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SS&S 9-16 terms

poetry terms from chapters 9-16 of Structure, Sound, and Sense

tone the attitude expressed toward the subject of the poem
Frost poet who wrote "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening"
alliteration repetition of the initial consonant sound in two or more words
assonance repetition of a vowel sound in two or more words
consonance repetition of a consonant sound in two or more words
rhyme the repetition of the final stressed vowel sound followed by the final consonant sound in two or more words
end rhyme rhyme used in the final words of two or more lines
approximate rhyme the use of similar but not identical final vowel and/or consonant sounds in two or more words
slant rhyme another name for approximate rhyme
internal rhyme rhyme used within a line rather than at the ends of lines
refrain the repetition of one or more whole lines at regular intervals in a poem
rhythm the regular repetition of stressed syllables in a line of poetry or music
stressed a syllable that is spoken more loudly, more clearly enunciated, and for a longer duration than other syllables
rhetorical stress the emphasis on a syllable that comes from the way the sentence is structured rather than just the pronunciation of the word
end-stopped a line of poetry that ends in a punctuation mark or natural pause
run-on a line of poetry that does not end in punctuation or a natural pause
enjambment the more formal term for the use of run-on lines
scan to mark the meter of a poem, including foot divisions and stressed/unstressed syllables
caesura a pause within a line
free verse a poem lacking a regular meter or rhyme scheme
prose poem a poem not divided into lines
meter the repeated pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables and line length
foot one unit of a line consisting of one stressed syllable and one or more unstressed syllables
extra-metrical syllable a syllable (usually unstressed) additional to the regular meter of a line
stanza a group of lines in a poem separated by a space from the next group of lines
truncation the omission of a syllable at the beginning or end of a line of poetry
scansion the result of marking the meter of a poem
blank verse unrhymed iambic pentameter
monometer a line with one foot
dimeter a line with two feet
trimeter a line with three feet
tetrameter a line with four feet
pentameter a line with five feet
hexameter a line with six feet
heptameter a line with seven feet
iambic one unstressed followed by one stressed syllable
trochaic one stressed followed by one unstressed syllable
anapestic two unstressed followed by one stressed syllable
dactyllic one stressed followed by two unstressed syllables
spondaic two stressed syllables
expected rhythm (meter) what the ear anticipates hearing because of the pattern established previously in the poem
heard rhythm (meter) what the ear actually hears during an oral reading of a line of poetry
iambic pentameter the most common English meter
onomatopoeia the use of words that sound like their meaning
phonetic intensive the use of words that for some reason suggest their meaning
euphony the grouping of pleasant, mellow sounds
cacophony the grouping of harsh or discordant sounds
structure (of a poem) the arrangement of ideas, images, thoughts, and sentences in a poem
form the meter, stanza length, use of refrain of a poem
stanzaic form the use of a repeated pattern of groups of lines
continuous form a structure in which lines are broken only by units of meaning which do not fall into regular patterns of stanzas
fixed form a poetic structure that has become established through repeated use
sonnet a fixed form of 14 lines of iambic pentameter with a regular rhyme scheme
Italian sonnet a sonnet with the volta after the 8th line
Petrarchan sonnet another name for an Italian sonnet
English sonnet a sonnet with the volta after the 12th line
Shakespearean sonnet another name for an English sonnet
octave a group of 8 lines
sestet a group of 6 lines
quatrain a group of 4 lines
couplet a group of two lines, usually rhyming
villanelle a 19-line poem with five tercets and one quatrain
1st and 3rd lines of first stanza which lines are repeated regularly in a villanelle
elegy a poem mourning the death or loss of something valued
ode an exalted poem celebrating something, usually very formal
heroic verse lines written in iambic pentameter
heroic couplet two rhymed lines of iambic pentameter
epic a long narrative poem usually about grand, important events
ballad a story-poem intended originally to be sung
Created by: mrsbear1024
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