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Gestures & nonverbal

Business Etiquette midterm topic 5

Why do we need gestures and nonverbal communicators When different languages are involved people tend to rely on nonverbal communication. If delivered in a wrong way it can cause misunderstanding.
What are some nonverbal communicators? Colours, Eye contact, Facial expressions, Paralanguage, Posture, Smell, Silence, Space and touch and Nonverbal leakages.
Gestures Gestures can add emphasis to what you are saying. Victory Thumbs up Okay Finger cross
Colour They can have both positive and negative connotations. It can affect a person's mood and behavior. Colours such as blue and red. Colours can be associated to a particular culture. Therefore international businesses should know of taboos.
Eye contact In some countries, eye contact is deemed to show attentiveness, interest, respect, self confidence and truthfulness (Western countries) . Whereas, in many Asian countries eye contact is avoided to show respect and higher status of the individual.
Facial expressions Eyes/pupils when dilated show excitement Tears are often assumed to be negative but could also be happy tears Smile is a universal facial expression but can convey happiness and sadness
Paralanguage How something is said, info on emotional state Volume of speech can show- anger vs sympathetic Increased/ decreased rate of speech- Impatient/ reflective attitude
Posture Can convey (dis)agreement, (lack of ) confidence, (dis)interest and high/low status
Silence Allows time to think, express emotions and consider response. High context (Japan) comfortable with silence to dissect and truly understand Low context (America) consider silence as an indication that something is wrong
Smell (Olfactis) You smell like you do because of your personal hygiene and dietary plan. To be accepted by a different culture adopt the hygienic practice of the culture
Space and touch Cultures that value privacy usually want more space between themselves. When someone invades our personal space we may back up, stand still or react harshly Tense people are usually untrustworthy or holding back
Nonverbal leakage It occurs when an individual fails to control their nonverbal behavior. Could be seen mostly on feet, legs, arms and hands. People who lie tend to avoid getting close, gulp, perspire, play with objects, change in pupil size and colour.
Created by: azaya
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