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Liang - 2

Elementary Programming

algorithm describes how a problem can be solved by listing the actions need to be taken and the order of their execution
assignment operator (=) designates a value for a variable
assignment statement used for storing a value in a variable
byte type 8-bit signed data type for integers
casting an operation that converts a value of one data type to a value of another data type
constant an identifier that represents a permanent value
data type kind of data stored in a variable
declare variables specifying data types and naming a storage location for them
decrement operator (--) subtracts one from the operand
double type 64-bit IEEE 754 data type for floating-point numbers
expression computation involving values, variables, and operators that are evaluates to a value
final keyword required for creating a constant
float type 32-bit IEEE 754 data type for floating-point numbers
floating-point number real numbers; numbers with decimal points
identifier names that identify elements such as classes, methods, and variables in a program
increment operator (++) adds one to the operand
incremental code and testing implementing one at a time
int type 32-bit signed data type for integers
IPO input, process, output
literal a constant value that appears directly in a program
long type 64-bit signed data type for integers
narrowing a type casting a type with a large range to a type with a smaller range
operands values operated on
operator symbol to indicate operation to perform
overflow when a variable is a assigned a value too large in size to be stored in its data type
postdecrement decrement occurs after the rest of the expression is evaluated
postincrement increment occurs after the rest of the expression is evaluated
predecrement decrement occurs before the rest of the expression is evaluated
postincrement increment occurs before the rest of the expression is evaluated
primitive data type simple data types provided by Java; can store only one piece of data at time
pseudocode natural language mixed with some programming code
requirements specification formal process that seeks to understand the problem the software will address and to document in detail what the software system needs to do
scope of a variable part of a program where a variable can be referenced
short type 16-bit signed data type for integers
specific import a single class in the import statement
system analysis seeks to examine methodically the data flow and to identify the system's input and output
system design breaking problem down into manageable components and create strategies for implementing each component
underflow when a floating-point number is too small(too close to zero) to be stored
UNIX epoch time elapsed since midnight January 1, 1970 GMT
variable represents a value stored in memory
widening a type casting a type with a small range to a type with a larger range
wildcard import a package import
Created by: shoemaker
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