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Word Parts Section A
Term | Definition |
Craniotomy | Cutting into the skull |
Crani | Pertaining to the skull |
-otomy | Cutting into |
Dysuria | Difficult or painful urination |
Dys | Difficult, painful, bad |
Uria | Urine |
Hysterectomy | Surgical removal of the uterus |
Hyster | Uterus |
ectomy | Surgical removal of |
Hemotoxic | Blood poison |
Hemo | Blood |
toxic | Poison |
Pericarditis | Inflammation around the heart |
Peri | around |
Card | Pertaining to heart |
-itis | Inflammation, Inflammation of |
Leukocyte | White blood cell |
Leuko | White |
-cyte | Cell |
Cholecystitis | Inflammation of the gallbladder or bag |
Chole | Bile, gallbladder |
Cyst | Bladder, bag, sac |
Tachycardia | Fast or rapid heart |
Tachy | Rapid, fast |
Cardia | Pertaining to heart |
Neuralgia | Nerve pain |
Neur | Nerve, nervous system |
Algia | Pain |
Polycythemia | Much blood cells |
Poly | Many, much |
Cyt | Cell |
Emia | Blood |
Bradycardia | Slow heart |
Brady | Slow |
Gastrectomy | Surgical removal of the stomach |
Gastr | Stomach |
Meningitis | Inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord |
Mening | Membranes covering the brain and spinal cord |
Neopathy | New disease or abnormal condition |
Neo | New |
-pathy | Disease, abnormal condition |
Dermatologist | Person who studies skin |
Dermat | Pertaining to skin |
-ologist or -ology | Person who does/studies |
Proctoscope | Instrument for examining the rectum |
Procto | Rectum, rectal, anus |
scope | Examining instrument |
Carcinoma | Cancerous tumor |
Carcin | Cancer, malignancy |
oma | Tumor, a swelling |
Electroencephalograph | Electrical graph reading of the brain |
Electro | Electrical |
Encephalo | Brain |
graph | Diagram, instrument for reading |
Osteomalacia | Softening of the bones |
Osteo | Bone |
Malacia | Softening of a tissue |
Paraplegia | Paralysis of the lower half of the body |
Para | Near, beside, beyond, abnormal, lower half of the body |
plegia | Paralysis |
pyuria | Pus in the urine |
py | Pus |
uria | Urine |
Acromegaly | The extremities of large arms or legs |
Acro | Extremities (arms and legs) |
megaly | Larged, enlarged |
Gerontology | Study of the elderly |
Geront | Old age, elderly |
ology | Study of, science of |
Dysphagia | Difficult or painful swallowing |
Dys | Difficult, painful, bad |
phagia | To eat, consuming, swallow |
Hydrocele | Water filled swelling of a hernia |
Hydro | Water |
cele | Swelling, tumor, cavity, hernia |
Hyperglycemia | High levels of sugar in the blood |
Hyper- | High, elevated |
glyc | Pertaining to blood sugar |
emia | Blood condition |
Pancreatitis | Inflamed part of the pancreas |
NVD | Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea |
HA | Headache |
abd | Abdominal |
MRI | Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
CBR | Complete Bed Rest |