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Advanced Patho

What lab values indication obstructive pulm fxn decreased FEV1 and decreased FEV1/FEV ratio less than 56%
What lab values indication restrictive pulm fxn FEV1/FVC ratio greater than 70%
what are the two types of asthma Intrinsic and extrinsic
What causes intrinsic asthma anxiety, no exposure to atigen
What causes extrinsic asthma exposure to atigen in environment
What medication is prescribed for mild intermittent asthma Beta 2 agonists inhalers
What is considered mild persistent asthma night s/s 3-4 days/month
How to dx COPD with H&P, CXR, PFT and ABG
What do PFTs show in COPD decrease FEV1 without response to bronchodialators
Where does the damage occur in lung with emphysema At alveoli, causes issue with expansion
Where does the damage occur in lung with C. Bronchitis at the airway, due to mucus
S/s of emphysema Air trapping, increased AP diameter, barrel chest
S/s of chronic bronchitits wheezing, rhonchi, cyanosis at skin and MM
What is FVC the volume that can be exhaled, amount of air that the patient can forcefully inspire and expire
What is FEV1 Amount forcefully exhaled in 1 second
What does the FEV1/FVC ratio determine Normal, obstructive or restrictive
What equals total lung capacity Residual volume, and FVC
How do you deterime restrictive pulm fxn Look at TLC if less than 80%, restrictive
Normal lung should be able to exhale what % of the forced vital capacity (FVC) in the first second 80%
imple spirometry can be used to measure any of the following EXCEPT Residual Volume
How many % must the FEV1 increases after bronchodialtors to show that it is reverseable 12%
What is the normal range for FEV1 80-120%
What is normal range for FVC 3-5L
What destroys the lung’s elastic resulting in decreased recoil Inflammatory process due to lack of surface area
What is umber one cause for emphysemas inflammatory reactions Irritant, smoking
What contributes to airway damage and mucus production Cytokines from Inflammatory process
Which obstructive plm disease is typically reversible Asthma
Which obstructive plm disease is non-reversible COPD
How do you determine if something is reversible PFT, after bronchodialtor has been given, increase of 12%
What happens to tissue in restrictive plm disease Reduced compliance with lung tissue
What prevents lung from expanding in restrictive typically scar tissue formation or structrual damages
What are common diseases associated with restrictive lung disease ILD, obesity, neuromuscular causes and scoliosis, pulmonary fibrosis
spirometry results indicate restrictive lung disease FEV1, FVC, and total lung capacity reduced; FEV1/FVC ratio normal.
Created by: kristengeis
Popular Physiology sets




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