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ENT Surgery

Surg Tech ENT

The ________-style head drape is commonly used for ENT procedures to secure the hair followed by a U and _______ drape turban, bar
The most commonly used autograph for a tympanoplasty is the ________ fascia temporalis
Chronic _________ is the most common reason for a myringotomy otitis media
Cortisporin is a(n) ________ and ________ solution used for ear surgery postop antibiotic, anti-inflammatory
A tympanomastoidectomy will require a(n) _________ incision and a(n) ________ drill with Gelfoam packing at the end retroauricular, ototome
Diagnostic method that assesses the amount of damage to the sound conduction system and determines course of treatment audiography
Diagnostic method that uses cool and warm water introduced into the ear canal to assess balance function electronystagmography
The anatomic structure that connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx eustachian tube
The membranous opening in the wall of the cochlea that receives vibrations from the stapes in the middle ear oval window
The process of cutting up tissue into small pieces to extract it through a small opening morcellatioin
Congenital defect that results in a bony or membranous occlusion of the passageway between the nose and the pharynx choanal atresia
A device attached to suction that uses gravity to capture specimens such as washings for laboratory analysis Lukens tube
Condition of being enlarged due to chronic inflammation; may cause obstruction hypertrophy
Position achieved by placement of a scapular roll to provide enhanced visualization of the oropharyngeal area hyperextension
2 pronged metal device that emits a clear tone of a fixed pitch when tapped tuning fork
Handheld, lightened instrument used to view external auditory canal otoscope
Measures the vibrations of the eardrum by placing a probe against the tympanic membrane tympanogram
Nerve stimulator should be available for identification of which nerves facial (VII) and vestibulocochlear (VIII)
Why is the OR table reversed for ear procedures? space under foot board can accommodate for seated team members legs' and for equipment placement
Position for most ear procedures supine with a headrest with operative ear turned upward with arms tucked at pt's side (also remember to pad ulnar nerve and pillow under knees to ease stress on back)
What anesthesia is restricted in ear procedures and why? Nitrous oxide; causes expansion of middle ear and can cause dislocation of a tympanic membrane graft
Separation between middle and outer ear tympanic membrane
3 layers of tympanic membrane outer epithelial, middle fibrous connective, mucosal membrane inner
Fibrous ring surrounding tympanic membrane annulus
What is inserted during a myringotomy to allow for additional drainage and maintain equal pressure? pressure equalizing tubes (PE tubes)
What instrument is used to remove any visible wax in ears prior to a procedure? curette
3 auditory aussicles malleus (hammer), incus (anvil), and stapes, (stirrups)
Incision for tympanoplasty transuaral
Incision for tympanoplasty with mastoidectomy retroauricular (postauricular)
Which laser is used for middle ear surgeries (stapedectomy/otomy)? argon
2 types of burrs for ototome diamond (polishing) or cutting
Projection from the mastoid portion of temporal bone mastoid process
Complication of acute otitis media mastoiditis
major s/s of mastoiditis purulent discharge from external auditory canal, fever, inflammation of mastoid process
Cholesteatoma benign cyst or tumor that fills the mastoid cavity and erodes mastoid air cells; can also cause damage to ossicles
What causes cholesteatoma? epithelial cells that would normally be shed through eustachian tube are unable to migrate out of middle ear due to a blockage of auditory tube
Most common s/s of cholesteatoma discharge from ear, hearing loss, dizziness, weakness of facial muscles (damage to facial (VII) nerve)
____ occurs when there is a body overgrowth of the stapes otosclerosis
2 main sections of inner ear bony labyrinth and membranous labyrinth
A coiled portion of bony labyrinth that consists of a series of hair cells that directly contact the fibers of the cochlear nerve (branch of vestibulocochlear) organs of Corti
Which objective-power lens is most frequently used for microlaryngoscopy? 400 mm
3 types of tonsils pharyngeal (adenoids), palatine (tonsils), and lingual
What is the most commonly used autograft in otologic procedures? temporalis fascia
Where are palatine (tonsils) located? oropharynx
Where are pharyngeal tonsils (adenoids) located? nasopharynx
What condition is a stapedectomy performed for? otosclerosis
Otosclerosis progressive, hereditary disease where there is a bony overgrowth of stapes
During a septoplasty, what is the separate mayo stand used for? for supplies necessary to administer local and/or topical anesthesia such as cottonoids
Each nasal cavity has ___ turbinates (conchae) 4
Inferior Turbinectomy affected turbinate is incised
Microdebrider Turbinectomy imaging system (endoscope) is used to view surgical site then a microdebrider is used to remove turbinate without damaging surrounding tissue
Laser Turbinectomy laser is used to vaporize tissue along anterior inferior aspect of turbinate to approximately 1/2 of its length
Choanal atresia congenital defect caused by the failure of the nasopharyngeal septum to rupture during embryonic development
What kind of endoscope is used in a choanal atresia repair? 4-mm 30 degree angled
4 pairs of paranasal sinuses sphenoid, maxillary, ethmoid, frontal (SMEF)
Location of frontal sinuses within frontal bone behind eyebrows - may be one cavity or divided
Location of ethmoid sinuses between eyes and have a honeycomb apperance
Location of sphenoid sinuses directly behind nose at center of skill - may be one cavity or divided
Location of maxillary sinuses below eyes and lateral to nasal cavity
Why is a FESS performed? dx procedure or treat a variety of sinus disorders, anatomical defects, and inflammatory conditions (ex: chronic sinusitis)
Purpose of Caldwell-Luc procedure remove diseased portions of antral wall, evacuate sinus contents, and establish drainage through nose
When is a Caldwell-Luc procedure contraindicated? in peds pts prior to descent of permanent teeth
Name of incision in Caldwell-Luc procedure gingivobuccal
Most efficient method of examining pharynx direct visualization
Polysomnography exam used to dx sleep apnea and determine its severity
Most common used laser for procedures involving larynx and oropharynx CO2
Pharynx tubular structure that serves the respiratory tract by receiving air from nose and mouth and digestive system as a passageway for foods and liquids
Location of pharynx begins at internal nares and terminates posterior to larynx at level of esophagus
3 regions of pharynx nasopharynx, oropharynx, and laryngopharynx
What organism most commonly causes tonsillitis? streptococcal
Recurrent adenoiditis can lead to... hypertrophy
3 pairs of salivary glands parotid, submandibular, sublingual
Parotid glands largest of the 3 glands located on lateral sides of face anterior to external ear
Common disorder for Parotidectomy formation of stones that block Steno's duct
Excretory salivary duct Stensen's duct
Location of Stensen's duct orifice inner surface of cheek opposite second molar tooth of upper jaw
Major concern when performing Parotidectomy care for facial nerve (VII) - it travels through parotid gland, dividing the superficial portion from deeper portion
UPPP uvulopalatopharyngoplasty - tx for sleep apnea
Dx test for UPPP polysomnography
How many laryngeal cartilages form the larynx? 9
Largest and most superior of laryngeal cartilages? thyroid cartilage
thyroid cartilage is aka Adam's apple
FESS functional endoscopic sinus surgery - diseased tissue, bone, or cartilage is excised
sternocleidomastoid muscle turns head left and right
What bone is used to replace mandible during a mandibulectomy? fibula
First step of a TMJ arthroscopy irrigation solution is injected into joint space to distend capsule
Tracheostomy creation of a tracheal stoma, usually permanent - mucous membrane of trachea is sutured to skin
Tracheotomy creation of an opening in trachea, usually temporary, for placement of a tracheotomy tube
Tracheotomy tools in order: 1. tracheal hook 2. scalpel with #15 blade 3. tracheal spreader 4. trach tube with obturator in place
Biggest procedural consideration during tracheotomy test balloon prior to placing tube and have syringe attached for anesthesia
Created by: fyrevalkyrie
Popular Surgery sets



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