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季節 jì jié season
夏天 xià tiān summer
春天 chūn tiān spring
秋天 qiū tiān autumn
冬天 dōng tiān
qì air
Wēn warm
氣温 qì wēn temperature
零下 líng xià below zero
dù degree
左右 zuǒ yòu around
北京一年有四個季節。 Beijing has four seasons in a year.
北京的春天氣温不高。 The temperature in Beijing's spring is not high.
南京的夏天很熱。 It's very hot in Nanjing's summer.
香港的秋天不冷。 It's not cold in Hongkong's autumn.
紐約的冬天很冷。 It's very cold in New York's winter.
北京現在是冬天。 Now it's winter in Beijing
氣温在零下五度左右。 The temperature is -5 degree.
穿 chuān to wear cloth
Dài to wear accessories
連衣裙 lián yī qún dress
涼鞋 liáng xié saddles
襪子 帽子 mào zi hat 短褲 duǎn kù shorts 皮鞋 pí xié leather shoes 外套 wài tào coat 手套 shǒu tào gloves 牛仔褲 niú zǎi kù jeans 大衣 dà yī wind coat wà zi socks
帽子 mào zi hat
短褲 duǎn kù shorts
皮鞋 pí xié leather shoes
外套 wài tào coat
手套 shǒu tào gloves
牛仔褲 niú zǎi kù jeans
大衣 dà yī wind coat
Created by: Grace-Xu
Popular Traditional Chinese sets




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