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Comp. Politics


democracy free and fair regularly scheduled elections where people can be voted in and out of office
controlled experimentation cant do them because experimenter can not make people do what they want them to do, and they cant manipulate variables to get a desired outcome
cultural relativity of general laws looking at one point in history cant tell you if the same behavior in two countries is do to the same explanation or is a mere coiencidence.ex-when vectors intersect butterfly effect= you will not know if their is a factor that contributed to the outcome
butterfly effect you never know if something will change the factors in which you study
experimental intervention the experimenter can change reality(people may not act as they normally are for the experimenter) or the results of an experiment can change reality. (people change behavior based on findings from experiment)
subjective or value impregnated aspects of social phenomena you will never know why the doer does what the doer does.either because that person is lying or because there is a subconsious reason behind their decision
values oreinted bias of social inquiry people are biased in their views
thick description pick a case that is isolated and describe it in detail to explain something else
controlled investigation creates a theory based on patterns of similarities and creates mathematical equations.looking for patterns of similarities and difference,must be falsifiable
funnel of causality for every "x" behavior there is a explanation close to the behavior and farther away from the close to the behavior doesnt explain why the behavior took place.the farther away from the behavior the more generalizable the explanantion is
replace systems with variables look at what specific variables are in place to explain a phenomena. needs to be focused on specific factors instead of ex. "Devnerness"
research design that controls variables most similar systems design and most different systems design
most similar systems design when two similar systems have a different outcome isolate one or two different variables between the two to explain the different outcomes
relationship among capitalism, industrilization, and democracy tables presented that there is a strong correlation between economic development and democracy,however these tables do not show that one causes the other.
russet table data in Russet table show that the more economically developed a country is the more competitive it is. this correlation is not exact beacuse "III's" are outliers showing that the countries in the third stage of development very few countries are democs
gross national income per capita measure of a countries economy.the most wealthiest countries are also the most democratic.this is not a good measure because it ignores distribution of wealth
stages of development level of economic development measured by toliet seats, websites, radios, etc per person
dahl tables measures continous popular elections, Mexico wasn't free and fair and Lebanon had civil wars. United States, Norway,and UK
diamond tables GNP table: stronger table than Russet,says that more countries in the upper income are the most democractic;the more closed you get the lower the income.HDI: measure human developoment to regime type more human development lies in the most democractic
human development based on life expectancy-distribution of health care,literacy-good/distribution of health care,log of GDP-measures exponential difference so it wont wipe other factors out
why people get democracies because it is more educated,economically developed,and have more skills
why/how US became a democracy in the 1880s US was agricultural,and there was a large availabilty of land.Wedeveloped a free farmer society where farmers had powers,guns,and education.this created a large middle class
why white men in US got right to vote because they had property,education,muskets etc.
why study Great Britain because it is the first to democratize, capitalize,and industrialize.helps us understand the relationship between economic development and democracy,and it democratized slowly so you can see events in slow motion
facilitating conditions that contributed to democratization in Britain geography, norman conquest,and symbiotic relationships between kings and lords(Coronation charter,magna carta,community of realm)
importance of Britain's geography envaded less frequently because it is an island,easier to control trade routes and communicate.had to build a strong navy which took away from the military presence on land, therefore there was no oppressive mechanism to control people
Norman conquest William of Normady invades GB in 1066 sends lords into countryside to maintain order because of language barrier. lords try to establish kings authority in the regions. type of symbiotic relationship between the kings and the lords
symbiotic relationships between kings and lords there is a check and balance system between the two, the king needs the lords and vise versa
coronation charter inargual address to the lords and the people
Magna Carta document that gave lords rights if they supported the king; a symbiotic relationship between the king and lords
community of the Realm kings and lords sit and talk about issues on the countryside
impact of Black Plague 1/3 of Europe's population was wiped out and workers were hired to workk the land. This didnt happen anywhere that people had money they could use it in the markets.
sheeps importance for economic development and democracy sheep were more beneficial than peasants becaus they produced wool which provided capital, and later turned the peasants into workforce
necessary conditions leading to Britain's democracy 1.enclosures(private property,merchant class,capital, wage labor, surplus labor,surplus wool, agricultural innovation,urbanization,getting rid of peasants,removing conservatism,landlords as leadership of change,and triangle of relationship
enclosures families ripped away from their lands, the children of those who survived became workforce for factories(surplus labours)
private property Lords own the property and they cn do whatever they want with the land. lords no longer need king to make money due to the enclosures
merchant classes lords who produced wool and created textile industry and trade
capital lords sell wool and they have capital to invest in other things
wage labor sheep shearers and textile industry workers
surplus labor enclosures created this labor force that could soon work in factories by kicking the peaseants off the land
surplus wool sheep that repalced peaseants produced wool that could be sold in markets
argicultural innovation while the population is increasing there is less land to produce food on and fewer people working the land
urbanization creates markets and enables a concentrated surplus labor force, and it allows people to easily share information
getting rid of peasants the enclosures kicked peasents off of the land that they were maintaining and placed sheep on the land
removing conservatism remove peasants because they were intrested in rebellion to return things to the way they were which is the conservative element
landords as leaders of change the enclosing land owners became progressors of change and they went about it peacefully
triangle of relationships lords and the kings on the same side and had wealth/land to keep them in power.
peasants bad for democracy and capatlism peasants bad for capatism becasue they are poor and live in a moral economy where the fedual system is designed to help them survive. captalist care about investments and turn out and peaseants dont want to invest because they may die,also poorly educated
why king sides with peasants because they both wnated to get back to the feudal order
theological explantion of english civil war catholic=non enclosing vs. Protestants=merchant clas
socioeconomic explantion of english civil war non enclosing landowners vs. merchant class/ enclosing classes
legacy of contestation before inclusion best way to get democracy is contestation before inclusion.(inclusion:everyone can participate, contestation: structure of the way things should be in the government) should establish the rules of the game first
england as landowning oligarcy the only people who voted were those people who owned land
two components of democratization contestation and inclusion
why contestation before inclusion can not be done again because Britain first put this into practice, and now other societies know that they should be entitled to some rights
why the textile phase of the industrial revolution happened because it had these components: labor, wool, capital(money from wool), navy(allow trade), captive markets, access to resources, water network, water power, and classes (working class, merchant class)
why Britain democratized new forms of technology and class/social mobility
negative consequences of Brtain's democratization social darwinism:impoverished working class
reform act of 1832 extended the right to vote from the landowners to factory owners
form of technology and class/social mobility innovated technology led to mass production; technology was comprehensable to the eductaed and inexpensive. Anyone can purchase the technology, start a business and with little education become a success leading to class mobility
social darwinism working in the textile factories did not require skills, therefore working class was not hired, leaving them improvished. Instead, children were hired because they can get paid less, and could be easily replaced
corn laws repealed in 1846 passage of them put a tariff on grains imported in Britain, markets in britain. raised their taxes, which led to increase in wages for labors. repeal-ended landowning democracy sparked the middle class reform act that allowed the midle class to vote
middle class reform acts 1867-1884 expaned the right to vote from factory owners to entire middle class
industrial revolution heavy industrial phase began to manufacture heavy metals and irons, ran on coal power
working class leverage skilled laborers for the heavy industrial phase who were extended voter's rights because of their ability to organize within their factories
scale of factories factories got larger and workers began to orgainze and stike for political power
how many people got to vote by WWI by 1918 and 1928 working class and women vote; by 1970 18year olds and Dons got to vote
most different systems design two different places that have the same result. Isolate the factors that are the same to explain the similarity.
Created by: sf9149a
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