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unit 4 vocab

kerboodle higher unit 4 vocab

accrocher to hang
l'agneau lamb
s'arreter to stop
la blague joke
la buche de Noel Christmas log
la boule de noel bauble
la chandeleur pancake day
la crepe pancake
se depecher to hurry
la dinde turkey
les festivites celebrations
la fete des Meres Mother's day
l'huitre oyster
le jour ferie public holiday
la pate dough
se reposer to relax
se retrouver to meet
le reveillon de Noel Christmas Eve
rigolo(te) funny
le sapin Christmas tree
l'anniversaire birthday
la collecte (d'argent) collection (money)
collecter to collect
commercial(e) commercial
consommer to consume
divorce(e) divorced
s'entendre to get on
etre croyant(e) to be a believer
la messe de minuit midnight mass
offrir to offer
l'organisation caritative charity
partager to share
la pauvrete poverty
recevoir to receive
la societe society
la societe de consommation consumer society
assister to attend
la boue mud
le casque helmet/headphones
le cirque circus
couter to cost
dormir to sleep
durer to last
les gens people
informatif(ve) informative
les jeunes youngsters
le jonglage juggling
le/la malade patient
le metro subway
le numero de cirque circus act
se passer to take place
la recherche research
reserver to reserve
la scene stage
sensibiliser to increase someone's awareness
le spectacle de rue street show
tout le monde everyone
voyager to travel
avoir hate de to be eager to
barbant(e) boring
le bateau boat
le cadeau present
la communaute community
connaitre to know
conserver to keep
decorer to decorate
la fin end
s'installer to settle in
la lumiere light
ouvrir to open
passer to spend
le portable mobile
le repas meal
reunir to gather
voir to see
Created by: jesshfrench
Popular French sets




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