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Literary Terms

Literary Terms that you should know by the 7th grade!

What is an alliteration? the repetition of constant sounds at the beginning of words
What is an allusion? a reference to a well-known character, place, or situation from another work of literature, music, or art from history
What is an anachronism? something that is out of its time period
What is an antagonist? a person or force that opposes the protagonist, or hero
What is an autobiography? the story of a persons’ life written by that person
What is biography the account of a person’s life writing by another person
What is character? a person in a literary work
What is climax?
What is conflict? struggle between opposing characters or forces that is central or important to the action of the story
What are some types of conflict? External conflicts are those in which a character struggles against another character, society, or force of nature. Internal conflicts are those in which a character struggles with an issue or a problem within his or her mind.
What is Connotation? what you must know in order to determine the reference of an expression; an idea that is implied or suggested
What is Denotation? the literal dictionary meaning of a word
What is dialect? a form of language spoken by a particular group of people or in a specific geographical area; differs from standard spoken English in its spelling, word use, and pronunciation.
What is dialogue? conversation between characters in a literary work
What is Drama? -a story usually performed by actors on a stage or before movie or TV cameras; two types: tragedy and comedy
What is Exposition? The use of authorial discussion to explain or summarize background material rather than revealing this information through gradual narrative detail.
What is Euphemism? an inoffensive or indirect expression that is substituted for one that is considered offensive or too harsh
What is Figure of Speech an expression or word that is used with a metaphorical rather than a literal meaning.
What is a fable? story which teaches a moral lesson; sometimes have animals as the main characters
What is fiction? story that is untrue or made up
What is a flashback? an interruption in a chronological narrative that tells about something that happened before that point in the story or before the story began
What is a folktale? An anonymous traditional story passed down orally long before being written down
What is foreshadowing? the use of clues by the author to prepare readers for events that will happen in the story
What is a hyperbole? a statement that is exaggerated or overstated to emphasize a point or create a humorous effect.
What is an idiom? refers to a construction or expression in one language that cannot be matched or directly translated word-for-word in another language
What is imagery? language that emphasizes sensory impressions that help the reader of a literary work to see, hear, feel, smell and taste the scenes described in the work
What is Irony? a contrast between reality and what seems to be real. 3 types; situational- exists when the actual outcome of a situation is the opposite of someones expectations; verbal-when someone says something and means another
what is a legend? a traditional story handed down orally based on history and an actual hero
what is a limerick? a light, usually humorous poew with a regular metrical scheme and a rhyme scheme of aabba with a five-line stanza
what is lyric poem? poem, usually short, that expresses personal feelings about a subject or event
what is metamorphosis? when a person or thing develops and changes into something completely different.
What is metaphor? comparison between two unlike things in which one thing is said to be another thing, a metaphor does not use “LIKE” or “AS” in comparisons
What is mood? the emotional quality or atmosphere of a story?
What is a myth? a traditional story of anonymous origin that deals with goddesses, gods, heroes, and supernatural events
What is a narrative poem? verse that tells a story
what is onomatopoeia? the use of a word or phrase that actually imitates or suggests the sound of what it describes
what is an oxymoron? figure of speech that combines two normally contradictory terms; combining two opposite qualities or ideas which therefore seems impossible.
what is personification? a figure of speech in which an animal, object, or idea is given human form or characteristics
what is plot? the sequence of events in a story or novel or play
what is point of view? a mental position from which things are viewed
what is prose? writing that is similar to everyday speech and written language as opposed to poetry or drama
What is the protagonist? the hero of the story
what is a pun? a humorous play on two or more meanings of the same word or on two different words with the same sound
what is satire? a play, film, or novel in which humor or exaggeration is used to criticize something
what is simile? a figure of speech using like or as to compare seemingly unlike things
what is a setting? the time and place in which a story takes place
what is stanza? one of the parts into which a poem is divided
what is a stereotype? a character who is not developed as an individual, but as a collection of traits, and mannerism supposedly shared by all members of a group
what is style? the author's choice and arrangement of words and sentences in a literary work; can reveal an author's purpose in writing and attitude toward his or her subject and audience
what is suspense? a feeling of curiosity, uncertainty, or even dread about what is going to happen next
what is symbol? any object, person, place, or experience that means more than what it is
what is a tall-tale? a widely imaginative story, usually passed down orally, about the fantastic adventures or amazing feats of folk heroes in realistic local settings
what is theme? the main idea of the story or message of the author
what is tone? the elements of style that express to readers an author's feelings and attitude toward his or her subject, ideas, theme, or characters
what is tragedy? a play in which the main character suffers a downfall
what is refrain? A line or set of lines at the end of a stanza or section of a longer poem or song--these lines repeat at regular intervals in other stanzas or sections of the same work.
what is a parody? a humorous piece of writing, drama, or music which imitates the style of a well-known person or represents a familiar situation in an exaggerated way
what is non-fiction? the type of writing that tells about real people, places and events.
Created by: Jujubees
Popular Literature sets




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