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Physics 3.3 & 3.4

scanning sweeping, steering the beam, automatically, real time sonography
scan lines the transducer sends out scan lines, a complete scan of the ultrasound beam is called a frame, real-time sonography presents images(frames) in a rapid sequential format
2 methods of sending out scan lines to form an image mechanical, electronic
mechanical scanning oscillating an element, spinning a group of elements, oscillating a mirror, mostly obsolete(some 3D and 4D)
electronic scanning performed with arrays, dominate form of transducers
array a grouping arrangement of parts forming a complete unit, EX. pages forming a book
transducer arrays transducer assembly with many transducer elements (crystals)
types of arrays linear (straight line), curved or convex (bowed out), annular (ring shaped)
linear array linear sequenced array, linear sequential array
linear arrays contain.. crystals (elements) in a straight line, 128 elements, each element is a wavelength wide
operation applying voltage to groups of elements in succession, each group acts as a larger transducer element, sound beam moves across the transducer face from one end to the other and jumps back to the begininng to repeat
linear scanning accomplished rapidly and consistently, no moving parts or coupling fluid
real-time linear scanning the process must be accomplished rapidly, 30 times per second
aperture the size of the group of elements that produces one scan line
width of image equal to the length of the array, produces a rectangular image
rectangular image paralell scan lines, produced by pulses that originate at different points across the face of the linear array transducer
firing sequence how many elements are fired in each group? need to produce 250 scan lines per frame (image) for a good quality image
Facts: linear sequenced aka linear sequential or linear array, rectangle shaped image, firing is sequential, electronic steering available, electronically focused
curved sequenced array convex, curved sequential array, curvilinear array
construction elements are in line but, the line has been curved, rather than straight
operation idential to that of the linear sequenced array
curved images pulses travel out in different direction due to curved shape, produced a SECTOR image
Facts; curved sequenced array aka convex, curvilinear, or curved sequenced array, curved shaped image, wide near field, firing is sequenced, electronically focused
phased array sector, vector or linear phased array, contains a compact line of elements, each element is 1/4 of a wavelength wide
operation applying voltage pulses to all elements at almost the same time, usually less than 1 microsecond difference
phasing applying voltage to all elements at almost the same time is termed phasing, the entire transducer is used to create one pulse
steering the beam aka sweeping the beam, produced by phasing, time differences among the elements are changed continually creating a SECTOR shaped image
sector phased array, sector image, "piece of pie shaped," common point of origin on the transducer face
vector sector transducer in which the scan lines do not have a common point of origin
Facts: phased array aka sector, vector, vector or sector shaped image, electronic steering and focusing, used for (cardiac, abdominal, neonatal, and endocavitary transducers)
focus by phasing phasing can be used to focus the sound beam, an increase in curvature moves the focus closer to the transducer, a decrease in the curvature moves the focus deeper
control of focusing provides electronic control of focus, the sonographer can change the focal depth
multiple focuses one pulse can be focused at only one depth, to create a wide focus many (multiple) focuses must be used, multiple focuses require more time to create an image, slows down the frame rate
dynamic aperture not all elements are used to generate all pulses, small aperture (less elements) are used for short focal depth, larger aperture (more elements) are used for longer focal depths
section thickness slice thickness, section thickness, z axis, elevation axis, 3rd dimension of the ultrasound beam, the depth
two dimensional arrays a single line of elements can electronically focus or steer only in the scan plane, focus can be achieved in the 3rd dimension, with at least 3 rows of elements phasing can be applied to focus the 3rd dimension electronically
two dimensional arrays have the ability to... steer and focus in two dimensions
two dimensional arrays with 100s or 1000s of elements have the ability to steer and focus in two dimensions rather than one, rapid electronic volume imaging is thus created
grating lobes additional beam that are not contained in the sound beam, found only in multi-element transducers, can produce aritfacts
apodization aka dynamic apodization, occurs continually, reduces grating lobes, varies the voltage to individual elements, less energy escapes out the sides of the element
vector array phasing applied to linear sequenced array, used to steer pulses in various directions, initiate pulses at various starting points across the array, allows more elements to be used, thus larger aperture and focal depth
type of images scan lines originates from different points across the front of the transducer, they travel out in different directions, shaped similar to a sector image but has a flat footprint
parallelograms created when phasing is applied to linear sequential arrays, used in color flow imaging
annular array consists of several concentric ring shaped transducers, focused by phasing
focusing focus is cone shaped, reduces section thickness, no grating lobes
steering annular arrays cannot steer the beam, the beam is steered mechanically
hybrid transducer steered mechanically, focused electronically
electronic focusing transmit focus, dynamic focus
dynamic focus "listening focus," set at a particular depth, echoes that are received from that depth are focused, continually changes as the tissues are scanned
3D transducers aka volume scanning, multiple 2D images placed next to each other, allows user to see height, width and depth, 3 ways to create (freehand, mechanical transducer, electronically)
freehand transducer is moved in a parallel fashion, 2D images are stacked together to form 3D volume
mechanical transducer is moved in a sweeping or fan motion, the 2D images are lined together to form a 3D image
electronic array aka 2D array or matrix array, real-time volume imaging, transducers have up to 10,000 elements,
4D imaging 3D imaging in real-time, limited frame rate
resolution ability to see structures as they really are
types of resolution detail (spatial), temporal, contrast
resolutions contrast and temporal resolution relate more directly to the instrument, detail resolution relates more directly to the transducer
detail(spatial) resolution the ability of the system to distinguish between two closely spaced objects, quality of the detail of the image
detail resolution axial, lateral, elevational, contrast
values detail resolution is a numerical value
the smaller the numerical value(number)... the better the detail resolution
axial L longitudinal A axial R range D depth
defintion the minimum reflector separation required along the sound path, PARALLEL to the sound path, the minimum distance two reflectors can be parallel to the beam and still appear on the screen as two separate dots
axial resolution = 1/2 SPL
there must be a distance of at least 1/2 the SPL between... 2 structures for each structure to be recorded
axial resolution = SPL divided by 2
to improve axial resolution... the SPL must be reduced
SPL = # of cycles x wavelength
reduce wavelength higher frequency
reduce # of cycles more damping material
useful frequency range 2 to 15 MHZ, 2 for penetration, 15 the best resolution, must determine both
imaging depth equals 60 divided by the frequency, frequency limits imaging depth
lateral resolution minimum separation between tow reflectors that can produce two separate echoes, reflectors are in a plane perpendicular to the sound beam
lateral resolution cont... L lateral A azimuthal T transverse A angular
lateral resolution equals... beam width
beam diameter is determined by both the frequency and the diameter of the element, higher frequency = shorter NZL (best lateral resolution at the focus)
value numerical value, the smaller the number the better the resolution, less distance is needed between the structures to image both the structures
distance if a distance less than a beam width separates two structures in the perpindicular plane, the two structures will be combined, only one echo will be imaged
improvement by... focusing
the best axial and lateral resolution is obtained at the... focus. transducers have better axial resolution than lateral
elevational resolution 3rd dimension of the ultrasound beam, depends on the transducer element height, aka (slice thickness plane, section thickness plane, elevational plane)
improvement by... focusing. most commonly with a lens
contrast resolution the ability to differentiate one shade of gray from another, related to equipment
temporal resolution the ability to display structures in real time, related to equipment
equipment contrast resolution plays a big part in overall resolution, the best transducer resolution will be of no value without good equipment resolution
Created by: Sierd98765
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