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Advanced Patho

What does most of our bodies iron come from Recycling old RBCs
what is the MCHC the average HBG in a single RBC
What anemias happen with a normal MCHC (normochromic) aplastic, post hemmorhagic, hemolytic
What anemias happen with a low MCHC (hypochormic) iron def, sideroblastic, thalessemia,
What anemias happen with a high MCHC (hyperchrmoic) liver disfuction, hyperthyroid ad sickle cell,
What is iron deficiency Mircocytic and hypochromic
Iron defiiciency has which low lab value ferritin
What is RDW the red blood cell distribution width
What does RDW determine Macro, micro or normo cytic
Who is at risk for being folate deficient ETOH
What type of anemia does folate deficiency cause Megaloblastic
What are the s/s of vit b 12 def fatigue, dyspnea and perpherial neuropathy
Who is at risk for Vit b12 def older adult, H-pylor infection
Hemolytic anemias from HS2 reactions are HS2- mixed matched blood type
Hemolytic anemias from HS3 reactions are auto immmune vs erythrocytes
Homolytic anemais from HS1 reaction Drug induced
How do you dx aplastic anemia bone marrow biopsy and blood tests
What lab work does aplastic anemia show granulocytes are less than 500, platelets are less than 20K and reticulocytes are less than or equal to 40x109/L
Which anemias are inherited Sickle cell and thalessemia
Which inherited anemias can possess many genetic mutation Thalessemia
Which inherited anemia is passed from at least 1 parent sickle cell
what is a recticuloctyes immature RBS
What is MCV average size of a RBC
What is MCH average wt of a HBG
What is anemia decreased HBG and RBCs
3 ways anemia can occur impaired RBC production, acute BL and increase RBC destruction
most common type of anemia iron def anemia
Folic acid is essential to the body because Plays a major role in the maturing of RBCs.
Folate and cobalamin (vitamin B12) are required for red blood cell DNA synthesis
lab values will be low in a patient with folate deficiency Reticulocyte count.
Aplastic anemia can be caused by: abx
Which inherited anemia must be passed by both paretns thalessemia
What are the lab values for aplastic anemias MCV, MCHC normal, reticulocyte is low
What are the lab values for post-hem anemias MCV, MCHC normal, reticulocyte is high
Hemolytic anemia lab values MCV, MCHC normal, reticulocyte is high
What is considered microcytic (lab value) MCV less than 80
What is considered normocytic (lab value) MCV 80-99
What is considered macrocytic (lab value) MCV greater than 100
Examples of microcytic anemias iron def, thalessima, sideroblastic chronic diseas
Examples of normocytic anemias hereditary spherocytosis, anemais of inflammation,
examples of macrocytic anemias b12 def, folate def.
Created by: kristengeis
Popular Physiology sets




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