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Midterm + Final

Xiao Cheng Qi Tang Relatively Mild Yang Organ Disorder Moderately Purges Clumped Heat Afternoon tidal fever, constipation, focal distension & abdominal fullness, abdominal pain that does not increase with pressure Dry, dirty, or old looking yellow tongue coat/Rapid and slippery pulse
Tiao Wei Cheng Qi Tang Mild Constipation due to Yang Ming Heat & Dryness Mildly Purges Clumped Heat Mild Constipation, Absence of focal distention & Abdm fullness but irritability. Also for epistaxis, swollen or bleeding gums due to Stomach heat Red tongue with a yellow tongue coat/ Slippery and rapid pulse
Ma Zi Ren Wan heat-Induced Dryness in the Stomach & Intestine Moisten Intestine, Drain Heat, Promote the Movement of Qi, And Unblock Bowels Constipation with dry hard stool that is difficult to expel, frequent urination Dry and yellow tongue coat / Rapid or Floating choppy pulse
Xiao Chai Hu Tang Shao Yang Channel Syndrome (half-exterior, half-interior) Harmonize and release Lesser Yang-Stage Disorders Alternating chills and fever, dry throat, bitter/sour taste in the mouth, irritability, dizziness, sensation of fullness in the hypochondria and chest, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, reduce appetite thin white coating / Wiry pulse 1.This formula can injure the Qi & cause H/A dizzy, bleeding gums if take long 2. Patient w/ Exc above Def below, Liver Fire or bleeding of the gums3. Use in caution for those with ascendant Liver Yang, hypertension or vomiting blood due to Yin Def
Si Ni San Rebellious Liver Qi Disturbing Spleen & Stomach Vents Pathogenic Influences, Release Constraint, Spreads the Liver Qi, Regulate Spleen Cold fingers and toes (Although Body is Warm). Sometime accom by sensation of irritability and fullness in the epigastria and chest. There also be abdominal pain with diarrhea Red or dusky tongue with a yellow coat / Wiry pulse
Xiao Yao San Liver Qi Stagnation overacting on Earth, Sp Qi & Bl Def with Liv Qi Stagnation Spreads the Liver Qi, Strengthens the Sp, Nourish the Blood Hypochondriac pain, H/A, Vertigo, a bitter taste in the mouth, dry mouth & throat, fatigue, reduce appetite. There may also be Alternative fever & Chills and Irregular Mens or Distended breaths. Pale red tongue / Wiry and deficient pulse
Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang Heat & Cold in MJ Harmonize the St, Direct rebellious Qi Downward, Disperse Clumping, Eliminate Focal Distention Epigastric focal distention, fullness tightness with very little or no pain, Dry heaves Frank vomiting, borborygmus with diarrhea, reduce of appetite Thin, yellow, greasy tongue coat / Wiry and Rapid Pulse
Da Cheng Qi Tang Yang Ming Organ Disorder, Interior heat Accumulation with Desiccated Stool in the Intestinal Vigorously purge heat accumulation Severe constipation & Flatulence, focal distention &abdm fullness, abdm pain which increase upon pressure, Tense & firm Abdm, In severe case there may be Tidal fever, Delirious Speech and profuse Sweating from Palms & Soles Dry Yellow/Dry Black Tongue Coating with Prickles / Submerged, Excess 1. This is very strong formula which may cause vomiting or severe diarrhea 2. For weak patient should be only when absolute necessary and then with the addition of tonic herbs 3. Contra during pregnancy
Zhu Ling Tang Clumping of Water and Heat Promote urination, Clear heat, Nourish Yin Urinary Difficult accompany by fever & thirst with a desire to drink, there may also be diarrhea, cough, nausea irritability or insomnia. Tongue: Red Tongue Tip with Little coating Pulse: Weak Rapid, floating Pulse 1.Extremly vigorous internal heat 2. Severe damage of Yin & bloody fluids
Wu Pi San Spleen Qi Def with Vigorous Dampness & Qi stagnation, Skin Edema Resolve Dampness, Reduces Edema, and Regulate Qi, strengthen Sp Generalized edema with sensation of heaviness distension and fullness in epigastria & abdomen labored breathing & heavy breathing. Urinary difficult Tongue: White Greasy Tongue Coat Pulse: Submerge moderate Pulse 1. Although this is mild formula, Sp tonify herb should be added for case with Sp Def
Ping Wei San Damp-Cold Stagnation in Spleen & Stomach Dry dampness, improve the Sp transporting Function, Promote the Movement of Qi, harmonize the Stomach Fullness and distention in the abdomen and epigastria, Loss of appetite and taste, Heavy sensation of the limbs, loose stool or diarrhea, easy-fatigue, increase desire to sleep, and fatigue, nausea, vomiting, belching and acid Tongue: Swollen tongue with thick white greasy coat Pulse: Moderate or Slippery Pulse 1. Contra in Yin or Blood Def 2. Cuation during pregnancy
Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San Externally Contracted Cold with Internal Turbid Dampness Release Exterior, Transform Dampness, Regulate the Qi and Harmonize M.Burner fever and chills, Headache, sensation of Fullness & Stiffing oppression in the chest, pain in Epigastria & Abdm, Nausea & vomiting, Borborugmus, diarrhea, loss of taste Tongue: white greasy tongue coat Pulse: Moderate, soggy Pulse 1.Wind-heat of fire due to Def
Ba Zheng San Damp-heat Accumulation in Lower Jiao Clear heat, Promote Urination, Unblock Painful Urinary Dysfunction Dark, Turbid, scanty, difficult and painful urination a dry mouth & throat in severe case: there may be urinary retention, lower abdm distention &pain Tongue: Yellowgreasy tongue coat Pulse: Slippery Rapid Pulse 1. Long term use of this formula may cause weakness, lightheadedness palpitation & loss appetite 2. It should not be used w/o significant modification in treating condition of cold from Def or during pregnancy
Zhen Wu Tang Kd Yang Def edema Warm the Yang & Promote Urination Abdomen pain which is aggravated by cold, urination difficult and deep aching & heaviness of the extremities. There may also be generalized edema, loose stool, dizziness, a heavy sensation of head, palpitation, coughing, vomiting Tongue: Pale or Dark swollen Tongue w/ teeth mark, a white slippery T/C Pulse: Submerged Thin, Forceless Pulse -
Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang Liver & Kd Qi & Blood Def with Wind-Cold-Damp Bi Syndrome Expels Wind-Dampness, Disperse Painful Obstruction, Tonify Deficiency Heavy & Painful Sensation at fixed location in Lower back & lower extremities accom by weakness & stiffness, an aversion to cold and attraction to warmth, palpitation, SOB, there maybe Paresthesias of Numbness Tongue: Pale T w/ white coat Pulse: Thin weak slow -
Li Zhong Wan Middle Jiao Cold From Def, Yang Def of Middle Jiao Warm the Middle Burner, Strengthen Sp & St Diarrhea with watery stool, nausea & vomiting, no particular thirst, loss of appetite, abdm pain Tongue: Pale T w/ white coat Pulse: Submerge, thin pulse 1.Becuase this formula contain herbs that warm and dry; it should not be used for external-contracted condition with fever or Yin Def 2.For Sudden turmoil disorder, it should be discontinued once the vomiting & diarrhea have stopped
Wu Zhu Yu Tang Middle Jiao Cold from Def, with Liver Involvement Warms and tonify the Liver & Stomach, Directs Rebellious Qi Downward, Stop vomiting Vomit immediat after eating, indeterminat gnawing hunger, acid regurg w/ or w/o Epigastria Pain. Dry heaves or spitting of clear fluids with vertex headache. Vomiting and diarrhea with cold hand and feed. Agitation so severe that the Patient want to die Tongue: in All cases Tongue is not Red but white, Slippery Coating Pulse: Thin & Slow or Thin Wiry 1. In case with vomiting or acid regurgitation due to heat
Da Jian Zhong Tang Def cold of Middle Jiao with Internal Ascendance of Cold Warm and Tonify Middle Burner Def, Direct Rebellious Qi Downward, Alleviate Pain excruciating Epigastria and Abdm pain to point that the patient cannot tolerate being touched, a strong sensation of cold in epigastrium, vomiting to the point of being unable to eat Tongue: Pale, White Slippery T/C Pulse: Wiry, Slow, Deep or Thin & Tight Pulse cases with Internal Clumping 2.Damp-heat 3.Yin & Blood Def
Si Ni Tang Shao-Yin Syndrome: Kd Yang Def with Internal Cold Rescue Devasted Yang, Warm The Middle Burner, Stop Diarrhea Extremly cold Extremities, aversion to cold, sleeping knees drawn up, a lethargic state with a constant desire to sleep, vomiting, diarrhea with undigested food particle, abdm pain & Cold, no thirst Tongue: Pale, White Slippery T/C Pulse: Thin or Submerge, Faint Pulse 1. In case with true heat & false cold characterized be cold extremities, thirst with desire to drink cold beverage, dark urine and a red tongue with yellow coating
Wu Ling San External Condition with Interior water retention, Spleen Def with water in St, Congest fluid In lower burner, Upward Rebelling of frothy saliva Promote urination, drain dampness, strengthen Spleen, warm Yang and promote the transforming Function of Qi 1H/A, fever, irri, strong thirst but w/ vomit immediat after drink, uri diff With P: Float, White T/C 2Edema, general sens of heavy, diar, uri diff possi vomit & diarr due to sudden turmoil dz 3Throb P below umbi, vomit frothy saliva, vertig SOB coug Tongue: Thick white greasy tongue coat Pulse: Floating and rapid pulse 1.Incase with Sp or Kd Qi Def, the dosage & duration of use must be carefully limited 2. Incase of urinary difficult with Yin Xu, this formula should be modified to protect the Yin from further injury
Wu Ling San External Condition with Interior water retention, Spleen Def with water in St, Congest fluid In lower burner, Upward Rebelling of frothy saliva Promote urination, drain dampness, strengthen Spleen, warm Yang and promote the transforming Function of Qi 1H/A, fever, irri, strong thirst but w/ vomit immediat after drink, uri diff With P: Float, White T/C 2Edema, general sens of heavy, diar, uri diff possi vomit & diarr due to sudden turmoil dz 3Throb P below umbi, vomit frothy saliva, vertig SOB coug Tongue: Thick white greasy tongue coat Pulse: Floating and rapid pulse 1.Incase with Sp or Kd Qi Def, the dosage & duration of use must be carefully limited 2. Incase of urinary difficult with Yin Xu, this formula should be modified to protect the Yin from further injury
Created by: djraspberry
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