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The Lord will bless me! Aja!

production of bubbles effervescence
catalase positive S. aureus
catalase negative Streptococcus
colonizes skin rarely cause infections micrococcus
marine environment planococcus
emerging opportunistic infections stomatococcus
significant pathogen staphylococcus
lysostaphin resistant micrococcus
bacitracin resistant staphylococcus
aerobic growth micrococcus
anaerobic growth staphylococcus
modified oxidase positive micrococcus (oxidizer)
glucose fermentation staphylococcus
agar specialized for S. aureus MSA (Mannitol Salt Agar)
concentration of NaCl for MSA 7.5 %
MSA: growth with fermentation yellow zone around colonies (halo)
MSA: growth without fermentation red zone around colonies
MSA: indicator phenol red
inhibits gram neg bacteria PEA blood agar ( phenylethyl alcohol)
useful to isolate staph and strep blood agar based; inhibits gram neg bacteria CNA (Colistin Nalidixix Acid) Agar
CNA: disrupts cell membrane of gram (-) Colistin
Colistin or Polymyxin B
CNA: blocks DNA replication and membrane integrity in many gram (-) Nalidixic Acid
enhances pigmentation of Staph Loeffler's Serum Slant
LSS: golden yellow S. aureus
LSS: lemon yellow S. citreus
LSS: porcelaine white S. albus
uses oxacillin + 2 to 4% NaCl to promote growth of resistant strain MRSA
indicates oxacillin resistant MRSA
for ID of MRSA chrom agar
Chrom agar positive color mauve color
chrom agar contains cefoxitin
coagulase converts soluble fibrinogen to soluble fibrin coagulase test
detects cell bound coagulase slide method
cell bound coagulase or clumping factor
reagent required for coagulase test Rabbit's plasma
positive for coag test clot formation
detects free coagulase tube method
tube method pos reaction gel like fibrin clot (after 4 hrs)
utilizes carbohydrate either by respiration or fermentation OF Glucose Test
OF: acid in open tube only oxidizers
OF: acid in both tubes Fermenters
OF: no acid in both tubes non utilizers
detects cytochrome oxidase which participates in electron transport Oxidase Test
Oxidase test or Kovac's
final product of oxidase test indophenol
pos color for oxidase test dark blue
neg color for oxidase test no color
oxidase test by addition of Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) Modified oxidase - Mibrodase disk
pos color for modified oxidase blue color
MO-MD : VP (+) S. aureus and S. schleferi
MO-MD : Pyrase (+) S. intermedius and S. schleferi
resistant to 5ug novobiocin S. saphropyticus
sensitive to 5ug novobiocin S. epidermidis
beta hemolysis with golden yellow pigment S. aureus
Beta lactam testing or Nitrocefin based testing
(+) for BLT disk diffusion - zone with clear sharp zone at the edge of disk (CLIFF)
(-) for BLT fuzzy zone BEACH edge
Panton Valintine substances Leukocidins
associated with coagglutination in serological tests Protein A ( S. aureus)
Scalded Skin syndrome for S. aureus or Ritter-Lyell Disease
Toxic shock syndrome nd Gastroenteritis S. aureus
Nosocomial infections Prosthetic heart valves Sepsis for IV lines S. epidermidis
Highly antibiotic resistant S. epidermidis
Second to E. coli to cause UTI S. saphropyticus
tampoon or honeycomb cystitis S. saphropyticus
lancet shaped S. pneumoniae
based on group specific cell wall polysacharride ( C carbohydrate) Lancefield classification
Group A beta hemolytic S. pyogenes
Group B beta hemolytic S. agalactiae
Group D alpha, beta or none Enterococcus - S. faecalis
Group D alpha or none Non- enterococcus - S. bovis
Alpha hemolytic S. pneumoniae
Alpha or Gamma hemolytic S. viridans
small zone of hemolysis surrounded by a zone of beta hemolyis alpha prime hemolysis
less inhibitory; charac of clear hemolysis produced by beta hemolytic strep Difibrinated BA
first choice blood sheep's blood
2nd choice blood ( more of haemophilus will show hemolysis) horse blood
third choice (production of methemoglobin) rabbit's blood
avoided blood human blood
test for Group A PYR hydrolysis test
PYR hydrolysis test color red/ pink color
tests for group B Hippurate Hydrolysis Test and CAMP test
Hippurate hydrolysis test pos color purple complex ( hippuric acid and ninhydrin)
detects CAMP factor CAMP TEST
pos for CAMP test arrowhead hemolysis
CAMP means Christie, Atkins, Munch and Peterson
test for group D Bile Esculin Test
Bile Esculin test ( 40% bile) pos color Black complex (Esculin to Esculitin binds to ferric chloride)
test for S. pneumoniae Bile solubility test
Bile solubitity test uses 10% sodium desoxycholate
detects autolytic amidase that hydrolyzes the peptidoglycan cell wall layer Bile solubility Test
pos for PYR hydrolysis Test Group A and Group D enterococcus
S. pneumoniae is sensitive to Vanco, Opto and Baci
all streptococci are sensitive to Vancomycin
scarlet fever S. pyogenes
injection of of a skin test dose of erythrogenic toxin Dick Test
for confirmation of scarlet fever caused by S. pyogenes Dick Test
to detect encapsulated S. pneumoniae quellang reaction
are elevated after group A strep infections ASO titer
cysteine or 0.001% pyridoxal (vit B6)
needs cysteine nutritionally variant strep
thiol requiring strep satelliting strep
satelliting streps S. adjacens and S. defectivu
flesh eating bacteria S. pyogenes
for rheumatic fever Class 1 M protein
associated with AGN Class 1 and 2 M protein
M protein is for S pyogenes
mediate the post strep diseases M protein
Lipoteichoic acid adherence factor is for S. pyogenes
Neonatal infections, Meningitis, pneumonia and Sepsis S. agalactiae
Elderly Meningitis, Sepsis or Otitis media S. pneumoniae
dental carries (S. mutans) brain or liver abscess ( S. intermedius) S. viridans
Extracellular dextran which helps them bind to heart S viridans
Acute Bacterial Endocarditis S. aureus
Subacute Bacterial Endocarditis S. viridans and Group D strep
nucleic acid testing in detection of MRSA PCR
Created by: oddreann
Popular Laboratory Science sets




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