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Quiz 3

Artic. Grad 2018 study

client type for the complexity approach? Clients whose clusters are complex, who is not stimulable, who is late developing, and has consistent errors. The errors that they make don’t result in homonyms. 2-8 years old (best used in the older (6,7, 8) ages) moderate - severe
sonority a sound’s loudness relative to that of other sounds with the same length, stress, and pitch
Sonorants vowels, nasals, liquids, and glides. *Vowels are the most sonorant
onset rising sonority
nucleus sonority peak
coda falling sonority
VL stops/affricates level 7; /p, t, k, tS/
V stops/affricates level 6 ; /b, d, g, d3/
VL Fricatives level 5; /f, “th”, s, “sh”/
V Fricatives level 4; / v, “th”, z, 3/
Nasals level 3; /m, n, g/
Liquids level 2; /l, r/
Glides level 1; /w, j, h/
vowels Level 0; all vowels most sonorant
T or F: treating clusters with small sonority difference should lead to major changes across the system T
Good targets with small sonority difference? /vj/, “sh”r, /fl/, /sl/, /fr/, VL “th”r, /sm/, /sn/, and /mj/
Which one has a larger sonority difference an adjunct or a true cluster? TRUE CLUSTER
On our level of sonority, is a vowel a low number or a high number? LOW NUMBER
Dialects are a ______ system and a ________ system sound system + language system
Core Vocab Approach Idea of functional words that you want the client to be able to use. *used as pre-treatment
client type for the Core Vocab Approach? 2+y/o, who has inconsistent errors (hallmark of client population) 40% of the time or greater, NOT a child who has been diagnosed with childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) , Client WILL present with an impairment in phonological planning
Childhood Apraxia of Speech Poor sequencing of sounds marked by syllable segregation, Poor oro-motor skills, Groping, silent posturing,
Childhood Apraxia of Speech pt. 2 Prolongations and repetitions of speech sounds, Poorer in imitation than spontaneous production, dysfluent, short utterance length, prosocid disturbance, slow speech rate, Best therapy focuses on phonetic gesture
Inconsistent Phonological Disorders Inconsistent errors, Increasing errors with increasing length, Wrong choice of phoneme rather than order errors; no syllable segregation, Oro-motor skills within normal limits
Inconsistent Phonological Disorders pt.2 No groping of silent posturing, No prolongations and no repetitions of speech sounds , Better in imitation than spontaneous production, Fluent, normal utterance length, normal affect, normal-rapid speech rate, Best therapy focuses on word production
Quick Drill Therapy 5 minute therapy, An approach that allows SLP to distribute the practice Common for artic. Kids, the ones that have a learning difficulty with articulator placement , Allows us to drill and give many opportunities. will it generalize?
Concurrent Treatment Motor learning with randomized- variable task, Not sequence, Works at all levels simultaneously once they get past the syllable level, Teach /r/ → syllable → variable tasks, Belief = make a mental connection to the sounds by randomizing the tasks.
Speech Improvement class model RTI model - make changes in the classroom before they are identified as having a disorder --> 7 years +, with mild articulation needs Clients need to be motivated and willing to practice at home (Richard had clients sign a contract)
criterion for identifying a speech disorder before Tap Richard: Makes an impact on intelligibility Attracts adverse attention Has a significant impact on educational performance Richard was looking at how to catch the children falling through the cracks
Dysarthria Motor speech disorder (neuro), Muscle weakness, Not that they can’t program articulators, A disorder that is going to connect with all the basic processes-1. articulation, must consider also reparation, phonation, resonation, and prosody
3 most common types of dysarthria spastic, flaccid, and ataxic
spastic dysarthria characteristics (upper motor neuron involvement) Imprecise consonants, Monopitch, Reduced stress, Harsh voice quality , Monoloudness, Low pitch (inappropriate for A&G), Slow rate (inadequate BS), Hypernasality, Strained-strangled voice quality,, Short phrases
flaccid dysarthria characteristics (lower motor neuron involvement)Hypernasality, Imprecise consonants Breathiness (not using air efficiently), Monopitch, Nasal emission
ataxic dysarthria characteristics (cerebellar involvement) Imprecise consonants, Excess and equal stress, Irregular articulatory breakdowns, Distorted vowels (schwa = most neutral vowel, other vowels→ schwa = neutralized), Harsh voice, Loudness control problems, Variable nasality
age for remediation of dysarthria 3+ years
goal for dysarthria remediation To increase efficiency, effectiveness, and naturalness of communication
Modifications for Respiration for clients w/ Dysarthria Maximum vowel prolongation Use breath groups Inhale more deeply Posture Stop speech prior to running out of breath
Modifications for Phonation for clients w/ Dysarthria Open the mouth wider Medication Botox injections Amplifier Relaxation exercises for the larynx
Modifications for Resonance se mirror feedback on nasalization Contrast nasal/non-nasal (say maybe baby) Avoid blowing in tubes, straws…. Non-speech oral motor exercises
Modifications to articulation Botox to the mandible → to control the jaw better Don’t do posture on floor → have client in upright position May involve a bite block → helps client stabilize the jaw (client practices words with bite block first and then take it out
Modifications to articulation pt. 2 Instruct Demonstrate Model Phonetic placement Tongue depressor Reduce rate → increase intelligibility You can use drill, minimal pairs, all those techniques that are typical to articulation therapy.
Modifications in prosody Rate → longer pauses at the juncture → give client’s more time, Chunk, Contrast stress → tell the client which word to stress and practice where stress is needed, Vary the number of words per breath group → which will give speech a more normal feel,
Modifications in prosody pt. 2 Have them be self-aware of their prosody → which will help their listener, Tell their listener the topic , Use gestures and facial expressions, Maintain eye contact , Minimize background noise, AAC option → alphabet board
Created by: jofalu
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