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cist 1520 final

You must know which of the following to be able to use JavaScript? HTML
Which of the following is something you should have to use JavaScript? A Web browser
The choice of a Web browser is up to you, as long it's compatible with . JavaScript
is the international standard name and specification used for the JavaScript language. ECMAScript
Before its release as JavaScript, JavaScript was called . LiveScript
JavaScript is . prototype-based
In what ways can a fancy code editor help a JavaScript programmer? It may offer features such as code highlighting, completion, debugging tools, and more.
A language doesn't require a program to be compiled before it is run. interpreted
In JavaScript, what handles errors in a script? The client
How is JavaScript added to a Web page? It is added to an HTML document
JavaScript and Java are the same language False
JavaScript has similarities to other programming and scripting languages True
A fancy code editor is necessary to edit JavaScript files. False
JavaScript can only be used in a Web browser environment. False
What is added to a Web page to insert JavaScript code? <script> and </script> tags
What is the purpose of the <script> and </script> tags? All of the above
Why would you use the type attribute in the opening script tag? To ensure the Web page validates when using XHTML
Is JavaScript code case sensitive? Yes
The noscript tag provides ___ for those without ___. content, JavaScript
An external JavaScript file commonly uses a filename extension of _. .js
Which of the following correctly points to an external JavaScript file named yourfile.js? <script src="yourfile.js"></script>
In HTML, the script tag is not case sensitive. However, with XHTML, the script tag must be in _. Lowercase
The _ signals the end of a JavaScript statement. Semicolon
To write a string of text on a Web page, the _ method can be used. document.write()
When would it be a good idea to use external JavaScript file? When the script is very long or needs to be placed in more than one HTML document.
JavaScript comments can be very useful for the purpose of _ or _ your code. documenting, debugging
Which of the following indicates that a single line of commentary will follow it within JavaScript code? //
Which of the following indicates that more than one line of commentary will follow it within JavaScript code? /*
Which of the following indicates the end of a multiple-line JavaScript comment? */
When you use multiple-line JavaScript comments, you need to be careful to _ them. Close
A variable represents or holds a ___ value
What are the benefits of using variables? They can save you time writing and updating your scripts, and they can make the purpose of your code clearer.
To declare a variable, you use the ___ keyword var
What symbol is used as the assignment operator in JavaScript? =
Which of the following declares a variable named pagenumber and gives it a value of 240? var pagenumber=240;
Variable names are not case sensitive. False
A variable name must begin with a ____,____,____character. letter, a dollar, or an underscore
You should avoid using JavaScript keywords and reserved words as variable names. TRUE
Which of the following variable declarations uses a variable with a valid variable name in JavaScript? var my_house;
In JavaScript, the data types include number, string, boolean, null, undefined, symbol, and object.
To denote an exponent in JavaScript, you use the letter ___ right after the base number and before the exponent. e
Which of the following string declarations is invalid? var mytext="Here is some text!';
Which of the following statements would be valid in JavaScript? document.write("John said,\"Hi!\"");
____enable you to add things to your strings that could not be added otherwise. Special characters
Which of the following successfully displays the value of a variable named myhobby by adding it to a string? document.write("I like to " +myhobby+ " every weekend");
In general, a ____ is a little script within a larger script that is used to perform a single task or a series of tasks. function
What are two reasons why a function can be useful? They provide a way to organize the various parts of the script into the different tasks that must be accomplished, and they can be reused.
On the first line of a function, ________ whether it accepts any arguments. you declare it as a function, name it, and indicate
To declare a function, you use the ____ function. keyword
What surrounds the code inside a function? {} (curly brackets)
Function names are case sensitive. TRUE
JavaScript keywords can be used as a function names. FALSE
Which of the following would be a valid function name in JavaScript? function get_text()
Arguments are used to allow a function to import ____ values from somewhere outside the function. one or more
Arguments are set on the first line of a function, inside a set of _____ () (parentheses)
Multiple argyments are separated by what symbol? Comma
Which of the following is a valid use of the window.alert() method? window.alert("This is text");
Which of the following correctly calls a function named some_alert() and sends it two string values as arguments? some_alert("some","words");
Which of the following correctly assigns the result of a function named get_something() to a variable named shopping? var shopping=get_something();
A ___ variable can be used anywhere in JavaScript. global
The _____ keywords create values in the current block context. const and let
_____ is a symbol or word in JavaScript that performs some sort of calculation, comparison, or assignment on one or more values. An operator
____ operators are most often used to perform mathematical calculations on two values. Arithmetic
The ____ operator adds two values. addition
When the increment operator is placed before the operand,__________, and then the rest of the statement is executed. it increases the value of the operand by 1
Which of the following is not a JavaScript operator? $#
What does an assignment operator do? Assigns a new value to a variable
The ____ opertor adds the value on the right side of the operator to the variable on the left side and then assigns the new value to the variable. add-and-assign(+=)
What does comparison operator do? Compares two values or statements, and returns a valie of true or false.
Which of the following comparisons will return true? 4 !=3
Which of the following comparisons will return false? 4 <= 3
The logical operators allow you to compare two conditional statements to see if ____ of the statements are true and to proceed accordingly. one or both
Which of the following statements will return true? !(17>=20)
Which of the following statements will return false? (4 >=4) && (5<=2)
____ operators are logical operators that work at the bit level. Bitwise
In JavaScript, the operators have a certain order of _____. Precedence
Which method is used to get data stored during a drag and drop? getData()
Which object can be used to store or retrieve data during the drag-and-drop process? event.dataTransfer
The ___ event occurs when an element begins being dragged. dragstart
By default, all elements are draggable. FALSE
JavaScript ___ may make some advanced coding tasks easier by making the code easier to write. libraries
The ____ attribute of an element defines whether or not the element can be dragged. draggable
When drawing on a canvas, you can use the fillCircle() method to draw a circle. FALSE
The ____ elements allows you to use JavaScript to draw on a defined area of the page. <canvas>
The jQuery library makes it easier to write code that is ____. Cross-browser
___ syntax is used to select elements in jQuery. CSS
Which of the following lines would hide an element with an id of "story" using jQuery? $("#story").hide();
Which of the following is used to see if a document is ready in jQuery? $(document).ready()
The acronym for JavaScript Object Notation is ___. JSON
JavaScript can retrieve data from the server other than an XML document. TRUE
___ stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. AJAX
What object allows you to get data from the server in JavaScript? XMLHttpRequest
Which of the following HTML5 form attributes is used for fields that must be filled in by the user to validate? required
The ___ method allows you to submit a form without the viewer clicking the submit button. submit()
One way to help with form accessibility is to use the ___ tags to identify what field a piece of text is describing. <label></label>
Which of the following would add a valid meter tag to the document to show 8 on a scale of 0 to 10? <meter min="0" max="10" value="8">8</meter>
The ____ method allows you to reset a form using your script. reset()
The ___ attribute in HTML5 allows you to give a form field a regular expression it must validate. pattern
The ___ property is an array that allows you to access each element in a specific form. elements
The ___ property allows you to access the value of the action="url" attribute in the opening form tag. action
Which of the following accesses the value of an element named e1 in a form f1? document.f1.e1.value
Using form ___ or ___ allows you to name the forms on the page that you want to access later. names ids
Which of the following holds the value of the number of forms in a document? document.forms.length
Which of the following would find the number of elements in the third form on a page? document.forms[2].length
Which of the following would access the fourth form on a page? document.forms[3]
The forms ____ allows you to access a form using an index number. array
The ____ objects provides properties and methods to get information about string or to modify strings. String
What are the two ways in which you can create String objects? Creating an instance of the String object and creating a string literal
You can create a string ____ by assinging a string value to a variable. literal
A regular text string is able to use the String object's methods because: JavaScript takes the string literal and turns it into a temporary String object
Which property of the String object can you use with both String objects and string literals? Length
The ____ property returns the length of a string. length
Which of the following correctly creates a string literal? var the_text ="Look at me!";
Which method of the String object can you use to find which character is at a given position in a string? charAt()
The ___ method adds <big> and </big> tags around a string value. big()
The concat() method ___ two or more string together and returns the new combined string value. combines
Which one of the following statements is true? The indexOf() method returns a numeric value that is the position of a character sent as a parameter, but only the position of the first occurrence of that character.
Cookie information is stored in the ____ property. document.cookie
The ___ method returns the string literal value of a string. toString()
Each time you add a set of <form> and </form> tags to an HTML document, a(n) ___ object is created. form
What is the difference between the setInterval() method and the setTimeout() method? The setInterval() method is used to repeat a function at aset time interval, while setTimeout() executes a function only once after a set time delay.
When setting the toolbar attribute as part of the third parameter in the open() method, what values may the attribute have? yes, no, 1, and 0
The prompt() method is used to ___ the viewer to enter information. prompt
The ___ method enables the viewer to print the current window. print()
What value is returned by the confirm() method if the viewer clicks the OK button? True
The ____ method pops up a message to the viewer, and the viewer has to click an OK button to continue. alert()
What is the difference between the parent and top properties? The parent property goes to the top o the current frame set, while the top property goes to the top window of all frame sets on the page.
Why would this code not work: onmouseover="window.status='Page 2'; return true;" Newer browsers do not allow the window status to be changed by default, so the user would need to change security settings in order for it to work.
The ___ property is another way of saying "the current window" in JavaScript. Self
The calls to properties and methods of the window object can often be shortend because: The window object is the global object for JavaScript in Web browsers.
The ___ property holds the name of the current window and also allows you to give the window a name. Name
The location property can cause instant redirection of the browser to a new page. TRUE
The ____ property returns the number of frames within a window. Length
The closed property is used to check whether or not a window has been closed. TRUE
A ___ object is created for each browser window window
The ____ method compares a regular expression and a string to see whether they match. match()
To replace information in a string, you can use regular expressions and the ____ method of the String object. replace()
A _____ loop looks at a comparison and repeats until the comparison is no longer true. while
To correctly access the fifth item of an array named "cool", you can write cool[5] FALSE
What property of the Array object will return the numeric value of the length of an array? The length property
When you need to use a variable to access a property name, you can use _____ notation. bracket
A _____ function can be used to create an object structure. CONSTRUCTOR
A(n) _____ of an object can be created using the new keyword. INSTANCE
You can only have one instance of an object. FALSE
Which of the following correctly assigns the day of the week for an instance of the Date object named rightnow to a variable named weekday? var weekday=rightnow.getDay();
The getMonth() method returns the same number as the number that represents the current month (for example, returns 1 if the current month is January). FALSE
The ___ method returned the number of days into the week. getDay()
What must be created in most cases before the Date object's properties and methods can be used? An instance of the Date object
The ____ method returns the square root of a number sent to it as an argument. sqrt()
Which of the following would correctly generate a random number between 0 and 7? var rand_int=Math.floor(Maath.random()*8);
The pow() method returns the numeric value of the ____ argument raised to the power of the ____ argument. first, second
The ____ method returns the arcsine of a number sent to it as an argument. asin()
The abs() method returns the ____ value of a number sent to it as an argument. ABSOLUTE
The ___ property holds the value of the square root of 2. SQRT2
Which of the following would correctly write the value of pi on a Web page? document.write(Math.PI);
The LOG10E property holds the value of the logarithm of 10*E FALSE
The LN10 property holds the value of the natural ____ of 10. logarithm
The ____ property holds the value of Euler's constant. E
What do the properties and methods of the Math objects enable you to do? A Take the square roots and other such values of strings and return a number.
You can use a ___ clause to return only the rows in a table that meet certain criteria. WHERE
You should give all users of your database permission to delete data. FALSE
An Express ____ can be used to handle what happens when users try to access a certain route from your Web app. router
The default port used when you type a URL into your Web browser is ____. 80
The ____ module can be used to create a Web server in Node.js. express
What symbol is used to return all columns when querying a database? *
The ____ module can be used to query your database from a Node script. pg
You should always use the superuser account to query your database from your Web application. FALSE
The ___ stack uses MongoDB, Express, AngulatJS, and NodeJS. MEAN
One one type of database can be used with Node.js. FALSE
Which of the following extensions would be used for a custom module? .js
A ____ module allows you to define your own reusable code. custom
Which of the following would require the built-in fs module without an error? const fs = require('fs');
Which of the following would run the Node script hello-world.js from the command window? node hello-world.js
Node.js runs in a Web browser. FALSE
The ____ method and the ____ method are two new ways to register events. addEventListener() , attachEvent()
In Internet Explorer prior to the version 9, the event object can be accessed by using ____. window.event
The keydown event occurs when a viewer presses down a key on the keyboard. TRUE
The submit event occurs when the viewer ___ on a Web page. submits a form
The ____ property of an event contains the type of event that occurred. type
The ____ object contains properties and methods for an event. event
The blur event is the opposite of the ____ event. focus
The ____ event occurs when the viewer leaves the current Web page. unload
A mouseout event occurs when a viewer clicks an element on the page. FALSE
A mouseover event occurs when: The viewer moves the mouse cursor over an element on the page
The ____ event occurs when a Web page has finished loading. Load
Which of the following correctly codes an alert on the click event? <input type="button" onclick="window.alert('Hey there!');>
To use an event handler, you place it in the ____ or the _____ code. HTML , JavaScript
Event handlers are useful because they enable you to gain _____ to the _____ that may occur on the page. access, events
An event handler is a predefined JavaScript property of an object that is used to handle an event on a Web Page. TRUE
What statements are most common between a and a document.close() statement? document.write() and document.writeln() statements.
What is the getElementsByName() method commonly used to obtain? All the elements that have the same value for the name attribute (most commonly radio buttons).
How does the writeln() method differ from the write() method? It adds a JavaScript newline character at the end of the line.
Which property return the complete URL of the current document? URL
You can use the title property to display the title of a Web page someplace other than in the top bar of the browser window. TRUE
The Document Object Model (DOM) allows JavaScript (and other scripting languages) to access the structure of the document in the browser. TRUE
The ____ property holds the value of the date and time the current document was last modified. lastModified
The ____ DOM node property allows you to change the HTML content of an element node innerHTML
The ____ property of the document object is an array that contains all the anchor (<a>) tags on the page. ANCHORS
You cannot remove nodes from the document once they have been added. FALSE
The appendChild() DOM node method allows you to add a child node as the first child node of a specified node. FALSE
The _____ method of the document object allows you to get an element by the value of its id attribute. getElementById()
You can use the DOM node property style to alter the style sheet attributes of an element. TRUE
The _______ Property of the document object returns the URL of the document that referred the viewer to the current document. REFERRER
The _______ object is an object that is created by the browser for each new HTML page that is viewed. DOCUMENT
Which of the following is not a property of the navigator object? appType
The _____ object gives you access to the various properties of the viewer's browser. NAVIGATOR
In JavaScript, there are many ____ objects you can use to gain access to certain properties and methods you may need. PREDEFINED
assuming the myhouse object exists, the kitchen property is assigned a new string value of :big: or is initialized with the value "big". What could you say about the following code? = "big";
Which of the following would send an alert to the viewer that tells the name of the browser being used? window.alert("You are using" + navigator.appName);
If a property cannot be found in the object instance, JavaScript will look in the object's _________. PROTOTYPE
What could you say about the following code: let x =; Assuming the myhouse object exists, it assigns the value of the kitchen property of the myhouse object to the variable x.
In JavaScript, you typically access object properties through the use of the? dot operator (.)
When using object literal notation, the properties and values are enclosed within curly brackets ({}). TRUE
When creating single objects, you can use the object ____ or object literal notation. CONSTRUCTOR
An object is a collection of _______ and _______. PROPERTIES, VALUES
Rather than executing every single line of code within the script, a conditional statement allows certain sections of the script to be executed only when a particular condition is met TRUE
Which of the following would be valid as the first line of an if/else statement? if(y<7)
Which of these would not be advisable as the first line of a while loop (it creates an infinite loop)? while (x=7)
Which of these would be valid as the first line of a for loop? for (let x = 1; x<6; x+=1)
A loop is useful because it forces you to type lines of code repeatedly. FALSE
A do while loop is special because the code within the loop is performed at least once, even if the comparison used would return false the first time. FALSE
The last line of a do while block contains only a curly bracket. FALSE
How many times can you nest a code block within another? As many times as you like (through enough nesting could make the browser run out of memory)
An ____ is a way of storing a list of data. array
By default, how does the sort() method sort the contents of an array? it sorts the content using string character codes
The ____ method is used to remove the last element from an array. pop()
___ arrays provide the ability to create arrays of more than one dimension. Nested
The ____ method is used to combine the items of an array into a single string, with each item separated by a specified character. join()
The____ method is used to combine the items of two or more arrays and return a new array containing all of the items. concat()
What does the following code do? let s_list = new Array(5); Creates an array with five items
Which of the following does not correctly create an array? let myarray = new Array[10];
You can use JavaScript keywords as array names. FALSE
In JavaScript, there are ____ ways to define an array. two
A ____ is a block of code that allows you to repeat a section of code certain number of times. loop
You can use a ___ to cycle through all of the items in an array. loop
The ___ statement allows you to take a single variable value and execute a different line of code based on the value of the variable. SWITCH
You can think of a conditional statement as being a little like _____. cause and effect
What do you use to enclose the blocks of code in conditionals and loops? curly brackets
In an array, access to an element is achieved through the use of a ___. index
Array literal notation allows you to create an array using square brackets, without the need to write out "____". new Array
A conditional statement is a statement that you can use to ____________, or do something else if that condition is not met. execute a bit of code based on a condition
Created by: evetay
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