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Test #1-Micro

Surgical Technology Microbiology/SURG1080

Require Oxygen to Live Aerobe
Developed the first vaccine Edward Jenner
Power to cause disease Virulence
Lives without oxygen Anaerobe
Infection acquired in the hospital Nosocomial
Absence of microbes or infection Asepsis
Who created the Germ Theory of Fermentation? Louis Pasteur
Who discovered penicillin? Sir Alexander Fleming
Disease causing microbe Pathogen
Study of Fungi Mycology
What microscope is used to view viruses? Electron Microscope
E. Coli Lives where naturally? Intestines
Virus that attacks bacteria Bacteriophage
Lives on dead organic matter Saphrophyte
Who discovered the cure for Syphilis? Paul Ehrlich
Compulsory, required, necessary Obligate
Who developed the pure culture technique? Robert Koch
Self-nourishing Autotrophic
The study of organisms that can be seen only through a microscope, including bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasites, and rickettsia. Microbiology
Who invented the first microscope? Anton Van Leeuewenhoek
Unable to grow or reproduce outside of a host cell Viruses
Who created the postulates that the agent must be present in every case of the disease. The agent must be isolated from the case and grown in vitro. What is the name of the postulates? Robert Koch Koch Postulates
Who disproved the theory of spontaneous generation? Louis Pasteur
Who developed pasteurization, the germ theory of fermentation and the germ theory of disease? Louis Pasteur
Who disproved the theory of spontaneous generation/abiogenesis, including the decaying meat experiment? Franscesco Redi
Who disproved the theory of spontaneous generation using the boiled meat broth experiment in a sealed flask? Lazzaro Spallanzani
Who first discovered that puerperal fever might be caused by doctors and nurses going from one patient to another without washing their hands? Oliver Holmes
Hungarian obstetrician that observed that patient deaths were much higher among those who were visited by physicians who had come directly from the morgue or autopsy room Ignaz Philipp Semmlweis
Established the first real safety precautions in a hospital, including hand washing and meticulous clean rooms Ignaz Philipp Semmlweis
Who developed a method of killing heat resistant bacteria, known as Tyndallization? John Tyndall
Developed the dick test to determine susceptibility to scarlet fever. Gladys and George Dick
The most important thing a health care worker can do to prevent the spread of infection is to practice what? Good hand washing techniques
The first book that provided public health guidelines Book of Leviticus
What type of staining technique stains the bacteria and then is rinsed with a mixture of acid and alcohol? Acid-Fast
a chemical compound that can inhibit or stop the growth of bacteria without necessarily killing them? Antiseptic
Exclusion of microbes Aseptic
An item is _________ when it is free of all microorganisms including the endospores. Sterile
To weaken or dilute the pathogenicity of a virus or other pathogen by exposing it to air; heat, chemicals, light or excessive culturing. To slow the growth of bacteria without necessarily killing them. Attenuate
Study of Bacteria Bacteriology
method of asexual reproduction in which the cell divides into two parts. Binary Fission
method of asexual reproduction in which a bud-like process grows from the side or end of the parent and develops into a new organism. Budding
Spore formed within the parent cell is called and Endospore
having the capability o live under certain environment circumstances, but living under those circumstances is not compulsory. *They are able to survive with or without oxygen Facultative
Hairlike, motile process that helps bacteria move around Flagellum
What color would a gram negative bacteria stain? pink or red
What color would a gram positive bacteria stain? dark purple
What is the purpose of gram staining? to determine the type of antibiotic that will be effective in fighting the bacteria.
requiring organic compounds to live and grow Heterotrophic
Small, round bodies found in cells affected by a virus Inclusion Bodies
Requires oxygen but thrives best when oxygen is less that that in the atmosphere. Microaerophilic
minute living body not perceptible to the naked ey. Microorganism
Science of structure and form Morphology
Any disease induced by a fungus Mycosis
Causes infection when given the opportunity y the altered physiological state of the host Opportunistic
organism that lives within upon or at the expense of another living organism known as the host. Parasite
Disease causing microorganism Pathogen
Study of Parasites Parasitology
a protein-like microbe that is highly resistant to common sterilization methods Prion
Genetic bacterial factor that makes it possible for some bacteria to become resistant to certain antibiotics Resistance- Transfer Factor
systemic disease associated with the presence of pathogenic microorganisms or their toxins in the blood Sepsis
carries microorganisms from one infected individual to another Vector
Leguminous plants that form characteristic nodules on the root and return nitrogen from the air to the soil in form of nitrates. peas, peanuts, and alfalfa
two different kinds of organisms living independently without affecting the other Independence
Each organism derives some benefit from the other; mutually satisfied Mutualism
"eating together at the same table" the smaller derives benefit form the association, causing no harm. Commensalism
Organism benefit from another but at the others expense Parasitism
One organism produces substances or causes conditions which are lethal for other organisms; cannot coexist Antibiosis
Microbes that live on or in the human body Normal Flora/Indigenous Microflora
Normal flora is present in what? The skin Upper Respiratory Tract Mouth/Oral Cavity GI Tract Vaginal Tract
Where should normal Flora never be found? The blood
What is the benefit of Normal flora? Nutrient Production/processing
All living matter is made up of ________. Cells
Protective covering produced by some bacteria Spores
round, nonmotile, do not posses flagella or produce spores Coccus
appear in pairs Diplococci
chains Strepto
grapelike clusters Staphylococci
may be aerobic or anerobic. Are shaped like rods or cylinders Bacillus
comma-shaped rod Vibrio
Longer rigid curved organisms Spirillum
Longer flexible motile spiral organisms Spirochete
rare transmissible fatal disease caused by a prion. Disposable surgical instruments and special decontamination procedures must be used when operating on a patient with this disease. Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD)
What microscope is used to view bacterial characteristics? Compound light
What microscope is used when microbes are not visible with a light microscope or cannot be stained? Dark-field
What microscope is used for detailed visualization of internal structures of microbes? Phase-contrast
What microscope is used for visualization of naturally fluorescent microbes or those stained with fluorochromes? Fluorescence
Created by: lmlayton
Popular Surgery sets



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