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Section #3 - Regular

In what year did Thomas Jefferson begin an embargo, stopping all trade with foreign countries? 1807
Impressment was the; Seizing of British-born American sailors off American ships, and forcing them to serve in the Royal Navy.
The War Hawks were; Members of Congress who wanted war with Great Britain, mainly from the Southern and Western states.
North Carolina's main concern during the War of 1812 was; Coastal defense
This Leiutenant Colonel fought along the Canadian border in the War of 1812. He raided Elizabeth Town and later died in 1814 at Odelltown in Canada. Originally from Stokes county, the county was divided and named after him. Benjamin Forsyth
This First Lady saved a portrait of George Washington when the British burned the White House during the War of 1812. Dolley Madison
This treaty signed in December 1814 ended the War of 1812. The Treaty of Ghent
This future President was the hero of the Battle of New Orleans during the War of 1812. Andrew Jackson
The Star Spangled Banner was written during the War of 1812 by; Francis Scott Key
North Carolina got this nick name for falling behind the rest of the Nation in agriculture, transportation, manufacturing, and education. Rip Van Winkle State
The Eastern part of North Carolina countered a new Western county by; Dividing one of its old counties
All State officials were elected by the; Legislature
The wealthy land owners who controlled the State Legislature were not interested in; Popular Vote or Spending money to improve conditions in the State
The ______ was able to block every effort by the ________ to reform State Government or make internal improvements. East, West
This State Senator from Orange county favored state reform such as public education and internal improvements. Archibald Debow Murphey
The Murphy Plan called for internal improvements to harbors, canals, and; Turnpikes
The Murphy Plan failed due to a; Lack of financing and public support
The isolation of people in North Carolina caused; Geographical Individualism
Parents did not think _______ was important, so their children stayed home and worked. Education
In the 1800's these were instituted instead of public schools; Academys
North Carolina's first steamboat arrived in Wilmington on; June 10th 1818
The Promethius ran its regular service on this body of water. The Cape Fear River
Round trip passage from Wilmington to Smithfield cost; $2.00
Between 1815-1850 _______ of North Carolina's population had migrated to other states. One Third
The Literary Fund was created by the General Assembly in 1825 to; Establish white public schools
This document stated 1. No European Nation could have colonies in the West, 2. No European Nation could intervene in the affairs of independent Western Nations, and 3. The United States would not interfere in European affairs. The Monroe Doctrine
This President won the popular vote in North Carolina, lost the National popular vote, and was elected by the House of Representatives after no candidate secured the necessary electoral votes. Andrew Jackson
In 1828 Andrew Jackson was re-elected and supported by; North Carolina's Eastern counties
This enabled Jackson to force Natives to move west; The Indian Removal Act of 1830
The Trail of Tears is the nick name given to this tribes journey to Oklahoma. Cherokee
Andrew Jackson's second term was met with political revolt in; Western North Carolina and Albemarle Sound
In the early 1800's North Carolina was a one party state supporting the ______ party. Republican
In the 1820's the Republican party changed to the ____________ party, which included plantations in the east, that supported Jackson, States rights, and a weak National Government. Democratic
The ______ census showed that Western North Carolina had a larger population than Eastern North Carolina for the first time. 1830
This party was formed in support of Henry Clay's internal improvement plan, national bank, and a tariff on foreign goods. The Whig Party
This Governor called for a constitutional convention in 1834-1835. David Swain
This man was a strong voice for overturning Article 32 of North Carolina's constitution, which did not allow Catholics, Jews, or Athiests to hold office. William Gaston
From 1830-1860 this political party was in power in North Carolina. The Whig Party
In 1836 North Carolina citizens first elected this Governor by popular vote. Edward B Dudley
Whigs were committed to bringing this to North Carolina. The Railroad
The Wilmington and Weldon Railroad was complete on; March 7th 1840
The Wilmington and Weldon Railroad was this long, the longest in the world at that time. 161.5 miles
This railroad was built at the same time as the Wilmington and Weldon. The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad
The North Carolina railroad connected these two cities. Goldsboro and Charlotte
The North Carolina railroad officially opened on; January 29th 1856
In 1840 this amount of white adults were estimated to be illiterate. One Third
The first North Carolina public school opened in this county in 1840. Rockingham County
Each ______ was to establish a primary school that was to be supported through the Literary Fund and County taxes. District
By _______ every county had one or more schools. 1846
The Moravians founded this school in 1802. Salem Female Academy
The states first college for women was _________, founded by Methodists in _________. Greensboro Female College, 1838
In 1848 __________ lobbied for hospitals specifically for the mentally ill. Dorothea Dix
The first state funded school for blind, deaf, and mute students was established in; 1852
The most powerful political paper in North Carolina was the _________. The North Carolina Standard
This powerful Democrat was the editor of the North Carolina Standard. William W Holden
Manhood Suffrage was the platform in the 1850's that wanted to; Do away with the 50 acre voting requirement for State Senator
The States first Superintendent was; Calvin H Wiley
Wiley published these two novels in 1847 and 1849. Alamance and Roanoake
By __________ North Carolina had the best public school system in the south. 1860
A slave named Stephen discovered a process for curing tobacco that turned leaves bright yellow, in Caswell county in 1839. This type of tobacco is known as; Bright Leaf tobacco
America's first gold rush happened in North Carolina after ________ found gold accidentally in Cabarrus County in 1799. John Reed's children
A U.S. mint opened in Charlotte in this year; 1837
The first Alamance Plaids (colored cotton fabric) were produced in this mans mill in 1853. Edwyn Michael Holt
_______ remained North Carolina's leading manufactured item. Turpentine
About ________ of the turpentine produced in the U.S. from 1720-1870 came from; North Carolina
The first novel to use North Carolina as a setting, written by Robert Strange in 1839. Eoneguski
Judge William Gaston wrote this poem which later became the state song. The Old North State
This was a wave of Evangeilism that reached its height in North Carolina, between 1800-1805 The Great Revival
In 1790 ______ percent of the population was enslaved. 25%
In 1860 _______ percent of the population was enslaved. 33%
______ percent of the white population owned slaves in 1860. 28%
Only 3% of NC slave holders could be considered these, people who own 20 or more slaves. Planters
These laws defined the social economic and physical status of slaves. Slave Codes
Born in Wilmington, David Walker, was a free black who wrote articles for this, the nations first African American newspaper. Freedoms Journal
North Carolina General Assembly passed a law in 1830 making it a crime to; Teach slaves to read and write
North Carolina's larger slave holder owned Stagville Plantation, which included one and two story houses for his slaves. Paul Cameron
Henry Evans organized the; First Methodist church in Fayetteville
The North Carolina General Assembly passed a law in 1831 that; Forbade black preachers from speaking where there were slaves of other masters
The bloodiest revolt in American history occurred in 1831 led by a slave preacher in Virginia. The Nat Turner Rebellion.
A slave holder had to prove in court that a slave deserved freedom because of; Meritorious service
The first black minister of a Methodist church in Wilmington; William Meredith
A free black merchant who owned slaves but later freed them and moved to Liberia in the 1830's. Louis Sheridan
The largest black slave holder in the south was _______, who owned 160 slaves. John Carruthers Stanley
Created by: jerrynight12
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