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Biology Terms

Knowledge Bowl Biology Terms

The region of the body of a vertebrate that contains the digestive, excretory, and reproductive organs. Abdomen
The location on an enzyme where the chemical reaction occurs. Active Site
Requiring the presence of oxygen Aerobic
The tube that runs from mouth to anus, concerned with the passage and digestion of food. Alimentary Canal
The terminal air sacs of lungs where gas exchange occurs Alveoli
Does not require the presence of oxygen Anaerobic
A flowering plant Angiosperm
A plant that grows from seed, flowers, produces seeds, and dies in within a year Annual Plant
Sensory appendage on the head of an arthropod Antenna
Any substance that can trigger an immune response Antigen
Opening of the alimentary canal to the outside Anus
A blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart Artery
The part of neuron that carries messages away from the cell body Axon
A rod-shaped bacteria Bacilli
The rate at which a resting organism expends energy BMR (Basal Metabolism Rate)
Plant whose life completely cycle in two years Biennial Plant
The liquid secreted by the liver that emulsifies fats Bile
Bile pigment; responsible for Jaundice when in excess Bilirubin
Major community of plants and animals characterized by a particular type of vegetation and climate Biome
The place on earth where all living systems are found Biosphere
A mass of chewed food ready to be swallowed Bolus
Of the mouth Buccal
A fluid filled sac that cushions joints Bursa
Layer of dividing cells found mainly in the phloem and xylem in the stem of a plant. Cambium
A cancer-causing agent Carcinogen
Female reproductive part of a flower consisting of an ovary and a stigma Carpel
The number of living things that can exist in an environment Carrying Capacity
The basic unit of all living things Cell
The material that forms cell walls in plants (animals don't have cell walls) Cellulose
The net movement toward chemical stimulus Chemotaxis
Long-chain carbohydrate that forms the exoskeleton of arthropods Chitin
The green pigment in plants that converts sunlight to energy Chlorophyll
Minute thread-like structure consisting of DNA and protein Chromosomes
Fluid-filled cavity formed by a middle layer of embryonic cells in animals whose bodies consist of three layers of cells. This forms the main body cavity in which the organs are suspended. Coelom
Trees that lose their leaves and become dormant in the winter Deciduous
The part of a neuron that carries messages to the cell body Dendrite
Flowering plant that has two cotyledons (seed leaves) in its seeds Dicotyledon
Process of breaking down food molecules into chemicals that can be absorbed and used by the body Digestion
Resting condition in which an organism is alive although metabolism is relatively slow Dormancy
The shape of a DNA molecule Double Helix
Deoxyribonucleic acid. The chemical compound that contains the genetic code of the organism DNA
Animal in the process of developing from an ovum, but not yet recognizably similar to the adult form Embryo
Glands that produce hormones Endocrine Glands
Protein that acts as a catalyst Enzyme
The outer layer of cells of a plant or animal Epidermis
Plant that grows on another plant without taking any nourishment from it. Examples include mosses and lichens Epiphyte
Layer of thin-walled cells that lines a tube or cavity Epithelium
Part of the alimentary canal that links the mouth to the stomach Esophagus
Selective breeding of humans Eugenics
Process by which higher forms of life are believed to be developed from more primitive forms by gradual change Evolution
Skeleton that covers the outside of the body Exoskeleton
Fine thread projecting from the surface of a cell used in whip-like fashion to facilitate movement Flagellum
Unborn mammal that has completed the embryo stage and is recognizably similar to adults of the species Fetus
Remains or evidence of the former existence of an animal or plant Fossil
The upper part of the stomach Fundus
Sex cell that contains half the number of chromosomes Gamete
The basic unit of heredity Gene
The total number of genes available in a species Gene Pool
The thin-walled organ of an aquatic mammal through which it takes oxygen from the water Gill
The filtering element in a nephron Glomerulus
Organelle in the cytoplasm of a cell whose function is to package and export substances from the cell Golgi Apparatus
Organ that produces gametes Gonad
Iron containing compound responsible for carrying oxygen in the blood Hemoglobin
A plant-eating animal Herbivore
Having both male and female organs Hermaphrodite
Plant or animal produced by the mating of genetically unalike parents. These are usually sterile (e.g. Mule) Hybrid
In a test tube In Vitro
In a living animal In Vivo
Form completely different from the adult that becomes an adult through the process of metamorphosis Larva
A fatty substance Lipid
Reduction division of a cell to produce gametes Meiosis
Cellular organelle in which respiration occurs. "The powerhouse of the cell" Mitochondria
Simple cell division Mitosis
Flowering plant that has only one see leaf in each seed Monocotyledon
An egg-laying mammal with other reptilian features (e.g. Platypus) Monotreme
Sudden change in the DNA of a gene Mutation
The survival and reproduction of the fittest organisms Natural Selection
The functional unit of the kidney Nephron
The conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into usable forms Nitrogen Fixing
Solid rod that lies between the central nervous system and the alimentary canal. It forms the early skeleton of vertebrates but is eventually replaced by the vertebral column Notochord
Young insect that resembles the adult but is sexually immature and has undeveloped wings Nymph
Many-celled part of an animal or plant that forms a structural unit and has a particular function Organ
Egg laying Oviparous
Large salivary glands located above the jaw and in front of the ear Parotid Glands
Production of young from an egg cell without involving a male sex cell or meiosis Parthenogenesis
A wave of contraction in a tubular organ (swallowing in esophagus) Peristalsis
Part of the alimentary canal that links the mouth with the esophagus Pharynx
Living conducting tissue of a plant that transports nutrients and gasses to parts of the plant Phloem
Organ through which nourishment is provided for an unborn placental mammal consisting of a union between a modified part of the uterus and the embryonic membranes Placenta
"Cold blooded"; having a body temperature that varies with the temperature of the surroundings Poikilothermic
Spores of a seed plant that contain the male reproductive cells. It is produced in the anthers Pollen
All the contents of a cell Protoplasm
Stage between the larva and adult in some insects Pupa
Process by which aerobic organisms obtain energy from their food using oxygen. Respiration
Ribonucleic Acid RNA
Organism that feeds on organic matter released by the tissues of dead and decaying organisms Saprophyte
Parts of a dicotyledon flower that form the outer ring. Usually green, they are collectively known as the calyx Sepals
A spiral shaped bacteria Spirilla
Single-celled reproductive organ of a flowering plant which consists of an anther on the end of a long stalk or filament Stamen
Pollen-receiving surface of a carpel usually located on the end of the style Stigma
A mouth-like opening Stoma
Association between two dissimilar living organisms from which both partners benefit Sybiosis
The gap between adjacent neurons through which neurons communicate with other neurons Synapse
Chest regions of a vertebrate. In mammals this is separated from the abdomen by the diaphragm Thorax
Collection of cells, mostly of the same or similar type Tissue
Loss of water by evaporation from the pores (stomata) on the undersides of a leaf Transpiration
Plant movement made in response to a stimulus Tropism
Transports a pathogenic organism to a host Vector
Blood vessel that carries blood towards the heart Vein
Woody tissue that provides support and transport of water Xylem
Cell that results from the fusion of two gametes Zygote
Created by: PRETZEL2
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