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VET 109- A + P

Muscular System- chp 8

Muscle Characteristics -excitability, contractility, extensibility, and elasticity
Muscle Functions -provide motion, maintain posture, generate heat
Skeletal Muscle type of muscle controlled by the conscious mind, moves bones of the skeleton. Is a striated muscle.
Cardiac Muscle type of muscle only found in the heart, is a striated involuntary muscle. Contains small cells with a single nucleus
Smooth Muscle type of muscle that carries out unconscious internal movements of the body, found all over. Has a single nucleus in the center, cells ball up as it contracts.
Tendons attach to bones by fibrous tissue bands, is a continuation of epimysium
Aponeuroses attach to bones or muscles by broad sheets of fibrous tissue
Origin a more stable site, does not move much when muscles contract
Insertion site that undergoes the most movement when a muscle contracts
Agonist the prime mover, directly produces a desired movement
Antagonist directly opposes the action of an agonist
Synergist contracts at the same time as agonist to assist its action
Fixator stabilizes joints to allow other movements.
Cutaneous Muscles thin broad superficial muscles, found in connective tissue just beneath the skin, little or no attachment to bones.
Head and Neck Muscles muscles used to control facial expressions, enable mastication, support/raise/lower the head and move head laterally, move sensory muscles, close the jaw.
Abdominal Skeletal Muscles muscles that support abdominal organs, help flex the back, participate in defecation/urination/vomiting, and have a role in respiration.
Abdominal Muscle Layers -external abdominal oblique muscle, internal abdominal oblique muscle, rectus abdominis, and transversus abdominis.
Linea Alba where the left and right parts of the abdominal muscles come together.
Thoracic Limb Skeletal Muscles functions mainly for locomotion. Includes superficial muscles of the brachium, brachial muscles, and carpal/digital muscles
Pelvic Limb Skeletal Muscles functions mainly for locomotion. Includes the muscles of the hip joint, muscles of the stifle joint, and muscles of the tarsus/digits
Skeletal Muscles of Respiration function is to increase and decrease the size of the thoracic cavity. Includes inspiratory muscles and expiratory muscles.
Myofibrils for the interior of muscle fiber, is a series of many sarcomeres lined up end to end.
Sarcomere series of protein filaments that make up contractile units of muscle cells.
Protein filaments responsible for contraction thick dark myosin and thin light actin
Visible bands -A band, H band, I band, Z band
Neuromuscular Junction site where ends of motor nerve fibers connect to muscle fibers. Synaptic vesicles at the end of the nerve fiber contain neurotransmitter acetylcholine
Motor Unit
Connective Tissue Layers these hold components of muscle together, they contain blood vessels and nerves, they are continuous with tendons or aponeuroses
Relaxed muscles fibers when the muscles are in this state, the actin and myosin filaments are slightly overlapped
Stimulated muscle fibers when muscles are in this state: the cross-bridges ratchet back and forth, the actin filaments are pulled toward the center of myosin filaments, and sarcomere is shortened.
All-or-nothing Principle when stimulated, individual muscle fiber contracts completely or not at all. The nervous system controls the number of muscle fibers stimulated.
Twitch Contraction a single muscle fiber contraction, contractions are out of sync with each other. This includes latent phase, contracting phase, and relaxation phase.
Maximum Contraction Efficiency this is when nerve impulses arrive 0.1 second apart, this results in series of complete muscle fiber twitches.
Aerobic Metabolism when adequate oxygen supply is needed for the muscle fiber, maximum energy extracted from each glucose molecule
Anaerobic Metabolism when the need for oxygen exceeds available supply, lactic acid formed in incomplete glucose breakdown.
Heat Production muscle activity generates heat. Panting/sweating are mechanisms that eliminate excess heat and shivering is a spasmodic muscle contraction that increases heat production
intercalated Disks these fasten cells together
Cardiac Muscle Physiology -cells contract with no external stimulation -groups of cells contract at the rate of the most rapid cell in the group -contractions are rapid and wavelike
Sinoatrial (SA) Node located in the wall of the right atrum, generates impulse to start each heartbeat. The impulse follows the controlled path through the heart.
Heart Systems the sympathetic system (stimulates heart in flight/fight response) and the parasympathetic system (inhibits cardiac function)
Smooth Muscle main forms -visceral smooth muscles (large sheets of cells in walls of some hollow organs) -multi-unit smooth muscle (small discrete groups of cells)
Microscopic Anatomy- smooth muscle actin and myosin filaments are arranged as small contractile units that crisscross the cell. Dense bodies at each end correspond to Z lines of skeletal muscle
Visceral Smooth Muscle muscle found in the walls of many soft internal organs, they contract in large rhythmic waves and without external stimulation. The sympathetic system decreases activity and parasympathetic increases activity.
Multi-unit Smooth Muscle individual smooth muscle cells or small groups of cells, found where small delicate contractions are needed. Contraction requires impulses from autonomic nervous system
Created by: Riley.Scherf
Popular Physiology sets




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