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Ataxia Tremor like movement with delayed initation
Adiadochokinesia "Not moving together" to preform rapid movements
Dysmetria Faulty distance between two points (inability to estimate ROM to reach target)
Dyssynergia Faulty woking together (movement appears jerky)
Tremors (2 types) 1. Intentional tremors 2. Resting tremors
Dysarthria Faulty speech
Nystagmus Involuntary control of the eyeballs
Choreiform movements Uncontrolled, irregular, purposeless, quick, and jerky motions (may happen in sleep)
Athetoid movements Slow, worm-like motions (does not happen in sleep)
Spasms Sudden involuntary muscle contractions
Ballism One side of the body
Dystonia Faulty muscle tone or tension
Hypotonicity Flaccidity of muscle, muscles feel soft, no resistance, and cannot hold position
Hypertonicity Spasticity/ increased resistance to passive stretch
Hypertonicity (mild, moderate, and severe) Mild - may feel resistance during PROM (full ROM is attainable) Moderate - constant resistance during PROM (full ROM is attainable) Severe- strong resistance during PROM
Parietal Lobe Responsible for sensory information that had to do with taste, temperature, and touch.
Temporal Lobe Responsible for processing auditory information from the ears
Occipital Lobe Responsible for processing visual information from the eyes
Frontal Lobe Responsible for mental processing
Feedback Provide information about performance
Feedforward Uses sensory information to plan movement
Olfactory sensation Declines with age, decreased sense of smell affects the ability to taste, influences emotional state and evokes memories
Hyposmia Diminished sense of smell
Anosmia Lose of sense of smell (interferes with detection of environmental orders- safety issues)
(P) arosmia Pleasant odors may be distorted
Proprioception Unconscious sense of joint position and motion
Graphesthesia Identification of numbers and letters when they are "written" on the skin
Body Scheme Awareness of body parts, the position of the body and its parts in relation to themselves and the enviroment
Asomatognosia Severe loss of body scheme
Praxis Ability to plan and perform purposeful movement
Apraxia Inability to plan and perform the motor acts needed
Ideomotor praxia Inability to perform an action on command a motor skill
Constructional apraxia Inability to draw, copy, or construct designs
Dressing apraxia Inability to plan and perform a sequence needed to dress
Finger agnosia Naming, Identifying
Declarative (or explicit memory) (2) 1. Episodic memory 2. Semantic memory
Episodic memory Personal hx and life experiences
Semantic memory General knowledge shared by a group example: rules of social behavior
Procedural memory Cannot tell, but can perform the action
Prospective memory Ability to remember events that are set to occur in the future
Anosognosia Total inability to recognize deficits "lack of insight/awareness"
Acalculia Inability to perform simple mathematical tasks
Alexia Unable to read
Agraphia Unable to write
Diplopia (Double vision): good to cover one eye to remove that double vision.
Figure-Closure Ability to for ex. see a stop sign and although a portion of it is blocked from a tree, you know it’s a stop sign.
Figure-Ground Ability to distinguish an object from its background
Pattern Recognition Able to distinguish an object from its surroundings
Visual Scanning Able to shift attention from one side to the other looking for box of cereal, then milk, etc.
Homonymous Hemianopsia Loss of the right half, or left half of the visual field in each eye
ARMD Age Related Macular Degeneration
Glaucoma Second leading cause of blindness
ARMD Leading cause of loss of central vision for older adult
Cataracts Result in gradual, painless loss of vision
Presbyopia Far-sightedness associated with aging
Hyperopia Far-sightedness
Myopia Near-sightedness
Diabetic retinopathy Starts with floaters; progresses to blurred vision and visual loss Control of blood sugar slows the progression
Visual memory Create and retain a visual image
Oculomotor control Effective control of eye movements
Visual acuity Visual information is sharp, clear, and accurate
Visual perception Vision and information from other senses are integrated and interpreted by the brain forms a visual image of the environment
Hypoalgesia Diminished pain sensation
Analgesia Complete loss of pain sensation
Hyperesthesia Increased sensitivity
Hypoesthesia Decreased sensation
Paresthesia Abnormal sensation
Anesthesia Complete loss of sensation
Ideational apraxia Inability to comprehend the concept of required movement to do a task
Visual Agnosia Inability to recognize common items that can be see
Prosopagnosia Inability to identify faces
Form Discrimination Ability to differentiate between a pen and a highlighter
Depth Perception When they are going down the stairs
Astereognosis Inability to identify an object without looking
Transfer of Learning Approach Generalization “Brain Exercises”
Chunking Sorting objects such as clothing, food, and able to divide objects by group
Recognition Identification of something from the past
Sustained Attention Able to focus attention on a task
Alternating Attention Able to alternate between 2 or more tasks
Divided Attention Able to attend to more than one task simultaneously
Selective Attention Able to focus under distracting circumstances
Working Memory Actively using information with the intention of retaining it
Visual Field Loss Loss of any portion of four quarters
Ideational Apraxia Inability to comprehend the concept of required movement to do a task
NDT Neurodevelopment treatment
CIT Constraint-induced movement therapy
Rebound phenomenon of Holmes "to bounce or sing back"
Stereognosis Identification of an object without vision
Body scheme Aware of body parts
Asomatognosia Severe loss of body scheme
Praxis Ability to plan and perform purposeful movements
Apraxia Inability to plan and perform purposeful movements
Anosognosia Total inability to recognize deficits
Dysphagia Difficulty swallowing
Broca aphasia Expressive aphasia
Wernicke aphasia Receptive aphasia
Global aphasia loss of receptive and expressive
Right-side responsible for? Language, time concepts, and analytic thinking
Left-side responsible for? Visual perceptual function and perception as a whole
Brainstem stroke Life threatening controls breathing, heart rate, BP
Two types of strokes? Brainstem and a Cerebellum stroke
Hemiplegia One-side paralysis
Hemiparesis One-side weakness
Transient ischemic attack (TIA) Incomplete stroke with symptoms lasting a few minutes to 24 hours
Thrombus Bloot clot causing blockage
Embolus Traveling blood clot
DVT Deep vein thrombosis
Rood approach Facilitatory and Inhibitory Techniques
CHI Close head injury
DAI Caused by stretching and shearing forces
Rigidity Increased muscle in the agonist and antagonist
Created by: Genevadarcius
Popular Occupational Therapy sets




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