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Wilma 4
Medical Terminology Suffixes
Question | Answer |
-a | Condition of |
-aemia | blood |
-ac/-al | concerning/pertaining to |
-algia | pain |
-blast | immature cell |
-cele | swelling/protusion |
-cnetesis | to puncture/tapping |
-cide | kill/destroy |
-syte | cell |
-desis | binding together |
-dynia | pain |
-ectasis | dilation |
-ectomy | surgical removal of |
-gen | priducing/forming |
-genesis | forming or origin |
-genic | producing or forming |
-gram | picture/tracing |
-graph | machine that records/tracing |
-graphy | procedure of recording/tracing |
-gravida | pregnancy |
-ia/iasis | condition of/state of |
-iac | pertaing to |
-iatric | pertaining to medicine/physician |
-ic | concerning/pertaining to |
-iosis/-ism | condition of/state of |
-itis | inflammation of |
-lith | stone |
-lithiasis | condition/presence of stones |
-lysis | destruction/splitting/breaking down |
-malacia | softening |
-megaly | enlargement of |
-meter | measure |
-natal | birth |
-oedema | swelling caused by excess fluid |
-ology | study of/science of |
-oma | tumor |
-opia | condition of the eye |
-orrhage | burst forth/bleeding |
-orrhagia | condition of heavy bleeding |
-orrhaphy | sew/repair |
-orrhoea | flow/discharge |
-oscopy | examination with a lighted instrument |
-osis | condition of |
-ostomy | artificial opening into |
-otomy | cutting into/dividing/incision |
-para | given birth |
-pathy | disease |
-penia | lack of/decreased |
-pexy | fixation of |
-phagia | swallowing |
-phasia | speech |
-philia | liking/loving/affinity for |
-phobia | irrational fear |
-phylaxis | protection/prevention |
-plasia | formation |
-plasty | form/mould/reconstruct |
-plegia | paralysis |
-pnoea | breathing |
-ptosis | deooping/falling |
-rhythmia | rhythm |
-sclerosis | hardening |
-scope | lighted instrument used to examine |
-scopy | examination with a lighted instrument |
-stasis | cessation of movement/flow |
-stenosis | narrowing |
-tome | cutting instrument |
-tripsy | crushing |
-trophy | nourishment/food |
-uria | condition of urine |