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CV Surgery

Surg Tech CV

A(n) ____________ may be straight or angled up to direct the blood toward the descending thoracic aorta aortic cannula
Cardiac catheterization is an interventional radiology procedure that involves insertion of a cardiac catheter into the heart chambers and large vessels via a _______ artery or vein peripheral
Located within mediastinum behind body of sternum and on diaphragm, with 2/3 of the organ on the left side heart
Protects heart and prevents it from rubbing against the thoracic cavity wall pericardium
2 parts of pericardium fibrous and serous
Fibrous pericardium outer layer that consists of white fibrous connective tissues and attaches to large blood vessels, but does not attach to heart itself
Serous pericardium 3 layers: parietal - lines inside of fibrous pericardium visceral - attached to surface of heart pericardial - space btwn two layers that contains pericardial fluid, reducing friction
3 layers of heart wall epicardium (outside), myocardium (middle), endocardium (inside)
RV pumps blood to lungs
LV pumps blood to body
Atrioventricular valve (AV) located btwn each atrium and ventricle
Tricuspid valve located btwn RA and RV - lets blood flow from RA to RV
Pulmonary semilunar valve formed by 3 half-moon shaped cusps - blood exits RV through semilunar valve into pulmonary artery
Mitral valve (bicusbid) located btwn LA and LV - lets blood from from LA to LV
Aortic semilunar valve located at base of aorta - when LV contracts, valve opens, allowing blood to flow into aorta
Chordae tendineae fibrous cords that are attached to cusps of calves on ventricle side and prevent cusps of valve from folding back into atrium
Sinoatrial node (SA node) generates pulses - "pacemaker"; located in RA wall inferior to opening of superior vena cava
AV node located in interatrial septum; provides conduction pathway btwn atria and ventricles
Bundle of His (AV bundle) only electrical connection btwn atria and ventricles; enters upper portion of interventricular septum and divides into left and right bundle branches that travel along septum to apex
Purkinje fibers electrical impulses from bundle of His enter purkinje and spread impulse to apex of left ventricle and upward to remainder of ventricular myocardium, causing ventricular contraction
Parasympathetic division slowing HR
Sympathetic division cardiac accelerator - secretes norepi
How many coronary arteries originate from ascending aorta? 2
Right coronary artery Posterior descending: branches to both ventricles Marginal: branches to RV and RA
Left coronary artery Anterior descending: both ventricles Circumflex: LV and LA
Who examines preop pulmonary function, coag studies, and ABGs? anesthesia
Dx study useful for detection and evaluation of thoracic aortic dissection CT scan
Dx study that detects abnormal positioning of intracardiac structures MRI
Dx test that provides most extensive details for valve disorders cardiac cath
Apparatus used in cardiac surgery to remove nonoxygenated blood from venous system, oxygenate and filter it, and return it to arterial system pump oxygenator "heart-lung machine"
What med is given before cannulation heparin (300U/kg)
Myocardial protection during CPB is accomplished with systemic hypothermia - reduces oxygen demands of myocardium
A moderate temp of _____ reduces oxygen demand on myocardium by _____ 28C or 82F; 1/2
First step in formation of atheroma injury to endothelial lining of arterial wall
Risk factors for atherosclerosis age, gender (M), race (nonwhite), HTN, smoking, diet, obesity, clotting factors, psychosocial influences
Coronary artery lesions usually occur near the origin and bifurcation of the main coronary vessels
The Swan-Ganz pulmonary artery catheter indirectly measures left atrial and left ventricular pressure
Why does the ST wet the surgeon's hands with saline when they're using prolene suture? to prevent suture from breaking
Pedicle grafts are soaked in ______ _____ to prevent vasospasm papaverine solution
The proximal saphenous vein is anastomosed to the aorta in an ________ fashion end-to-end
Created by: fyrevalkyrie
Popular Surgery sets



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