page that links to the .css file.
External Link A hyperlink to location outside of your own site.
File Extension A suffix at the end of a filename that hints at the contents of the file.
Font-family Property that specifies a specific style of your font
Font-size Property that specifies the size of characters (in pixels)
Font-style Property that specifies the slant or artistic style of text characters
Font-variant Property that specifies weather or not a text should be displayed in a small-caps font (normal--small-caps--inherit)
Font-weight Property that specifies the weight of a font (normal-bold-bolder-lighter-size-inherit)
Footer Element at the bottom of a web page that can contain identifying information.
Form Design Element used to create the illusion of 3-dimensional space added to objects by the additional of shadows, tone, or color transitions.
Front End Web Developer Developer who uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to develop websites.
Header Element at the top of a web page that can contain identifying information.
Hex CODES A color code containing 6 digits -Each digit has 16 possible options (0,1-9,A-F)
Hexadecimal 16 digits (0 through 9 and A through F) that define a specific color; ex. 0000FF.
Home Page The page displayed by a web server when a URL request arrives; usually named "index.html."
href An anchor attribute tied to the location a browser will move to, when a hyperlink is clicked.
HTML Hypertext Mark-up Language; the language web pages are created with.
HTML Attributes Provide additional information about tags and control how the tag will be interpreted by the browser
HTTP Protocol in a URL that tells a web browser it is going on the Internet to locate a web page; Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.
Hue A color
Hyperlink A word, group of words, or image that allows a user to move from one place to another on the web.
Id Selector A selector that identifies only ONE element within an HTML document. It is always preceded by a
Image Resolution To optimize an image so that it will run at its utmost capacity in terms of speed and efficiency.
Importance Cascading rule that marks something as "important" and thus overrides all other properties that might apply to an element; "!Important"
Indent Adding whitespace, like tabs or spaces, at the beginning of your line to move the characters to the right.
Inheritance Cascading rule that makes HTML elements inherit traits from elements that contain ex. If you apply a rule to the <body> of the page, all of the <p> and other elements inside the <body> will inherit those properties.
Inline CSS Style CSS coded in the body of the webpage as an attribute inside of an html tag. Used to apply a unique style for a single element.
Intellectual Property Work that is the result of creativity to which one has rights and may apply for a copyright.
Internal CSS Style CSS styles whose code is located within the head section of the HTML code of a web page. Control limited to that one HTML page. (also known as embedded)
Internal link A hyperlink to a location within your own site.
Keywords Are words or phrases that describe content. They can be used as metadata to describe images, text documents, database records, and webpages.
Line Design Element used to organize information, simulate movement, lead the eyes and enhance a design.
Margin Clears an area outside the border. The margin is transparent
Meta Elements An HTML code that resides in the head section of a webpage and includes information about the page, such as keywords, and descriptions.; Metadata
Monochromatic Scheme Uses variations in lightness and saturation of a single color.
Movement & Rhythm Design Element used to create the look and feel of action and to guide the viewer’s eye, and rhythm is the repetition of an element to make a work seem active.
Naming Pattern Consistency in file naming makes reading your code much easier.
Navigation bar A section on your webpage that lists links to other pages and subpages on your website.
Negative Space "White space";the distance between objects; gives a design breathing room.
Nesting Each HTML element should have a matching closing tag.
Nesting Lists A sublist within a list
Netiquette The correct or acceptable way of communicating on the Internet.
Non-Semantic Elements Tells nothing about its content. Example <span>, <div>, etc.
Open Source Software Software with source code that is free for anyone to download and examine.
Opening Tag Marks the start of a section.
Ordered List A numbered list. Uses the <ol> element and requires a closing tag.
Padding Clears an area around the content. The padding is transparent
Pattern A decorative effect achieved through the repetition of colors, lines, shapes, and or textures.
Predefined Color Names Web-safe colors that all computers, monitors, and web browsers know how to display these colors with exactly the right shades; ex. Red.
Primary Colors Red, yellow, blue
Privacy Laws Information privacy laws or data protection laws prohibit the disclosure or misuse of information about private individuals.
Property A name to describe things like the color, size, or font style of an element.
Proportion Design Elemtn used when comparing the parts of a work relate to each other and to the whole.
Public Domain Creator has dedicated the work to the public and waived all rights for use
Readability The ease with which a person can understand a passage of text. The complexity of your content, as well as the typographic elements used on your site.
Relative Links URLs that reference files on the same server within the same directory (folder). Does not contain a protocol ( https, ftp, etc.)
Relative Path The instructions that lead a browser from one page to another, when linked with a hyperlink.
Resource Directory and filename in a URL that tells a web browser the specific details of a web page it is trying to locate.
RGB Colors Each pixel is defined using a red, green, and blue color system; the amount of color is defined by a number between 1 and 255.
Root Directory The folder where all of the HTML files, CSS files, image files, and other resources for a web site should be saved.
Sans-serif Font-family without decorative edges on the characters
Saturation The amount of the hue used
Secondary Colors Green, orange, purple
Selector The name of the HTML tag you want to control with a <style> element; ex. P for paragraph
Semantic Elements Clearly describes its meaning to both the browser and the developer. Example <footer>
Serif Font-family with decorative edges on the characters
Shade A hue plus black
Shape Design Element used with a 2-dimensional space; used in visual organization
Site Map A list of pages of a website.
Some Rights Reserved Creator may allow for things like reuse or modifications as long as the creator is cited as the creator
Specificity Cascading rule that only apply to subsets of standard selector elements. These more specific rules will override the properties from the more general rules that apply to a broader range of elements.
Src Attribute Identifies the location and file name of the media resource.
Style Attribute Format Allows adding several different types of styles to HTML elements. - You can have multiple tags separated by semi colons (;)
Syntax Arrangement of words and symbols in a language.
Tag When angle brackets are used around a specific word to mark the start and end of sections on a web page and tell browsers how to display those sections.
Target Attribute Used within an anchor tag to create a new browser window or tab when a hyperlink is clicked. The exact name of the file/page linked with a hyperlink.
Tertiary colors Red-Orange, Red-Violet, Yellow-Orange, Yellow-Green, Blue-Violet, and Blue-Green
Text-align Alignment of text in a tag
Texture Design Element used to convey a "visual" sense of feel.
Tint A hue plus white
UI (User Interface) Developer UI Designers are particular about how the product is laid out. Designers who develop the interaction between the user and a website- including prototypes, wireframes, and testing.
UI (User Interface) Elements They add interactivity to a user interface, providing touchpoints for the user as they navigate the website. Examples: buttons, scrollbars, menu items and checkboxes
Unity Design Element concerned with the arrangement of elements and principles with media to create a feeling of completeness.
URL Uniform resource locator
Usability Assesses how easy user interfaces are to use. The word "usability" also refers to methods for improving ease-of-use during the design process.
UTF-8 A popular way to encode text and characters from any written language into a series of 1's and 0's.
UX (User Experience) Developer UX Designers are primarily concerned with how the product feels. Designers who consider all the visual, interactive elements of a product interface—including buttons, icons, spacing, typography, color schemes, and responsive design.
Value The part of the CSS rule which specifies HOW the property/attribute will be modified. Assigned to a property to control an element's appearance on a web page; ex. Blue
Variety Design Element used when combining art elements by adding slight changes to increase visual interest.
Viewport The viewport is the user's visible area of a webpage. It varies with the device - it will be smaller on a mobile phone than on a computer screen.
Whitespace Indenting spaces, tabs, and returns that make it easier to see which elements go together in your code.
Wireframe A visual prototype of a webpage that focuses on content, layout, and behavior.
Created by: TheMsAllsop
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