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2019-Voc Unit 1

Los Altos-Voc words U1

1. Young Small, not old, short life, not lived very long, baby. Joven o crías de animales
2. Protect To be safe, prevent danger, secure. proteger
3. Communicates Exchange information with others. comunicarse
4. Secure Protect someone, stay safe. asegurar
5. Shimmer To shine with soft light, bright, glow. brillar
6. Frisky Full of energy, active, happy and fun. juguetón, retozón
7. Glow To shine with a steady light. resplandecer
8. Warm Stay hot, but not to hot. cálido
9. Breath Air that comes out of your lungs. aliento
10. Companion Someone with you, a friend, to be with someone. acompañante
11. Volunteers People doing jobs to help others for free. voluntarios
12. Rainforest Area with trees and plants that are close together. A tropical forest, usually of tall, densely growing, broad-leaved evergreen trees in an area of high annual rainfall. selva tropicaL
13. Capture To catch, to trap someone or something. Capturar
14. Adopt To take a child or animal into your house and take care of him. adoptar
15. Banned Not permitted, not allowed, forbidden. prohibir, prohibido
16. Goal Something you want to achieve. objetico, meta
17. Involve To include, or be part of. involucrarse, relacionarse
19. Bond Special relationship or connection. conectarse, enlace especial
20. Establish To get something started, like a company or system. establecer, crear
21. Recover To get back to a normal state; to get well again. Recuperarse
22. Strategy A plan used to reach your goal or objective. estrategia
23. Challenge Something that is to hard to do reto
24. Encounter A meeting , a reunion. encuentro
25. Occur To happen or take place. ocurrir, pasar
Created by: Seyniov
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