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Overuse Injury

Carpal Tunnel A condition in which the Median Nerve is squeezed where it passes through the wrist. Often happens when the tendons in the wrist have become swollen and they press on the nerve.
Carpal Tunnel Symptoms Pain, aching, tingling, and numbness, Symptoms tend to be worse at night.
Carpal Tunnel Cause Work related activities such as typing, and repetitive movements.
Illiotibial Band (IT Band) Syndrome Iliotibial band syndrome occurs when the connective tissue (ligament) extending from the thigh to the shinbone becomes so tight that it rubs against the thighbone.
IT Band Syndrome Symptoms Pain between the hip and knees that worsens with activity. Pain on side of knee.
IT Band Syndrome Cause It’s an injury often caused by activities where you bend your knee repeatedly, like running, cycling, hiking, and walking long distances.
IT Band Syndrome Exercises Quadriceps Stretch, Hip Flexor Stretch, Hamstring Stretch, Glute Stretch, Hip Ab/Adduction
Carpal Tunnel Stretch Wrist Bend, Lift, Flex, Finger Bend, Wrist Stretch w/ weight Hand Squeeze
Low Back Pain Muscle spasms of the supportive muscles along the spine. Also pain, numbness, and tingling in the buttocks can be related to the back.
Low Back Pain Causes Muscle Strain, Ligament Sprain, Poor Posture, Age, Disc bulge, Weak Core
Low Back Exercises Hamstrings, Hip Flexors, Single Knee to Chest, Pelvic Tilt, Tail Wag, Cat & Camel, Lumbar Rotation
Patello-femoral Syndrome Is a condition that describes pain in the front of the knee and around the kneecap, known as the patella
Patello-femoral Syndrome Causes Running, Jumping, Walking when it is flared up, sitting, Going up & Down, squatting or kneeling.
Patello-femoral Syndrome Stretch Quadriceps, IT Band Stretch. , Straight Leg raise, Clam, Bridging, Wall squat
Patello-femoral Symptoms Knee pain that increases with stair climbing or squatting movements. Pain that increases with knee flexion.
Plantar Fasciitis Is a painful inflammation of the bottom of the foot between the ball of the foot & heel.
Plantar Fasciitis Symptoms Heel Pain, Pain when you stand and possibly when resting.
Plantar Fasciitis Causes Wearing High heels, gaining weight, increased walking, standing, or stair-climbing , running.
Plantar Fasciitis Exercises Frozen can roll, plantar fascia stretch, standing calf stretch, Resisted ankle eversion/inversion
Shin Splints A pain on the front of your lower leg below the knee and above the ankle. It can hurt directly over your shin bone (tibia) or over the muscles that are on the inner/outer side of the tibia.
Shin Splints Symptoms Pain over the front part of your lower leg. It could be during rest, or during exercise.
Shin Splints Exercises Towel Stretch toes, standing calf stretch, heel raise, anterior compartment stretch, resisted ankle inversion and eversion.
Sprain A joint sprain is the overstretching or tearing of ligaments. Ligaments are the bands of tissue that connect two bones together in a joint. The most common location for a sprain is the ankle joint.
Strain A joint strain is the overstretching or tearing of muscles or tendons. Tendons are the dense fibrous cords of tissue that connect bones to muscles. The most common locations for a muscle strain are the hamstring muscle and the lower back.
Symptoms of Sprains Bruising, Pain around the affected joint, Swelling, Limited Flexibility, difficulty using the joint’s full range of motion
Symptoms of Strains Muscle Spasm, Pain around the affected joint, swelling, limited flexibility, difficulty using the joint’s full range of motion
Sprain & Strain Causes Athletic activities or exercise, including running or jogging, Accidents such as falling or slipping, Lifting heavy objects overexerting yourself, Sitting or standing in an awkward position prolonged repetitive motion
Sprains & Strains Treatment RICE Method. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
Popular Sports Medicine sets




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