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normal lab DSON


Used for basic screening purposes related to hematologic and other body systems CBC
Measures the number of circulating RBCs, what are the normal values for the male and females? RBC count, male: 4.6-6.0 and females: 4.0-5.0
Indirect count of RBC number and volume-measures % of the total blood volume of RBCs, what are male and female normal values? Hematocrit, male: 43-49% female: 38-44%
Main intracellular protein of erthrocytes, what are male/female normal values? Hemoglobin, male: 13.5 g/dL Female:12-15 g/dL
what is the total WBC count, % of neutrophils,lymphocytes, monocytes, basophils, eosinophils 4,500-11,000 microliter, 50-70%, 25-35%, 4-6%,0.4-1.0%, 1-3%
Most abudant cation in the ECF, maintains osmotic pressure, acid-base balance/transmission of nerve impulses.Also regulates renal retention and excreion of water, maintains systemic BP and normal value is 135-145 mEq/L Sodium, Na -NATREMIA
Primary cation of ICF, nerve conducton,muscle function-not conserve inside body. Normal values 3.5-5.0 mEq/L Potassium, K-Kalemia
Helps evaluate the pH status & electrolyte status, normal values 22-26 mEq/L CO2
Major anion predominantly in the extracellular spaces, maintains cellular intergrity normal value 97-107 mEq/L Chloride-Chloremia
used to evaluate parathyroid function and calcium metabolism (monitor pts with renal failure& renal transplantion) serum-4.5-5.5 mEq/l or 8.2-10.2 mg/dl -Ionized-2.2-2.5 mEq/l or 4.64-5.28 mg/dl Calcium-Calcemia
Assists in the interpretation of studies related to parathyroid and calcium abnormalities, part organic and inorganic/combines with Calcium in the skeleton. Normal values 1.7-2.6 mEq/l or 2.5-4.5 mg/dL Phosphorus-phosphatemia
Intracellular, 1/2 located in bone, critical for metabolic process-binds to ATP. Normal value 1.6-2.6 mEq/l Mg
Indirect measurement of renal function and GFR and liver function, normal value is 8-21 mg/dl Blood Urea Nitrogen, BUN
Daily production depends on muscle mass and is directly proportional to renal excretory function,renal disorders will cause abnormal elevation. Normal 0.5-1.5 mg/dl Serum Creatine
most commonly to evaluate diabetic patients, driven by insulin into target cells to be metabolized to glycogen, amino acids and fatty acids Glucose, if fasting normal value; 60-110 mg/dl, if 60-90 yrs of age; 80-115 mg/dl, if 91 yrs old; 75-120 mg/dl
Used for assessing bleeding disorders that occur with liver disease, uremia,or malignancies Platelets normal values 150,000-400,000
Measures the time for a clot to form- to detect abnormalities with platelets and vascular Bleeding time, Ivy method; 3-7 min, Duke; 1-3 min
to monitor heparin therapy, detect incubating anticoagulants, detect deficiencies in the intrinsic coagulation system APPT (activated partial Thromboplastin Time) 25-39 sec
Large protein synthesized bt the liver, essential to blood clotting mechanism Fibrinogen, 200-400 mg/dl
Created by: ivanessa89
Popular Laboratory Science sets




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