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TCM Clinic Entrance.

Entire face is red + excess heat signs High fever caused by exterior pathogen Zang-fu Yang excess
Malar flush + night sweating Yin deficiency
Sudden malar flush seen in a 'lacking vitality' patient pseudo heat
Yellow and pale face + fatigue and poor appetite Spleen Qi deficiency (Qi and Blood not nourishing)
Yellow and puffy face + fatigue and poor appetite Spleen Qi deficiency + pamp accumulation (dysfunction of transportation function)
Bright white and puffy complexion Yang deficiency
Pale face and lips +pale nails Blood deficiency, Blood loss
Pale face Qi deficiency
Pale and bluish complexion Yin excess, cold syndrome
Dark and dry face Kidney Yin deficiency
Darkness around the orbit Kidney deficiency, water retention, Leukorrhagia due to cold damp
Dark face + scaly skin Blood stasis
Bluish and pale face + severe pain in the abdomen Cold invasion or Yin excess
Blue and purplish face and lips + intermittent stabbing chest pain Heart Yang deficiency, Blood stasis
Blue and purplish face, most obvious at the nose bridge & betw. eyebrows + high fever in infants Omen of convulsion, convulsion
overweight excess of phlegm damp
Great loss of weight in the course of a long disease Essential Qi is exhausted
Barrel Chest (anteroposterior diameter increased) TCM - phlegm in the LU - LU Qi xu - LU & KD Qi xu WM - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Bowleg/Knock-kneed TCM - KD Jing deficiency WM - may be congenital, may be the result of rickets
What is Orthopnea? Shortness of breath while lying flat
Orthopnea Phlegm in the LU as is asthma HT Blood stagnation as in angina pectoris
Violent movement in the limbs Wind syndrome such as Tetanus Infant convulsions
Tremor Qi, Blood, or Yin deficiency
Opisthotonos Wind syndrome
What is Hemiplegia? Total paralysis of the arm, leg, and trunk on the same side of the body
Hemiplegia Phlegm in the channels, Qi and Blood deficiency
What is wei syndrome? Weakness, motor impairment, and atrophy of the limbs
What is bi syndrome? Pain, heaviness, swelling, and restricted movement in the joints WM - arthritis
Extra large infant head with mental anomaly TCM - KD Jing deficiency WM - congenital hydrocephalus
What is congenital hydrocephalus? Build-up of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain
Undeveloped infant head with mental anomaly TCM - KD Jing deficieny WM - craniosynostosis (premature closure of the sutures), microcephaly
Infant fontanel that is full and tense TCM - heat syndrome WM - high fever, meningitis
What is meningitis? Disease caused by the inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord known as the meninges
Infant fontanel that is collapsed TCM - KD Jing deficiency, loss of body fluid
Infant fontanel closure delay TCM - KD Jing deficiency WM - rickets
What is rickets? Softening of bones in children due to deficiency or impaired metabolism of vitamin D, magnesium,[1] phosphorus or calcium
Deviation of the mouth and eye; eye cannot be closed Wind syndrome (stroke)
Chin redness, swelling, and pain TCM - toxic heat syndrome WM - mumps
diffuse swelling on one or both sides of neck w/ no distinct boundary; soft; moves when swallows TCM - LV Qi Stagnation WM - goiter, hyperthyroidism
cervical lymph nodes infected by TB TCM - LU and KD Yin xu, phlegm accumulation, wind and toxin invasion, Qi and Blood stagnation WM - scrofula
pain and stiff neck with high fever, severe headache, vomiting TCM - toxic heat invasion WM - meningitis
jugular vein distended TCM - HT Yang xu, water invading HT WM - congestive heart failure
hair falls out easily KD xu or Blood xu
hair falls out suddenly in clumps Blood xu and wind invasion
infant hair that is dry and stands up TCM - malnourishment; SP Qi xu; essence and Blood xu WM - infant malnutrition
red corners of the eye HT Fire
pale corners of the eye Blood xu
red and ulcerated eyelids SP heat damp
red sclera LU Fire
yellow sclera jaundice (Yin or Yang)
whole eye is red, painful and swollen wind heat invasion or LV Fire
eyelids with edema SP Qi xu
eyelids with edema and red color heat damp
lower eyelid is puffy senile KD xu
What is exophthalmos? a marked protrusion of the eyeballs
exophthalmos of both eyes hyperthyroidism
exophthalmos of one eye severe disease
looking upward or straight forward LV wind
sleeping with eyes open SP xu
ptosis: upper eyelid drooping SP Qi xu
dilated fixed pupils essence exhausted, impending death; drug side effect
small fixed pupils excess syndrome; miotic eye drops
pupil size not equal critical
ears: thin tissue, dry skin kidney yin deficiency
white ears cold
black dry ears kidney yin exhausted
red ears heat or wind
red swollen ears heat damp
long ear lobe, full and lustrous kidney qi sufficiency
ear lobe atrophied and dry kidney qi exhausted
what is tin er? purulent discharge in the ear
tin er liver and gallbladder heat damp
nostril flapping + high fever in infant TCM - heat in the lung WM - infant pneumonia
nose tip red and swollen blood heat or blood stasis
clear nasal discharge wind cold
turbid nasal discharge wind heat
pale lips blood deficiency
red lips heat
dry scorched lips heat impairing body fluids
blue lips TMC - cold or pain or blood stasis WM - cardiovascular omen
purplish lips blood stasis
excess salivation spleen deficiency + damp
excess salivation with deviated mouth stroke
lip ulcer heart and spleen damp heat WM - lack of vitamin B-12, iron, folic acid
white lustrous teeth normal + kidney qi sufficiency
teeth dry as a bone kidney yin deficiency
pale gums blood deficiency
red swollen gums ST fire, KD yin deficiency with fire rising
swollen red painful throat wind heat or lung stomach heat
swollen red painful throat with ulcerations extreme heat
chronic sore throat, worse at night kidney yin deficiency
plum pit qi liver qi stagnation
scratchy throat wind cold
squamous and dry skin blood stasis
yang edema epi or lung not ventilating
yin edema spleen or kidney yang deficiency
red warm painful skin and edema heat or toxic heat syndrome
what is a macule? red, flattened spot or discoloration; color remains unchanged when pressed
what is a yang macule? bright red or dark red
yang macule heat
what is a yin macule? light red
yin macule deficiency
papule TMC - toxic heat invasion or wind heat invasion WM - measles, rubella, hives
what is urticaria? hives
shallow vanules on infants finger exterior syndrome
deep venules on infants finger interior syndrome
red venules on infants finger heat
hidden, red vanules with natural skin color on infants finger; don't extend past Qi gate normal
pale venules on infants finger deficiency
venules that extend beyond Qi-gate on infants finger interior and getting worse
venules that extend beyond life-gate on infants finger serious, life-threatening disease
pale nails blood deficiency
blue-purplish nails blood stasis
club nail TCM - blood stasis WM - chronic oxygen deprivation
spoon nail TCM - LV blood deficiency WM - iron deficiency
yellow, thick sputum heat damp
white, thin sputum cold damp
profuse white sputum with easy expectoration phlegm accumulation
small amount of sticky sputum that is hard to expectorate dry phlegm
white, watery nasal discharge wind cold
yellow, turbid nasal discharge wind heat
watery vomit, thin, no odor cold vomit
thick vomit, sour, stink heat vomit
sour vomit, odor, undigested food food stagnation
bitter, watery yellow/green vomit LV and GB damp heat
Light Red tongue Normal
Pale tongue Deficiency syndromes (Qi, Blood, Yang) or Cold syndrome
Red tongue Heat syndromes (Excess or Yin deficiency)
Deep red tongue Extreme heat syndromes (Excess or Yin deficiency) or Blood stasis
Purple tongue Blood stasis (Excess heat, Cold congealing, or not)
Blue tongue Blood stasis (Cold congealing or not)
Rough tongue Excess syndrome
Tender tongue Deficiency syndrome
Swollen tongue Damp & phlegm accumulation or Yang deficiency or Heat
Teeth prints on the tongue Damp & phlegm accumulation or Yang deficiency or Qi deficiency or Normal
Thin & small tongue Qi and Blood or Yin deficiency
Prickled tongue Excess heat syndrome
Fissured tongue Yin deficiency or Blood deficiency or Heat syndrome or Normal
Mirror tongue ST Qi or ST Yin exhausted (Serious)
Rigid tongue Heat invading PC or Excess heat impairing body fluids or Phlegm accumulation or Wind stroke
Flaccid tongue Qi, Blood, and Yin deficiency or Heat impairing body fluids
Trembling tongue Qi, Blood, or Yang deficiency or Extreme heat producing wind
Deviated tongue Wind stroke (omen of wind stroke)
white coating exterior syndrome or heat syndrome or cold syndrome or normal
yellow coating heat syndrome
grey coating heat or cold
black coating heat or cold
thin coating exterior syndrome or light interior syndrome or normal
thick coating interior syndrome or damp/phlegm or food stagnation
sticky coating damp/phlegm or food stagnation
curdy coating phlegm or food stagnation or heat damp
dry coating heat impairing bod fluid or Yin deficiency
slippery coating cold damp or Yang deficiency or water retention
peeled-mirror coating ST Qi or ST Yin exhausted (serious)
peeled - geographic ST Qi or ST Yin deficiency or normal
two veins underneath tongue distended with purple, blue, or red spots Blood stasis
Pale with teeth marks on border Qi deficiency
Pale and thin tongue Blood or Qi and Blood deficiency
Pale, swollen and tender tongue Yang deficiency
Pale with moist coating (slippery) Cold syndrome
Light red tongue Normal
Red with prickles or yellow coating Excess heat syndrome
Red with little to no coating Yin deficiency heat syndrome
Deep red, or with prickles in Warm diseases Heat invasion of Ying Fen or Heat invasion of Blood Fen
Deep red with little to no coating or cracked Yin deficiency producing fire or Yin exhausted
Deep red with thin moist coating Blood stasis
Purple with dry coating Excess heat impairing the fluids or Qi and Blood stagnation
Light or blue purple with moist coating Cold congealing; Blood stasis
Purple spots on the tongue Blood stasis
Blue purple tongue Cold congealing; Blood stasis
Blue or purple border with a dry mouth and not wanting to drink Blood stasis
Rough tongue Excess syndrome
Tender tongue Deficiency syndrome
Pale and swollen Spleen and Kidney Yang deficiency
Light red and swollen tongue with think yellow coating Heat damp syndrome
Light red and teeth prints with a thin coating Qi deficiency
Fresh, red swollen tongue with pain Heart and Spleen heat
Light red, thin and small Qi and Blood deficiency
Deep red, thin and small with a dry coating Yin deficiency producing fire
Prickled tongue with dark yellow coating Heat invading the Qi Fen
Prickled deep red tongue without a coating Heat invading the Ying Fen or Xue Fen
Prickles on the tip of the tongue Heart fire
Prickles in the center of the tongue Spleen and Stomach heat
Deep red fissured tongue Excess heat impairing body fliuds
Pale fissured tongue Blood deficiency and not nourishing
Pale and mirror tongue Qi and Blood exhausted
Deep red and mirror tongue Stomach and Kidney Yin exhausted
Deep red rigid tongue with a dry coating Heat invading the PC and impairing body fluids
Rigid tongue with a thick coating Phlegm accumulation
Light red/blue purple rigid tongue Wind stroke or omen of wind stroke
Pale flaccid tongue Qi and blood extreme deficiency
Deep red flaccid tongue with little coating Yin exhausted
Deep red flaccid tongue with a dry coating Heat impairing the body fluids
Pale or light red slightly trembling tongue Qi and Blood or Yang deficiency
Deep red severely trembling tongue Extreme heat producing wind
Deviated tongue Wind stroke or omen of wind stroke
light red tongue normal tongue
pale tongue with teeth marks Qi deficiency
pale small tongue Blood deficiency
pale swollen tongue Yang deficiency
pale slippery tongue cold
red tongue with coating heat
red tongue with prickles heat
red tongue with no or little coating Yin deficiency + heat
deep red tongue with coating extreme heat
deep red tongue with no or little coating Yin deficiency producing Fire or Yin exhausted
deep red moist/slippery tongue Blood stasis
redish-purple tongue heat - Blood stasis
light purple tongue cold - Blood stasis
purple dots on tongue body Blood stasis
blue tongue cold - Blood stasis
rough tongue excess
tender tongue deficiency
swollen tongue with thick coat damp/phlegm
red swollen tongue heat
teeth prints with thick coat damp/phlegm
light red tongue with teeth marks normal person with abnormal tongue
thin/small tongue with no or little coat Yin deficiency
red spots on the tongue heat
enlarged papilla with no color change heat
red tongue with enlarged papilla heat
fissured tongue with no or little coat Yin deficiency
pale fissured tongue Blood deficiency
deep red fissured tongue heat
born with fissures normal person with abnormal tongue
mirror tongue ST Qi or ST Yin exhausted
rigid tongue + metal symptoms heat invading the PC
deep red rigid tongue; dry heat impairing body fluids
rigid tongue with thick coating phlegm
light red/blue purple rigid tongue wind stroke
deep red flaccid tongue with no or little coat Yin deficiency
pale flaccid tongue Qi and Blood deficiency
deep red flaccid tongue; dry heat impairing body fluids
pale tongue with slight tremble Qi, Blood, or Yang deficiency
deep red tongue with severe tremble heat producing wing
deviated tongue wind stroke or omen of wind stroke
white coat with chills and fever exterior syndrome
white piled powder coat heat
light yellow coat mild heat
deep yellow coat severe heat
burnt yellow heat heat accumulation
grey coat + dry heat
gray coat + slippery cold
black coat + dry heat
black coat + slippery cold
pale mirror tongue ST QI exhausted
red mirror tongue ST Yin exhausted
pale geographic tongue ST Qi deficiency
red geographic tongue ST Yin deficiency
light red geographic tongue normal person with an abnormal tongue
talkative and restless with loud voice excess; heat
speaks little with feeble voice deficiency; cold
deep and stuffing sound EPI invading LU
sudden loss of voice EPI invading LU
stuttering wind phlegm obstructing collaterals
delirium phlegm heat blurring HT
feeble breathing LU Qi deficiency
forceful, coarse breathing heat
SOB, difficult inhalation; worse on exertion KD not grasping the Qi
cough in a coarse voice excess
cough in a feeble voice deficiency
dry cough with little thick sputum dry invading LU or LU Yin deficiency
whooping cough TCM - turbid phlegm obstructing airway WM - pertussis
sigh LV Qi stagnation
loud hiccup cold or heat invading ST or temporary Qi stagnation
weak hiccup ST Qi exhausted
foul and sour belching w + abdominal distention food stagnation
abdominal distention worse with emotional changes but belching and flatus makes it better LV Qi stagnation
sneezing EPI
chronic exterior syndrome with sudden sneezing disease will be over soon
fetid odor heat or damp heat
fetid mouth odor ST heat
fetid stool odor food stagnation or heat damp in LI
fetid vaginal discharge odor heat damp in lower jiao
fishy smell deficiency or cold
loose stool with fishy smell SP Yang deficiency
profuse white vaginal discharge with fishy smell cold damp
rotten apple smell diabetic ketoacidosis
urine smell renal failure
chills + fever exterior
cold but no fever cold (excess or deficiency)
cold (no fever) + abd pn + dislikes pressure +likes warmth excess cold
cold (no fever) + loose stool + abd pn + likes pressure and warmth + weak pulse Yang xu - cold
feels warm but no cold signs heat (excess or deficiency)
high fever, profuse sweating, severe thirst, big pulse excess heat (Yang Ming Channel Syndrome)
afternoon fever + constipation + fullness and pn in abd excess heat (Yang Ming Fu Syndrome)
tidal fever in the afternoon or evening + night sweats + malar flush + red tongue with little coat + rapid and weak pulse Yin deficiency tidal fever
slight fever + fatigue + poor appetite + weak pulse Qi deficiency
slight fever + heavy head and body + red tongue with a thick coat heat damp
alternating chills and fever half exterior half interior
high fever that alternates with chills at regular intervals half and half WM - malaria
fever that alternates with chills at irregular intervals + bitter taste in mouth + thirst + fullness in chest and hypochondrium half and half; Shao Yang disease
exterior syndrome w/o sweating exterior excess or exterior cold
exterior syndrome + sweating exterior deficiency (Tai Yang Wind Syndrome)
spontaneous sweating, worse on exertion + fatigue Qi deficiency
spontaneous sweating, worse on exertion + fatigue + cold symptoms Yang deficiency
night sweating + malar flush +tidal fever or warm Yin deficiency
spontaneous sweating Qi deficiency or Yang deficiency
profuse sweating excess heat or Yang collapse
profuse sweating + high fever + sever thirst + big pulse excess heat (Yang Ming Channel Syndrome)
profuse sweating + pale complexion + cold limbs + feeble pulse Yang collapse (exhausted)
distending pain Qi stagnation
distending pain in the head LV Fire/LV Yang rising
heavy pain damp or damp bi
unfixed pain in the joints wind bi
wandering pain Qi stagnation WM - IBS or food allergies
stabbing pain blood stasis
colic pain substantial pathogenic factors obstructing the Qi
what is nephrolithiasis? kidney stones
colic pain in the chest TCM - chest bi WM - heart attack
burning pain heat or fire
cold pain; relieved by warmth cold invasion or Yang deficiency
dull pain deficiency
hollow pain Qi and Blood deficiency
pain that is worse with pressure excess: EPI, Qi or blood stagnation, pathogen obstruction
pain that is relived by pressure Qi, Blood, or Yang deficiency
to which channel does pain in the back of the head relate? Tai Yang - UB
to which channel does pain in the forehead relate? Yang Ming - ST
to which channel does pain on the sides of the head (esp. temples) relate? Shao Yang - GB
to which channel does vertex pain relate? Jue Yin - LV
back of head and neck pain + chills and fever + floating pulse exterior (Tai Yang disease)
chest pain heart or lung disease
stabbing chest pain heart blood stasis
chest pain, night sweats, cough w/ blood in sputum lung yin deficiency
hypochondriac pain liver or galbladder disease
hypochondriac distention with wandering pain, irritability, wiry pulse LV qi stagnation
hypochondriac pain, jaundice, thick yellow tongue coat heat damp in the LV and GB (mostly GB)
stabbing hypochondriac pain + scaly skin + purplish tongue LV blood stasis WM - LV cancer or end stage LV disease
burning hypochondriac pain + vesicular skin eruptions TCM - LV fire and damp WM - shingles
epigastric pain stomach and spleen disease
distended epigastric pain; alleviated by belching or flatus qi stagnation
dull, lingering epigastric pain; alleviated by pressure deficiency
epigastric pain; alleviated by warmth but worse with pressure cold invading the ST
abdominal pain SP, LI, UB disease
bilateral lower abdominal pain LV channel
dull abdominal pain; alleviated by warmth and pressure + LS + fatigue SP yang deficiency
distended bilateral lower abdominal pain LV qi stagnation
what is lumbago? LBP
lumbago KD or UB disease or injury
LBP + fatigue KD deficiency
colic LBP radiating to perineum + hematuria KD stone and qi stagnation
fixed LBP + history of injury local qi stagnation and blood stasis
limb pain bi
unfixed joint pain wind bi
heaviness and pain in the joints damp bi
fixed, severe joint pain cold bi
joint pain with redness and swelling heat bi
thirsty with no desire to drink yin deficiency, heat and damp, blood stasis
poor appetite, abd distention, LS, weak pulse SP Qi xu
anorexia, jaundice, hypochondriac pn, thick yellow tongue coat heat damp in the LV and GB
poor appetite, heavy head and limbs, thick tongue coat damp invading the SP
excessive appetite + mouth odor + red, swollen gums + constipation ST Fire
excessive appetite, excessive thirst, excessive urination, emaciation xiao ke
hungry but doesn't want to eat + burning in the ST + red tongue ST Yin xu
can taste but doesn't taste good SP Qi xu
sweetish taste or stickiness heat damp
sour regurgitation LV and ST heat
bitter taste LV and GB heat
salty taste KD xu or cold
prefers warm food/drink cold
prefers cold food/drink heat
insomnia + palpitations + night sweats + red tongue with little coat + rapid, weak pulse yin deficiency
insomnia + palpitations + LBP + night sweats + red tongue disharmony betw. heart and kidney
insomnia + palpitations + poor appetite + fatigue + pale tongue + weak pulse heart and spleen deficiency
insomnia + restless mind + dream disturbed sleep + red tongue tip heart fire hyperactive
lethargy with heavy sensation in the head and limbs + thick tongue coat + slippery pulse phlegm damp
sleepiness esp. after eating, fatigue, poor appetite spleen qi deficiency
half asleep with general lassitude, cold limbs heart and kidney yang deficiency
lethargic stupor, skin with visible macules or papules, deep red tongue, rapid pulse heat invading the pericardium
constipation + high fever, abd. distention, red tongue w/ yellow, dry coat excess heat
constipation + pale face, cold limbs, prefers warm drinks, deep, slow pulse cold
constipation or dry stool with red tongue w/ little coat yin deficiency
constipation or dry stool + fatigue in a longterm disease or with elderly or postpartum pt. Qi and body fluid deficiency
cock crow diarrhea, abd pn, borborygmus relieved by defecation, LBP, cold limbs kidney yang deficiency
diarrhea with foul smell, sour vomit with odor and undigested food, abd pn relieved by defecation or vomiting food stagnation
abd pn with diarrhea, relieved by defecation, related to emotion TCM - LV overacting on SP WM - IBS
undigested food in the stool spleen or kidney deficiency
alternating constipation and LS imbalance betw LV and SP
stool that is 1st dry then loose spleen deficiency
bloody stool with mucus and tenesmus with burning at the anus TCM - large intestine heat damp WM - dysentery
what is tenesmus? rectal spasms
black stool TCM - far blood WM - GI bleeding
stool with fresh bright red blood TCM - near blood WM - hemorrhoid
tenesmus large intestine heat damp
heavy anus or prolapse of anus spleen Qi deficiency
clear and profuse urine, cold limbs, likes warmth yang deficiency
yellow urine in small amounts TCM - excess heat WM - dehydration
small amount of urine + edema TCM - LU, SP, KD disease WM - may mean kidney failure
dark or bloody scanty urine, colic LBP or abd pn TCM - Shi Lin WM - kidney stones
what is Shi Lin? kidney stones
yellow scanty, frequent, urgent, painful urination TCM - UB heat damp WM - UTI
excessive urine at night kidney deficiency
retention or difficult, dribbling urination in elderly kidney deficiency
incontinence in elderly kidney qi deficiency
vertigo + fatigue, pale face & lips, pale tongue, weak pulse Qi and Blood deficiency
vertigo + heavy head & limbs, thick coating damp and phlegm
vertigo + severe headache, red eyes, wiry pulse LV Yang hyperactive or wind or omen of stroke
sudden onset tinnitus, high pitch; worse with pressure excess (LV Fire)
gradual onset tinnitus, low pitch; alleviated by pressure Kidney deficiency
sudden onset deafness excess
gradual onset deafness deficiency (elderly)
red eyes with blurred vision, headache, tinnitus, LBP Kidney Yin deficiency or Liver Yang hyperactive
dry eyes with decreased vision Liver Blood deficiency or Liver and Kidney Yin deficiency
palpitation + big 5 Heart Qi deficency
palpitations + Qi deficiency sx + cold Heart Yang deficiency
palpitations + ppppp Heart Blood deficiency
palpitations + night sweats, afternoon fever, etc. Heart Yin deficiency
profuse flow with bright red color, red tongue heat
profuse flow with light red color, fatigue, pale tongue, weak pulse Qi deficiency
scanty flow with light red color Blood deficiency
purplish flow with clots, lower abd stabbing pn Blood Stasis
poor appetite, slight abdominal distension after eating, tiredness, lassitude, desire to lie down, pale complexion, weakness of the limbs, loose stools, Tongue: Pale, Pulse: empty SP Qi xu
tiredness, digestive disorders, dull-yellow complexion, abdominal distension SP Pathology
slight shortness of breath, slight cough, weak voice, spontaneous daytime sweating, dislike of speaking, bright-pale complexion, propensity to catch colds, tiredness, dislike of Cold, Tongue: Pale, Pulse: Empty, especially on Right-Front position LU Qi Xu
Qi Xu (weak voice, shortness of breath), pallor, thin chest, sadness, skin problems such as eczema, atopic constitution (allergic asthma and eczema), phlegm, exterior invasions of Wind (aversion to Cold, sneezing, runny nose), no gynecological connection LU Pathology
floating/superficial exterior OR deficiency (Yang Qi floating out)
sinking/deep interior (excess or deficiency)
deep and forceful interior excess
deep and weak interior deficiency
slow cold (excess or deficiency)
slow and forceful excess cold
slow and weak deficiency cold
rapid heat (excess or deficiency)
rapid and forceful excess heat
rapid and weak deficiency heat
empty deficiency
forceful excess
slippery babies, phlegm, food, heat
choppy phlegm, food, Qi and Blood stagnation, essence, Blood deficiency
flooding excess heat
thin, thready deficiency, damp
tight, tense cold, pain, food
moderate NORMAL, damp, Spleen/Stomach deficiency, Qi or Blood deficiency, morbid moderate
wiry Liver or Gallbladder disease, pain, phlegm, malaria
soggy deficiency, damp
minute deficiency
frail Qi and Blood deficiency
hurried cardiovascular disease: excess heat, Qi and Blood stagnation, phlegm, food, prostration
knotted cardiovascular disease: excess Yin, Qi stagnation, cold phlegm, Blood stagnation
intermittent cardiovascular disease: Zong Qi deficiency, wind, pain, fear/fright, injury
swift extreme heat and Yin exhausted
long NORMAL or Liver Yang rising, excess heat, morbid long
short Qi stagnation, Qi deficiency
hollow Blood loss, Yin impaired
tympanic Blood loss, Essence impaired
confined cold, Qi or Blood stagnation
hidden pathogens on the interior, Jue syndrome, severe pain
bean pain, fright
scattered Qi exhausted
The cun measurement between the anterior and posterior hairlines 12 cun
The cun measurement between the glabella and the anterior hairline 3 cun
The cun measurement between the angles of the hairline 9 cun
The cun measurement between the mastoid processes 9 cun
The cun measurement between the posterior hairline and the inferior border of the spinous process of C7 3 cun
The cun measurement between the medial borders of the scapulae 6 cun
The cun measurement between the nipples 8 cun
The cun measurement between the midpoint of the clavicles 8 cun
The cun measurement between the tip of the acromion process and the midline of the body 8 cun
The cun measurement between the anterior axillary and cubital creases 9 cun
The cun measurement between the cubital crease and the wrist creases 12 cun
The cun measurement between the sternocostal angle and the umbilicus 8 cun
The cun measurement between the umbilicus and the pubic symphysis 5 cun
The cun measurement between the lateral prominence of the greater trochanter (approximately level with the inferior border of the pubic symphysis) and the popliteal crease 19 cun
The height of the patella 2 cun
The cun measurement between the gluteal fold and the knee 14 cun
The cun measurement between the popliteal crease and the lateral malleolus. 16 cun
The cun measurement between the popliteal crease and the medial malleolus 15 cun
Uses of Moxa gastrointestinal symptoms
Uses of Moxa gynecologic disorders
Uses of Moxa breech presentations
Uses of Moxa stroke rehabilitation
Uses of Moxa complementary care for cancer symptoms
treatment of infectious diseases, Herpes zoster and other infections.
The Purpose of Moxa warms tissues
The Purpose of Moxa stimulate and induce smooth circulation of Qi
The Purpose of Moxa promote blood circulation
The Purpose of Moxa warms Yang
The Purpose of Moxa nourish Yin
The Purpose of Moxa descend Qi
The Purpose of Moxa warms channels
The Purpose of Moxa expels Cold and dampness
The Purpose of Moxa To strengthen Yang from collapse
The Purpose of Moxa transforms fluids
The Purpose of Moxa Resolves heat toxins and drive heat outward
The Purpose of Moxa balance the meridians, substances and Zang-Fu depending upon the location and type of moxibustion performed.
The Purpose of Moxa prevent diseases and keep healthy
Direct Moxa Chronic, deficient, and Cold diseases such as asthma, chronic diarrhea, indigestion, etc
Moxa on Ginger -symptoms caused by weakness of the stomach and spleen such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, painful joints, and symptoms due to Yang deficiency
Moxa on Garlic scrofula, tuberculosis, early stage of skin ulcer with boils, poisonous insect bite, etc
Moxa on Salt abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea, pain around the umbilicus, pain caused by hernia, prolonged dysentery, etc. Has the function to restore to Yang from collapse, e.g., symptoms of excessive sweating, cold limbs and undetectable pulse
Moxa on Monkshood cake warm Yang and expel Cold – only suitable to treat deficient, and persistent Yin-Cold syndromes, such as impotence and premature ejaculation caused by declination of the Mingmen (vital gate) Fire.
Mild-Warm moxibustion apply ignited moxa stick over pt to bring a mild warmth to area for 5-10 minutes until local area is red.
"Sparrow-pecking" moxibustion the ignited moxa stick is rapidly pecked over the pt, paying attention not to burning skin. May also be evenly moved from left to right or in circular movement
Warm Needle Moxibustion place moxa on inserted needle – warms the meridians and promotes the free flow of Qi and Blood so as to treat painful joints caused by Cold-Damp, numbness with cold sensation and paralysis
Contraindications of Direct Moxibustion sensitive areas of the body, such as the face, nipples, genitals, within the hairline, europathies or other conditions that might limit a patient’s response or ability to sense pain or heat, such as neural injury, DMII or pathology resulting in paralysis.
Contraindications of Moxibustion Excess syndrome and heat syndrome (including high fever caused by common cold or heat dur to Yin deficiency). Feeble and rapid pulse.
Contraindications of Scarring Moxibustion Should not be applied to face and head or in the area of large blood vessels.
Contraindications of Moxibustion Abdominal or lumbosacral region of a pregnant woman
Contraindications of Cupping skin ulcer, edema, or on an area overlying large blood vessels (e.g., areas of the neck that are close to arteries), patient with high fever and convulsion, or to abdominal and sacral regions of a pregnant woman.
Contraindications of Cupping Patient susceptible to spontaneous bleeding or endless bleeding after trauma. Bleeding disorders or taking anti-coagulant medications.
Contraindications of Cupping Patients on anticoagulant medications and supplements that may act as blood thinners.
Contraindications of Cupping History or presentation of psoriasis or Köebner phenomenon
Contraindications of Cupping Patients who already have keloid scars
Contraindications of Cupping Underlying conditions that may increase the risk for syncope (diabetes, renal disease, seizure disorders, fasting or low blood sugar)
Contraindications of Fire Cupping diabetes, neuropathies, or other conditions that might limit a patient’s response to pain or the ability to sense heat.
Contraindications of Cupping Avoid cupping over active skin lesions, rashes, moles, swelling, trauma, inflammation, infection, injuries, breaks in skin barrier, burns, or sunburns.
Contraindications of Cupping Patients who have bleeding disorders such as hemophilia or Von Willebrand’s disease and/or certain supplements.
Contraindications of Cupping Cupping should not be applied 48 hours before or 24 hours after chemotherapy treatment.
Uses of Cupping with bloodletting treat acute sprains accompanied by Blood Stasis
Uses of Cupping has the function of warming and promoting the free flow of Qi and Blood in the meridian, dispelling Cold Dampness, diminishing swellings and pains.
Uses of Cupping Treat bi syndrome caused by Wind Dampness, such as pain of the lower back, shoulders, and leg, gastrointestinal disorders such as stomachache, vomiting, and diarrhea, and lung diseases such as cough and asthma.
Uses of Cupping acute or chronic pain; mild to severe conditions such as colds, flu, and fever; and problems such as asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema; functional internal organ problems; musculoskeletal problems; and in any case of recurring or persistent fixed pain.
Uses of Gua Sha used in the treatment of pain, pain on palpation, and accompanied “blanching that is slow to fade” indicating sha in the tissue
Uses of Gua Sha treats both acute and chronic pain
Uses of Gua Sha acute respiratory infection, influenza, and fever
Uses of Gua Sha internal organ diseases where the identified ferroheme metabolism can reduce inflammation and offer immune protection
Uses of Gua Sha neck pain
Uses of Gua Sha neck and back pain
Uses of Gua Sha breast engorgement/mastitis
Uses of Gua Sha inflammation and tissue injury, but not directly at the site of active inflammation or injury to skin or underlying tissue
Contraindicaion of Gua Sha Over active rash or broken skin, lesion, moles, swelling or recent trauma, inflammation, infection, break in skin barrier, burn, or sunburn.
Contraindicaion of Gua Sha Patient’s taking anti-coagulant medication, NSAIDs, Vitamin E, or fish oils or for those who have bleeding disorders – not contraindicated, but should be applied with awareness of patient’s condition.
Contraindicaion of Gua Sha Avoid applying for 48 hours before and 24 hours after chemotherapy
Contraindicaiton of Electroacupuncture Should not be applied from one side of the chest across to the other side of the chest (front to back or side to side) in the region of the heart
Contraindicaiton of Electroacupuncture A circuit should not cross the midsagittal line of the patient.
Contraindicaiton of Electroacupuncture Avoid applying near brainstem – posterior cervical area
Contraindicaiton of Electroacupuncture Avoid crossing the spine
Contraindicaiton of Electroacupuncture Consult with primary physician RE history of seizure disorder
Contraindicaiton of Electroacupuncture Infants, children, incapacitated, sleeping or unconscious persons
Contraindicaiton of Electroacupuncture Avoid anterior triangle of neck – carotid sinus which regulates blood pressure, the laryngeal muscles associated with breathing, and the vagus nerve (cranial nerve 10)
Contraindicaiton of Electroacupuncture In any patient with implanted medical devices: ICDs (implantable cardioverter defibrillator) and pacemakers.
Uses of Electroacupuncture used as adjunctive therapy for conditions associated with Qi, Xue, or Phlegm stagnation.
Uses of Electroacupuncture Accumulation of Qi – chronic pain syndromes
Uses of Electroacupuncture Qi is difficult to stimulate
Uses of Electroacupuncture Treatment for palsy
REN-14, REN-15, KD-21, ST-19 Incorrect insertion could damage HT
points above BL-24 should be needled obliquely towards spine rather than perpendicularly. Incorrect insertion could damage KD
REN-4 Incorrect insertion could damage UB
Contraindicated by pregnancy Points that strongly direct Qi downward: GB-21, LI-4, BL-60
Contraindicated by pregnancy Points on the abdomen: Ren-3 to Ren-8
Contraindicated by pregnancy Based on empirical evidence: SP-6, BL-31, 32, 33, 34, BL-67, LI-4, UB-60, UB-67, GB-21, LIV-3, SP-6, LU-7, Ren-3 to Ren-7, BL-27 to BL-34
Wind Cold runny nose with white watery mucus, severe occipital stiffness and ache, no sweating, no thirst, Tight pulse, Tongue body color unchanged
Wind Heat more fever, runny nose with slightly yellow mucus, occipital stiffness and ache, sweating, thirst, itchy throat, sore throat, swollen tonsils, Rapid pulse, Tongue body color Red on tip or sides, body aches, agitation
Interior pattern If no floating pulse in LU position and no aversion to Cold, the Zang Fu Organs are affected. Slower onset, more chronic, deeper, more severe, exhibits change in tongue body
Exterior pattern Floating pulse in LU position, aversion to Cold/Wind, affects skin, hair, channels, muscles, space between the muscles and skin. External Pathogens (EPI or EPF) – acute invasion or slow onset.
Excess Heat red face/eyes , sweating, rapid pulse, agitation, yellow/green exudate, fever, red tongue w/ a thick yellow coat if odorous exudates, noisy breathing, barking productive cough, full/rapid pulse
Excess Cold chilliness cannot get warm, Yin excess, cold hands, feet, limbs, lethargic, intense more severe cramping pain, pain worse w/ pressure, pain relieved by warmth, desire for warm fluids food, not thirst, Pale tongue w/ thick white coat, slow deep tight pulse
Deficient Cold dull pain, copious clear urine, dull pale face, can get warm, listlessness, no thirst, pale puffy tongue with thin white coat, wet tongue – KD Yang xu, slow deep tight weak pulse
Deficient Heat malar flush, night sweating, Yin is not strong enough to rise in the night, heat sensations – like hot flashes, red tongue with peeled coat – shiny tongue, dry mouth and throat, tidal fever, 5 centers hot, rapid thin thread pulse
Main Complaint Determination Observation (to look)
Main Complaint Determination Interrogation (to ask)
Main Complaint Determination Palpation (to touch)
Main Complaint Determination Auscultation (to hear and to smell)
Pattern Diagnosis identify the pattern which reflects the signs and symptoms
Treatment Principle ocus the therapeutic goals and provide the basis for selecting individual acupuncture points
Point Selection Final step in diagnosis
Created by: AnMarWill
Popular Acupuncture sets




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