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Unit 8 Vocab

l'auberge de jeunesse youth hostel
compter (sur) to count (on)
d'abord firstly
d'habitude usually
decouvrir to discover
egalement equally, also
enfin finally
ensuite next
esperer to hope
essayer to try
a l' etranger abroad
gouter to taste
la-bas over there
loger to stay
plus tard later
puis then
quelle barbe! how boring!
le reve dream
le roman novel
a cause de because of
agreable nice
le cadeau present
le commissariat police station
decu(e) dissapointed
fonctionner to work
le lendemain the next day
minable pathetic
obliger to force
oublier to forget
plutot rather
le porte-monnaie purse
le proprietaire owner
puisque since
reussir to succeed
sale dirty
sauf except
le sejour stay/visit
le souci worry
une fois once
s'amuser to have fun
le batiment building
la boucherie butcher's shop
la boulangerie bakery
le bruit noise
la charcuterie delicatessen
cher expensive
heureusement fortunately
l'inconvenient disadvantage
meme even
payer to pay for
pleuvoir to rain
la promenade walk
propre own
seul(e) only
les sports d'hiver winter sports
tomber to fall
toujours always
trop le monde too many people
la viole sailing
le/la viosin(e) neighbour
accueillir to welcome
l'aviron rowing
cacher to hide
le canard duck
celebre famous
le coin area
la confiance trust
la cote coast
deguster to taste (wine)
s'egarer to get lost
l'endroit place
ensoleille sunny
l'envie desire
la garde-robe wardrobe
la lecture reading
manquer to miss
meilleur(e) best
meme same
le navire ship
l'oiseau bird
le phoque seal
la plongee diving
plusieurs several
pluvieux(se) rainy
remporter to win
tenter to tempt
tricoter to knit
la vague wave
venir de to have just
venteux windy
le verre glass
Created by: jesshfrench
Popular French sets




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