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大掃除 A thorough clean up
清理 To clean out
市政府 City hall
舊貨, Old goods
佔地方 To occupy places
辦理 To conduct; to process
規章 Regulation
登記 To register
分類 To classify
佈置 To decorate
百貨 General merchandise
零錢 Change
海報 Poster
開張 To open for business
公道 Fair
減價 Discount
藍色 Blue
跳蚤市場 Flea market
花瓶 Flower vase
記載 Put down in writing; record
演變 To evolve
討價還價 To haggle over price
二手貨 Secondhand
賣主 Seller
知識 Knowledge
打掃 To clean; to sweep
可惜 What a pity
長週末 Long weekend
出售 To sell; to put on the market
丟掉 To throw away
領取 To go and get
負責 In charge of; to be responsible for something
總動員 General mobilization
標上 To put a label
井井有條 Neat and organized
商店 Store
收銀箱 Cashier box
張貼 To post (a notice)
價錢 Price
打五折 50% off
捨不得 To hate to part with; reluctant to let go
藏起來 To hide; to conceal
留學生 Student studying abroad
攤位 Vendor’s booth; stall
智慧 Wisdom
瓷器 China
不二價 One price (no bargaining)
電器用品 Electrical appliance
屋主 Home owner
古董 Antique
Created by: sunnycl2002
Popular Traditional Chinese sets




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