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REAL Knowledge Scientific People
Term | Definition |
Swedish Physicist after which the length of unit of 10^-10 meters is named | Angstrom, Anders |
French Scientist. Fathered the work of Hons Oersted on the relationship between electricity and magnetism. Basic unit of electric current is named after him. | Ampere |
German Scientist. Invented and improved lab equipment. Discovered Cesium and Rubidium. | Bunsen |
Greek mathematician & inventor, cried "Eureka!" after discovering the Principle of Buoyancy | ARCHIMEDES |
Eng. mathematician, ideas preceded the modern computer, attempted to develop a mechanical computer called the analytical engine | BABBAGE, Charles |
South African surgeon, 1st successful human heart transplant in Cape Town (1967) | BARNARD, Christiaan |
Scottish-Amer. inventor of the telephone, helped found the magazine "Science" | BELL, Alexander Graham |
Amer. inventor & founder of the frozen-food industry, led to the the founding of General Foods Co. (1924) | BIRDSEYE, Clarence |
Amer. physician, 1st woman in the US to receive a medical degree (1849), graduated from Geneva Medical College (NY) | BLACKWELL, Elizabeth |
Danish physicist who postulated that electrons move in restricted orbits around the atom's nucleus, 1922 Nobel Prize in physics (work on atomic structure), atom emits & absorbs energy by combining quantum theory with his new concept of atomic structure | BOHR, Neils |
Irish chemist called "father of modern chemistry," discovered ______gas law | BOYLE, Robert |
German scientist, invented & improved lab equipment, __________ burner, discovered Cesium & Rubidium using spectroscopy | BUNSEN, Robert |
African-Amer. agriculturist, became director of the Tuskegee Institute, discovered hundreds of used for peanut, soybean, & sweet potato | CARVER, George Washington |
born Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, Eng. author & mathematician, "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland," "Through the Looking Glass" | CARROLL, Lewis |
Eng. chemist, worked on the composition of water, isolated a gas he called "Inflammable air" (hydrogen) | CAVENDISH, Henry |
Eng. physicist, discovered the neutron, 1935 Nobel Prize in physics | CHADWICK, Sir James |
Polish astronomer, put forth the heliocentric theory of planetary motion (1512) published in his classic work "De Revoluntionibus Orbium Celestium" | COPERNICUS, Nicholas |
French oceanographer, co-inventor of the aqualung, pioneer in the development of the self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA), documentary films of this oceanographic expeditions aboard the Calypso | COUSTEAU, Jacques |
Eng. evolutionist, a naturalist aboard the "HMS Beagle" he accumulated data for his concept of evolution, theory of "Natural Selection," wrote "Origin of the Species" | DARWIN, Charles |
Eng. scientist, with James Watson he elucidated the structure of the DNA, double helix, 1962 Noble Prize in physiology | CRICK, Francis |
Amer. inventor of the Kodak camera, founded the _________ Kodak Company | EASTMAN, George |
Amer. inventor (considered the greatest of all time), the microphone, record player, kinetoscope, incandescent lamp; pioneering workshops in Menlo Park & West Orange, little formal schooling & went progressively deaf | EDISON, Thomas |
German-born Swiss-Amer physicist, major discoveries: Theory of Relativity, photoelectric effect (1921 Nobel prize in Physics), a Jew who fled Nazi regime, urged FDR to investigate the atomic bomb, held post at Princeton from 1933 until his death | EINSTEIN, Albert |
Scottish bacteriologist who discovered penicillin--also discovered lysozyme | FLEMING, Sir Alexander |
Italian mathematician, __________Sequence: a sequence of numbers in which each term is the sum of the 2 preceding terms, 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21... | FIBONACCI, Leonardo |
Austrian psychiatrist who developed psychoanalysis, free association, & dream interpretation; stressed importance of sexuality & childhood relationships with parents, idea of the Id, Ego, and the Superego | FREUD, Sigmund |
Russian cosmonaut, 1st man to orbit the earth when his Vostok did in 1961 | GAGARIN, Yuri |
US inventor & diplomat, wrote "Poor Richard's Almanac," invented the lightning rod, delegate to the 2nd Continental Congress, organized the postal system | FRANKLIN, Ben |
Amer. rocket designer, built the 1st liquid-fueled rocket (1926) | GODDARD, Robert |
Amer. inventor of vulcanized rubber | GOODYEAR, Charles |
US astronaut & politician, 1st Amer. in orbital flight (1962), orbited the earth 3 times in Friendship 7, senator from Ohio and oldest man in space | GLENN, John |
Eng. astronomer, first to predict the return of a comet, ________ comet in 1759 | HALLEY, Edmund |
Swedish inventor of dynamite | NOBEL, Alfred |
founder of modern nursing | NIGHTINGALE, Florence |
1660 discovered the law of universal gravitation, built 1st reflecting telescope, wrote "Principia Mathematica" | NEWTON, Sir Isaac |
American inventor of 1st passenger elevator | OTIS, Elisha |
Amer. physicist, director of the laboratory at Los Alamos, NM, that designed the 1st atomic bomb | OPPENHEIMER |
11th century Persian poet & mathematician "Rubaiyat" | KHAYYAM, Omar |
French scientist, founded the theory of modern probability, his experiments with fluids led to the invention of the hydraulic press | PASCAL, Blaise |
French chemist, developed rabies & anthrax vaccines, pioneered the process of pasteurization | PASTEUR, Louis |
famous experiment in which he conditioned dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell after associating the bell with feedings | PAVLOV, Ivan |
Swiss psychiatrist & founder of analytical psychology, postulated the "collective unconscious," introduced the terms "introversion & extroversion" | JUNG, Carl |
Eng. physician, his experiments led to the development of the smallpox vaccine & the beginning of immunology as a science | JENNER, Edward |
Eng. physicist, established the mechanical theory of heat, 1st to determine the relationship between mechanical & heat energy, mechanical unit of work named after him | JOULE, James Prescott |
German astronomer, 3 laws of planetary revolution derived from Tych Brahe's accurate observations, 1st law: each planet's orbit is an ellipse with the sun as the focus | KEPLER, Johannes |
Amer. inventor, established the Polaroid Corp., invented the Polaroid camera | LAND, Edwin |
German bacteriologist, established the bacterial cause of many diseases (tb, anthrax, cholera), 1905 Nobel prize in physiology for developing tuberculin skin test | KOCH, Robert |
Amer. inventor of the revolver | COLT, Samuel |
French thinker famous for "Cogito, ergo sum" (I think therefore I am), founded analytical geometry & originated Cartesian coordinate system, "Meditations" (a philosophical work) | DESCARTES, Rene |
Amer. inventor of vulcanized rubber | GOODYEAR, Charles |
Greek physician, "Father of Medicine," the _________ Oath: an ethical code formulated in ancient Greece that is still administered in medical school today, he believed medicine is based on observation & deductive reasoning | HIPPOCRATES |
Amer. inventor of the sewing machine | HOWE, Elias |