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Human Cardiology

A&P II - Human Cardiovascular System

what is the pulmonary circuit it is the name for the blood vessels that carry blood away from the Right ventricle of the heart to the Lungs (pulmonary system) and back to the left atrium of the heart
what is the name of the systemic circuit it is the name of the blood vessels that carry blood away from the left ventricle of the heart to the rest of the body then back to the right atrium of the heart
the coronary arteries are included in the (pulmonary/systemic) circuit of the cardiovascular system coronary arteries are in the systemic circuit of the cardiovascular system
blood in the the body's circulatory system (alternates/does not alternate) between the pulmonary and systemic circuit blood alternates between the pulmonary and systemic circuit
what chamber of the heart collects blood from the systemic circuit the right atrium
name the four chambers of the heart right atrium, left atrium, right ventricle, left ventricle
what chamber of the heart receives blood from the pulmonary circuit left atrium
what chamber of the heart pumps blood to the pulmonary circuit of the circulatory system right ventricle
what chamber of the heart pumps blood to the systemic circuit of the circulatory system left ventricle
comparing the two ventricles (right and left), which ventricle had a larger wall size and why? the left ventricle has more cardiac muscle because it must generate enough for on the blood to created a force than can carry blood to the rest of the body and bring it back.
where is the heart located in the human body the mediastinum of the chest
where is the apex of the heart at the bottom of the heart
what two heart chambers create the apex of the heart the right and left ventricles create the apex of the heart
where is the base of the heart it is at the top of the heart
what structures of the heart make up its base the right and left atria of the heart as well as the pulmonary trunk (pulmonary artery), aorta, superior and inferior vena cava, and right and left pulmonary veins
name the two layers of serous membrane that make up the pericardium parietal layer and visceral layer (epicardium)
what layer of the serous membrane makes also functions as the epicardium visceral of the serous membrane
name the fluid filled space that separates the two layers of the pericardium. This allows the heart to expand and contract without creating any friction pericardial cavity
what is pericarditis it is an infection that creates inflammation of the pericardium and makes the epicardium and parietal pericardium stick together
there are visible indentations on the surface of the heart that allows one to see separation of the four heart chambers. what are they called? name the two of them? sculus (plural: sulci), coronary sulcus (between right atrium and right ventricle,) and the anterior interventricular sulcus (between the right and left ventricles)
name the three layers of the heart wall, in orders from outer most wall to inner most wall epicardium , myocardium, endocardium
what structure inside the heart separates the atria and the ventricles; and only allows blood flow in one direction atrioventricular valves
what is another term for the right atrioventricular valve tricuspid valve
what are two other names for the left atrioventricular valve bicuspid valve, mitral valve
what vessel feeds blood into the right atrium superior and inferior vena cava
the (superior/inferior) vena cava recieves blood from the head, neck, upper extremeties, and chest superior vena cava recieves blood from the head, BUE, and chest
veins from the trunk, viscera, and lower limbs feed into the (superior/inferior) vena cava inferior vena cava recives blood from the torso, viscera, and BLE
name the chords that connect the atrioventricular valves to the papillary muscles chordae tendineae
name the two structures that attach to the atrioventricular valves and assist in keeping the valve closed during systole chordae tendineae and the papillary muscles
what cardiac muscle attaches to the chordae tendineae the papillary muscles
what are the name of the structures/ridges on the inside of the cardiac ventricles that are made of out of cardiac muscle trabeculae carneae
what is the name of the structure that separates the right and the left ventricles of the heart the interventricular septum
starting from the vena cava, name the path way that blood goes through in the heart (include major arteries and veins attached to the base of the heart, all valves, and the circuit names ) vena cava, right atrium, tricuspid valve, right ventricle, pulmonary semilunar valve, pulmonary trunk/artery, pulmonary circuit, pulmonary veins, left atrium, mitral valve, left ventricle, aortic valve, ascending aorta, systemic circuit, vena cava
name the ligament that connects that aortic arch and the pulmonary trunk ligamentum arteriosum
name the three main arteries that branch off the aortic arch (in order) brachiocephalic trunk, left common carotid artery, left subclavian artery
what two structures prevent the atrioventricular valve from opening backwards chordae tendineae and papillary muscles
the tricuspid valve prevents back flow from the ______________ to the _____________________ the tricuspid valve prevents back flow from the right ventricle to the right atrium
what happens if the tricuspid valve does not function properly blood will back up in the systemic circuit and cause swelling in the extremities
the left atrium receives blood that is coming from which circuit the pulmonary circiut
name the structure that blood must pass through when leaving the left atrium and entering into the left ventricle left atrioventricular valve, bicuspid valve, or mitral valve
a patient has come into the clinic complaining of shortness of breath and lack of sleep because they feel like they are drowning when they lay down. what structure of their heart might not be functioning properly. why do you think this the mitral valve regurgitation, if the mitral valve is not functioning properly, then blood back up into the left atrium and (in severe cases) it backs up into the pulmonary circuit. making the patient feel like they are drowning
the volume of blood held in the right ventricle is (the same/greater than/lesser than) the amount of volume held in the left ventricle the volume in the right ventricle is equal to the volume in the left ventricle
the muscle in the (right/left) ventricle is thicker and more powerful than the muscle in the (right/left) ventricle because... the muscle in the left ventricle is thicker and more powerful than the muscle in the right ventricle because the left ventricle pumps the blood into the systemic circiut
what is a moderator band in about 9% of the human population, there is a band of cardiac muscle that extends horizontally from the interventricular septum to the wall of the right atrium. this muscle helps coordinate the heart beat.
what pair of valves sit between (and separate) the atria and the ventricles atrioventricular valves
what closes the valve cusps of the atrioventricular valves increased blood pressure in the ventricles during ventricular contraction
what happens to the papillary muscles and chordae tendineae during ventricular contraction the chordae tendineae tighten and the papillary muscles contract
what are the function of the semilunar valves prevent backflow from the aorta/pulmonary trunk into the left and right ventricles (respectively)
the semilunar valves (do/do not) have muscular and tendon support do not
each semilunar valve has (two/three) cusps three cusps
during ventricular diastole, what is happening with the mitral valve and heart wall (include what is happening to the chordae tendineae, papillary muscles, and direction of blood flow) mitral valve is open, chordae tendineae are loose, papillary muscle is relaxed, left ventricle wall is relaxed, aortic valve is closed, and blood is flowing from the left atrium to the left ventricle
during ventricular systole, what is happening with the mitral valve and heart wall (include what is happening to the chordae tendineae, papillary muscles, and direction of blood flow) mitral valve is closed, aortic valve is open, chordae tendineae is taught/tense, papillary muscles are contracted, left ventricle wall is contracted, and blood is leaving the left ventricle and entering into the ascending aorta
what blood vessels feed the heart muscle (name the circuit) the coronary arteries feed the heart muscle, they are part of the coronary circuit
what constitutes a single heart beat 1 contraction (systole) and 1 relaxation (diastole)
the entire heart contracts in a series. First, the (atria/ventricles) contract. Then the (atria/ ventricles) first the atria contract, then the ventricles
the heart contains two types of muscle cells, name them conducting system and the contractile cells
from the two types of muscle cells in the heart the (conducting system/contractile cells) controls and coordinates the heart beat conducting system
from the two types of muscle cells in the heart the (conducting system/contractile cells) produces contractions that propel blood contractile cells
the Sinoatrial (SA) Node, Atrioventricular (AV) Node, Bundle Branches, and Purkinje Fibers are all part of the (conducting system/contractile cells) conducting system
what node starts th the action potential for a cardiac cycle (where is this node located) the Sinoatrial (SA) node starts the action potenial for a cardiac cycle, it is located in the right atrium
in a cardiac cycle, what cell types generate and transmits action potential conduncting system cells
what is an ECG or an EKG it is a medical test that can track the electrical events of a cardiac cycle (electicocardiogram)
the heart can generate it's own electrical signals for contraction. this process is called automaticity
where is the SA node located wall of right atrium
The Sinoatrial node generates the electrical signal, from there the signal goes to the _______________ located in the ______________ the SA node generates a signal that goes to the atrioventricular (AV) node which is located in the junction between the atria and the arteries
name the pathway that carries the action potential from the sinoatrial node to the atrioventricular node internodal pathways
name the two conducting structures that are located in the ventricles Atrioventricular bundle and the bundle branches
in a normal, healthy heart, what structure establishes the heart rate sinoatrial node
name the pathway that an action potential goes through when producing a heart beat sinoatrial node --> atrioventricular node --> atrioventricular bundle --> bundle branches --> purkinje fibers
what is the pacemaker of the heart sinoatrial node
name the pace at which the sinoatrial node generates action potential 80 to 100 beats a minute
stimulation from what autonomic nervous system slows the heart rate parasympathetic stimulation
if the SA node fails to generated a heart beat, what node takes over and what is the rate at which they generate a cardiac cycle the Atrioventricular node takes over the pacing of the heart when the sinoatrial node fails (known as a junctional rhythm), the AV Node has a pace of 40-60 beats per minute
bardycardia is when the heart rate is abnormally slow (less than 60 beats per minute)
when is someone considered to be tachycardic a person has tachycardia when their heart rate is greater than 100 beats a minute
give two examples of an ectopic heart beats premature atrial contraction, premature ventricular contraction
what can be caused by an ectopic pacemaker ectopic heart beats (premature atrial/ventricular contractions)
what can cause ectopic heart beats or an ectopic pacemaker abnormal cells that are highly excitable
why are EKG's important? they can be used to diagnose certain heart problems and other damage to the cardiac muscle
name the three features of an EKG P wave, QRS complex, and T wave
what does the p wave signify atrial depolarizing
what does the QRS complex show ventricles depolarizing (atrial repolarizing , but this is usually covered by the ventricular depolarization)
what does the t wave signify ventricular repolarization
what is the PR Interval it is a measurement on an EKG, it starts at the beginning of the P wave, and ends at the start of the QRS complex
what is the QT Interval it is a measurement on an EKG that starts at the beginning of the Q wave and ends at the end of the T-wave
what does the QT Interval measure the length of time it takes for the ventricles to depolarize and then repolarize
what part of the conduction system of the heart distributes the action potential to the contractile cells purkinje fibers
what is the resting potential of the muscle cells in the ventricles and atria -90mV and -80mV (respectively)
name the three phases of action potential in cardiac muscle rapid depolarization, plateau, and repolarization
what causes rapid depolarization in cardiac muscle sodium ion entering into cardiac muscle
how does sodium enter into the cell during depolarization through voltage-gated fast sodium channels
when does depolarization end when the voltage-gated fast sodium channels close
what causes the plateau, during muscle contraction calcium ion entry into the cell via the slow calcium channels
when does the plateau of a muscle contraction end when the slow calcium channels end
what is the cause of cardiac muscle repolarization potassium ion loss
how do potassium ions exit the cardiac cells slow potassium channels
when does repolarization end slow potassium channels close
the parietal pericardium has two layers of different cell types , name the two types of cells. Name them areolar tissue and mesothelium
what do the sulci on the surface of the contain fat and blood vessels
what is the embryonic structure that eventually becomes the ligamentum arteriosum ductus arteriousus
what is the function of the ductus arteriosus it allows the passage of blood in the pulmonary trunk to go to the aorta in an embryo to bypass the lungs
what happens with mitral valve regurgitation blood will back up into the left atium, pulmonary arteries , and (in severe cases) into the lungs
what are mitral valve patients (patients with mitral valve regurgitation) always short of breath because when the mitral valve does not work, blood backs up into the lungs
during heart contraction, blood flows into (high/low) pressure area to a (high/low) pressure area high to low pressure area
absolute refractory period is (long/short) and cardiac muscle cells (can/cannot) respond depending on the degree of the stimulus absolute refractory period is long and cardiac muscles cannot respond
relative refractory period is (long/short) and cardiac muscle (can/cannot) respond depending on the degree of the stimulus relative refractory period is short and muscle can respond depending on the degree of stimulus
compared to skeletal muscle, (skeletal/cardiac) muscle has a a refractory period that lasts _____________ times longer than a (skeletal/muscle) fiber refractory period in cardiac muscle is 30 times longer than skeletal muscle
why is it important that a refractory period is longer in cardiac muscle than in skeletal muscle it prevents premature cardiac contractions and other abnormal beats such as summation and tetany
what ion produces cardiac contractions calcium ions
how does calcium produce the contractions in the heart there is an influx of calcium ions around the myofibrils
what phase of cardiac muscle contraction does extracellular calcium enter in to the cardiac muscle cell plateau phase
what triggers the release of the calcium ion reserves from the sarcoplasmic reticulum in cardiac muscle cells arrival of extracellular calcium ions
what happens to calcium ions still inside the cardiac muscle after the slow membrane channels close intracellular calcium is absorbed by the sarcoplasmic reticulum or pumped out of a cell
(systole/diastole) is a cardiac contraction and (systole/diastole) when the coronary muscles relax systole - contraction ; diastole - relaxation
what is one cardiac cycle one complete heart beat, atrial systole and diastole, followed by one ventricular systole and diastole
ventricular filling occurs during (systole/diastole) diastole
during ventricular diastole, AV valves are (open/closed) and the pressure in the ventricles are (high/low) AV valves are open and pressure is low
during ventricular diastole, ________________ percent of the blood passes into the ventricles passively and the rest is delivered during ____________________________ 80% of blood passes through passively, the remaining % is delivered during atrial systole
what is end diastoliv volume (edv) the volume of blood in the ventricles at the end of each ventricular diastole
during ventricular systole; the atria (contract/relax) and the ventricles (contract/ relax) atria relax and ventricles contract
during ventricular systole, there is an increase in (atrial/ventricular) pressure and the AV valves (open/close) ventricular pressure increases and the AV valves are closed
what is the isovolumeric contraction phase the phase in a cardiac cycle when all the valves are closed
during ejection phase, the (arteries/ventricles) have higher pressure ventricles have higher blood pressure than the arteries during the ejection phase
what forces the semilunar valves to open when the ventricular pressure is higher than the pressure in the arteries during ventricular systole
what is end systolic volume ` the volume of blood remaining in each ventricle after systole
what is isovolumetric relaxation it is the phase in early diastole when both the atria and the ventricles are relaxed
at what phase does isovolumeric relaxation occur early diastole
what two chambers of the heart are filling with blood during the isovolumetric relaxation phase right and left atria
what forces the two semilunar valves to close a backflow of blood into the pulmonary trunk and the ascending aotra
what causes the dicrotic notch it is the brief increase in aortic pressure that occurs after the aortic valve closes and the blood in the aorta rebound off the aortic valve
what happens when atrial pressure exceeds that in the ventricles the AV valves open and blood begins to flow in the ventricles
when heart rate increases, the time spent in each phase of the cardiac cycle (increase/decrease) decrease
there are two sounds that can be heard with each heart beat. name what causes these sounds (in the order of which they are heard) 1) closing of the AV valves, 2) closing of the Semilunar Valves
there are two more soft sounds with a heart beat. however, they are soft and can barely be heard. what are they. blood flow into the ventricles and atrial cotnraction
what is a heart murmur the sound produced by a valve regurgitation
what is stroke volume (SV) end diastolic volume subtracted by end diastolic volume (SV = EDV - ESV)
what is ejection fraction the percentage of End Diastolic Volume represented by Stroke Volume
what does cardiac output measure the volume of blood pumped out of the left ventricle in one minute
how is cardiac output measured heart rate multiplied by stroke volume (CO = HR x SV)
what are the two things that can affect cardiac output changes in heart rate or stroke volume
what two factors can affect heart rate autonomic nervous system and hormones
how is stroke volume changed changing the EDV or ESV
what region of the brain controls heart rate medulla oblongata (cardiac centers)
the ____________________ neurons from the autonomic nervous system increase the heart rate sympathetic
the ____________________ neurons from the autonomic nervous system decrease the heart rate parasympathetic
the heart monitors blood pressure using baroreceptors
the heart monitors oxygen and carbon dioxide levels using chemoreceptors
what adjusts cardiac activity depending on the demands of the body tissue cardiac centers
cardiac centers adjust cardiac activity of the heart based on the demands of body tissue
what two neurotransmitters maintain the resting (autonomic) tone of the heart acetylcholine and norepinephrine
comparing the membrane potential of the conducting system, with it's surrounding cardiac cells, which of the two has the lower membrane potential the pacemaker (SA node) in the conducting system has lower resting potential than other cardiac cells
in the SA node, what two factors does the rate of spontaneous stimulus depolarization depend on. resting membrane potential and rate of depolarization
the __________________ division of the autonomic nervous system slows the heart rate by releasing what neurotransmitter? parasympathetic with the help of acetylcholine
the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system _______________ the heart rate by releasing what neurotransmitter? increases/speeds up heart rate by releasing norepinepherine
draw a two graphs of the membrane potential of a a heart beat. One graph will be the parasympathetic stimulation the other will be sympathetic. what are some big differences between the two graphs. especially in regards to prepotential in the parasympathetic stimulation it prepotential is longer, therefore that part of the graph will be shallower. while under sympathetic stimulations, prepotential is short and steep.
what is the Bainbridge reflex (or atrial reflex) the adjustment of heart rate in response to the amount of venous return.
how does venous return trigger the increase of heart rate increased return volume, stretches receptors in the right atrium of the heart, activating the Bainbridge (or Atrial) Reflex
what division of the autonomic nervous system works with the Bainbridge reflex sympathetic nervous system
name three hormones that will increase heart rate norepinepherine, epinepherine, and thyroid hormones (T3/T4)
what is the amount of blood a ventricle contains at the end of diastole End Diastolic Volume (EDV)
name two factors that might effect stroke volume (SV) filling time and venous return
what is filling time the amount of time it takes for a ventricle to fill with blood
what is venous return the rate of blood flow during ventricular relaxation
what is preload the amount of stretch a ventricle has during ventricular diastole
the amount the ventricles can preload, is directly related to what the amount of end diastolic volume
what event, directly affects the heart muscle's ability to produce tension preloading
at rest, the EDV is (high/low) at rest, end diastolic volume is low
describe preloading (stretching) while the body is at rest the myocardium stretches less while body is at rest
stroke volume (increases/decreases) while the body is at rest decreases (and remains low) while the body is at rest
describe the bodies response to exercise, in relation to EDV, preload, and SV End diastolic Volume increases with exercise, myocardium stretches more, and stroke volume increases with exercise
what is the principle which discusses the relationship between EDV and SV. As EDV increases, SV also increases Frank-Starling Principle
what is the term for the amount of blood that remains in the ventricles at the end of ventricular systole end systolic volume
what are the three factors that affect end systolic volume preload, contractility, and afterload
what is the force produced during ventricular systole contractility
what is afterload the tension of the ventricle that forces the semilunar valves to open and eject blood
name two things that affect contractility autonomic activity and hormones
how does the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system affect contractility, ejection fraction, and ESV sympathetic division of the ANS increases contractility (force of ventricle contraction), increases ejection fraction, and decreases end systolic volume
what autonomic nervous system division will reduce cardiac contractility parasympathetic
how does contractility effect ejection fraction and end systolic volume there is a direct correlation between contractility and ejection fraction (As contractility goes up, so does ejection fraction). there is an indirect relation between ESD and contractility ( as contractility goes up, ESV does down)
name two ways in which pharmaceutical drugs (or heart medications) can mimic hormones stimulate/block beta receptors from the sympathetic nervous system, calcium channel blockers (affect Ca++)
afterload is indirectly related with what two factors arterial blood flow and stroke volume
if there is a restriction of arterial blood flow, what will happen to the afterload afterload will increase with the restriction of arterial blood flow
there is a decrease in the stroke volume, how does this effect the afterload afterload increases with the decrease of stroke volume
what is the term that refers to the difference between the resting an the maximal cardiac outputs cardiac reserve
what ensures that adequate circulation enters into the body tissue cardiovascular regulation
what are the controls the heart and peripheral blood vessels cardiovascular centers
name two things that the cardiovascular system responds to changing activity patterns and circulator emergencies
write down the order an electrical signal goes through to create a heart beat (conducting system) Sinoatrial node, internodal pathways , atrioventricular node, atrioventricular bundle, bundle branches, purkinje fibers
what is a moderator band spurs from the right bundle branch and goes through the right ventricle
approx. how many impulses does the SA node produce per minute 100 impulses per minute
approx. how many impulses does the AV node produce per minute 40 impulses per minute
approx. how many impulses does the AV bundle produce per minute 20 impulses per minute
Average heart rate is an average between what two pacing structures in the human heart sinoatrial node and the atrioventricular node
what is the primary pacemaker of the heart Sinoatrial node
what is the secondary pacemaker of the heart atrioventricular node
what structure in the conducting system slows down the rate of stimulation from the Sinoatrial node atrioventricular node
the sinoatrial node is in ________________, therefore we can assume that the ________________ chambers of the heart are the first to contract during a cardiac cycle the sinoatrial node is in the wall of the right atrium of the heart , therefore the atria chambers of the heart are the first to contract during a cardiac cycle
when reading an EKG, what is the first wave that occurs and what does it generally signify the P-wave is the first wave on an EKG, and it signifies the depolarization of the atria
the P-wave on an EKG signifies that the atria are (contracting/depolarizing) depolarization
at what point on an EKG can we assume that the atria are contracting the P-R interval
why does the EKG not show atrial repolarization atrial repolarization and ventricular depolarizationoccur at the same time
what does a change in the S-T Segment of an EKG signify S-T changes signify conductive system damage in the cardiac muscles cells/cardiac wall
what does a wide QRS complex signify on an EKG ventricular depolarization is too long
a heart attack (is/is not) the same as a Myocardial Infarction a heart attack is not the same as a myocardial infarction
the little box on an EKG paper signifies _________________ seconds each little box on EKG paper represents 0.04 seconds
each big box on an EKG represents ____________________ seconds each big box on EKG paper represents 0.2 seconds
what is the best way to find heart rate using an EKG count the number of big boxes that separate one QRS complex from the next one, then divide 300 by the number of boxes that separate one QRS complex from the next QRS complex
what two phases of cardiac muscle contraction is considered to be the absolute refractory period rapid depolarization and plateau
what phase of the cardiac muscle is considered to be the relative refractory period during repolarization
what ion is leaving the muscle during the relative refractory period potassium ions
compared to regular skeletal muscle; the absolute refractory period is (longer/shorter) and the relative refractory period is relatively (longer/shorter) in the cardiac muscle absolute refractory period in the cardiac muscle is longer and the relative refractory period is shorter
absolute refractory period in the cardiac muscle is longer and the relative refractory period is shorter, why is this it prevents the cardiac muscle going into tetany and summation contractions. the ventricles of the heart need to be able to fill up with blood prior to contraction
if a cardiac muscle is stimulated to contract during the plateau phase of a cardiac contraction the muscle (will not/will) contract again. why? during the plateau phase of cardiac contraction it is in the absolute refractory period. therefore, it will not contract
what is the circulatory system composed of heart, blood and blood vessels
the ______________ carry blood away from the heart to supply the tissues. arteries
(arteries/veins ) have thicker walls arteries
(arteries/veins) drain blood from organs veins
the ________________ have thin walls and valves to help blood get back to heart veins
what types of blood vessels are microscopic thin and are the location for nutrient/waste/gas exchange between blood and tissues capillaries
the (systemic/pulmonary) arteries branch from the aorta systemic arteries branch from the aorta
the (systemic/pulmonary) arteries carry oxygen-rich blood from the left ventricle to the capillaries systemic arteries carry-oxygen-rich blood
the (systemic/pulmonary) veins drain deoxygenated blood and nutrient poor blood from the organs systemic veins carry deoxygenated blood and nutrient poor blood
the (systemic/pulmonary) veins drain into the vena cava which drains into the right atrium the right atrium is the ultimate destination for the SYSTEMIC VEINS
ther (systemic/pulmonary) arteries carry oxygen -poor and nutrient poor blood away from the heart pulmonary arteries carry oxygen-poor blood and nutrient-poor blood
the (systemic/pulmonary) arteries carry blood away from the right ventricle pulmonary arteries carry blood away from the right ventricle of the heart
the capillaries in what organ is responsible for gas exchange (getting rid of CO2 and importing O2) capillaries in the LUNGS are responsible for gas exchange
the pulmonary trunk feeds what arter(ies) Right and left pulmonary arteries
what are the four veins that empty into the left atrium the right and left pulmonary veins (two on the right and two on the left)
what supplies the aortic arch with blood left ventricle
name the three main arteries that branch off the aortic arch (in order of appearance) brachiocephalic artery/trunk, left common carotid, and left subclavian
what are the main regions of the body that are fed by the arteries that branch off the aortic arch head (specifically the brain), and the bilateral upper extremeties
what are the two main arteries that supplied by the brachiocephalic trunk right common carotid artery and right subclavian artery
from the left ventricle, how do you get to the RIGHT Radial artery aortic semilunar valve, aortic arch, brachiocephalic artery, right axillary artery, right brachial artery, right radial artery
from the left ventricle, how do you get to the RIGHT Ulnar artery aortic semilunar valve, aortic arch, brachiocephalic artery, right axillary artery, right brachial artery, right ulnar artery
what artery feeds into the right axillary artery right subclavian artery
what artery does the right axillary feed into right brachial artery
from the left ventricle, how do you get to the RIGHT axillary artery aortic semilunar valve, aortic arch, brachiocephalic artery, right axillary artery
what artery feeds into the right brachial artery right axillary artery
what artery does the right brachial feed into Right Ulnar Artery and Right Radial artery
from the left ventricle, how do you get to the RIGHT brachial artery aortic semilunar valve, aortic arch, brachiocephalic artery, right axillary artery, right brachial artery
what artery feeds into the right radial artery right brachial artery
what does the right radial artery and the right ulnar artery the right hand
what artery feeds into the right ulnar artery the right brachial
what artery primarily supplies the brachiocephalic trunk aortic arch
what artery supplies the left common carotid the aortic arch
what artery supplies the left subclavian artery aortic arch
what artery is to the immediate left of the left common carotid artery left subclavian artery
name the classes of blood vessels that blood goes through (from the heart and back to the heart) arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins
what are the vessels away from the heart arteries
what are the smallest branches of arteries arterioles
what are the smallest blood vessels in the body capillaries
where is the location of exchange between blood and interstitial fluid capillaries
what vessels collect blood from the capillaries venules
what blood vessels return blood to the heart veins
name two of the largest blood vessels in the body pulmonary trunk and aorta are the two largest blood vessels
what organ do the largest blood vessels attach to the heart
what major artery carries blood away from the right ventricle to pulmonary circulation pulmonary trunk
what major artery carries blood from the left ventricle to systemic circullation aorta
what three things affect vasoconstriction and vasodilation afterload on heart, peripheral blood pressure, and capillary blood flow
what type of blood vessels are able to change diameter muscular arteries and arterioles
what can cause the muscular arteries and arterioles to dilate or constrict sympathetic or endocrine stimulation
there is a (direct/indirect) relationship between blood flow and resistance there is an indirect relationship between resistance and blood flow
there is a (direct/indirect) relationship between vessel diameter and blood flow there is a direct relationship between flow and diameter
______________ is opposition to blood flow resistance
___________________ are the resistance vessels arterioles
name the three layers of tissue that make up the blood vessels (from most inner to most outer) 1) tunica intima, 2) tunica media, 3) tunica externa
what are the two layers of tissue that make up tunica intima internal elastic layer and endothelium
the smallest vessels in the body are capillaries are the smallest vessels in the body
the vessels in the body with the thinnest walls are _____________ capillaries have the thinnest walls
capillary best/networks permeate all tissues in the body (alive or dead/live tissue only) capillaries permeate live tissues only
what is the primary location for the exchange functions of the cardiovascular system. capillaries
what mechanism does the body use to exchange nutrients and gases between the blood and interstitial fluid all materials are diffused between blood and interstitial fluid
name the three types of capillaries in the body 1) continuous capillary, 2) fenestrated capillary, 3) sinusoid
capillary plexus is another name for ... capillary beds
what is the purpose of a capillary plexus to connect one arteriole and one venule
what is a precapillary sphincter a muscular opening into each capillary bed
what opens and closes causing capillary blood flow in pulses precapillary sphincter
what is a thoroughfare channel it is a direct connection between an arteriole and venule. that way if the rest of the capillary bed is closed off, there is still a vessel that is open and allows passage between the arteriole and venule
what are the names of the smooth muscle segments that dilate and contract to direct blood through the capillary bed metarterioles
what are the direct capillary connections between arterioles and venules thoroughfare channel
what are metarterioles smooth muscles that control the diameter of capillaries
what are collateral arteries arteries that develop when another artery is blocked.
what is the purpose of collateral arteries. collateral arteries allow blood flow to the same capillary bed of the blocked artery.
what is an arterial anastomosis the fusion of two collateral arteries
where (body location) can you find an anastomosis? what is another name for this? the circle of willis in the brian
what is an arteriovenous anastomoses it is a direct connection between arterioles and venules
what is a anatomical structure that functions as a direct connection between an anastomosis and (therefore) bypasses the capillary bed arteriovenous anastomoses
what is vasomotion the contraction and relaxation cycle of capillary sphincters
what causes the blood flow in the capillary beds to constantly change routes vasomotion - the contraction and relaxation cycle of capillary sphincters
what vessels collect blood from capillaries from tissues and organs veins
what vessels have lowest blood pressure veins have lowest blood pressure
what is the purpose of valves in the cardiovascular system to promote one-way blood flow in the cardiovascular system
what is the purpose of the venous valves prevent backflow of blood in veins
what helps push blood towards the heart compression of the vein by muscle contractions
what opens venous valves contracting muscles below the valve
what closes the venous valves contracting muscles above the valve
a majority of the blood in your system is located in (heart/arteries/veins) roughly 60-65% is located in the veins
roughly 1/3 of the venous networks are located in what three major organs liver, bone marrow, and skin
when there is major blood loss, what sensors of the autonomic nervous system division is activated vasomotor centers in the sympathetic nervous system
how does the body respond to major blood loss there is systemic venoconstriction, redirecting blood to major organs and away from less vital organs like skin
total capillary blood flow (is equal to/is not equal to) cardiac output total capillary blood flow equals cardiac output
what are the two major determinants for total capillary blood flow pressure and resistance in the cardiovascular system
_______________________________ is generated to overcome resistance pressure
which is more important? Absolute Pressure or pressure gradient pressure gradient
what is pressure gradient the difference in pressure from one end of a vessel to the other
what is circulatory pressure it is the pressure across the systemic circulation
flow is (directly proportional/indirectly proportional) to pressure gradient flow is directly proportional to pressure gradient
flow is indirectly proportional to (pressure gradient/resistance) resistance
what does blood pressure measure arterial blood pressure
what is the name of the pressure in the capillary beds capillary hydrostatic pressure
what is venous pressure the pressure in the venous system
circulatory pressure must overcome ___________________ of the entire cardiovascular system total peripheral resistance
what is total peripheral resistance the resistance of the entire cardiovascular system
what are three things that affect total peripheral resistance 1) vascular resistance, 2) blood viscosity, 3) turbulence
what is vascular resistance friction between blood and vessel walls
what are the two major things that affect vascular resistance vessel length and vessel diameter
between vessel length and vessel diameter, which is constant in adults vessel length is constant in adults
how does vessel diameter vary vasodilation and vasoconstriction
resistance increases exponentially with (vasoconstriction/vasodilation) vasoconstriction
what is blood viscosity the number of molecules and suspended materials in a liquid
Blood viscosity and peripheral resistance are (directly proportional/indirectly proportional) blood viscosity and peripheral resistance are directly proportional
blood is (more/less) viscous than water blood is about 4 times more viscous than water
what is turbulence turbulence is the swirling action that disturbs smooth flow of fluid
where does turbulence occur the most in the body turbulence occurs most in the heart chambers and the great vessels
what is a cause of abnormal turbulence in blood vessels atherosclerotic plaque
where is blood vessel diameter highest? where is blood vessel diameter second highest ? vessel diameter is greatest in the venae cavae and second greatest in elastic arteries
where is total cross-sectional area createst capillaries have the highest total cross sectional area
where is average blood pressure highest and where is it second highest blood pressure is highest at elastic arteries and second highest at the muscular arteries
where is velocity of blood flow greatest and second greatest velocity of blood flow is greatest in the elastic arteries and second greatest in the muscular arteries
when blood pressure is taken, what is the name of the top number the top number is systolic blood pressure
what does systolic pressure measure systolic pressure measures peak arterial pressure during ventricular systole
when taking blood pressure, what is the name of the bottom number the bottom number is the diastolic blood pressure
what does diastolic pressure measure minimum arterial pressure
how do you calculate pulse pressure Systolic Pressure - Diastolic pressure
what MAP mean arterial pressure
how do you calculate Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) diastolic pressure + (1/3)(Pulse Pressure) ~ OR ~ DBP +(1/3)(SBP-DBP)
where does elastic rebound occur the arterial wall of elastic arteries
what is elastic rebound elastic rebound is when the arterial wall stretches during systole and recoils (to its original shape) during diastole
why does elastic rebound occur elastic rebound keeps the blood moving forward during diastole
what happens to MAP and Pulse pressure as you get further away from the heart MAP and Pulse Pressure decrease with distance from the heart
with increased friction, what happens to blood pressure blood pressure decreases with friction
what is venous return the amount of blood that is returned to the right atrium each minute
generally speaking, the venous system has effectively (high/low) blood pressure the venous system has low effective blood pressure
what are the two major things that assist with venous return muscular compression of peripheral veins and the respiratory pump.
what is respiratory pump thoracic cavity action
inhaling (increases/decreases) thoracic pressure which increases venous return inhaling increases venous return
exhaling raises thoracic pressure and (increases/decreases) venous return exhaling decreases venous return
what aspect of the vascular system is absolutely vital to homeostasis capillary pressure and capillary exchange
how do materials move across capillary walls 1) diffusion, 2) filtration, 3) reabsorbtion
what is diffusion the passive movement of ions of molecules through a membrane
during diffusion ions move from (high/low) concentration to an area of (high/low) concentration diffusion moves from high to low concentration
what is does "along the concentration gradient" mean diffusion moves from high to low concentration
what materials will diffuse through endothelial cells or pores water, iron and small molecules
how do small ions (Na+, K+, Ca++, Cl-) diffuse through a membrane small ions diffuse through channels on the plasma membranes
what type of capillaries allow for the diffusion of large, water soluble compounds large, water-soluble compounds pass through fenestrated capillaries
what are the only types of substances that can diffuse through endothelial plasma membranes lipids and lipid soluble materials (like O2)
what diffused through the endothelium of the sinusoids plasma proteins
what drives filtration in the capillaries hydrostatic pressure drives filtration in the capillaries
what happens during filtration during filtration water and small solutes are forced though capillary walls
large solutes (can/cannot) leave the bloodstream during filtration large solutes cannot leave the bloodstream during filtration
reabsorption is a result of _______________- reabsorption is a result of OSMOSIS
solute concentration and osmotic pressure are (directly/indirectly) related solute concentration and osmotic pressure are directly related
if a solute concentration is higher then osmotic pressure is (higher/lower) higher solute concentration leads to HIGHER osmotic pressure
what is the pressure required to prevent osmosis blood colloid osmotic pressure
what causes blood colloid osmotic pressure suspended blood proteins capillary walls that are too large to cross
name four functions of filtration and reabsorption 1) constant communication btwn plasma and interstitial fluid, 2) accelerates distribution of nutrients/hormones/gases, 3) assists in transport of insoluble lipids and proteins, 4) carries bacterial toxins and other chemicals stimuli into lymph
what happens to water when there is net hydrostatic pressure in a capillary water is forced OUT of a solution during net hydrostatic pressure
what happens to water when there is net osmotic pressure net osmotic pressure forces water INTO a solution
what controls the interplay of filtration and reabsorption through capillary beds net osmotic pressure and net hydrostatic pressure control filtration and reabsorption
what two factors contribute to net hydrostatic pressure 1) capillary hydrostatic pressure (CHP) , 2) interstitial Fluid Hydrostatic Pressure (IHP)
what happens with net capillary hydrostatic pressure water and solutes are pushed out of capillaries and into interstitial fluid
net capillary colloid osmotic pressure is the difference between what two factors 1) blood colloid osmotic pressure (BCOP), 2) interstitial fluid colloid osmotic pressure (ICOP)
what is the function of net capillary colloid osmotic pressure pulls water and solutes into the capillary from interstitial fluid
what is the mathematical representation for net hydrostatic pressure NHP = CHP - IHP (Net hydrostatic Pressure equals Capillary Hydrostatic Pressure minus Interstitial Fluid Hydrostatic Pressure)
what is the mathematical representation for net osmotic pressure NOP = BCOP - ICOP (Net Osmotic Pressure equals Blood colloid Osmotic Pressure minus Interstitial Colloid Osmotic Pressure)
what is net filtration pressure the difference between net hydrostatic pressure and net osmotic pressure
what is the mathematical equation for net filtration pressure NFP = NHP - NOP ~ OR ~ NFP = (CHP - IHP) - (BCOP - ICOP)
physiologically what is happening to fluid at the arterial end of the capillary bed fluid moves out of the capillary and into the interstitial fluid
physiologically what is happening to fluid at the venous end of the capillary bed fluid moves into the capillary and out of interstitial fluid
at what point in the capillary bed does the transition between filtration and reabsorption occur the transition point between filtration and reabsorption occurs closer to the venous end of the capillary bed
capillaries filter (more/less) than they reabsorb capillaries filter MORE than they reabsorb
capillaries filter more fluid than they reabsorb, where does the excess fluid go the excess fluid from capillary beds enters the lymphatic vessels
how does hemorrhaging affect capillary hydrostatic pressure hemorrhaging reduces capillary hydrostatic pressure
how does hemorrhaging affect net filtration pressure hemorrhaging reduces net filtration pressure
when does recall of fluids occur hemorrhaging
what is recall of fluids increased reabsorption of interstitial fluids
how do large hemorrhages affect the interplay between filtration and reabsorption large hemorrhages INCREASES REABSORPTION OF INTERSTITIAL FLUID
how does dehydration affect blood colloid osmotic pressure blood colloid osmotic pressure increases with dehydration
what is the effect that dehydration has on reabsorption dehydration ACCELERATES reabsorption
when capillary hydrostatic pressure and blood colloid osmotic pressure are increased, what happens to fluid in the blood fluid moves out of the blood with increased CHP and increased BCOP
what can be a sign/symptom of increased capillary hydrostatic pressure and increased blood colloid osmotic pressure edema/swelling
what is a physiological sign of increased capillary hydrostatic pressure and increased blood colloid osmotic pressure fluid build up in peripheral tissues
what is tissue perfusion blood flow through tissues
what is the purpose of tissue perfusion to bring O2 and nutrients to the tissues/organs; and to carry CO2 and wastes away
name three things that affect tissue perfusion 1) cardiac output, 2) peripheral resistance, 3) blood pressure
when a certain cell (or group of cells) become more active, what happens to the blood flow to that area as a cell (or group of cells) become more active, blood flow to the area must increase
_____________________________ changes blood flow to a specific area/region of the body cardiovascular regulation changes blood flow to a specific area
what causes blood flow in capillaries to constantly change routes vasomotion, the contraction relaxation cycle of precapillary sphincters
name three things that control cardiac output and blood pressure 1) autoregulation, 2) neural mechanisms, 3) endocrine mechanisms
what cases immediate localized homeostatic adjustments to blood pressure and cardiac output autoregulation causes immediate, localized homeostatic adjustments
how does neural mechanisms control cardiac output and blood pressure regulation neural mechanisms control cardiac output and blood pressure by responding quickly to changes at specific sites
list the major arteries that branch off the abdominal aorta (in order from most superior to most inferior celiac trunk, superior mesenteric artery, renal artery, gonadal artery, inferior mesenteric artery, common iliac artery
what vein does the right gonadal vein feed into inferior vena cava
what vein does the left gonadal vein feed into left renal veins
where does the great saphenous vein drain blood from the foot and lower extremety
what vein does the great saphenous vein drain into the femoral artery
what does the femoral vein drain blood into the external iliac vein
what does the external iliac vein drain blood into common iliac vein
what is autoregulation adjusting blood flow within a tissue while cardiac output remains the same
what structure has a primary function to autoregulate blood flow within the tissues precapillary sphincters
what is the function of local vasoconstrictors chemicals released into bloodstream to stimulate blood flow by constricting precapillary sphincters (i.e . prostaglandins and thromboxanes)
what are vasodilators chemicals that promote the dilation of precapillary sphincters
what are some examples of local vasodilators Low O2, high CO2, high H+ concentration, lactate, Nitric Oxide (NO), histamines (chemicals released by inflammation), elevated local temperature
what center of the brain controls the cardiovascular system medulla oblongata is the cardiovascular center of the brain
the ________________________ is the cardiac center of the brain medulla oblongata is the cardiac center of the brain
what area in the brain is also known as the vasomotor center the medulla oblongata is the vasomotor center of the brain
the ____________________________________ center of the medulla oblongata increases cardiac output cardioacceleratory center
the ______________________________________ center of the brain reduces cardiac output cardioinhibitory center
vasoconstriction and vasodilation are controlled by the _____________________ center of the medulla oblongata vasomotor center controls vasoconstriction and vasodilation
what nerves and neurotransmitter control stimulate vasoconstriction adrenergic nerves (Norepinephrine) controls vasoconstriction
what neurotransmitter stimulates contraction in arteriole walls norepinepherine
what nerves from the vasomotor center are responsible for relaxing smooth muscle cholinergic nerves
what produces vasomotor tone constant action of sympathetic vasoconstrictor nerves
control of cardiovascular function is (voluntary/reflex) control of cardiovascular function is REFLEX
name two types of reflexes that monitor arterial blood baroreceptor reflexes and chemoreceptor reflexes
where are the reflex sensors located arterial blood vessels (specifically common carotid and aortic arch)
what do baroreceptor reflexes respond to changes in blood pressure
what reflex responds to chemical composition (particularly pH (H+ concentration) and dissolved gasses) chemoreceptor reflexes respond to pH changes and dissolved gases
stretch receptors are located in the _____________________ and are part of the ____________________________ reflexes stretch receptors are located in the CAROTID AND AORTIC SINUSES (and RIGHT ATRIUM) and are part of the BARORECEPTORS reflexes
stretch (Baro) receptors in the Carotid Sinus are used to maintain blood flow to __________________________ stretch receptors in the carotid sinus maintain the blood flow to the brain
to monitor the blood pressure of the start of systemic circuit there are baroreceptors in the _______________________ AORTIC SINUSES have stretch receptors that monitor the start of the systemic circuit
what monitors blood pressure at the end of the systemic circuit the stretch receptors in the wall of the right artrium
the aortic reflex is triggered by what the aortic reflex is triggered by CHANGE IN BLOOD PRESSER IN THE ASCENDING AORTA
how does the body respond to pressure changes in the aortic reflex the body adjusts blood pressure and flow
how do baroreceptor reflexes respond when blood pressure rises decrease cardiac output and peripheral vasodilation
how do baroreceptor reflexes respond when blood pressure lowers increases cardiac output and peripheral vasoconstriction
what do Atrial Baroreceptors monitor Atrial Baroreceptors monitor blood pressure at the end of the systemic circuit
what is the Bainbridge reflex the bainbridge reflex is body's response to the stretching of the wall of the Right Atrium
where are the peripheral chemoreceptor reflexes located peripheral chemoreceptors are located in the carotid and aortic bodies
where are central chemoreceptors located central chemoreceptors are located just below the medulla oblongata
what does the central chemoreceptors do central chemoreceptors monitor cerebrospinal fluid, control respiratory function, and control blood flow to brain
what does the chemoreceptor reflexes respond to pH (H+ concentration), PO2 concentration, and PCO2 concentration
the (Chemoreceptor/Baroreceptor) reflexes help to coordinate cardiovascular and respiratory activities Chemoreceptors reflexes help to coordinate cardiovascular and respiratory activities
how do emotional states elevated BP emotional states elevate BP by increased cardiac stimulation and vasoconsrtiction
hormones have (long-term/short-term/both long-term and short-term) effect on cardiovascular regulation hormones have BOTH LONG-TERM AND SHORT-TERM effects on cardiovascular regulation
what is the term for the amount of blood pumped out of the ventricles with every heart beat systolic volume is the volume of blood pumped out of the ventricles with each systole
End Diastolic Volume - End Systolic Volume = ____________________________ Stroke Volume = EDV - ESV
Heart Rate X Stroke Volume = ______________________________ Cardiac Output = HR X SV
Cardiac Output (has a limit/has no limit) Cardiac Output has limits
During a cardiac cycle, most time is spent in (systole/diastole) during a cardiac cycle, most time is spent during diastole
what suffers part of the cardiac cycle with an increased Heart Rate Diastole suffers the most with Tachycardia
describe what happens to the End Diastolic Volume when diastole is shortened. Why does this happen? End diastolic Volume decreases with reduced time in Diastole because there is a decrease in filling time
where do the Right and Left Coronary arteries start on the Aorta The right and left coronary arteries are immediately after the Aortic Semilunar valve
how does the heart receive nutrients and Oxygen the heart gets its oxygen and nutrients from the coronary arteries
during what phase of the cardiac cycle does the heart receive the most blood from the coronary arteries the heart receives the most blood from the coronary arteries during diastole
if the amount of time in diastole is shortened, how does this effect how the heart will receive blood from coronary arteries, why? with decreased time in diastole the heart does not receive the nutrients of Oxygen it needs, because the heart receives the most nutrients it needs during diastole
how does thyroid hormone affect heart rate? Why ? thyroid hormone speeds up heart rate by making it more permissive/responsive to Epinephrine and Norepinephrine.
how does the atrial reflex increase heart rate with increased venous return, there is an increased stretching in the atria and therefore speeds up the heart rate
what type of sympathetic receptors can be found in the heart Beta-1 receptors are found in the heart
what are two things that limit End Diastolic volume filling time and venous return
what is apical pulse the actual counting of heartbeats
where can a person obtain a radial pulse lateral wrist above the thumb
what is pulse deficit the difference between the apical and radial pulse
what is systolic blood pressure pressure in the arteries of ventricular ejection
what is diastolic blood pressure pressure in arteries during ventricular relaxation
what is the common term for sphygmomanometer blood pressure cuff
how high should one inflate a sphygmomanometer inflate a blood pressure cuff high enough to occlude circulation to the forearm
what are the sounds of korotkoff sounds of korotkoff are the sounds made when blood starts to flow into the forearm after starting to deflate the blood pressure cuff
when listening to blood pressure, what does the first sound of korotkoff signify first sound of korotkoff is Systolic blood pressure
when the sounds of korotkoff stop, what does this signify the cessation of korotkoff signify diastolic blood pressure
the common carotid artery divides into what the internal and external carotid arteries
what feeds the common carotid on the left it is the aortic arch, on the right it is the brachiocephalic artery/trunk
the (internal/external) carotid artery supplies the brain internal carotid artery supplies the brain
between the internal carotid, external carotid, and vertebral arteries; which one supplies the extracranial tissues of the head and neck (i.e. facial tissue) extracranial arteries
when blood is leaving the internal carotid artery, where does it go blood leaving the internal carotid artery it enters into the circle of willis
when blood enters into the vertebral arteries, where is it coming from the subclavian arteries
when leaving the two vertebral arteries combine to form what artery the basilar artery prior to entering into the circle of willis
what parts of the body to the branches of the descending aorta supply abdomen, pelvis, and lower extremities
name the 5 main arteries that branch off the descending aorta 1) Celiac trunk, 2) Superior Mesentaric Artery, 3) Renal Arteries, 4) Gonadal Arteries, and 5) Inferior Mesenartic Artery
name some of the main organs that are supplied by the celiac trunk liver, stomach, spleen, pancreas, (parts of the) small intestine
what are the main organ(s) that are supplied by the superior mesenteric artery most of small intestine and first half of large intestine
what are the main organ(s) that are supplied by the inferior mesenteric artery distal half of the large intestine
the ___________________ arteries feed the kidneys renal arteries
name the path that blood takes when it leaves the heart and goes to the kidneys aortic arch, descending aorta, renal arteries, kidneyes
when blood arrives in the common iliac arteries, where is it coming from the descending aorta
the common iliac artery divides into two different arteries, what are they? the internal iliac and the external iliac
when blood enters into the internal iliac artery, what artery is it coming from? common iliac artery
what organs doe the internal iliac artery supply gluteal and adductor muscles, genitalia, and perineum
what artery feeds the genitalia and perineum internal iliac artery
trace the blood as it goes from the heart to the genitalia aortic arch, descending aorta, common iliac, internal iliac, genitalia
when the blood enters into the external iliac where is it coming from the common iliac artery
when the blood leaves the external iliac artery, where does it go femoral artery
when the blood enters the femoral artery, where does it come from the external iliac artery
when the blood leaves the femoral artery, where does it goe the popliteal artery
trace the path that blood follows when it leaves the heart and goes to the femoral artery the aortic arch, descending aorta, common iliac artery, external iliac artery, femoral artery
when blood enters the popliteal artery, where does it come from the femoral artery
name the three arteries supply the lower leg anterior tibial artery, posterior tibial artery, fibular artery
what artery(ies) feed supply the anterior and medial lower leg anterior and posterior tibial artery.
when blood enters into the anterior tibial artery, where does it come from popliteal artery
when blood enters into the posterior tibial artery, where does it come from popliteal artery
when blood enters into the fibular artery, where does it come from popliteal artery
trace the path that blood flows through to the anterior tibial artery aortic arch, descending aorta, common iliac artery, external iliac artery, femoral artery, popliteal artery, anterior tibial artery
trace the path that blood flows through to the posterior tibial artery aortic arch, descending aorta, common iliac artery, external iliac artery, femoral artery, popliteal artery, posterior tibial artery
trace the path that blood flows through to the fibular artery aortic arch, descending aorta, common iliac artery, external iliac artery, femoral artery, popliteal artery, fibular artery
what artery supplies the lateral part of the lower leg the fibular artery
what veins in the neck help drain the the head and face the internal and external jugular veins
the left internal and left external jugular veins drain into what vein the left subclavian vein
the right internal and right external jugular veins drain into what vein the brachiocephalic veins
when blood enters into the left subclavian vein, what four veins does it come from left internal jugular vein, left external jugular vein, left axillary vein, left cephalic vein
what vein is used for clinical blood draws median cubital vein
the median cubital vein drains into what vein basilic vein
the axillary vein receives blood from what vein(s)? the brachial and basilic veins
the right subclavian vein drains into what vein the brachiocephalic vein
in the upper arm area, name the three major veins (lateral to medial) cephalic vein, brachial vein, basilic vein
the right and left _______________________ veins unite to form the superior vena cava the brachiocephalic veins
the ____________________ veins drain the shoulder and arms and eventually become the brachiocephalic vein subclavian veins
the ____________________ veins drain the right side of the thorax into the superior vena cava and is part of the azygos system azygos
what is the name of the system of veinsthat drains the intercostal muscles of the thorax and abdomen wall azygos system
the (internal/external) jugular vein drains veins from the brain the INTERNAL jugular vein drains blood from the brain
what vein drains blood from the face and scalp into the subclavian vein the external jugular vein drains the blood from the face and scalp to the subclavian vein
name the vein that drain the kidneys renal veins drain the kidneys
the left gonadal vein drains into the left gonadal vein drains into the left renal vein
where does the right gonadal vein drain to the right gonadal vein drains into the inferior vena cava
what veins drain the ovaries or the testes the gonadal veins drain the ovaries and the testes
name the longest vein in the body great saphenous vein
where does the great saphenous vein drain from and where does it go to drains from the heel and drains into the femoral vein
the right and left common iliac veins meet up to form the _________________ inferior vena cava
exterior iliac veins receives blood from what vein femoral vein
for further digestion and processing in the liver, blood returned from the digestive system flows through a second vein to the liver. what is the name of thies vein the hepatic portal vein
what vein feeds into the hepatic portal vein superior mesenteric vein
the _________________________________ vein receives blood from the small intestine and colon into the hepatic portal vein superior mesenteric vein receives blood from the small intestine and colon and drains into the hepatic portal vein
what vein drains the liver into the vena cava hepatic veins
the hepatic vein drains into what the hepatic vein drains into the inferior vena cava
the hepatic veins drain blood from what organ the hepatic vein drains blood from the liver
Created by: kandriot
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