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Pt specimen req

Patient and specimen requirements

EMR is an: electronic medical record
EHR is an: electronic health record
This lab order form is also known as: requisition
The number that the computer assigns to an order is the: accession number
If an order is ordered to be drawn as fast as possible or immediately it is called: STAT or ASAP
Phlebotomist must exhibit a certain level of: confidence
A patient may be: anxious, combative, or have difficult veins
Self confidence and experience provides ____________ to the phlebotomist for a successful draw. positive outcome/mind set
Addressing the patient with a calm upbeat voice helps: gain the patients confidence and trust
Showing professionalism and courtesy and respect is: good bedside manner or rapport
__________ _____________ may make communication awkward. cultural differences
Always ________ _________ to the patient identify yourself
Always ___________ before entering a patient room knock
Never _________ to a patient, even a child Lie
A parent or guardian of a child must show: identification
How do you approach a child on their eye level
Do not assume an older patient can not: hear you
If you must wake a patient: don't scare them
If a patient verbally attacks you do not: take it personally
If a patient seems to be violent: get safely out of room and call supervisor or security
This is a moral philosophy of rules ethics
These are rules that lead to incarceration if broken Laws
Respondeat superior means: let the master speak/answer
the threat of bodily harm: assault
bodily harm or touching without consent: battery
Basis of majority of malpractice cases: negligence
if a professional breaches duty: derelict
the breach of the duty of care: direct cause
legally recognizable injury to the patient: damages
The three C's of Phlebotomist preventing malpractice cases are: caring, communication, and competence
Patient bill of rights gives patients the right to: refuse care, be treated with respect, and privacy
Informing a patient of what will be done then asking for permission from them is called: informed consent
Regardless of a patient diagnosis the patient should never be; discriminated against
Three times a patient can not refuse treatment are: minor, mentally incompetent, court order
no means______. when it comes to blood draws: NO!
If a patient refuses a draw what does the phlebotomist do: explain it is needed then get informed consent or notify Dr of refusal
If you don't document an issue it: did not happen
HIPPA stands for health insurance portability and accountability act
HIPPA protects patient: privacy, confidentiality
Breaking HIPPA can result in: fines, termination, or charges
How do you identify a patient use the three part ID process
What are the three parts to the PT identification process: Ask, compare, validate
Always ask a patient their name never: call them by name till ID is confirmed
A patient unique identification number is: their medical record number or social security number
What do we do differently if the patient is in a coma or on a vent? NOTHING we treat them with the same respect
We may need to bend or adapt when drawing: a mental health patient
Patient identification, labeling, and good specimen collection are all part of: the pre-examination phase
Fasting, time of day draw occurs, and any other influence on a blood draw are all: Patient factors
Normal blood result ranges are called: reference ranges
chemicals or other substances being measured/tested are: analytes
Patient variables that can effect blood tests are: stress, posture, exercise, diurnal variations, alcohol, and tobacco
Anxiety, fear, exercise, and nervousness effect the blood by: elevating the white blood cells
After 8-12 hrs of rest the body is in a: basal state
diurnal rhythm or changes through out the day are known as: diurnal variations
A baby has to stop crying ____________ before being drawn sixty minutes
Collecting blood at a specific time after eating a meal is known as: postprandial
peak and trough are part of: therapeutic drug monitoring
a specimen collected when the serum drug level is at its highest is the peak level
a specimen drawn just before the next dose of medication is due is the trough level
TDM timing is: critical for correct results
A sample that appears milky is lipemic, fatty
Created by: CWillems
Popular Laboratory Science sets




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