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MLT-DNA Viruse 2


What are the 2 example spp of Hepadnaviridae? 1.Hepatitis B virus 2.Hepatitis D virus
What is the genus name of Hepatitis B virus? Orthohepadnavirus
What does the envelope of HBV contains ? Glycoprotein- HBsAg
HBV genome is ____DNA with _______ in size? 1.Double strand 2.3.2kbp
Transcription occurs in host hepatocyte _______, genome replication in host cytoplasm, but inside _________? 1. nucleus 2. viral nucleocapsid
During HBV transcription, what are the 4 types of mRNA will be transcriped? 1.3.5kb 2.2.4kb 3.2.1kb 4.0.7kb
HBV replication is non cytocidal, but what makes it so damaging to liver cells? 1.Accumulation of viral antigen ( HBcAg & Pre S1 protein) 2.Immunological action of CD8 Tc lymphocytes, NK cells
What are the 6 serological markers for the detection of HBV? 1.HBsAg 2.HBV DNA 3.HBeAg 4.anti HBsAg 5.anti HBe 6.anti HBc
Whats the way to detect the serological markers? Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay(EIA) or ELISA
What are the 3 chemotherapy treatment to HBV infection? 1.Penciclovir , famciclovir 2.Nalidixic acid 3.Interferons
Hepatitis D Virus genome is ____RNA with _______ in size? 1.Single strand 2.1.7kbp
HDV viral protein coat is composed of _______? HBsAg
What is coinfection of HDV and HBV? infected with HBV & HDV simultaneously
What is superinfection of HDV? infected with HBV first, followed by HDV
What makes HDV so damaging to hepatocytes? P24 HDAg, it is cytotoxic
What are the 2 chemotherapy treatment to HDV infection? 1.interferon 2. interferon + nucleoside analogue
How to detect HDV? EIA for anti HDV
What is a reliable way to demonstrate HDV antigen in hepatocyte nuclei? Immunohistochemical staining of liver biopsy
Created by: kencho
Popular Laboratory Science sets




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