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Vocabulary L6 - L7


漢字pinyin & meaning
[bǎi] NU: hundred
[biǎo] N: watch
[dà] SV: to be big, to be large
大學 [dà xué] N: university
電視機 [diàn shì jī] N: television set
[gòu] SV: to be enough
[huò] N: goods, products, a commodity
[jī] BF: machine
[jìu] SV: to be old, to be used
覺得 [jué de] V: to feel, to think, to consider
[le] P: indicates excessiveness, completion of action, change of state, imminent action
[mài] V: to sell
便宜 [pián yí] SV: to be cheap
[qiān] NU: thousand
請問 [qǐng wèn] PH: excuse me, may I ask?
[wàn] NU: ten thousand
[wèn] V: to ask
[xiǎng] AV: to want to, to plan to; V: to think, to miss
照相 / 像機 [zhào xiàng] / [xiàng jī] N: camera
[xiǎo] SV: to be small
[xīn] SV: to be new; A: newly
學校 [xué xiào] N: school
[yì] NU: hundred million
[zhào] VO: to photograph
[zhēn] A: really
知道 [zhī dào] V: to know
[zhǐ] A: only
[cài] N: food, cuisine, cabbage
[chàng] V: to sing
[chī] V: to eat
[de] P: a particle used between a verb and its complement to indicate manner or degree
[fàn] N: food, meal, rice
歌(兒) [gē (er)] N: song (M: 首 shou3)
[hái] A: still, yet, also
好聽 [hǎo tīng] V: to be pleasant, pleasing to the ear, nice sounding
[hē] V: to drink
[huà] N: words, spoken language
畫畫 (兒) [huà huà (er)] VO: to paint, to draw
[hùi] AV: to know how to, to be able to
[jiāo] V: to teach
教書 [jiāo shū] VO: to teach
[jǐu] N: wine or liquor
可以 [kě yǐ] AV: can, may, be permitted
[kuài] SV: to be fast; A: quickly
[màn] SV: to be slow; A: slowly
[nán] SV: to be difficult
[ne] P: indicating the situation or state of affairs is being sustained
[néng] AV: can
[niàn] V: to read aloud, to study
念書 [niàn shū] VO: to read; to study book(s)
[shì] N: affair, work
[shuō] V: to speak, to say
[tīng] V: to listen
現在 [xiàn zài] MA: now, right now
[xiě] V: to write
寫字 [xiě zì] VO: to write characters
意思 [yì sī] N: meaning, idea, definition
有一點 [yǒu yì diǎn] A: to be slightly, to be a little bit, to be somewhat
有意思 [yǒu yì sī] SV: to be interesting
[zài] A: indicating that action is in progress
[zì] N: character
[zuò] V: to do, to make
做飯 [zuò fàn] VO: to cook food
做事 [zuò shì] VO: to take care of things, to do things, to work
有名 [yǒu míng] SV: to be famous
Created by: yelisi
Popular Traditional Chinese sets




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